Wayfair Impostor Scam Reports & Reviews (30)
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Scammer's email [email protected]
Country United States
Victim Location OH 45011, USA
Total money lost $26
Type of a scam Online Purchase
I froze my account and sent for another card and reported this incident to my cardholder and bank. But they also have my address, email ,and phone number. They had a whole website that looked exactly like wayfair and had things cut down in price in a spring savings sale. It was a Wayfair site . Then I downloaded the Wayfair app to compare prices and the Wayfair app did t have a sale on that item and it was 100's of dollar more than the price I paid. That is beyond concerning and terrifying in itself. What a nightmare!
Country United States
Victim Location NV 89431, USA
Total money lost $30
Type of a scam Online Purchase
Scammer's address NY, USA
Country United States
Victim Location OH 44601, USA
Type of a scam Online Purchase
Scammer's website www.furnishingus.shop
Scammer's address Syracuse, UT 84075, USA
Type of a scam Online Purchase
Scammer's website www.iwayer.shop
Scammer's email [email protected]
Victim Location UT 84096, USA
Total money lost $70
Type of a scam Online Purchase