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Amazon Imposter

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Amazon Imposter Reports & Reviews (1289)

The scam cam through a text message from a random number to my iPhone, addressing me using my name, claiming to be Amazon. It says I “...came in 2nd in March’s Amazon pods raffle!” then provides a sketchy link consisting of random letters. I have not clicked the link so I could not say what comes after, just that it’s very untrustworthy.

The scam came in via text message to my iPhone using my name. It claimed to be “Amazon Bonus Credit” urging you to click the sketchy link (which was just random letters) before your “Bonus Credit” expires. It had spacing errors and I have not clicked on the link but did provide the url in this report. The scam message only came from a random number with no email or name attached (like Amazon support or any credible source)

I get messages like this:

(Name), you still have $100 Amazon Bonus credit: See what you can buy before it expires on 03/22

I am reporting but have not given my info out. Just want to warn others.

- Chicago, IL, USA

It stated that the MacBook Pro I ordered would be delivered in 5-10 business days. It’s supposed to be shipped to someone in Newport Richey, Florida.

Watch out for SCAM phone calls from "Molly at Amazon" saying you have a $729 charge from Dayton Ohio on your account that you can contest. I have received at least a dozen of these calls in the last 24 hours from a 920 area code. It is always someone with a foreign accent that answers and there are lots of voices in the background. Like a boiler room.  They hang up when you start to question them or say you're calling the police.

When I spoke with the Oshkosh police department, they said they've been hearing a lot about these calls and that the callers are very persistent. They said to tell the caller you're reporting this to the police.

- Maple Heights, OH, USA

I opened an email from Amazon. Stated I had ordered something for $6000. I did not order anything from Amazon. I called the phone number 833-572-1660. They answered Amazon. Requested my name and confirmation number. A TV was ordered from Mexico. I questioned them. I asked the representatives name and he hung up. I wanted to report this email scam.

- Anoka, MN, USA

I received a call on my cell from # 1.385.250.1014 @ 10:51a informing me that my Amazon account has been hacked and someone is trying to purchase a new phone for $1,099.00 using a guest profile as my identity, they were calling because it seemed fraudulent since not delivering to my home address and item being sent to No. Carolina, they asked “ you don’t know anyone there correct? I stated “ I did”, but unaware of persons address, I asked of person requesting new cell he gave me a (David Lee), (Walter) went on to say what they wanted to do is refund money back into my account right away since I had not approved this transaction, and had me fill out a refund cancellation form with his allegedly full name as agent Bruce Walter.

I asked what was the address for delivery, I was given 147 Gum Pond Rd NC, 27932. I never new such address, he (Walter) proceeded with informing me that they can use what’s called block guest so this wouldn’t happen again, so they need remote access to my computer since it was hack to check issues, at this point I’m questioning him about scams and don’t want this to be that. Walter assured me by letting me know that they are on record with BBB, while trying to get through conversations by telling about a code that would expire if not done quickly, this again got my suspicious going, I’m telling him how suspicious this seems, he tries to assure me to calm down and not worry because they are on record, but meanwhile I’m letting him access my computer for sharing. Walter asked me to sign into my bank so that I would see the transfer being deposited immediately, ok, I signed into my bank but checked my account via cell and my balance seem the same so I thought this is maybe pending, at this point he’s trying to rush but here the uncertainty in my voice and then states he will be patient so he gives me a transaction ID :KLKKCTCT5238CKI9207825, in which I’ve had to ask to slow down when spelling. After accessing computer remotely and viewing my checking account ( stupid on my part), still uncomfortable tho. He’s asking me to take notice of my balance, duh, (I know this), and I will see a deposit going into account, but he must transfer me to the senior supervisor who will take a look and do transfer. I was transferred to Michael team manager, all I need to do when I see box appear with $ sign type $500. in box then he can let me go and later will deposit the remaining $500. Too suspicious again I asked him why do I need to type any amount into box if they are supposedly refunding my money. Now this really sounds suspicious I told him. I then immediately called my from my husband cell, asked them to look at my account regarding Amazon transaction, immediately I was told hang up it’s a scam. I clicked out of everything, hung up on person, went to bank and restarted new accounts and card just in case. I took pictures and wrote down some information. I called Apple tech to remotely point to delete any suspicious downloads and empty trash. Be safe people.

- Lawton, OK, USA

I keep receiving text messages stating I have $150 in Amazon credits still. I did not open because I knew it was a scam. I figure when I click on the link, that is where it will begin. I just delete the texts. Here is exactly the message. "My name", you still have $150 Amazon Bonus credit: See what you can buy before it expires on 03/21

- Ithaca, NY, USA

I keep getting texts from various numbers saying "Amazon: Congratulations Nancy (not my name, but the name they always use for some reason), you won (insert some Apple gadget) in (some kind of sweepstakes or giveaway or whatnot). The end of the text is always some nonsense letters and numbers link, probably to a malicious website but I have no intention of clicking on one to find out.

- Anoka, MN, USA

I received the following message on my answering machine on Thursday March 18th at 11:17 AM. "Recent purchase on you have been charged $399.89 on your Visa card for the order number 7915. If you have made this purchase and recognize it, then simply hang up and your order will be delivered to you. However if you have not made this purchase or any such transaction then call us back on 850-303-6051. I reconfirm 850-303-6051. Thank you for your time today from customer support team

- Sanford, NC, USA

Our firestick stopped working, we tried to reinstall it and a code popped up and said to go to amazon/card for help and we called the phone number on that site. He said we were blocked due to fruad on our account of over 500$. He told us to install opendesk app and then open our amazon account and bank account where he was going to deposit 1$ and to tell him when we received it. Once he said it was a gift card, we disconnected and called Amazon who guided us through what to do next. We cancelled all credit and bank cards and immediatley changed passwords. We called him which was a very unsuspecting twist on the scams!

- Appleton, WI, USA

On March 25, this number (8556588715) called me every half hour,leaving a message saying our Amazon account has a suspicious charge of $729.00 activity on it.

I received the following message:

You still have $100 Amazon Bonus credit: See what you can claim before it expires on 03/21

Received this text message:

*****, you still have $130 Amazon Bonus credit: See what you can claim before it expires on 03/27

I did not click on any links and immediately deleted the text.

Scammers called us claiming to be with Amazon and told us that there is something fraudulent going on with our Amazon account. They gave us some amount that was involved, $700 and something. I didn't fall for it.

I received the following text message, after receiving two or three previous ones: " ... you still have $100 Amazon Bonus credit: See what you can buy before it expires on 03/27 "

- West Columbia, SC, USA

They called me pretending to be Amazon, telling me someone bought an IPhone 11 on my account for $599. They wanted to send me a form to my computer for me to fill out so they could cancel the purchase, and reimburse me the cost. When I looked on my Amazon account, there was no purchase listed for that, the guy told me my account was frozen, and I couldn't see it. I started a chat with Amazon, had them call me to discuss this. The guy was adamant about him sending me that form to my computer, I told him I would call him back, he kept saying "No, I need to send this form so you can get your money back". I hung up, and Amazon confirmed that they do not call, they will send an email.

- Minneapolis, MN, USA

They address you by name. And offer a 150$ Amazon Bonus credit and give links. Where they then tell you to see all the amazing things you can purchase until a specific date then follow up with the same link.

- Williamsburg, VA, USA

Received text and never respond or click the link.

The link is

- Noble, OK, USA

I received a text message that says;

Amazon: Congratulations Said, you came in 2nd in today's Amazon iPad raffle

Check fields!

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