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Employment - Equipment Purchasing Scam

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Employment - Equipment Purchasing Scam Reports & Reviews (116)

- Brandenburg, KY, USA • Nov 22, 2023

This was an elaborate scam. They have a domain of a legit company and send out legit looking documentation. But once you get through the process they only message you on google chat and have fake names, can’t find anyone on LinkedIn. Only thing I have lost was sending a picture of my license, but it’s all open records so it’s not a big deal.

They mention that due to logistic issues they are unable to send equipment, I would get a check from them to purchase the equipment from their supplier. Extremely sketchy and fake company. Or someone using their domain/company to try and scam others.

After I called them out as a scam, the guy blocked my contact. Be aware when job searching!

- Las Vegas, NV, USA • Nov 21, 2023

Family member on Facebook posted about the company she works for hiring a WFH position so i reached out to see if it was legit and could actually work for me but every time i ask for a legitimate source of proof for the company existing they dont respond with a real answer leaving me to believe it's a fake process and theyre just trying to get peoples personal information. They wanted my home address to provide me equipment to work for them but no official paperwork to sign before doing so, only trying to get me to provide my information through microsoft teams.

- North Las Vegas, NV, USA • Nov 17, 2023

I have initially received an email with the Word document interview that I have to fill in. After I filled in the interview questionnaire, I received an email with an offer letter. The email stated that they will email me the check of $4985 for me to go purchase *Apple Mac Studio M1 Max, 64GB RAM, 2TB SSD, Apple 27” Studio Display, 5K, HP LaserJet Pro M15w Printer, External hard drive/backup system, Headset with microphone, Networking and router capabilities, Surge Protectors and Automated Time Tracker, Proof Hub. *

After I work with them for 16 weeks this equipment will be mine. However, all of the purchase order has to be under my name. They emailed me the check and asked if the funds had been posted on my account yet. Luckily, my bank flagged it suspicious, so I asked the recruiter to stop the fund. The recruiter never asks why or response to anything after that.

- Augusta, GA, USA • Nov 16, 2023

I was sent a bogus job offer for an admin asst, paying $34.75/hr and training at $28/hr then I was sent the offer letter to sign and specifying $1900 to purchase the required software and equipment to perform my job. I found out later that I was given a fake check to deposit then the representative DENVER MORGAN wanted me to send via "cashapp" and do the "bitcoin" (which didn't work) then went on for me to send to: Cashapp $Jgbadyu71 to JuJu so that they could purchase the so-called software and equipment. I didn't do it and proceeded to contact my bank institution and told them what happened. Currently, I've setup for the $1900 to go back to my bank institution. I have a record of the entire chat on MSTeams w/ DENVER MORGAN

- Scranton, PA, USA • Nov 14, 2023

Gamida Cell group reached out to me after I put in an application for a data entry job. They then went through the entire process and offered me a position same day. When ironing out the payroll, benefits etc. they pulled the classic 'purchase an apple gift card to pay your fees for equipment and we will reimburse you.' the company seems legit when you Google them so I just want to ensure a scam is reported!

- Derwood, MD, USA • Nov 13, 2023

These are all the questions asked to me:

Are you currently employed ?

Are you willing to work long hours or flexible ?

Why should we employ you ?

How would you like to paid ? Weekly or bi weekly ?

Direct deposit or wire transfer?

What bank do you operate with to see if it tallies with the company payment account?

Then I was rated an 8.5/10 and offered the job. I then was educated on the extensive equipment I would need, and how they would supply it for me.

When I asked for documents and records, they refused.

- Gaithersburg, MD, USA • Nov 10, 2023

Hello [deleted my name per the instructions above]

I would like to inform you that Micron Technology LLC received your application via LinkedIn. We're looking to hire for the position of Policy Advisor.

Micron needs your skills and you're among the candidates shortlisted for the open position.

We want to make sure that your skills, goals and ambitions match our company's culture and the position. Kindly, send "YES" if you are still interested in this position and acknowledge the receipt of this email.

Second EMAIL: Hello ***,

Find attached for the screening/interview process. Keep in mind that there are no ‘right answers'.

The screening/interview questions are designed to gauge your skills and give us an idea of how you approach tasks relevant to a Policy Advisor (Remote) role.

You are required to email back your answers appropriately Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.

Kindly note that you are to treat this as urgent! If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.

Third Email:

Dear ***,

I am glad to inform you that due to your level of experience and your working skills, the company has decided to hire you as its Policy Advisor.

On behalf of the company, I congratulate you. You are now offered the opportunity to be part of Micron Technology. We believe that your knowledge, skills, and experience would be an ideal fit for our creative team and make a significant contribution to the growth of the company.

You will receive your duties every day via email, and I will be online to walk you through your tasks. You will be undergoing a 4- to 5-days online training via Zoom immediately after setting up your workspace. We are starting you with $89.69 per hour, and you will receive your pay weekly or monthly via wire transfer, direct deposit, or check, depending on your preference. Benefits include: health, vision, and dental insurance; employee wellness; and paid time off. You will be enrolled for other benefits after a period of three months of working with us.

We are going to be communicating virtually till after 5 days of working with us; subsequently, a user ID and password will be given to you, along with a link to the company server, and a list of contact phone numbers for various departments will be sent to you, along with all necessary forms to fill out. Before you start work, you will receive a payment (a check), which will be used to set up your workspace by purchasing the office equipment and software needed to start your training and work.

Shortly, you will be receiving your employment offer letter. Our aim is for you to start training as soon as possible.

You must immediately forward the following information to the Senior HR in order to register you and prepare your offer letter:

Your Complete Name:

Full mailing address:

Contact information:

Your email address:

Please send the above-mentioned information to: [email protected]

Unfortunately I provided the above details to the scammer

- Macungie, PA, USA • Nov 03, 2023

I was approached about a job offer, which was a remote Data entry representative position, and this person said I was a qualified candidate based on my profile on Indeed. This person interviewed me via text message, and the person who I thought was interviewing looked real because I looked her online and found her LinkedIn profile and got moving on from there; shortly after the interview, they gave me a job letter along with other documents that looked legitimate, but it ultimately wasn't. After the hiring process, I was told I would begin training, which would be about two weeks or so. Once I submitted the paperwork with all of my info. They would send me a check in the mail so I could use those funds to purchase the materials I need to do the job working from home, such as a computer, printer, etc. Once the check arrived, I submitted it via mobile deposit to my Capital One checking account. Capital One flagged it right away, and now my account is locked. I am still waiting to talk to a representative from Capital One on how to resolve that situation regarding my accounts. So now the scammer has my birth certificate info along with my social security number and driver's license.

- Phoenix, AZ, USA • Oct 27, 2023

Attempted a job offer with an interview that was only a Word document that needed to be filled out. Attempted to have me purchase items needed for work, but could only be purchased on their vendor website. Did not get to this point yet, but would have likely sent me money, had me spend it on their website, then take their money back resulting in me losing money.

- Brooklyn, NY, USA • Oct 25, 2023

The employer, WILI IM-UND EXPORT GMBH USA LLC, reached out describing a job offer. The employer would pay off my credit card balances via ACH payments. I did NOT provide my banking information to the employer, they gave me the account number and ABA number to make the payments on 9/15/23. Once the payments settled, I made purchases for MacBook Pros totaling $9,998.81 on 9/18/23. On 9/19/23, the ACH payments that were paid on my credit cards were returned and the MacBook Pros were shipped. I noticed the returned ACH payments on9/20/23 and the employer gave me a Wells Fargo details to make a different ACH payment. TheACH payment was returned on 9/23/23. I have email correspondences saved and the registration information of the fraudulent company.

6.1. Address Data WILI IM- UND EXPORT GMBH USA LLC 3 West 35th, 11th floor New York10001 NY, USA

6.2. ContactDetails Email: ? [email protected] Web: ?

Germany Phone #: 49 322.1138.9455

USA Toll Free#: 01 866.380.1462

6.3. Registration Data U.S. Branch Name: WILI Im- und Export GmbH USA LLC U.S.

Employer Identification Number (EIN): 93-3016364

New York Department of State ID: 7013804

- Front Royal, VA, USA • Oct 19, 2023

10/14 – Submitted application via Indeed to Virtuelle Healthcare for Data Entry Operator position.

10/16 – Received email from Virtuelle Healthcare stating to schedule an interview via Signal Messenger. Contact was Randy Castillo, Assistant Hiring Manager for Peritus International (About Peritus - Peritus ( who could be contacted via Signal at 762-675-0230. Interview date and time was scheduled for Monday (10/16) at 1000hrs according to the email.

10/16 – Contact was made via Signal with Randy Castillo who asked basic questions and provided link to the company hiring me. Later in the day Randy Castillo sent an email with the job description and a series of interview questions. Castillo stated that I had 60 minutes to respond. Response was sent via email to Castillo who reached out again via Signal stating to check in with him at 1300 (10/16) to get my results. I checked in at 1300 and Castillo congratulated me that I had been hired. Castillo stated I would be receiving a start-up check for required software/hardware for the position and that I would be taking online training for the first week of employment. The list of software/hardware was provided to me via Signal. I inquired about an offer letter from the company of which Castillo replied he would be sending me one via email. Castillo also inquired about receiving text messages on my phone, to which I replied yes.

10/17 – I received an email from Castillo with an offer letter attached, to which I signed and returned.

10/18 – I received a text from Castillo stating to reach out to him via Signal. In the Signal chat he stated that a check had been sent and provided the tracking number. He then asked me to run the tracking number and get back to him, I did and saw the package had been delivered to my home. I went home, opened the package, and saw a check for $4955.00 from Kite’s Draperies along with a letter with instructions to email John Lewis stating I received the check and how much it was for which I completed. Castillo asked how many “minutes” it would take for me to deposit the check to which I replied 30 minutes. I proceeded to the bank and deposited the check. Castillo and Lewis both asked me to send documentation the check was deposited to which I complied. Castillo stated that he would be on contact with me on 10/19 at 0900 to get started with purchasing the software/hardware.

- Forney, TX, USA • Oct 18, 2023

Contacted by this person via email saying they were interested in hiring me for a job I had applied for. Told me to go to website to upload my resume and references. I did this not knowing it was a scam. Then this "Wendy Hendricks" sends me an email wanting to know my personal info like my name and address and what hours could I work, experience, name of my bank (not acct number) so they could do direct deposit after a month. I did this as well. I read on here someone else had the same experience, so I stopped contact. Then this person sends an email saying I was hired and will be sending me a check for supplies for packaging, etc. Well, I received the check yesterday for $1755. The next email said they saw through tracking I received it and told me to deposit it. I am not responding at all. I changed passwords to all my accounts.

- Los Angeles, CA, USA • Oct 18, 2023

Happy to discuss in further detail if helpful (call mobile at ###-###-####). Please read the Google Reviews for this company - apparently others have experienced something similar. My mentee was contacted out of the blue about a interview for a great sounding job to which he frankly couldn't remember applying. My mentee contacted me about this because he was so excited to receive an offer but surprised because he got this job without ever talking with anyone at the company (his 'interview' was simply a survey with questions about his work style). They sent him an offer letter (attached) and then (as explained in the offer letter) they emailed him a picture of a check for ~$5,000 dollars and told him to deposit this in his bank account in order to buy equipment for the job. I tried calling their offices to speak with the new boss and learn more about this operation but the operator simply said "He'll give you a call back in 5 minutes" without ever taking my phone number down. At this point, I told my mentee he should first try speaking to his new 'boss' (goes by the name Felix Yorke, which I suspect is a fictional alias) before making any further moves. When my mentee requested to chat, Felix proceeded to call him at 6:30am PST to ask "what are your questions?" before wrapping up the call 2 minutes later. When my mentee emailed back about setting up a call at a more reasonable hour, Felix seemed to ignore the question and simply asked "Kindly confirm to me the status of the deposit from yesterday." I now suspect this is a money laundering operation.

My mentee is a first generation college student who just graduated and is looking for his first job. He is unsurprisingly adamant that "this must be a real job" because the prospect of making this much money this fast is so incredible. I obviously do not know that this is a scam but I am incredibly skeptical. And the idea that they would prey on him enrages me the likes of which I have never previously experienced. If there was ever a time for the to seek justice in this world, I feel like this might be that moment. I am happy to assist in any other way that may be helpful.

• Oct 25, 2023

I had same experience as u said in chat with same number.

- Bronx, NY, USA • Oct 12, 2023

I was contacted by email on October 10, 2023 by Dr. sapna purohit saying that HE/SHE found my resume on CAREER BULDER(this is how the person wrote it, instead of BUILDER . Here the company and email that that person used :

SUN PHARMA <[email protected]>.Later on, the person emailed me again from a different address: [email protected]

The person told me to download skype and sent me also 2 skype link that unfortunately, I opened it. Gave me information about the company and the job. Dr. sapna purohi asked how I want to ne payed {Direct deposit or check), I chose by check. He asked me again if I want tone paid weekly or every 2 weeks.

He said that the job was remote, asked me my full name and where I bank. because the company is not in United States, I asked him if he was in United States, He ignored my question first and he said that he was in United States.

I remembered that first time when I saw his email, It was late in the night so I downloaded Skype that night and the next, he called me at 7am, then we started to text on skype more than 2 hours even though he said that the interview won't take long. After he said that I was hired, he told me that I will receive a check to buy materials that I will need to work with.

He would call me any time and end the call before I answer it.

So I answered texts that he sent me around 5pm saying that I was expecting his email where he said that the check was sent via UPS.

Coming home in the night, I received an envelope inside was the check of $4550.00 and a letter (see the image). The check and envelope look very suspicious , I will never deposit something like that in my account, I heard stories...

The letter is from John Lewis, no emblem or logo of the business on the letter, my name is not even motioned and said to contact [email protected] and contact my supervisor employer hiring manager immediately. At this point, I just delete skype from my phone, I hope he doesn;t have access on my laptop when I opened links that he sent me.

I know he will try to contact me, I won't answer his emails again</[email protected]>

- Athens, AL, USA • Oct 03, 2023

I received an email that Runway HC saw my profile on an indeed job board and they wanted to set up an interview. The interview took place over Microsoft Teams and was AI generated. I thought this was strange but was immediately offered a position. They asked who I banked with during the interview and I thought that was also strange so I was not truthful with my answer. Then they wanted my home address so they could send me a check to purchase work from home equipment. I started doing some research and saw their address was residential housing. They also have no job postings on indeed or LinkedIn. I sent my hiring manager an email to ask some questions and she said she never received it, so I sent it over on Teams. After a while of not getting a response, I messaged again and asked if she could answer my questions. She immediately went offline and has not been back since Friday.

- Valley Cottage, NY, USA • Oct 02, 2023

Wants me to contact hiring manager through signal app for a text interview. I’ve experienced this before and they will eventually ask for banking info and ask for an address to send a company check to buy work from home equipment.

• Oct 04, 2023

Same here. I was contacted right around the same, if not the exact, day that you were. But I'd like to add that there is another email: hrdepartment @

I did get the signal app and spoke with "Mrs.Iris Pendleton", who I'm pretty sure is a bot of some sort.

There were never any other points of contact, which was suspicious, but even more so after they sent me a long email about being hired, and towards the end there was a sentence that went like this: If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at .

The company SEC page does not list as a website, although the company itself is listed as a part of EPF Inc.. I believe this is a highly developed scam that is using a real company's information.

Initially, there was a LinkedIn page associated with the website, but it has recently become "unavailable".

They did not try to get more information about my bank other than its name. But they did request that I buy work-from-home office supplies. They said I should receive a check tomorrow because the UPS had a delay yesterday. From the beginning, I had planned to have the check "checked" out by the bank. I will definitely be increasing the level of caution towards this check if it arrives.

This scam appears to be piggybacking off of a real company and information about its business practices. If anyone else receives this scam or other scams, I would recommend that you also report it on BBB because it may reach a wider audience of people who are looking into the company.

- Chula Vista, CA, USA • Sep 26, 2023

I was contacted via email from this companies HR department. Did the whole application and interview process. I was then redirected to the manager who introduced herself and welcomed me to the company. She asked what time and days I would be available for training. Days passed and she then had me open a credit union account (I usually use cash app) which I didn’t find weird since the company isn’t located in my city and I did need a bank account. Anyway, after opening the account to supposedly be able to get paid for my training things started to get weird. She mentioned speaking to accounting and that they said I had to add an external account to my new bank account so that I may receive money to purchase the equipment I’d be needing for the position through an IT company after turning said money into cryptocurrency. I started to get suspicious since this isn’t the first time someone has tried to scam me so I lied and said I was unable to add external accounts due to my account being new she said she had to speak to accounting department again and get back to me the following day. This whole process has taken about a week and a half and now they want me to open another account with a credit union “they’re recommending” which I will not open. Most of our communication has been through telegram.

- Durhamville, NY, USA • Sep 14, 2023

A friend of mine of FB posted a job listing and I messaged him. He told me to download the Telegram app which I did and he gave me a number to text. I was immediately given to a Mrs. Martha Sanders Tonahill and I was asked questions online. She then had a $950 check emailed to me to purchase office supplies.

My bank called me and told me the check was a fraud and now I am not allowed to go online with my bank.

- Chester, PA, USA • Sep 11, 2023

I was approached via text message saying that my application was received by the company, (Biond Biologics) and they felt that I was a good fit for the position and team. They conducted the interview over the Telegram App, and I was notified shortly after that they were happy to say i got the job. Then the following day i was sent via email forms to fill out, signed, and sent back. The forms were a verification letter of employment, w4's, and a code of conduct letter. I filled them out, signed them and sent them back. Then they sent me a check via UPS overnight that was to be used to buy the equipment needed to do the job, and I was to take $150 of the $4,900 as a sign-on bonus. I messaged Mark to let him know that the bank would not cash the check. The teller told me that she believed the check to be fraudulent and she didn't feel like she wanted to chance cashing it. That was on Friday and I still have yet to hear back from him. I am worried that they may try to take a loan out in my name or something else equally as detrimental. I don't know where else to turn with this important information.

- Charlotte Hall, MD, USA • Sep 09, 2023

Talked to me for days via Teams. Sent me a contract and everything seemed ok until they said they’d be sending ME a check to purchase office equipment. I can understand being asked to have it or the company buying it for you but why would you ever get a check first and have to buy the equipment? It was all very fishy.

Check fields!

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