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F and F Management INC.

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F and F Management INC. Reports & Reviews (336)

These people are so dishonest. They would not give me the name of the original creditor. When they did they gave me a name of a company that does not have a phone number or way to contact. In addition to that they told me if I wanted this off my credit I would have to pay them $400.00. I told them I had no problem paying my bills but I did not owe anyone any money especially a loan company. They called back about an hour later and offered me $200.00 settlement or it would go up to $1400.00.


I hope relief is coming soon in the form of fraud accounts being removed for all affected by F and F Management's reporting to Transunion. I just spoke to a Senior Counsel rep for the Enforcement Division at California Department of Financial Protection & Innovation. They have multiple reports of F and F's reporting bogus accounts. She said they are investigating and gathering information (like the certified letters I sent F and F). You crooks have ruined hard working peoples' credit with your greed. All of you should be prosecuted and thrown in jail...or off a cliff.


I am going to file with an attorney. They called and threatened legal action. Then they tried to extort money by stating that if I did not pay them they would leave it on my credit and report it to Experian and Equifax. I value my credit score. This is something they are telling me from 2011. The supervisor got on the phone today and told me that if I did not take care of this then it would just get worse. They would garnish my wages

I talked to an attorney from the dfpi in California she said they are getting complaints from all over the country

I received this notice from the BBB about F and F management, which placed a collection on my credit report. I would like it removed. But don’t know how since they could not be located. Anyone else have this issue? How did you get it resolved or removed from your credit report?


F&F Management / 12 MYCASHNOWCOM INC. scam hit my TransUnion credit report July 29. I noticed the event on my Credit Karma account and know the charge is bogus. I have done the following:

1) Disputed the F&F Management/12 MYCASHNOWCOM INC. collection claim to TransUnion
2) Filed a complaint with
3) Filed a complaint with BBB where F&F has an "F" Rating - /> 4) Filed a complaint with
5) Reviewed the FTC site - Banned Debt Collectors F&F should be on here soon!

My next actions:
1) Call Transunion and speak live to address my complaint against F&F
2) Call an FCRA Attorney and send a Debt Validation Letter
3) Join class action lawsuit against F&F via


I contacted a lawyer. The lawyer told me not to take any of their calls. They are not calling me but they refused to remove the charge and Transunion is backing them. I have sent certified letter to F &F and to Transunion. I have filed with the BBB . Nothing!
Transunion told me to pay the debt. I told them that the debt is not mine. I am not going to have some extort money from me. This is insane.

F & and F Management added something to my credit report claiming I opened an account 6/2021. They say I had an Allied Cash Advance Loan in 2011(the 1st representative I spoke to slipped up and gave that information in my first call to them). The next person I spoke to LIED and said they don’t have the original loan date or the payment agreement information. They are refusing to provide me with any paperwork to verify this debt belongs to me! The person I spoke to was VERY NASTY, in trying to force me to pay a $683.25 (via CREDIT CARD, of course ?)debt that from what I can tell is NOT VALID. Yesterday July 29, 2021, they send me a demand letter dated June 02, 2021. Even though Wednesday (7/28/21) was the first time I’d heard of or spoken to them. And I only have until the close of business today to pay! HOW IS TRANSUNION ALLOWING THIS?! I worked hard to get my credit back on track. Only to have a bogus collection from this scam company show up! TransUnion should be ashamed for allowing this. Judging by the rest of these comments, I’m going to go ahead and start my search for an attorney.


This is what happened to me I was surprised when F&F management admitted the allied account was from 2011 and said 2016 was when they BROUGHT the debt from allied. Yet F &F posted on my credit report the debt was from 2016 good luck ive been fighting this for a month now and with all my proof from allied etc Transunion will not remove the debt I sent a debt verification letter and If no response I will then contact a lawyer.

Mr and Mrs Franco should know we will find them.


I was shocked to see these scammers hit me. They opened some random account in May 2021 in my name, and I seem to owe $1501.36 ... Here's the sad part, you work hard, I'm trying to buy a house and built my credit way up in the last 2 years, and this scam company F&F just knocked my score down for some bogus [censored] collection that I have no idea about. The crazy thing is, if TransUnion took 1 minute of time to look at the facts, we wouldn't be getting scammed. I have 2 years of on-time payments, why would I choose to miss the one that was opened 2 months ago if it was really me? How do we as consumers fight them? What recourse do we have? I have a lot to say to this scam company if you can ever reach them!




Susanatabc My story is very similar to yours. I sent F&f a debt validation letter a couple of weeks ago and am still waiting for their response. They also say I have a debt with them from Allied Cash. I used allied over 10 years ago and went to allied personally and they printed out where I took out a loan with them in 2010 and where the loan had been discharged because I filed bankruptcy a month later. I contacted f&f because this loan is showing on my credit report as begining in 2016 but F &f claims 2016 is when THEY purchased the debt but the debts original start date was 2011..I filed yet another dispute with transunion providing this info. It appears transunion is very defensive about this company that only reports to them. Also filed a complaint in California because this company is parking a debt on my report.

I have an account that was recently posted to my credit report from this company. I have no knowledge of this debt. I contacted Transunion and they will not give me any additional information nor will they remove it from my report. If its mine I don't have a problem paying but give me the information that says its my debt.


They added to my report as well, on my credit report it says I took a loan out on 6/01/21 and defaulted by 6/29/21?! I have not taken any loans out in over 20 years so I called TransUnion and they said that I took a loan out in 2017 with Allied cash which is false, that is one of those crazy payday loans that when I was young I might have gone to but at almost 60, with 100's of thousands in my 401k and over 55 in 2017 there is no way I would have gone and done something as stupid as a payday loan. How they can allow this company to make up dates and add false data to your file is beyond me and they need to be stopped. From the 100's of complaints I am not the only one, TransUnion is the only agency that allows this to happen so do they own this company? Is TransUnion and F&F one and the same I wonder?

I noticed that the posting by "jakepeople" copied and pasted my posting, but added a FAKE number to call. DO NOT CALL THAT NUMBER, IT'S A SCAM. I guess the scammers are jumping on this site too.

Please use the link under my user name or go directly to the website to file a complaint directly.

Susanatabc: Yes, I believe Transunion is somehow involved since they are the only credit bureau reporting these fraudulent debts. I have filed 3 different disputes with Transunion and according to them, they have all been "verified" as valid debts even though I have never had Providian account in my life.


I filed with the dfpi in ca and they forwarded my complaint to the appropriate agency in my state, I just got word from them, I will let you know what they find out - complaint #49901

thank you for your direction on this!

i filed 3 disputes online with transunion to no avail, I just did one over the phone with them and am waiting for that. I filed a report with the BBB and here, as you suggested . I will let you know the outcome but this is nuts, ONLY transunion allows this scam to be put on their site. When I called them they said I took a tiny payday loan out at allied in 2017, at that time I was over 54 and able to withdraw from my 401K or take a loan out, it was entirely unnecessary for my to go to some scammy payday loan place , this is a bald faced lie that ONLY transunion is allowing to happen. It is illegal and they really need to be stopped. Let me know what happens with you and I will as well and I will file anywhere else I need to, just let me know, thanks

I have also been dealing with these scammers and am currently working with someone from the California Department of Financial Protection & Innovation in building a case against F&F Management.

Everyone please file a complaint on the link below
And give as much detailed information about these scammers as possible.

The person helping me can be reached at (213)503-0457, but please everyone file a complaint first.


Thank you for this info. Im filing a complaint against F & F management. I called the number they left and cussed them out and the lady/man said I sound like a Karen. LOL

ok, I submitted this! It is illegal what they are doing, they bought debt over 20 years old in some cases and put a false date of 6/01/21 on the loan and sent it to collections on 6/29/21. ONLY transunion is allowing this scam to appear on their reports though so that is very suspicious and it looks like they are in on this scam as well?

thank you I will, do you believe transunion is in cahoots with them? They are the only agency putting this old debt that has been settled back on our credit reports?

This is just another collection agency collecting on debt. No scam here. I did take out a payday loan a few years back with allied cash advance (check n go) and didn't pay it. I thought it went away but i guess not. I called this company and settled the account for 50% of the amount i owed. I suggest you all do the same. After reading all these comments its clear their accounts are legit. Just a bunch of disgruntled people who don't want to pay.

They are absolutely a complete and total scam replete with the type of messages they leave, you are obviously an employee who leaves messages for months on phantom debt or debt that has already been taken over 20 years ago saying, this is your last chance or we are coming to your work to serve you and arrest you, you are all disgusting and illegal as helllll!

Yeah they're legit, that's why they're in the process of getting sued. Nice try though you must be an employee, at least for now. lol Class action lawsuit is already underway. I suggest you look elsewhere for work.

Yeah…you work for them.

I opened 7 accounts in the past 17 years. This is a damn fact. I never truly understood the value of credit til late in my life. You know that feeling of being approved for credit when you know more than likely you’ll be declined. It feels good and there is a sense of relief. Finally, I can start to build credit.

The point is, I am AWARE of each of my accounts, when I opened them and their status. I have never missed a payment. There is no history of the 08 Bankfirst account F & F says I defaulted on. Yet they say I opened it in 2015, which exactly around the time I first started applying for credit. So if they said I opened an account with said 08 Bankfirst; it is fraudulent and/or outside of the 17 years when I did not have good credit.

I would love for you, Mr. F & F Management spokesmen; to come back an sensibly explain this one question: why won’t F & F answer their phones and letters? If they are a legit, registered debt collection agency with nothing to hide, why will/did they not 1) Forward a physical copy nor email the Validation Of Debt letter I requested the day I spoke with a representative? 2) Answer the letter the BBB of Central California sent them in regards to my matter 30 days ago? 3) Answer the letter a fraud specialist from the SC Consumer Affairs office sent them 30 days ago? (a follow up letter was been sent just this past Monday) 3) Answer their damn phone when the same specialist called their office 4 times on the same Monday?

So don’t [censored]in feed us that bull[censored] about F & F being legit. I know they don’t have to respond to the BBB and SC Consumer Affairs. But when TransUnion starts calling, F & F better pick up. My FCRA lawyer is in the preliminary stages of taking action against TransUnion. You are next F & F.

Oh…and FU, F & F cheerleader.

I havent had a payday loan in about 8-10 years now all of a sudden f&f management added a $623 debt from "12Allied" when I called I was told I owe allied cash but was not given any other information. This caused my credit score 25 points! I disputed this via credit karma and they said there was a error in my dispute and I needed to contact transunion directly. Any suggestions? Feel free to email me at howell1125@


Call this number (503) 222-2000 he is a lawyer that's involved in the class action lawsuit against this scam company f & f management.

Is anyone having trouble getting a rep at F and F on the phone lately? I shared my horrible ordeal with this F and F Management fraud scheme on this forum. I had the BBB of Central California contact them via email, no response. Today, I spoke with an identify theft specialist at the SC Consumer Affairs office handling my complaint here in SC. She told me she called 4 times yesterday and was unsuccessful. Now they seem to be hiding. They have ruined many peoples' credit and should pay.


Ok guys
F&F management did the same thing to me saying I owed $1283 to Bank card GM which I never heard of, did the online dispute with transunion three times in a row and they kept saying “ the debt is valid”
So I wrote a certified letter to F&F management asking to show proof of this so called Bank card account, 4 days later and all of a sudden it has been removed from my credit report.
Send a certified letter asking to validate, it will be removed.


We lol they just hit me up again, placed another fraudulent collections on my account, geeez!

I have sent them 2 certified debt validation letters and have had no response at all. I now have a lawyer that's getting involved.

Could you please provide me with the address you sent the certified letter?

Thank you

F&F Management is showing I owe $363 with 12 Allied Cash Advance. I called Allied Cash Advance and they have no record of a loan with them. I asked them about the number 12 in the front of thier name and they said they're unaware of the number 12. I knew before calling I that I did not have any loans open with them or anyone else for that matter. I looked up the number to F&F Management and the line just keeps ringing. I disputed it through the credit buearu and at this point I don't know what to do. My husand and I JUST applied for a home loan last week so I don't know how this is going to affect me. If there is a lawsuit out there against them let me know what I need to do to be a part, thank you.


the exact same thing happened to me! I JUST bought a home and closed on 6/10/21, they put in a claim for 12Allied Cash too! I have never had a loan with them, i havent had a mark against my credit now in over 5 years! They do this on purpose, I think they find people buying homes! Luckily it didnt hit my credit until AFTER we closed, show your agent this, so many people are being duped by this fake corporation, it is awful and this only shows up on Transunion? Are they in on this scam I wonder? So weird

Hello Renea im dealing with the exact same situation with them, im active duty military and i happen to live less than 45 minutes from Joel And Blanca Franco, im preparing my lawsuit to have them served

I have been building my credit.
I do not take out check loans or pay day.
I do not own Checks.
I pay everything In cash. Just got cards to build credit. They are not telling the truth. I want proof. Scammers. Delete off my credit.


I have been building my credit , I have not opened anything, I have only 1 loan , I don't have any cards or even a debit card at that and this company is saying I have an open account with comenity bank with an outstanding balance of 272 which i do not and I have never heard of that bank it hit my credit report June 1st 2021 and I want it removed , I spent all this time building my credit for some scam to come along and ruin it .. makes me so sick to my stomach I have disputed this with transunion and they did nothing.. someone please help


I am in the same boat... They did to me in May 2021 for $1501! What do consumers do when this happens? It's pathetic. TransUnion does nothing. Who do we call, write, protest to? Has anyone had success in getting these scammers F&F exposed?

I am dealing with the same thing. I recently started building up my credit to purchase a new vehicle. I busted my butt to pay off student loans and now I have this crap. I contacted comenity bank and they have no record of any accounts under my name or my social security #. They also could not understand how this company could have a collection claim from them, against me when they have no record of an account. And their system searches back 10 years with a social.

This people made my credit drop and saying that am in collection make waist my time with my stuff

Scamming people with fake collections accounts.


I'm about to file a lawsuit against them. All of you should too. Total Scam going on and Transunion is a part of it obviously. It's going to be a big case against Transunion and F&F management and the more people that get in on it the better.


Please count me in! My credit score has dropped 48 pts because of this nonsense!

Count me in

Count me in as well, as I’ve disputed it twice know with TransUnion and they say that it’s non disputable!

count me in! Same thing, first the ridiculous messages saying they were sending the police to my work to arrest me, I have never had a loan at the place they are saying I did but this hit my transunion credit report on 6/01/21!

Please count me in also, these guys are straight scamming people and have to be stopped

Count me in the lawsuit

there is about to be

Is there a class action suit going on? I'm being scammed also..

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40960 California Oaks Rd., Murrieta, CA 92562, USA



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