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Amazon Imposter

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Amazon Imposter Reports & Reviews (1289)

- Cleveland, OH, USA

I have received fifteen phone calls from Amazon in the last few days. They leave a message. I don't answer. Message states I owe $299.98. I don't buy anything from Amazon. Want me to call back. Their phone number is 380-219-1626. I did not call the phone number.

- Archer City, TX, USA

They told me that I had a 499.99 charge on my account. I called Amazon to verify and I do not have an order.

- Marion, NY, USA

Received 13 robo calls that my Amazon account was hacked. First it was a message from Molly which said to press 1 to be connected to someone who would help. Caller said an order for $729.99 was placed to be delivered to Dayton, Ohio. Caller said he needed to connect to my Amazon account via computer or cell phone to delete the hackers. I know this is a scam because my 90 year old father was hacked and they got to his bank accounts. Very frustrating and sad situation.

- Stratford, CT, USA

I received an email that had my email address and Amazon's website address ( It said I was paying for Bob H. Weels 65 inch television.

It also had following which everyone should avoid

* The email was from [email protected]

* The phone number to call - "If you haven't placed this order" is - 833-390-2311

Before clicking on anything in the email, in a new window, I opened the webpage ( and searched for Amazon. It gave me the contact number 888-280-4331. I called this phone number where we discussed my Amazon accounts and confirmed that there is no such order through. They advised me not to click on anything in the email.

- Cleveland, OH, USA

received a phone call stating a purchase was made on my amazon account for an expensive phone over $1000, if i didnt make this purchase and wanted to cancel the order to go to this website and click any desk support which then downloads an exe file to which they instructed you open and then give them the the cancellation id number that pops up. I immediately hung up the phone not giving any information this gives the scammer remote access to your device.

- Virginia Beach, VA, USA

Amazon : Thank you for your purchase. We will inform you when its shipped. View your order and special rewards on

Called 11 times from all those numbers within an hour stating Amazon has a fraudulent charge regarding an account i supposedly have and each time it's a different dollar amount

- New York, NY, USA

It was a recorded message from someone and he was checking on a purchase of $1,500. Press 1 to speak to with someone about the purchase. The guy said he was from amazon and was checking on a purchase made in other state ( can’t recall the state). He wanted my information to make sure it was fraudulent. I wouldn’t give him my information. So he hang up

Received a text from (833) 429-2087 saying, "Amazon: Your account is currently locked for security reasons. Please verify your payment information here: CASE ID: 21HXDIUJA

I did not click on the link or respond since Amazon ALWAYS emails me, never texts my phone. This must be a scam. My daughter got the same thing a month ago.

- Wausau, WI, USA

Received a local area call from someone who said they were an employee of Amazon saying someone was trying to access our account in attempts to buy an IPhone. They wanted to connect their computer to ours to initiate a refund for this purchase. The woman was persistent that it needed to be done immediately. We said Amazon has our email, and she could email us a link. No, that wouldn't work. We hung up, suspicious this was a scam. They never phoned back. We are reporting it here!

- Mililani, HI, USA

I received an email confirmation of shipment of TV and sound system. Shipping total $5200; credit of $4,700 and payment pending of $500.

I was suspicious since I did not order these 2 items. My amazon account did not show this order; nor did my financial company show any deductions of amount cited above.

Suspect a scam.

- Buffalo, NY, USA

text received on 3/31/21 stating that Amazon account has been suspended for security reasons. Link to click on to review account.

- Mount Pleasant, UT, USA

I had made a purchase on 4/3/21 on, and today I received this text message (Amazon - Your account has been restricted. To remove Restrictions you have to provide some information about your account. ** [ID CMB3JQ])

I received a text message from the # 631-690-5723 saying: Amazon: Congratulations Gilbert, you came in 1st in today's Amazon Earpods raffle! Follow the link to set shipment:

I was curious & clicked the link, it was advertised as free EarPods only have to pay for shipping so it sounded like a good deal, I paid 10.99 for shipping + tax came up to $15 I then received an email from them saying my card will be charged from the name “clearsolutionsnaturalcom” I searched that up & ended up on a men’s skin care website, I received an email on 04/02/2021 stating that my card has been charged with $84.68 from the same company so I called the customer service number provided & asked what that charge was about & they said it was related to my subscription, I stopped them there & told them I never agreed to any subscription & it was never mentioned on the link. The representative I spoke to offered either $20 store credit or I can return the EarPods but I must pay $19 restocking fee & $20 shipping I said no I want the full refund back, the representative repeated my 2 options again & I asked to speak to a supervisor when I was transferred to Sabrina the supervisor, she answered with “mhmm?” So careless about the issue, I told her that I wanted a full refund & she repeated the same options I was given by the representative & told me that’s the best they can do & I denied their options & told them they never had my permission or authorization for my card to be charged monthly without me being aware of it. Sabrina then stated she will not argue with me & that she’s only giving me those 2 options. I never received an email stating there would be a subscription, no email saying I would be charged again, they canceled a monthly subscription I had no clue about. I had them cancel it immediately & they still deny my full refund.

I have an imposter from Amazon trying to tell me that I had a big purchase that was 799.99. I do not have an Amazon account.

I keep receiving calls claiming to be from Amazon saying that there is a charge on my account for an iPhone 12 for $1,099, but when I called Amazon they said that charge is fraudulent/not showing on their end. Amazon said they don't have a Fraud Department. The caller just leaves messages and then the phone number disappears.

- San Francisco, CA, USA

I received text message that read: "[Name], you still have $100 Amazon Bonus credit: See what you can claim before it expires on 03/27" It looked suspicious because of the odd web address, so I researched it and discovered they are trying to obtain your credit card details.

Received an email claiming to be from Amazon stating that my renewal did not go through and to send new credit card/payment information.

- Monterey Park, CA, USA

Claimed I charged $700 I phone at Amazon, I needed to call back. All on my answering machine. Did not understand the rest of the message. Phone number identified by V32617194300. I've received many call identified, beginning with "V" and different numbers after it that i blocked, seldom do I get messages.

I received an email from: . is this a current employee? I have not ordered anything from Amazon since August 2016. They said that my order confirmation no. was: Order Confirmation NO- #113-8688345-2712258. I did not order anything from Amazon. if this is a real order, cancel it immediately.

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