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ZestAds Limited

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ZestAds Limited Reports & Reviews (78)

Paid£90.91 18/3/20 Hover Hoover

I saw ad on Facebook for face masks during Coronavires. Made order for 20 at cost of $40.40. Now I find out they are a fraud and Pay Pal has allowed to use them as "safe" payment company. Both are frauds. Want refung.


This company stole my money 160$ and never shipped the items . they are in collaboration with Paypal sending them fake tracking numbers .
beware! scam! fraud!


out 74.00 for masks send me email they dont have my name or email.sent it to them, again sent me same email, they dont have my name4 or email. opened litigation thru pAYPAL DONT SEE MUCH HOPE.APPARENTLY SCAM THEN CHANGE THEIR COMPANY NAME! rOBERT kARCH EMAIL sheltieladyblue@aol>com


Placed my order and paid $224 on 01/08/2020 stemming from a Facebook advertisement for the Drone X Pro mini drone. Now 4/18/20 still no drone, no response from zestads or paypal. Just out $224 dollars. BBB, My US senator, Consumer affairs, and any site that will let me post how TERRIBLE, FRAUDULENT, and right out THIEVES payfoul and zestads really are!


I ordered a Drone for $105.95 and a second one for only $59.95 from Zestads Limited. I received initial contacts through PayPal with Transaction numbers and a support email address, but nothing from Zestads. I have, since placing this order, ordered and received a different product purchased through PayPal. This is what led me to check on Zestads. I'll begin my fight today, but from looking at what others have experienced with this scam artist, it appears as if I may be without $166.90 for now.


Dispute the charges with your bank. I did not have much luck disputing with Paypal. Actually, paypal was absolutely useless. However, I got my money refunded in 2 days by disputing directly with my bank. They have to be able to prove that you received your items with a tracking number. Dispute that you never received the items you paid for. Also, report Zest Ads Limited to FTC and your attorney general for your state for fraud.

They got me for $45.95 for a mask - dumb me - should look further than the end of my nose on paypal transactions! What a scam!


I also got scammed on masks from the FB ad from this company. That same ad keeps popping up under different names now on Facebook. I should had known better than order the masks from this scammer. I lost $125.00 and Paypal said they declined the case since they say it was authorized, so they paid ZestAds. Got several emails from Paypal saying declined the case. My bank deleted my debit card that I used with Paypal so that nothing can be charge to it anymore. I lost the $125.00 and won't get that back nor the masks. Live and let learn I guess.


File a dispute for the charges with your bank. I ended up filing with my bank directly and got my money refunded. Also, file a complaint for Zest Ads Limited to your state attorney general as well as the FTC for price gouging and fraud. Ultimately, they have to prove with a tracking number that you received the item, which they will not be able to do. If enough people file complaints to the attorney general, they should intervene and shut this company down.

I as well purchased 3 n95 masks on April 1 for $92.94 from a pop up ad on Facebook and never received them!
Why isn't Facebook doing something about their ads if they are scammers which obviously they are!


scam company. selling through a facebook pop up, required to pay through pay pal, and customer is sent tracking link, which brings you back to their selling page and no way to check order. FACEBOOK AND PAYPAL are being used by this company and are not protecting their clients.


I ordered 5 N95 masks for my family that work in the hospital. I included a high priority shipping to receive in a couple days. They have charged by PayPal $166.00. I am unable to contact them. Its like they fel off the planet. I need mu money returned.


I was scammed by them too. Dispute the charges directly with your bank. When I ordered my masks, their site clearly stated they would ship same day. After paying, I got a paypal receipt stating my order wouldn't ship for 3-4 weeks. When I contacted [email protected], I was told they would charge me 30% just to cancel the order even though it had only been 2 hours since I ordered. Then two days later, I was told I couldn't cancel even though it hadn't shipped yet. I initially disputed with Paypal, but they were of no help. My bank was awesome in getting my money refunded. I also reported Zest Ads Limited to my state's attorney general and the FTC for fraud and price gouging. The more complaints that are filed with the attorney general, the more likely they will intervene and shut this company down. They ought to be ashamed of themselves for taking advantage of people in this pandemic.

I ordered 10 N95 respirator mask from a pop ad, on Facebook. Then, after payment via Paypal I realized I did not receive an order number an email receipt or tracking number. The acknowledgment of my purchase gave customer support to a different company all together and when I contacted them they do not even sell the N95’s. The only reason I know ZestAds Limited is the group that took my money is because it was on my PayPal receipt. Other then that no other correspondence from ZestAds Limited. I went into my Paypal portal to dispute the purchase as that is not how a company is supposed to handle business, especially in times we are going through now. I am in the dispute process and careful about whom I make a purchase with from now on! How can we stop this fraudulent group from scamming others! We need help! Thank you Dana Jackson


Report this company to your state's attorney general and FTC for fraud and price gouging. I got my money refunded in just 2 days by disputing the charges directly with my bank. Paypal didn't help me.

Type of a scam Online Purchase involving ZestAds Limited.

I ordered a COVID-19 protection mask from Brandyrebirth, which is actually ZestAds Limited store online from a repeated pop up ad. I signed up with PayPal who said they return me back to the manufacturer page to complete my order. When it sent me back it was a blank screen. I never made it to the section to confirm the order or anything. A few minutes later, I received 2 order confirmations. One for $42.94 for the 1 mask I was preparing to order but never got far enough to confirm the order. The second for $232.94 for I’m not sure how many masks. I emailed the company back through the email confirmation stating cancel because I had not completed the order on the first one and wasn’t aware of the second one at all. I contacted Pay Pal as well within approximately 10 minutes of getting the confirmation and explained what happened and referred to it as unauthorized. PayPal removed the charges and supposedly declined the charge. I checked with the credit card it was linked to 3 times and no charges were indicated so I thought it was resolved. This was on Mar 31,2020. On Apr 3, I get a message from the company saying it couldn’t be cancelled. I then get a message from Pay Pal saying they declined my claim and processed the payment. I sent many messages to PayPal requesting they reopen the case. They sent over 7 computer generated messages back and did not respond with a personal response. I called the credit card company and hopefully they will do a more thorough investigation and see this company’s deceitful practices.

PayPal then puts a hold on the account and says they cannot investigate because I contacted the credit card company instead of them. I informed them I contacted the credit card company after the declined and closed my case. I the received computer generated responses back that referred me back to the resolution center which kept sending the computer responses.

The company offers an “unconditional guarantee promise”. I have already requested information as to the process of requesting refund before the items arrive, if they arrive. The item may take longer that 30 days to arrive and the company will say the guarantee expired. I thought Pay Pal was a Safe Business Transaction advocate, but it seems they are supporting this company’s practices despite several complaints re:ZestAds Limited. Pay Pal does not seem to be advocating for or protecting its customers.

Thus far, I’m at a loss in the amount of $ 275.88
If there is any way of stopping this company from continuing deceitful practices, I would gladly do what I can to make it happen.

I’m sure that many that have responded to the ad for the N95 respirator mask are front line responders like myself that found them selves lacking in availability of protective gear to remain safe while assisting others. We don’t deserve this kind of additional stress at a critical time like this.


I would dispute these unauthorized charges directly with your bank. I did not have much luck with Paypal myself, but I got my money refunded when I disputed the charges with my bank directly. Explain to them that you never completed the order in the first place and these charges are unauthorized. Also, report Zest Ads Limited to the attorney general and FTC for fraud and price gouging. The more complaints that are filed, the more likely they will intervene and shut this company down. Thank you for being of great service to our country during these critical times. I'm sorry you're having to go through this.

After my fiasco with Zest Ads Limited and disputing my case with Paypal, which did not resolve my case, I disputed the charges directly with my bank. I got my money refunded in 2 days. I also reported Zest Ads Limited to my state attorney general and FTC for price gouging and fraud.

I ordered an N95 respirator mask from a pop ad, after payment via Paypal I realized I did not receive any sort of correspondence from ZestAds Limited, not a thank you for your order, not a tracking number after 4 days, nothing. I went into my Paypal portal to dispute the purchase as that is not how a company is supposed to handle business, especially in times we are going through now. I am in the dispute process and careful about whom I make a purchase with from now on.


I ended up being scammed by Zest Ads Limited too. I initially disputed the charges with Paypal, but they did not resolve my case. I was able to get my money refunded by disputing directly with my bank. I also contacted my state's attorney general and the FTC to report them for price gouging and fraud. I hope they get shut down.

Hey, thanks for sharing!
I had the exact same experience but didnt start the fight yet. How did you do that and how did you contact the mask company?

Well April 4 I ordered 3 mask and i didn’t received a invoice in my email. I knew right away They Got Me! Then I saw all of the people online who are in the same boat?. 123.90 lost that cool never again.


Dispute the charges directly with your bank. After I did this, I was able to get my money refunded. I also reported Zest Ads Limited for fraud and price gouging to my state's attorney general and the FTC.

I ordered an item from a store online through pay pal turns out they are scammers the same night the order was canceled and pay pal went a head and payed them after they send me an email saying it was canceled there are lots of complaints to pay pal about there’s people and they are doing nothing to help the customer I try getting my money back from the company and pay pal but they refuse to send me my refund this company had charged me twice for the same items the name of the company is Zestads Limited and pay pal is gladly standing behind them while they scam customers If there hard earn money that’s is unfair and it has to stop now . Pay pal is not doing anything to protect its customers noting at all .

- Pittsfield, MA, USA

I ordered an item caed Life Bag from Zestads Llmited. I saw the ad on Facebook and when I made the purchase, I was put into a screen to pay, not enter information/address first.

I was sent to PayPal, I logged in, confirmed the amount, then received a receipt that the bag was being sent to a 3 year old address. PayPal provided outdated, incorrect information that was NOT attached to my credit card that I used via PayPal. I immediately tried to contact the company whose website has no contact information. I then reached out to PayPal minutes after confirming the payment to find out why they provided the wrong address.

I thought this was an isolated incident but when I logged onto PayPal, I found several people experiencing the exact same issue with this Zestads and PayPal.

PayPal takes your money, zestads does not send any purchases or *might* send the buyer junk they did not order, definitely not what thd buyer tried to purchase.

Every similar buyer went to PayPal and registered a dispute. PayPal refuses to uphold their Buyer Protection and does not return your money. Zestads will say "it's on its way" no refunds, no exchanges. Wrong address? Too bad. They literally email that they are keeping payment whether you get the item or not.

PayPal has at least 200 complaints of items not received and continues to advertise and work with Zestads and not refund anyone fraudulently affected by this scheme.

Multiple people want to begin a class action suit, in the US and UK where they have lost money as well.

- Pittsburgh, PA, USA

DO NOT order from this company. ZestAds Limited.

I thought I was purchasing hand warmers for my daughter for Christmas to help her Raynauds. I ordered this product on December 20, 2019. I knew it would not be here for a couple of weeks but it is now February and the company has not responded to my 4 emails to their customer service email address.

There is no address listed, but I have learned through research they are out of Malaysia.

I lost $74 dollars.

- Kingsford Heights, IN, USA

Saw an ad on facebook for products for nails from Lulaa. The cost $21.00. After ample time I tried to contact the vendor as I purchased the item through PayPal. The internet link was fake as well as their e-mail address. I then went through PayPal to make a claim. The purchase was made December 25, 2019, and today, January 27, 2020, I recieved an e-mail from PayPal stating that due to ZestAds providing them with a tracking number and saying that the item was shipped January 14, 2020, that they were closing the case. I still haven't recieved any product and closed my PayPal account. Hopefully this will help someone else.


Did you ever get your product?

- Tremont, IL, USA

I clicked on an online pop-up ad which appeared to be marketing a high-quality drone called Drone-X. I completed the purchase through Paypal, thinking that it would be a legitimate company. However, I did not get an email confirmation of my purchase which I expected in addition to my Paypal confirmation of the order.

I became suspicious of ZestAds, and performed a Google Search which revealed several complaints about the same Drone-X product I had tried to purchase. I am still currently in the credit card dispute process, but I wanted to log a complaint with to hopefully warn others of the high potential for a scam with ZestAds.

The Ads appeared late in the Christmas shopping season, so I think they may have planned these popup ads to coincide with times of high traffic to snag victims who otherwise would be more careful and not fall victim to what may be a scam.


I planned on giving 2 of them as birthday gifts. Made my purchase through PayPal in March. I'm out over $160. I wish you luck with your card company.

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Shady, yet now dead: once upon a time this website was reported to be associated with ZestAds Limited, but after several inspections we’ve come to the conclusion that this domain is no longer active.


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