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Sharing is caring! Are you having problems with Employment? Use ScamPulse to file a complaint.

Employment Reports & Reviews (815)

On Tuesday, January 17, 2023 at 4:30pm, I received a text message from a person named Anthony Williams claiming that he worked for Advent Healthcare. In the text, he said that my resume for their Business Data Analyst position was reviewed and the next step would be an online interview with their hiring manager, Maurice Fernandes. In another text, he gave basic information about the pay, training compensation, and the type of online work I would be doing. He claimed the work would be all online, I would be getting paid weekly or bi-weekly, and my pay would be $35.60/hour for regular work days, and $20/hour for my 2-week training. Williams inquired if I had the Zoom app because that was the platform I would need to do the online job briefing and interview. He asked for the email address linked to my Zoom account so he could email me the Zoom link needed for the interview. I sent him a text with my email and that was the end of our conversation for that day.

The next day on Wednesday, January 18, 2023, at 7:01am, I received a text from Williams saying that I needed to set up a Zoom account using the email address I sent and to add Maurice Fernandes as a contact once I log in. Shortly after a Zoom invitation was sent to my email asking to connect with Advent Healthcare. Once I was able to log in and connect with Advent Healthcare, I immediately received a Zoom message from Advent Healthcare. The message was confirming that the person was Maurice Fernandes and that they are the hiring manager based out in Miami, Florida. The remainder of this conversation played out through the Zoom chat feature. Fernandes asked for my name, age, and current location then continued to ask employer questions like my eligibility to work in the states, my citizenship, and my wpm average. After the introductory questions, Fernandes begin explaining the job details, requirements, and compensation more in detail. I noticed that the pay had changed according to the amount Williams gave me through text. Fernandes stated that the pay would be $75.60/hour and $40/hour for training. After explaining the information about the company, my pay/benefits, and my duties he continued on with interview questions through the chat features on Zoom. After the interview questions, Fernandes said that he had to send my responses to the “Superior Department” for evaluation. He said that the process should take 15-20 minutes and that I should come back online during that time. About 30 minutes later Fernandes came back online and stated that I was automatically hired for the position and that training would start as soon as HR emails me my paperwork and documentation. Fernandes then asked for my full name, mailing address, city, state, zip code, phone number, and email address to send to his secretary to enlist me on their company registrar. After sending the information, Fernandes said that a $200 payment needed to be issued from me for the software. Fernandes claimed the software was required to fulfill my job duties and that my money would be reimbursed through a signing bonus. When I questioned about this information being sent to my email in more detail, I received a final text from Fernandes saying that their company would provide me with all the information I needed to know. Shortly after, I was no longer able to message Fernandes through the Zoom chat and the cell phone number Williams used to text me, had become disconnected.

During this entire situation, I never seen or heard Anthony Williams or Maurice Fernandes. All interactions were through a text feature (SMS and Zoom chat). Additional information that was given to me during the hiring process was Maurice Fernandes’ alleged email which is [email protected].

The scammer contacted me via phone and offered me a job interview, for data entry clerk. He told me that he had found me on Career Builders. Said that he felt I had the qualifications for the job. He had me download WhatsApp and we started the interview. It was fast paced and I read everything through acknowleged that I read it and we finished the Interview. He told me that he needed to run my responses by the Board of Directors. and that it will take 30 mins. He then told me that it will take until the next day (saturday).

He then told me that I got the job and that I needed to fill out some paperwork. I filled it out It wasn't to damning. He then sent me a list of the equipment and software that would be supplied to me by the comapny. Wanted my drivers license and SSN. He then wanted a selfie of me to determine that it was me. SO for it all still seemed legit. Then he started to tell m that a check would arrive for me and that I was to deposit it into my bank. I was to take 200$ as a sign on bonus and use the rest to by equipment and software for the job. This was my first read flag. This was on Saturday. Sunday morning I get a whatsapp message from him and sends me a picture of himself that looks posed and in a suit. He wanted me to know what he looked like. This was red flag number 2. since this was more like fishing and feeling a tug. He was tugging on the bait. He then asks what I am weraing. This was the final red flag. I reverse serched the image of his picture and found that I was a guy on instagram that wasnt the person he claimed to be a Mr. Micheal GIlbert. He did get my SSN from me which I know better and should have listened to my radar of this isn't right.

Person toll me to download Telegram Messenger and then started interviewing me about a position as a Data Entry Agent and then mailed me a check $4,955 through UPS and had me deposit it. The check bounded and they tried to take my money. I called my bank and had them reverse the charge.

The scammers, Mammoth Marketing Group, have been calling a family member about a supposed job for which they wanted her to bid on to provide certain materials and labor. My family member is not a contractor, but works for one. The scammers call at least once a day, using different phone numbers. My family member has not answered the calls, and I block them as they come in. We do not know anything about the scammers other than what is posted on their website and the fact that I have contacted you, the BBB, to confirm that they are scammers.

I applied for a mystery shoppers job. I received a email this morning telling me that I was accepted and had the job. Then they started asking for address telephone number and the banking information. That’s when the red light popped on and I decided to call the number no one would answer so I texted the number again still no answer and they emailed me again saying send information. So my respond then was I was going to contact the local police department then I got a text that said noted.

I was offfered job with Real Health MD (King of Prussia, PA) via LinkedIn and was later emailed once application was received. I was told that I passed the initial assessment and that they would mail me a check to purchase equipment needed for the job. I received a check for $4300 ($4000 for equipment and $300 for a bonus) and was told to deposit the check and wait for further instructions on how to get the equipment from the vendor. The reason the check was mailed was so that I could receive the equipment needed faster than if they were to purchase and send the equipment to me.

December 19,2022 I was contacted via email by the hr manager for InterWise name Ava Allison. I had the interview and was informed about the job description and the title of the job. I was emailed documents to sign which I provided with my personal information. Upon starting the job I was informed to download an app called telegram because that is how I will be in contact which my trainer Jason Lee. I was told that I would be paid a salary of 2,500 of each month. I started my training and in the beginning I was looking at videos and given quizzes until I was told that I would have to provide bitcoin information from different machines as well as open a personal account and a business account which I would have to make an LLC in my name which I refused. Upon refusing the LLC I was blocked from the app and I tried contacting the hr manager to find out the number is disconnected.

This person calling themself "Ingarra Joseph" acted as the Hiring Manager of Nextgen Healthcare and conducted an interview with me. I was skeptical at first, but optimistic about the job offer, I gave out my personal info (name, address, email, cell #, scan of driver's license for ID verification) due to believing this was legitimate. Once he started discussing sending a check to pay for software and how I'd have to "transfer the remaining to the shipping agent to effect Shipping Logistics for your Equipment Listed above" is when I searched for scams and found this. After telling him I'd like to verify with headquarters he became more insistent and told me to report to him online tomorrow morning for updates on the check and getting started with work. When I showed him the link to the scam report he told me "no issues" and that he was part of the team that reported it, and said I can pass if I wanted to.

This individual contacted me thru my personal email I had been searching for work from home. Offered a interview had all our interactions via Skype sent me an offer letter and after research account checked out. I searched YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, tiktok, BBB, the website for Service Now. On the 10th day when I was supposed to get paid I could no longer reach the person that was my recruiting manager and I had already given my information for my direct deposit so of course at first he deposit money and then a few days later took it back after he made me purchase equipment that's supposed to be able to be needing to complete my job as a Virtual Administrative Assistant. When confronted about the money being returned he said thr company working on the deposit. When payday came this manager would not answer me and my bank began to call about the credit line being increased and how the $3,000 dlr deposit had been returned. I was so nervous and wanted to die!!! I was never able to get a hold of him again I had to make a police report, left me OVER $5,000 dlrs in debt.

I am supposed to get paid on Monday and I see now that it will not happen. The experience has been sketchy.

Contracted through my university email about an offer for a personal assistant job that wouldn't interfere with my studies. Took me to a link to Google Forms to include my name, email, address, sex, and available times to work (morning, afternoon, and evening). They offered $350 for 2 hours of work like running errands or data analysis. After 24 hours, I was contacted on my email by a person named Mike Bauer (email: [email protected]) saying that I got the job. There were various grammatical errors and the email originally showed up in my spam folder. He said was from a business named MB Consulting and that for the next couple of weeks and the first was to buy gifts for three Orphanages he was regularly donated to. The information he asked for to confirm my position was: Do you have an existing savings/checking account where you will deposit your check? If Yes What's the name of the Bank: Reconfirm your present local address for mail delivery, Full Name (To be written on the check), and Address, What is your Mobile # that receives text msg?, Do you know to initiate a mobile deposit? Current Occupation, Do you have a printer?. After answering the questions, I began realizing how fishy this entire exchange was and looked up the business to find nothing that matched the description he named. Immediately after, I blocked the contact and forwarded the email to anti-phishing organizations. Please do not fall for job scams like this that sound like they are too good to be true, because they are.

I was told I would receive packages to my house to inspect. Once package is Received I open take pictures of the packing list and barcodes of products then upload and once I was provided with a shipping label I was to send out the package to the site located on shipping label then upload receipts. Being told I’ll be paid 30days after start date due to probationary period.

same as previous description happened exactly

They only communicate through Skype. They do the same thing Matrix labs. They will send you a 5k check in your first 3 days of communication. They will contact you all hours of the day and or night. Will asking you to kindly do things. They will send you a w4 to get all your personal information. They will have your ssn & living address. Will email you a printout of a check then ask you to Mobil upload it kindly.

She initially stated she ran a tax business and sent me courses to take to make a seasonal career in my future and I wasn’t buying the merchandise they advertised I posted it and marketed like I was supposed to and she sent me a laptop to use to file taxes for clients on then one day said she needed it for a tech diagnostic test which I thought was normal for a device leasing company little did I know is when I denied to pay for a shirt someone made after they picked up the laptop I was removed from every platform they had and still to this day I’m seeing the woman has changed her name on Facebook nobody that was previously in the group will answer me and I’m noticing the numbers that were sent to me were all being answered by one person she told me her name was Dominique nuun or something then changed her name to Melanie Scott. I was compensation for the MONTHS I spent preparing, training and all that spent time marketing myself and pushing myself out my zone for a company that was scamming me THROUGH THE IRS


Dear **** *******,

Sanoosa Pharmaceutical Limited is pleased to offer you a Full -Time position as a Customer

Service Representative. Your skills and experience will be an ideal fit for the job. Your start date

will be 23rd January, 2023. The starting salary is $35.75 per hour and is paid on a Weekly basis via

Direct Deposit.

Your job description will be to interact with potential customers to provide and process

information in response to inquiries, help resolve any customer complaints, concerns and

requests about our services. Your primary objective is to ensure excellent service standards and

maintain high customer satisfaction. Build positive relationships with them. You'll be handling

inbound calls. Keeping your customers happy should be your top priority.

As a Full-Time employee, you are also entitled to standard company benefit package which

includes 401k, Health & Dental, Employee Wellness, Short-term disability, Paid Time Off and

Holidays. The Benefits are attained in stages and eligibility for these benefits is 60 days of

working effectively with us here.

Sanoosa Pharmaceutical Limited offers a flexible paid time-off plan which involves vacation,

personal and sick leave. Time off accrues at the rate of 3days per month for your first year, then

increases based on your tenure with the company. Eligibility for the company retirement plan

begins 60 days after your start date.

Please let me know if you have any questions or I can provide any additional information.

If you choose to accept this job offer, please sign below and return to me at your earliest



Marlena Camp

HR Officer

Sanoosa Pharmaceutical Limited

Hello ****,

On behalf of the Nine9 family, I am beyond excited to welcome you as a new talent with Nine9! You have joined a united group of dynamic individuals who are here to provide you with tools and resources to help you succeed in your industry pursuits. If you haven't done it yet, you want to login to your account, update your password and complete your profile as soon as possible.

Go to and then your current login details are:

Username: *******

Password: *******

As an FYI, your Username is also your Talent ID.

If you have general questions or ever need assistance, feel free to reach out to us. Talent & Client Services is here for you and always looking to help! We will also be proactively seeking projects to submit you to, which is why getting your profile set-up properly is so important.

The Talent & Client Services team is available Monday thru Friday from 9:30AM to 6:00PM Eastern time.

We can be reached via:

- Live Chat when logged into your account

- Email at [email protected]

- Phone by calling 800-989-1490

Once your profile is set up, you will be ready to start submitting yourself to castings as well. New castings are added daily so, to get the most out of your Nine9 account, it is recommended to sign in as frequently as possible as castings do have an expiration date.

If you haven't had a chance to download our free eBook, you can do that by visiting

Also, I've attached the Nine9 Proven Process to help guide you in your journey with us so check that out and we love to hear of our talent's success so, as they happen, be sure to share yours with us!

Welcome to Nine9!

Justin and the rest of the Nine9 family

Talent & Client Services

Nine9 The UnAgency

640 N Old Woodward Ave

Suite 301

Birmingham, MI 48009


[email protected] |

Ok. Kindly download the signal private Messenger app from the App store on your smartphone device. For a PC, kindly visit the webpage to download.

Setup a profile with your phone number and notify me once completed.

Ok good. Kindly add her contact and begin a chat with the Interviewer on signal private Messenger app saying "I'm ready for the interview", by Using the details below:

Name: Melissa Thomas.

Signal Phone: +1 507 479-1330

Your interview code for the interview process is (IMI-22). Let me know once you have sent her a message. Ok?


Date: 1/17/2023 4:30:21 PM Eastern Standard Time

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Sent from the Internet (Details)

Hello I am James matthew , I am happy to inform you that you have

successfully been

shortlisted into the program after going through your details. Our

auto wrap concept is sponsored by individuals/companies/corporate


A start-up check of $1950 will be issued on your name by one of

our sponsors and mail to your address. via courier service

The amount covers your first week pay ($600.00) and the installer's

charges. Your subsequent pay check will be $600.00 weekly after the

wrap has been installed.

You are required to deposit the start-up check into your bank account

and when it clears you will deduct your first week pay and send the

balance to the installer. This is to afford mutual relationship

between you and the installer. The balance which you are required to

send to the installer is the payment for the Auto-Wrap installation,

maintenance and removal.

As soon as they receive the funds, they will contact you to schedule

appointment on when to come over to your location or preferred

location to have the wrap installed.

In view of this, please confirm the following details;

How long do you intend to carry the advertisement on your car?

One (1) month, two (2) months or three (3) months?

Do you use your car everyday?

Do you have a bank account where you can deposit/cash the check ?

NB: You will be informed when the start-up check has been mail out to you

and an inspection agent will come over to your location from time to

time to monitor if you still have the wrap on your car for the period

which you stated. Your swift response is needed to this email as soon

as you get it so as to expedite the commencing of the processing.

Thank you

name social address

Check fields!

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