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Western Asset Company

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Western Asset Company Reports & Reviews (43)

I've got more information about the [censored] at Processor RDS, "Corporate Office" and Western Asset" Their game is to get you to call another number, where they will threaten you and your family if you don't give them thousands of dollars. When you refuse, they leave all kinds of verbally abusive messages, calling you broke, and naming creditors in your past, and threatening lawsuits, attached is ONE of the threats they made, they have made all kinds of vicious threats and are praying on our senior citizens! Possibly got information from the Santander Breach in 2021. JOE GARCIA AND DAVID are behind the scam plus 2 more at 866 212 0687 and 8772059267
If you are contacted by these criminals, call law enforcement immediately!
Called 1000's of times and is bragging about it!


SCAM PRETENDING TO HAVE A LAWSUIT OUT, THERE CAN BE NO LAWSUIT WHEN YOU OWE NO ONE OR OWN NOTHING AS IN MY CASE, I IMMEDIATELY KNEW IT WAS A SCAM, I asked probing questions and the guy could tell me NOTHING about nothing, in my state, we don't even use processors to deliver any paperwork so I knew this pos was a scam! I think we need to hold these telephone companies responsible, it called from an UNKNOWN number and couldn't even give me the number he was calling from "we call through the computer" BINGO B... said someone was showing up to my door... I told the mf that showing up to my door would be right down my barrel. Thats how you talk to a filthball that calls you THREATENING you in YOUR COUNTRY! This POS... its nasty! It doesn't belong HERE! Report these POS!


The called me from a "Unknown Caller" ID, left a voicemail telling me to call them back at 866 212 0687 and gave some reference #. They tried to make it all sound very official saying "the company will move forward with or without me with legal action again me". I call back asking them what they are calling me about, the guy was full of talking to me about a debt I never had and didn't owe, and threw personal information - cool! I put a lock and freeze on everything and I am reporting this number everywhere I can. The guy tried to intimidate me and they called me back 6 more times after I hung.
Scammer Beware



Hi everyone, I've had a very similar experience like all of yall had. I received a call today at 10:35 a.m. from a private number and I usually don't answer numbers I don't know, plus I was busy at work. I got a little free time and listened to the voice mail telling me it was some guy from Rapid Delivery Service and that he had a important package for me and I was supposed to call a phone number and provide the reference ID he gave me for further details. So, on my lunch break, (thanks for wasting my break time btw) I called the number back to see what it was about. I know I didn't order anything so I wasn't expecting to receive anything but maybe someone had sent me something and I was interested in whatever it could be. A certain Daniel Crane, who unsurprisingly showes up here a few times answered and said it was Western Assets Management. I was a little confused and hung up immediately, to which a private number called me right back and he asked if it was me who called. I said yeah, and I thought I got the wrong number because I was told I had a package and to call the number but when it was a different company name that's when I hung up thinking there was an off chance I dialed it wrong. I spoke to Daniel and he told me about a loan that had already defaulted and that the loan company had taken it off my credit but they decided they were going to make a lawsuit against me. I explained I had no idea what was even going on seeing as how I check on my credit history often and the loan doesn't even show up. He then said if I don't come up with the amount they could give me a court summons or they could do a judgment on my credit. I told him I wasn't even responsible for the loan and he asked if I had any wage garnishments already and what my credit is. I told him no, there was no garnishments and approximately what my credit score should be. He then asked what I could pay since I told him I couldn't come up with the full amount of the loan to avoid a court summons. I said I couldn't pay anything and then he asked me about a previous job I was at and my mothers name, to which he could already "see". Then he basically told me to try to figure something out and give him a call in a few hours. So a few hours pass and I decide to google the company because I wanted to make sure this was legit and I was sure that that loan was already defaulted. Turns out it brought me here and I noticed his name shows up plenty of times. So, in an effort to mess with them I called back. I connected with a woman named Kathy, and asked to be connected to Daniel. She put me on a brief hold, and then came back on the line, said my name, and then said she's connecting me to Daniel. So after another brief hold he answered and I basically told him I found out this company was a legal scam and that I'm not paying anything. He got upset and went on to say he will reach out to his compliance team and tell them what had happened. He then went on to ask if I believe everything on Google, and I told him I believe in the statute of limitations and also mentioned this website. He said "well, if you want to challenge me, be my guest. I like a challenge." I told him I also like a challenge. He wished me good luck, and I wished him good luck back.

So Daniel, if you're reading this I put my initials so you know who I am. I'm ready whenever you are.


I too received a call from an unknown number. They did leave a voicemail stating that there were documents that needed to be delivered to me if I could return the call and provided a reference number. He two had the last four of my Social Security number and two previous addresses. He asked for my current address and I asked him what was being sent. He said it was court documents regarding a repossessed car and they were suing me for $9000. I told him what are the dates and he said I don’t have the date the loan was taken out only the year of the repossession…2015. I said sir I didn’t even own a car from 2003 to 2016. He added that he didn’t know if it was mine or somebody had used my information but regardless it wasn’t going away. I replied with “yeah right”. To which he abruptly said “good luck sir” angrily and hung up. I feel dirty for even having a one minute phone call with that type of scummy, piece of trash. I need a shower now!
Fake repossession claim


I received a call from some guy saying there was a delivery from WAC Corp, When i looked them up I found a Photography company... It didn't make sense so I called the number provided 877-205-9267 and was given REF# 1182562. This guy gets on the phone and when I tell you he was VERY UNPROFESSIONAL I am not understating! I ask him what this is about, he tells me its about an account with Credit One, WHO?
I have never heard of them, he says its a credit card account opened in 2008... 14 years ago, so I asked him ok please provide me with a copy of the signed credit application and we can move on, he asked me if I wanted strawberries with that... WHAT! I said 1st its past statue of limitations. 2nd I have never heard of that bank. 3rd why was he being so rude, he didn't want to provide me with any info. So I said plz don't call me again. I am not aware of this debt and I will not pay it over $2900.00


I received a call claiming to be someone from RDS & they have a delivery pending for me and needed to verify my address in a city I haven't lived in for 12 years. In fact, I don't even live in the same state. I'm not sure how they got my phone number since it is now with my new area code. Needless to say, I googled the number and found this. I won't be calling him back.


3-9-22 I received a phone call, yesterday, from a 'Michael Rodriquez' from an unknown number. The caller said he was from a delivery service and was trying to deliver an 'urgent' delivery, but did not say if it was a letter, a package, or who it was from.
He provided ref. no. 118 16 16 and said he needed a signature. The number was 877 205-9267. He sounded very sleezy, and very threatening.

Here's the 'kicker'...the call came in on my deceased husband's phone and he's been gone for two years, and with no issues or debt. Of course, I did not return his call and looked him up here first... always to this!

If we all stay 'frosty' we can end this kind of misery in the world, as if we don't have enough already! This is evil at work.


I received a phone call from an unknown number on 02/11/22. The caller said he was from a delivering service and was trying to deliver a certified letter, in attempts to collect a debt. He provided me with a reference number and told me to call 1888-208-7712. When I called the number I spoke with "Daniel" and he said he was with Western Asset Group attempting to collect a debt on a credit card from Bank of America from 2017. I told him I don't own a credit card and I don't bank with Bank of America. He then began to confirm the last 4 of my ss, my old address and my current address. I am wondering how the hell do they have that info. I did not give them any personal information they had all this personal information about me already. I kept telling them I don't have a credit card, and I never owned one either. I also told them that it's weird that it's not on my credit report. He said, he will consult with his attorneys and get back with me. I am guessing he didn't have good luck scamming ME!


I received a phone call from Rapid Delivery Service on 03/08/22. The caller said he was trying to deliver certified mail to me and needed to confirm my address. He had an old address and my new address. He provided me with a reference number and told me to call 1-877-205-9267. When I called the number, I spoke with Daniel Crane, and he said he was with Western Asset Group attempting to collect a debt on a credit card from HSBC from 2006. I told him I didn’t have an HSBC credit card. He then told me the last 4 of my ss, my old address, current address, date of birth, place of employment and email address. I did not give them any personal information and was in utter shock. I asked him to send me documentation and he said once it was paid, he would forward me the transactions. I told him nothing was ever on my credit report. He informed me that the $3900 bill was now $12,000 with finance charges but they could settle for $1999. He then emailed me a document to e sign stating that I agreed with the amount. If I didn’t sign the agreement, then I would be served at my place of employment, and they would proceed with garnishing my wages and he was trying to save me the embarrassment. They also contacted my parents yesterday as Western Union trying to confirm my address. This morning I received a voicemail from Daniel Crane from Huntington Beach, CA 1-714-362-0816 inquiring if I had received and would be signing the agreement. I have reported to my workplace security department and not responded to Daniel. I wanted to share my story as I found everyone’s very helpful in confirming this is indeed a scam.

got a call, unknown number. Lady on the phone said she had certified mail set to go out today to my address, however i moved 2 months ago, & she had my former address. without even asking for my new address she said ok, let me give you the number to someone else & a tracking number. I called (1-888-208-7712) gave the new person my tracking number, they put me on hold, came back, verified my name, put me on hold, came back again, verified my name, then finally someone with the name John Reece said he was attempting to collect from a bill from Allenmore Hospital that was from 2005, (17 years ago) but it wasn't sent to collections until 2013 & now they are ready to take me to court unless i pay the bill of $1,405.49

I asked enough questions that he started to get pushy & insulted that I was concerned. So finally i said, ok well then i guess they can take me to court because i'm not just going to give you my account numbers because you say so.He said if I go that route it'll cost me an additional $1200 in court costs, then He put me on another hold, came back & said he could make it that they will settle for the original amount of $744 & if Id like they could even make it so i could make payments for 6 months
I asked again what company he worked for, his number (714-591-8134) what time they closed, & where they were located.I told him i needed to call him back, he then wanted to know what time because he needs to inform them that he has spoke with me, but needed to know what my decision was.

It just really didn't sound right. I even mentioned I had insurance also, & not private that only pays a portion, back then I was pregnant, single & on state insurance. They dont do portions, they pay full amount.


Same as everyone else; except the phone number was 888-507-5943. They had quite a bit of info on me, including my ss and dob. That's scary! It kind of freaked me out until they told me they were collecting for American Investment Bank, which liquidated in 2005. I had never heard of this bank. However, they told me that I had a personal loan with such bank taken out in 2008. How do you take out a loan from a bank that doesn't exist? They managed to give me the balance due on the account of $1400+ dollars and then managed to tell me that I made payments on the alleged loan from 2008 to 2012. They could not provide me with any details regarding this loan other than it was written off in 2015 (but has never been on my credit report). I have never heard of that bank. Anything I do is with local banks. So, now, they want to send me a document that must be signed for. I don't think so. So now, I'm waiting to see if a judgement hits my credit report in that amount. It's just scary to think that your information is out there for everyone to see.


My daughter received a call from an anonymous number, a company claiming to be RDS delivery service asking for me to call and give a reference number. When I called the number it wasn't RDS delivery service, but someone claiming to be working for Western Asset Group. His name was Jason Green (JG) and he claimed to be working as legal council attained by Verizon to collect on a "broken contract" from 2011. JG was claiming that I was being summoned to appear in court to settle the claim. JG had personal information on my daughter, wife, brother and myself. JG got me to believe we could settle this out of court. JG said the client wanted $2,500, but was willing to settle for $1,000 broken down into two payments. JG asked for my method of payment asking for either a debit card, credit card or prepaid debit. I informed him I wasn't comfortable giving that information over the phone to an unknown source. JG said it was fine, he would send over legal paperwork to be signed, but when I received the paperwork it didn't resemble any legal paperwork I've reviewed before. It was just a bunch legal sounding words on a letterhead which were just put together. On this form they were asking for my card number, expiration date and Card Verification Code. They were asking me to sign and return by end of business day 1/12/22. Upon my not returning the signed document, JG proceeded to try and reach me by phone. When JG did not reach me, he proceeded to call my brother's number. My wife and daughter kept me from giving up anymore information. After searching the company it was very clear that this was a scam.


This company has called me for the 3rd time today they really had me shaken up on the 1st call but I would never give any kind of debit card or credit card number over the phone I asked them for some sort of paperwork of what they were talking about and they just kept threatening me with a lawsuit today I call them back and I hung up on the gentleman that was being very aggressive with me on the phone. My husband told me from the beginning it was a scam because because nothing that they were talking about has ever shown up on my credit report I've never gotten anything from any bank saying I owed any money but he was talking many years ago from like 2003. I actually reached out to a law office that deals in this is that deals in this kind of consumer law LA she called the number for me and returned my call and said that this is not a legitimate company that made me feel better until they called me again today but now when I found this particular website and I see what everyone is saying on here I No that they are truly a scam.


got an unknown call. gave me a 877-529-0720 to call with a ref # regarding some Rapid Delivery Service i'm supposed to sign for. Western Asset Group answered that number I called. asked me my name, bod and ssn. when i didn't answer, he read back my ssn and asked me to confirm. then when i wouldn't give him my bod. he told me to call back when i'm ready and hung up.


Yeah, they had a guy call and leave me a message, (as I do not answer phone calls I do not recognize), claiming he was trying to make a delivery and gave me a reference number. When I called a woman answered the phone and didn't answer it under a company name. When I gave her a reference number she put me on hold. Then this [censored]bag by the name of Harold got on the phone and started using intimidation and threats telling me that I owed over $4,500 and I had the end of the day to settle and if I didn't settle they were going to file suit in court and have my bank account seized!

I asked what the debt was from and he said Household Bank Master Card, (which I never owned) and said the account was open in 2007-2014. I told him I never owned any credit cards until I got one from my credit union in 2015 and it wasn't a Master Card.

Then he started rattling off addresses where I had lived before, rattled off my parent house address, (which I never lived, nor received mail there), then kept trying to play his intimidation act of, "Well, did you get mail at your addresses? Did you have your mail forwarded, etc. ?" I told him yeah I received my mail, yes I forward my mail and he kept getting belligerent with me. Kept trying to intimidate me which I told him I cannot be intimidated after spending 12 years in Special Forces, nothing intimidates me, not even death and if he wanted to talk to me he can do it professionally.

He kept rattling off being belligerent and not letting me speak, over speaking me when I was talking and finally I told him to do what he had to do and to go F himself in the process and I hung up!


Very similar to what everyone else is reporting. called my ex wife...called my kids... said they were trying to deliver papers and didnt want to deliver them to my work...I have lived in the same house for over 10 years all of my mail gets to me. started out very nice but quickly turned to threatening...telling me how old I was and I wouldnt pay this debt . saying if I were to file bankruptcy he would blow that out of the water.. ... very threatening.


I got a phone call that the caller ID said Unknown Caller. My wife answered and they asked for me so she handed it to me. The male said he was from the DDS Delivery Service and that he had a certified letter or package from San Juan County. He told me to contact (844) 200-6760 and gave me a number which I was assuming was kind of a tracking number.

I called the number and the first lady asked for the number and my name. I didn't give it and simply asked what company she was with. She stated Western Asset Services but refused to answer what they did and got very irritated and upset that I wanted her to answer the question. I hung up and called again. This time I got a guy who told me he was with Western Asset Services and they were a debt collector. I gave him my name and the number that I was given. He told me that I owed over $5k to Aaron's and if I didn't pay he was going to have my wages garnished. I told him that the last time I had anything with Aaron's was 10 years ago and that the stuff had been stolen. I also had two corporate people tell me not to worry about it since I had reported the items as stolen. I also told him that the statute of limitations was LONG past for this. The guy on the phone tried to tell me I LET my house get broken into and the stuff stolen. He tried telling me that Obama passed some kind of law that extended the statute of limitations. My wife looked it up for our state and it still states that the statute is 4-6 years since the last payment. He also told me if I didn't pay the full $5k now then he would sue me and have my wages garnished. I told him I would consult an attorney about this matter. The guy pretty much in a round about way tried to state I had no right to speak with an attorney. He then said he would just note that I refuse to pay and he would sue me. I hung up at that point.

My wife decided to look up both "companies" and that was when I finally agreed with her that they had tried to scam me. Not the first time I've had people try and scam me but this one sounded almost convincing until they told me I didn't have the right.


Same thing happened to me on Tuesday! I’ve called 2 law firms and they assured me not only not to pay for a debt I was unaware of but they are past the statute of limitations for the debt they claim is mine, said they mailed me 2 letters and told me I threw them out because it wouldn’t have a return address on it because they are a third party agency and it’s illegal to do so, told me that they had the same software that the FBI uses, I told them several times I didn’t know what the debt was and they told me if I didn’t settle the $20k debt NOW they would tell they lawyers to proceed with filing a judgment, Lien my home, it would end up costing me about 5k more for lawyer fees and so on. They told me it was first a GE account, then opened in Canada, then IKEA. I had a credit report saved from 2008 and told them again that there wasn’t an account on that report. They said the account was written off in March of 2013 and they bought the debt.
Refused to send me documentation, wasn’t even certain what the account was, told me even if it was identity theft to just settle it to avoid a judgement and lien on my home.
Mr. Crane from westner and asset group badgered me to the point literally I cried.
Bottom feeder [censored] is what this is and what they did to me they could be sued alone for harassment.

- Falls Church, VA, USA

Yesterday I was called from a number with no caller ID. The call went to voicemail, and in the message the person did not identify themselves or the company they worked for, but referenced "important documents we have here in our office which require your signature".

I was not sure what it was about so I returned the call. The person on the other end of the call said they worked for a company called Western Asset Company and they needed me to verify my address. When I inquired about who exactly they were and why they needed my address, they said that they needed it because someone had filed a law suit against me. They said they had sent a letter to me on behalf of a client about debt I owed, and because I did not respond I would be served a law suit that would result in me having to pay $9,000-$10,000. However, if I paid them over the phone immediately, they could settle the debt for $2200. I told them I never received any letter. I asked them about the debt and who I owed money and they gave me the name American Investment Bank. They were very adamant that I needed to pay right then or I would be served a law suit and required to pay $9,000-$10,000 if taken to court. I had no knowledge of owing anyone money but they were very convincing, as they had somehow obtained my personal information, such as SS#, cities I where I had lived, sister's name, wife's name etc., as well as a file number and other official sounding information.

They made me start to doubt myself and wonder if there was some type of debt I actually owed, and I foolishly gave them my credit card number. I asked for an email documenting the amount I was paying and who I was paying it to. They sent me an email while I was still on the phone, but only after I had given them my credit card number.

I was such an [censored]. As soon as I got off the phone, I realized I had been scammed. First, I looked at the email they sent me and it included a document requesting my electronic signature authorizing the amount paid. On the document, the creditor listed was American Investment Bank, and it stated that I owed a balance of over $9800, but they were authorizing a settlement of $2200. I knew this was a scam because I have never had an account with this bank, and after a Google search the only thing that turned up under the name American Investment Bank was a bank in Salt Lake City that closed in 2005. Then I attempted to get on the web site listed in the email they sent me (, only to find out that the web site does not exist. There was a company with a similar name,, so I called them. They stated were aware of a company using a similar name as them that had been posing as a debt collection agency and aggressively seeking immediate payment over the phone for supposed debts. They described exactly the experience I that I had. Then I searched for the physical address provided in the email, there was no record of a business under the name Western Asset Company at that address.

I told my wife what happened and she immediately called our credit card company, reported the fraud, had payment on the transaction stopped, and cancelled our credit card number. To be absolutely certain this was not a legitimate debt I somehow owed and was not aware of, I obtained a credit report, and there are no debts listed on the credit report. I told my bank what happened, and they assured my no legitimate debt collection agency would call requesting immediate payment and threaten a law suit. Fortunately, my wife was able to stop payment to this fraudulent person, but I was nonetheless very shaken about the whole experience because they had somehow obtained all my personal information. As a safeguard, I had fraud alert placed on my credit report.

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Western Asset Company Contacts

Western Asset Company associated photos:


17901 Von Karman Ave Suite 600, Irvine, CA, 92614



+1 (714) 647-5031


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