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Western Asset Company

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Western Asset Company Reports & Reviews (43)

• May 11, 2024

Started receiving called from a Jim Shilling with Rapid Delivery. He started calling all my family members. He then called me at work and said he had legal documents and that I needed to call Daniel Crane at WAC to get this resolved and this was a Harris County legal issue. I knew it was a scam because of all the different verbiage he used with me and had left on my VM and family members VM. Just all BS scare tactic crap that nobody would do on the phone. So I called Daniel Crane to inform him to stop calling me, I am in the state do not call list, and it is illegal to call
My place of employment, and he started talking about a chase credit card that he said I opened and didn't pay and he had dates that I new were not incorrect for any card I would have opened. He had my SS#, license #, DOB, addresses current and past, work address, he was threatening me with all the info he had on me. He said I owed $4,000 on a credit card and wanted to settle with me for $7,000. I said very nicely that he was wrong. We went in circles and he told me he was sending legal papers to my work. I told him that was illegal and he said it was not. I told him to go ahead and send to my home since he had my address and he said no and wished me good luck. I reported him and Jim shilling (lol) to federal govt fraud dept. you can do it online. When they say this is a harris county legal issue too, this is govt fraud as well as identity theft!

• May 11, 2024

Correction- dates were not correct for any cards I may have opened. I opened no cards during the dates he gave.

• Jan 20, 2024

Daniel Crane is [censored] of the Earth. Hope he wades in Hell. Happened the same as everyone else, exactly. A delinquent debt from Citi Bank from 2011 for 1,062.33. He gave me "the weekend" to figure something out. Said after Monday, the debt would double that he'd sue and put a lien on my house. He suggested I get the money from my kids(?) or use a credit card.
I'm sure he got my information from a recent change of address I put in. It's the only way he could have the personal information(including recent address change) he had.
He was very, very good til he got pissed and started threatening me, refusing to give me information regarding account #'s, verification of dept, etc. It was very(very), I have a lot going on. Azz'ole made me cry, took away my entire day and kept kept me awake all night. Then I found this... ManyThanks y'all. Feel like I've lost 100 lbs.

• Jan 12, 2024

This AS***** ( Harry Daily) called me from 833-966-3565 and my spouse. He had all my information? He stated the same thing everyone else is complaining about. This dude is a sorry looser who doesn't have the guts to come out from his cubical and put his man pants on, if he's a real man he would come and talk to me to my face. Harry if your reading this, you are a "coward" and a "sissy pants." and you can't face life so you hide behind a cubical and Master Bait to the ringing of your phone.

• Nov 17, 2023

Total scam,
Called extended family, claimed a failed delivery attempt at my address, claimed I had debt from 2014, threatened to send info to the IRS, claimed Obama extended debt collection beyond prior limitations, claimed my local courts had a case pending - blah blah blah. Pushed for payment with a credit card, extremely rude. Emailed me some BS with an e-signature that supposedly would clear my debt with half of “ debt” paid agreement if I agreed to said document. Daniel Crane called back the next day of course trying to get money. Enjoy my voicemail scammer.
Western asset GROUP

• Oct 30, 2023

Received a call about an attempt to deliver a certified document to an old address and told to call 888-253-3623 where I spoke with a "Jason Green". He had a lot of my personal info (last 4 of social, previous addresses, and previous employers) and claimed their company, Western Asset, had grounds to file a lawsuit in the county I live in (Hays) for restitution/repayment for a loan from 2016. He had account numbers that I assume were fake, but he very much sounded professional and took his time in trying to pressure me into paying a sum of $3838.17 from a pay day advance loan I had no idea about. He said even if I wasn't the one to have taken it out, it could've been my info that was used and I was responsible for it and should pay immediately or face future negative consequences to my credit, frozen assets, possible lien on my home, garnished wages, etc. He was very convincing and seemed to really know what he was talking about, which lead me to doubt myself and contemplate paying him then and there. I didn't pay, but asked if I could have until the following week to see what I could figure out.

I called the following week, they had someone who acted like a receptionist/operator transferring the call, told me he was just getting out of a meeting so put me on hold, violin music playing and everything, until "Jason" answered. He went over the info from our last call and was adamant about him wanting to help me and how i should take the opportunity to pay now. I kept getting the gut feeling that something just didn't seem right, so I told him I'd call back with my card info to pay.

These people are very patient and are willing to wait to scam you out of thousands of dollars. Looking back, I can't believe I almost fell for this but when they hit you with all these threats it becomes all too real instantly. I felt panicked after hearing all the negative things that could come if I didn't pay what they asked, and I'm not easily flustered. They're good.. but buy yourself time to think with a clear head and look into things before just agreeing to pay anything.

• Oct 04, 2023

I received a voicemail at work from an unknown number on September 26th from a lady named "Diane". She left a phone number to call back (888-253-3623) and a file number to reference. I called back and provided the file number and I spoke with "Daniel Crane". Started off very pleasant and then stated I had a civil lawsuit pending from a US Airways Barclay's card in the amount of $1,547 with obvious made up dates that I used the credit card. Unfortunately I had already verified some of my personal information at the beginning of the conversation. He said that my wages were going to be garnised and I told him I never had a Barclay's credit card and that he had the wrong person and then he became agitated and I told him never to call me again at work and I hung up on him. They attempted to call me back on October 2nd but did not leave a message.

• Aug 29, 2023

I and my daughter got a call from an Amanda that said RDS tried to delivery documents and were failed which is untrue because the address is my current address and that I needed to contact the servers directly. She connects me with Dan Crane and he stated that I was being served with documents for an Emergency Room visit I had over 8 years ago. I asked him to send me the documents with proof that there was a balance owed and he said my attorney could request them from Discovery Motion and that I was responsible for $3,998.57, which is asinine. I reiterated that I needed proof of this debt and hung up while I was still talking. Definitely a scam and they need to be stopped.

• Aug 18, 2023

I won't go into detail, but it's the same as what everyone else is saying to a T. I'm seeking a new job, so I answer all incoming calls. I will be hyper-aware now. The first question I asked was why aren't you calling him (my husband)? It is scary the information a Rapid Delivery Service has for someone with just documents to deliver. It wasn't a blocked number. The guy that called told me to tell my husband to call Harold Daily with WAC at 888-329-7946 extension: 158.

• Aug 03, 2023

I had this number call my phone 888-329-7946. They left a message stating they were trying to reach me and that it was urgent that I call them back. They recited an old address of mine. I had no idea what they were talking about so I called, a man picked up I asked what company it was, the man was immediately extremely rude wouldn’t give me any information but was asking for mines. I was still trying to get basic info from him as I’m talking he hangs up on me so I called back and got the same person he once again was extremely rude so I called him a few choice names and he cursed me out and hung up that’s when it was crystal clear that this was a scam. It’s crazy how they know our personal information even if outdated it’s still our information. Please be careful out there everyone. They need to be STOPPED.

• Aug 09, 2023

Did they have your ssn because they have mine! This is scary

• Jul 27, 2023

My 2 adult children got calls from this number looking for me but I never received a call. Both had gotten the same message about trying to deliver documents or legal action would proceed. Today I got the voicemail. Threatening to garnish wages etc. I always go to google to research phone numbers I don’t know and it led me here. All the same stories. Why don’t these people get shut down? I knew it was a scam because I owed no one but what grinds my gears is that if they called my mother and gave her the same story she’d get nervous and spew all her info! She’s 82 and has been scammed out of 25k before! So frustrating


They are so realistic, they had all my information and my mother's. They called saying they wanted to deliver a package and it turned into getting sued for a credit card. They said my mom opened it in 2005 and paid perfectly;y until 2014. After researching the bank that was closed in 2005. They had us second-guessing everything, they were so good. BE CAREFUL! Western Asset Company is a scam.


I received three phone calls every 10 minutes from a No Caller ID yesterday. They finally left a message from a Daniel Crane and I needed to call back 855-313-3403. I received another voicemail this morning from a woman stating they left several messages (didnt know one message counted as several) and that I was ignoring them or whatever. What caught my attention as a red flag is they said MY property at the address I live at. I rent and I dont own the home I live in. I dont owe anyone money and pay all bills on time. I called back and asked the company that I was calling that they said it was Western Asset Management which is a mediation firm. I was like are you a debt collection agency and she said she can not give out any further information until I identify myself. Which I declined. I said I am trying to figure out what company is calling me with these voicemails. She said I needed to speak to a manager, which I was transferred over to Daniel Crane, and he said my name. I was like how would you know what my name is, I haven't identified myself. He said by my phone number and that since I want to fail to identify myself, they will be sending me a certified letter and I MUST sign for it with proper identification and it is coming from a Superior Court in the county I reside. Interesting is there is literally no such thing in the county I reside in and he hung up on me. I never identified myself or got more information because something just didn't sit right with me. I googled the name and came up with this site.
Be Weary
Be Weary


Received call. Caller stated there was a “failed delivery” on a package to my house. I was instructed to call W.A.G. at an 888# and give them some “file number.” Here’s the key info summarized… Incoming call is from unknown number; caller alleges that Rapid Delivery Service tried to deliver a package requiring signature; when you call the 888#, you get “Daniel Crane” who claims to be representing the Western Asset Group; I was told there would be a judgment against me and a lien on our home (for unsettled debt). They used my property address and spouses name to create false credibility.

Please hear this… the claims are not legitimate. They are totally manufactured. It’s absolutely a scam. My spouse and I are debt free and have not used debt for 25 years! When I pushed back, “David” hung up on me! Lol


As a 20+ year police veteran I can tell you that there is NO law against YOU threatening these people, calling them names, or just playing along with false information. Who are THEY going to call? The police? AND even if they were stupid enough to call because THEY felt threatened. They have NO idea where you live and not one cop will even waste a second with these useless [censored]. So have fun when these people call you. Don't let these scammers make you think a loved one is in trouble. Wouldn't they have your number anyways? This isn't the movies we don't have other people call for us or deal with our problems.


833-373-1859 is a number I am considering it scam a few reasons why is because I've never got a call from this number before and they contacted my father trying to get information about me my father declined and called me he gave me a phone number along with a case number so I called and was trying to get information on the number where they were calling from they declined they did state it is a recorded line I let them know it's fine I'm also recording on my end as well as I was trying to get information on where this number was calling from why they were calling my father why didn't they ever call me they were addressing me as my maiden last name and I declined to verify that I was that person because I don't go by that last name anymore since I married so it didn't make any sense to me as I was trying to get information they told me they weren't going to release information unless I gave them my social number or my birthday or my home address at that point I said I'm not giving you any information and I'm hanging this call up and they got very nasty said they were trying to serve me with court papers which again didn't make any sense and I looked the number up now and I see all these other incidents so this is a scam call do not give them any information I'm also going to make a police report because they were having personal information of mine also my place of employment and their contacting my husband and other family members we are going to be changing our phone number is very soon


Received an unknown call. I never answer, I just wait for a voicemail and sure enough I received one. Stating they were calling from Rapid Delivery Services trying to reach my mom but what sparked my concern was they used my mothers last name that she hasn’t used in over 20 years. Everything legally binding is not in that name. I never called them back, I just came straight here and seen the same exact situations. Needless to say, these people need to find better things to do


The same thing recently happened to me using a last name that I haven't gone by in over 9 years and somehow they got my father's number asking questions about me his daughter and they have my husband's number as well they want you to give information like social security number birthday etc I refused and they said the call is recorded and they're trying to serve me court papers what got me on edge was that when I asked where they were calling from she said she did not have to tell me so I refused any information

I got a voicemail message today from Mike Garcia, he said that I had a pending case that involved my property address and I need to contact the main number today or it will be processed.
I called 833-373-1859 and gave the reference number to a woman who answered the phone. First, I asked her the name of the company and the nature of business. She said they are mediator, and they want to mediate the balance of credit card account the I had between 2007 and 2013. She gave me the amount of balance which was $3547.92 and said that if I don’t pay to today, they will proceed to file the paper to garnish my wage, and then it will be over $6,000 (amount of my balance when the account was picked up by debt collectors) plus fees. I told her I don’t remember having that account during those years. She said that the original bank had tried to contact me in 2013 but they don’t have documents from the bank since it was many years ago. I told her that I can’t pay that amount today and she asked what I could pay. She said she had to ask her admin and would be right back. In the meantime, I was online checking my credit reports and looking that bank in the list of my closed accounts, and I didn’t see it. Then, she was back on the phone with a counteroffer of 50% less. I told her I need to see a document or something that show that I owed the money, instead she sent me a digital form for me to complete and sign that I agree to pay the money. I told her I didn’t ask for that document and I needed a few minutes. I searched The Western Asset Group and found many complaints with similar situation, and I also searched statute of limitations on credit card debt in my state. Then, I told her that I would not pay them today because I don’t remember having that credit card from 2007-2014 and the statute limit for debt collection has expired if she claimed that my account was closed in 2013.

Please beware of an UNKNOWN number, and look up the business before you give them money.


Friday October 13, 2022. My wife and I contacted first by a MICHELLE who called first to my phone number trying to get ahold of my wife and to say something about an "urgent/important matter on your account#" with a call back number of (855) 479-3994 and then a DANIEL CRANE, (714) 362-0816, call back numbers at (844) 483-4249. The represented themselves from WESTERN ASSET GROUP, a mediation company. Had no idea what is was in regard to.

My wife called back and spoke with a Daniel Crane, apparently regarding an account "that closed in xxxx". He went on to threaten my wife with "legal action, garnished wages, belittled her with you have a nice house you earn a good living, if you don't pay you'll be taken to court and have to pay twice the amount.' said they may have to put a lien on the house, etc, etc. He told her they had an investigator looking at us. We were right in middle of figuring out how to proceed. I have an open police report for other fraud activity on my information I'm adding these phone numbers and contact information into. I was also going to contact FTC to submit complaint there.

I'm very glad to see his name listed many times in this outreach area. Thank you.
Western Asset Group - Daniel Crane - (714) 362-0816, (844) 483-4249, (855) 479-3994


I received a random call from a guy who provided me with the number above along with a reference # to refer to. Thinking I have a package in the mail, I called late evening and no one answered. So, I called back today (two days later) and I'm speaking with this [censored] who is telling me about a so called obligation of debt I owe. By the way he states, this called is monitored for your security purposes, as well as, for our company security purposes." He was saying that have sent me several notifications and I have refused to respond since 2008 all the way through 2018, thus they want to take legal actions and have my wages garnished. I'm like I do owe anything and he continues. Then he gives me two options, pay $3,8xx.xx or we can schedule a payment plan for you to pay $9,1xx.xx with a down payment and then $300.00 per month until the balance is paid in full via debit an/or credit card. Typically, a collection agency request payments from a bank account and not credit cards. He was extremely aggressive and I kept emphasizing I have no knowledge of what you are referring to. Then he begins to say, "you continue to say the same thing over and over and we hear this all the time from our customers. You probably just kept tossing the mail in the trash so its not our responsibility that you failed to read your mail." That's when I lost it! So I told him it's nothing I can do right now and you are pressuring me to make a decision and I need to verify and check my resources. Then he states, if you don't make a decision then we have no choice but to go ahead and garnish your wages for the higher amount of $9,1xx.xx. Guess what, I hung up on his [censored] and start researching which brought me hear and so this confirms they are a fraud! Best advice, I can give anyone reading this, do not share any of your information with them, and also avoid confirming your information as well.


I keep getting multiple calls from a Tareek Guzman. He tells me he is a process server. Said there was a lawsuit in my name. He gave a previous name I haven't used in 30 years. He kept giving old addresses too. He told me to call the lawyers at RDS & Associates and they could tell me what this was about if I didn't want an inconvenient visit. He said tomorrow was the last day, so we'll see if he quit calling me after that. He's even started calling my family members trying to find me too. I looked up on court connect to see if any lawsuits were filed in my name, and there were none. This has got to be a SCAM. I told him why would a process server call first so you can avoid them? I filed a complaint with the attorney general in my state. I refuse to call the 800 # he gave me. 866-664-5303

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17901 Von Karman Ave Suite 600, Irvine, CA, 92614



+1 (714) 647-5031


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