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Employment - Equipment Purchasing Scam

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Employment - Equipment Purchasing Scam Reports & Reviews (116)

- Oviedo, FL, USA • Sep 08, 2023

Was offered an at home job with World Wide Technology. Interview and communication via Teams. Suspicious due to $30 ph for Training and $50 ph once wk commenced. Training skills set 3 hrs for 2 days. A employment contract was sent. When compared to company website HR name Ann Mahrr matched. Ceo name Thomas Strunk matched. And hiring manager matched Marlan Hardi. The skills training seemed very ligit questions which were timed with response. This a.m. after this weeks last training. They notified me i would be reciving a ups check to purchase systems for next week's job Training. Received check for $4500. No I9 employment form or payroll information was requested. When i questions this these forms were sent to me the next day via email. When i look up the address on the ups and check it is a bridal shop and a office with boxes outside the building. I did not deposit the check as requested.

• Dec 27, 2023

WOW! I just got the same extact offer from Marlan Hardi. Except I was supposed to start training this AM on Teams and no one showed up. I did get the new hire docs via Docusign so I thought it may have been legit. All emails and names matched the company's employee emails which was the odd part. Im annoyed that they have my home address and SS #. Luckily my credit report is locked but not sure if that may be enough.

- Kansas City, MO, USA • Sep 08, 2023

Job was posted for data entry clerk for Lexington clinic in Lexington KY. I was interviewed and hired all via email and an app called RingCentral. They said they were would electronically send me a check via email to purchase my office computer and supplies ! The check sent was not a vaild check and it was a check from George Daly housing in nyc. I called the number listed online to see if they were aware but they wouldn't talk to me and hung up .

- Kittanning, PA, USA • Sep 08, 2023

Contacted me by email about my resume and a job that I applied for on career for a data entry clerk. The interview was scheduled for the very next day, 9/7/23 at 9 a.m. on Zoom TeamChat. I attended the interview on chat and answered all of the questions. 30 minutes later I got a job offer for a full time data entry clerk with Validation Associates LLC and got emailed an offer letter for employment with a w4 tax form to fill out and send back and was also told to send photos of my driver's license front and back. I signed the offer letter, filled out the w4 and sent it all back to them with the photos of my DL. The very next day, they sent me a check by UPS for almost $4000, that I was told was a start up check from them in order to set up my home office and order all supplies and materials needed for my job position. The check came with a letter of deposit instructions from the chief financial officer of Validation Associates. I was instructed to immediately go to my bank and deposit the check by ATM, which I was unable to do so since I do not have a debit card yet so I went inside the branch and deposited the check with a teller, who seemed a little puzzled by my story. After I left the bank I got worried that I was getting scammed since the supposed hiring manager was blowing me up on Zoom TeamChat wanting to know if the check was deposited yet and demanding me to send the deposit receipt, for which I complied. Later on in the evening, I started asking the supposed hiring manager questions because things weren't adding up or making sense and he immediately blocked me. Now these people have all of my personal information and I have to call my bank tomorrow to let them know that the check is a scam and close my account! What do I do? How can these people and this fake company continue to get away with doing this to people since 2012?!?!

They want to give me a check so I have to deposit in mi account and then buy the sistems to work.

There was a post on FaceBook from about a job opportunity and I inquired and was ask to download signal messenger and put in a code. Then Adam contacted me to conduct an interview, it all seemed to be on the up and up. Then it came down to getting the equipment to start the training for the job and I needed to purchase the equipment and I would be reimbursed. I kept questioning him and he was good at his job and kept convincing me it was all ok. I didn't give him the $500 he wanted but I did give him $130. He wasn't happy. I was asking him more about the company and he has stopped responding to me.


Offered me a "project manager position" with paid training in the amount of $2400 for 5 weeks, with the incentive of doubling the pay with excellent test scores. Completed a phone interview, and was told company just opened in the US in 2023 and once my online training was complete would travel to the New York Office for a week of in person training. Once I completed 3/5 weeks of training, was offered a project to complete that would be "similar to job once I received an official offer". The project was to use my personal credit card to purchase apple products for the Taiwan office, specifically requested i use the card with the highest spending limit. I was to use Atom's checking information to "payoff" my car PRIOR to ordering any product. When I declined to use a personal card for business purposes, Mr. Cotton (hiring manager) ceased communication.

1. I was sent an email "to follow up on your application for the Remote Data Analyst position at Govcio".

"If you are still interested, please respond to this email with a "YES."

2. After I said "yes", I was sent a "screening questionnaire". It was a PDF file. Here are some contradicting quotes:

"Please take a few moments to answer the following question in as much detail as possible"

"Kindly note that we need your response as soon as possible, so please respond urgently."

3. I answered the questionnaire and sent it to them. I received a job offer in the email.

"I am writing to formally Congratulate you on your new role as a Remote Data Analyst at GovCio. We are impressed with your qualifications, experience, and the results of the screening questions you completed, which were used to evaluate your suitability for the position."

There are some some information and how much they will pay and how frequent.

"I am writing to formally Congratulate you on your new role as a Remote Data Analyst at GovCio. We are impressed with your qualifications, experience, and the results of the screening questions you completed, which were used to evaluate your suitability for the position."

The next request was:

"Kindly forward the details below to the HR department for further processing.

Full Name:

Home Address:

Phone number:

Email address:

Please email the requested information above to: [email protected]"

I did this and so humanresources email address replied to me:

x-------------------------------------------------------------------------------... />
Congratulations on joining GovCio!

Attached to this email is the company's Employment Offer Letter you need to sign. You are directed to print this letter, read it carefully, append your signature, and email back the signed offer letter.

Please note that, on acceptance of this employment offer, the following equipment will be delivered to you to set up your home office, the funds for the purchase of the equipment will be made available to you prior to purchase and delivery.

*Apple Mac Studio M1 Max, 64GB RAM, 2TB SSD, Apple 27” Studio Display, 5K, HP LaserJet Pro M15w Printer, External hard drive/backup system, Headset with microphone, Networking and router capabilities, Surge Protectors and Automated Time Tracker, Proof Hub.

Please make sure to attach to this document a copy of your valid ID (front and back) for employment confirmation and email it back with the signed offer letter.

After signing this offer letter, the check to pay for the equipment listed above for your mini office will be mailed out to you, then you will begin training as soon as you take delivery of the equipment.

Please note, the management of GovCio sees it fit to conduct our job interview/briefing process through email and instant messaging so as to determine an applicant's writing, typing, communication, and timing skills since communication and timing are an integral part of the Data Analyst (Remote) position.

Also, The position requires you to work between the hours of 9 am Cst - 5 pm Cst from Monday to Friday.

Note: Upon signing out this contract with the company you are bound by LAW to not destroy any of the company's property i.e.: Equipment sent and delivered to you for your work or a Check forwarded to you for payment. Contravening any of these rules will render this contract null and void and penalties will be incurred.

Accept the assurances of our best wishes.

x-------------------------------------------------------------------------------... />
There was no attachment. I replied that there was no attachment.

I emailed marketing at to ask them if these emails are legitimate.

The scammer used the name Gustavo Pavese. They conducted an interview via the Microsoft Teams app. The next day they provided a job offer. They requested, in addition to the information they already had, my full address and confirmed my email address. They also asked the name of my bank to ensure it was an accepted bank with their payroll department. They emailed a job offer to be signed to my email address. The offer included $15/hr training as well as a standard pay of $35/hr as well as benefits. I noticed there was no address listed in the offer or associated email addresses listed within the contact section of the offer. I thought that may have been a simple typo. I advised I had completed the offer by adding my signature and had sent the signed offer back. We continued our conversation where they mentioned I would need equipment to work, which would include a MacBook Pro laptop, fast-speed internet etc. They then stated they would be sending me a check via email to cover the cost of said equipment. They stated I was to deposit the check and then purchase said equipment from their preferred vendor. As a requirement, I would need to submit the check via mobile deposit to my bank and send a snapshot of the deposit slip, as well as send copies of the receipts from purchasing any equipment. At this point, I contacted my bank to discuss the potentiality of this being a scheme to commit fraud. My bank advised me this could be "a man in the middle mobile deposit scheme." If I had continued, this scammer would have access to my banking information and also I may have been at fault for cashing any checks and spending the money.

My son was looking for a "Work From Home" job and inquired to an ad from Momentum Financial Services Group. A man named Ben A. Wohlforth, hiring manager (276-221-9578) contacted him via text to confirm that they had reviewed his resume and to setup a Microsoft Teams account for the interview. After interview, no video, there was only text communication. My son was notified that he should expect a fedex offer letter in the mail along with a check to purchase software needed to do this job. He was notified with a FedEx tracking number, which the day after a delay in shipment was received. When my son notified Ben of the delay notification, Ben offered to resend via USPS. My son received the FedEx with a check and offer of employment contract, for $4600, then also received the second check and letter for $4217. Letter addressed different people and different amounts. Check was deposited, flagged by the bank, never cleared. Then Ben asked my son to cover $2400 for the purchase of the software needed and wire the funds to him. This is where all communication stopped. Last text message was sent to Ben to advise him that we realize the scam and authorities were notified. Ben never texted back.

They offered me a position starting asap through LinkedIn with the check for first week’s pay and instructions to send a money order for supplies.


They offered me a work from home job, then sent me a check for $4,980 saying it was partially my first weeks pay (even though I hadn’t even been interviewed yet) and the rest was for equipment through their “associate gadget supplier.” After doing research and finding out this is a very common scam tactic, I did not cash the check.

I received an email regarding an application I submitted (never submitted one). Was referred to a personal assistant position. Was very sketchy and seemed unprofessional and was told I would receive a check to purchase the materials I would need.

I’m writing to tell you more about the responsibilities of the position.

Apologies if Sophie has already filled you in, but I just wanted make sure you have all the information you need.

As Project manager, you’ll be responsible for up to 5 companies in your area. The job does not involve prospecting for

or working with new clients. Our existing client companies will be transferred to you from our NY office. The precise number of companies

will depend on the type of business they do and their transportation needs. So you’ll be working not less than 40 hours a week.

There will be the occasional, short business trip. These won’t normally require you to travel over night, but it can happen.

Trips will be local and always within your state.

The company’s priority areas are currently: Pacific zone (WA-OR-CA), Central zone (NM-TX), Lake Michigan zone (IL-IN-MI-OH)

and South Atlantic (NC-SC-GA-FL). the local starting dates and locations should reach you by the end of month.

Head Office is still deciding on the final details.

You may work from home or from the office, whichever is more convenient for you. We are happy to cover the cost of relocation,

or to provide all of the equipment you will need to work from home. You will be in direct touch with customs authorities,

insurance companies and many other organizations on a daily basis. Additionally, you'll be responsible for checking the

client's account and making sure that everything is in order. To avoid delays at customs, it is your job to see that all

taxes and port charges are paid on time and in strict accordance with the terms of the contract. At the present time,

all you have to do is read the studies carefully, make sure you understand everything and ask questions as soon as possible

if you don’t. During stage 2, the course material will become more specific and you’ll be assigned to one of our departments.

The current rate of pay for this W-2 position is $96K/year ($1,845/week) plus bonuses and benefits.

The salary will rise up to $98,000 on the second year of employment and up to $99,500 on third.

It will not increase after third year. Bonuses, which will normally be around 15% of your salary, are paid annually in December.

Benefits include full Health insurance coverage (United Health), dental insurance (including regular checkups and preventive care),

free eye tests and expenses for new glasses or contact lenses. We also offer a 401K program "50% of the first 6%".

Health insurance is fully covered for you and one family member, partial coverage for one more close family member.

And there are 18 sick/PTO days included.

The dates of the 2nd stage training and final interview are flexible. Several options are available for you to choose from.

Training sessions will be held in August and September.

Courses start every other Monday, so choose the one that suits you best. You must come not later than the end of next month

in order to complete the work required to gain the necessary qualifications. You will be on the payroll from the first

day of your stage 2 training. So the sooner you enroll the better.

All courses are held in New York. So, you won't have to fly to Zurich. I’ll call you to by the end of next week to discuss

the options available for the 2nd stage dates and to take your reservation. Please note: Atom Transportation will cover all your expenses.

And the last thing I'd like to mention. I understand that at this moment you probably think that it's a "too good to be true" offer,

but according to our statistics 30% of new employees leave after first 6 months of employment. The truth is it's a difficult career,

increasingly heavy workload, may take more than 40 hrs/week, you'll be studying all the time for next two years, you'll have to travel

to New York and to our main office in Europe. I hope that you understand all aspects of the position and looking forward

to a successful cooperation.

Thank you,

David Cotton, Human Resources - (929) 593-3839

Atom Transportation (U.S.A) Co., LTD

380 Lexington Ave., New York, NY 10168

I’m writing to let you know that I’ve set up an interesting project for you in our procurement department – something to keep you occupied and earn you some pocket-money whilst you’re doing the training. We’re currently opening a new office in Asia and they need several items of equipment – things like laptops, cameras and phones. Apparently, our procurement department won’t be able to find any reasonably priced suppliers for at least another month, and obviously the office needs the equipment in order to be up and running in time for the official opening. The department have therefore decided to take on part-time managers to source the necessary items until they sign a permanent agreement with the suppliers.The job will mainly involve purchasing computer equipment online – laptops, scanners, printers and the like. Finance will send you a manual explaining how to access funds and make payments. If you have any questions in that area, please contact them immediately. As well as your salary, they will also be sending your commission on a weekly basis. You won’t be required to share any of your personal information.

Someone I'm a mentor for found a job listing on Zip Recruiter for a work-from-home job doing accounting data entry for PrimePay. They applied for the job and communicated with the person via Telegram. They were told $15/hr for training and $25/hr once they were trained. They were given a list of equipment that would need to be purchased from the company's supplier, which included an Apple laptop, a printer with fax capabilities, and several other items. They were told that they would be emailed a check for these supplies, which would need to be printed out & deposited into their bank account. The body of the email that was sent is below. There were 2 PDFs attached, one for the front of the check and one for the back. I including a photo of the front of the check, but it looks like I can only upload one file, so there's not one for the back, as the front seemed more important.

From: FINANCIAR OFFICER <[email protected]>

Date: Wed, Aug 2, 2023 at 3:18 PM


To: [I removed my mentee's email for privacy reasons]

To deposit the check, please follow these steps:

1. Print the check using a colour printer and cut it out from the paper. You should cut the check back from the grey line.

2. log in to your mobile app and select "Deposit" from the main menu.

3. Choose the account you want to deposit the check into.

4. Enter the check amount and verify the details from the check.

5. Hold your mobile device over the front of the check until it appears in a frame on your screen. The app will take a photo for you.

6. Repeat the previous step for the back of the check.

7. Submit your deposit request.

8. Wait for confirmation from your bank.

Please note that after you submit your deposit request, do not try to deposit the check again as it is only good for one payment.</[email protected]>

Reached out about a high-paying Regional Purchasing manager position, saying that the purpose of the role was to send goods while lowering tax liability of the goods. After submitting my resume and cover letter, I received the following, which appears word for word as another scam post under the name IBAU Export GBHM LLC. This scam appears to claim that it will pay off outstanding balances on your credit card while using stolen checking information to pay off the balances.

I am pleased to offer you the position of Regional Branch Purchasing Manager in

VDC EXPORT GMBH USA LLC. Please review the detailed description below:

Job Description

Purchasing Manager



Job Status: Full-Time/Part-Time

Location: California Job title: Purchasing Manager

Position Overview:

It is a part/full-time professional position. You could start with part-time employment and continue into full-time, if you need the flexibility. This work-at-home position is responsible for generating purchase orders using the Company's money, compiling reports, preparing shipments, and other designated administrative duties. Basis salary will be $124,800.00 per year ($10,400.00 monthly) plus commission. The commission will be from 10% up to 25% of a purchase amount for every fulfilled assignment. Benefits include Medical, Dental, Vision, 401k, and Life Insurance.

Your primary responsibilities include: communicating with vendors regarding products and prices, product availability, service, quality, and other related issues; communicating with your Supervisor regarding vendor information as stated above; determining appropriate methods for product purchasing (from local stores/vendors or online sites), if not previously designated by the Company; prepare and process purchase orders; prepare all selected reports; place orders on a timely basis and ensure on-time delivery.

You will be responsible for the work designated by your Supervisor. You will not be required to relocate, and there will be no long-distance trip requirements. You can accomplish most of the work from home. Also, you will not be required to make any investment nor financial expense.

Desired Skills:

To succeed, you must be a self-motivated, well-organized person and a skilled speaker. This position requires that you accomplish the assignments clearly and set priorities intelligently within the defined terms. The appropriate candidate will become an integral part of our Company's development. You will succeed if you can work remotely and efficiently and plan short trips in your local area.

Probation Period Challenges:

During the probationary period, you will learn how to accomplish the assigned purchases on the Company's behalf. You will also learn how to complete your entrusted duties accurately, appropriately, within stringent guidelines, and within agreed time frames. In addition, you will act under the high standards of business process control as adopted by VDC EXPORT GMBH USA LLC in Germany. You will get training, which includes assignments to purchase goods that are not exclusive to the United States. However, challenges will be programmed in each assignment and will increase in difficulty. For example, you will get the task to purchases that require goods of limited quantity and purchases across several retailers to complete quantity requirements. Assignments can generally be completed in 1-2 hours, easily within your spare time. Also, when purchasing large oversized items, organization, delivery, and reshipment efficiencies will be essential. Please find below the detailed description of a typical first assignment under the probationary period:

Step 1: You and your Supervisor determine all required items for purchase: the assignment terms, total purchase amounts, and delivery terms and purchase locations.

Step 2: You will purchase the required items from the local or online retailers with the monies forwarded in advance to your account. All items will be defined as allowed for export without restriction. The first assignment will require purchasing electronic devices from retailers in the United States, e.g., Walmart or Best Buy. Using our help with buying the goods from the United States, foreign customers will save up to 120% on the cost of some products. And they have guaranteed original products made especially for the United States market. These savings are possible due to the different taxation systems and high import duties paid by official importers. In addition, some manufacturers use a discriminatory pricing policy, inflating prices for their goods outside of the United States up to 110%. Most United States retailers such as Best Buy, Walmart, Target, Home Depot do not allow purchases using addresses outside of the United States and credit cards issued by foreign banks. The purchased items may differ, and we will always forward the type and the number of goods beforehand. We will always respect your views and input. We have a large workload and operate in many countries. If you cannot purchase some of the items, we have many options and can always propose alternatives.

Step 3: You will send us scans or pictures of the receipts by email. Then you will send the purchased items by mail. The Company will pay all postage expenses.

Step 4: You will make a report regarding the completed assignment. The Company will provide the report form to you in advance.

Step 5: Move on to the next assignment.

Salary and Benefits:

During your probation period, you will earn a normal monthly salary and commission. You will receive your payments by check or wire transfer to your bank account following your predefined choice. For example, say you completed eight assignments during your probationary period, for $11,500.00 each:

Commission for each assignment: $1,150.00 (10% of $11,500.00)

Total assignments are done: 8

Total commission: $9,200.00 ($1,150.00 x 8)

Your monthly salary: $10,400.00

Total: $19,600.00

In this example, you will receive a total payment of $19,600.00 within one week after the end of the three-week probationary period. In addition, there may be an option of receiving your commission after every fulfilled assignment.

If you decide to accept this position under the above-stated terms, please forward your confirmation to my email address or give me a call.

We will have to run a credit check before you start. We will not request your private information. For the background check, the data you provided us in the application form is enough.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to email me or call me at our Toll-Free number +1.877.557.7288. I am at your disposal from 10:00 to 13:00 and from 14:00 to 18:00 (ET). I can call you if you send me your phone number and availability by email.

Hello please is this a scam! I’ve received an email from them

So you know for sure if this is a scam?

They had a remote job for customer service on indeed and I applied for the position through indeed’s website. I was contacted by there recruiter Charles Barker and they wanted me to fill out a form for them with my personal information which I thought was weird since I had sent them my resume. They wanted me to enter who I banked with on this form saying they needed to make sure my bank was compatible with their payroll system. They then emailed me saying I needed to buy certain item to set up my home office and they would be sending me $980 to purchase this equipment which was an apple MacBook 13 and apple printer, shredder and other office supplies. The MacBook Pro would cost more than $980 to start with and it just all seemed fishy to me. I ended contact immediately.

Scam job sent check for 2500 then wanted me to Zelle to pay for software

I was job hunting on a few different sites. I received an email from [email protected] about an interview on zoom and I had the interview and got the job. The next day they emailed me a packet of information to fill out like w4, I9, Benefits and code of conduct. I was to fill them all out and email them back. I did. The next day I received 2 cashiers checks. 1 for equiptment and 1 for a hiring bonus. They were overnighted to me from fed ex. I deposited them into my account by mobile deposit since my bank was closed. I later got a notification from my bank that the checks were alterd and they were closing my bank account. Which they did. I tried to contact Emelie Nassen but she never responded. We didn't talk on the phone because of a language issue, she was supposedly in Sweden. I checked the company out, her name with them and her facebook, the routing number and addresss on the checks matched so I didn't feel it was a scam. What scammer thinks to send out all that information, wow.

They are called a "world class import-export company as a worldwide shipping of items. I was offered the position of regional purchasing manager. The tactis they used is to ask you for a credit card that belongs to you and if there is a balance on the card, supposedly, they are the ones who cover the balance so your card can be available to make purchases. The problem is that the form of payment they are using to cover your balance is from checking accounts that are stolen from other customers. So be aware of this company, they are really a scammers


well its started off like a legit job but I was a little weirded out and should've trusted my gut feeling because I save a copy of all the companies i apply for but this is the only one I don't have an application email. the one that first reached out was alyssa becker, than lisnday bradley and kristen huggins, Astrid Weismann. Alyssa number is 401 682 7193, Astrid number is 203 344 7751. and they would send a check so i can buy all the equipment I needed to start work. Than ask to zelle someone a 500 dollars for a office chair, a desk and a laptop.

Check fields!

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