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Government grant

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Government grant Reports & Reviews (666)

The supposed agent claims that this is a government program giving out money for different things but one has to pay $500-$600 to have a $38,500 dollar check hand delivered to you. The agent claims to be "Agent Mrs. Susan Williams A."

i was looking threw people i may know sugestion from facebook, because my account was hacked over a month ago, the way that happened is they said they were a friend of who is blind. they said that she got a new phone and had to be varified by a friend so they would send a code to me by text. she said she needed it to get her account back. so i gave her the code and the next time i tried to sign in i could not get in. the code i gave her was a code for my account and they got in and changed my pass word, then they were doing the same thing to friends of mine telling them i got a new phone and that i needed the code to get into my account, and then i am sure they did the same thing to them changed the pass word and locked them out. so that is how i new that the people that were texting me were using a counter fit account, so i didn't bite on the scamm, i told them i would call her or have my sister stop by to have a look at the deposit that she was supposed to have gotten. so i turned that account into facebook.

He asked for my name and asked me to send him money through Google play at store for $100 to $200 card

Ofreciendo una subvención gratuita por parte del gobierno de 13,900 dólares

Ok I was referred by a family member Cindy *******( Cindy Muick/ to what was supposed to be a grant for the elderly. I should have know but wasn't expecting the sudden urge to purchase gift cards in the amt of 1000 dollars. Then my grant of 100000 would be delivered by FedEx within 24 hrs. When I sent them copies of the gift card they contacted me by messenger ( mind you she had changed her FB profile) and wasn't able to reach her. The family member who told me to search her on the new profile assured me she would answer me. profile.php?I'd=1000952491796808mibextid=LQQJ4d

- Memphis, TN, USA

A friend of mine recommended me to this guy Bernard Stevens to me on Facebook. I trusted my friend and he told me as a senior I would be eligible for a united way grant. I received Bernard info and I became skeptical when he told me that in order for me to get the grant money I would need to pay money. I decided to call my local and was told it was a scam.

The scammer used the name and account of my old friend on messenger in facebook. Said she had gotten large amount of money from the government. Said she had gotten it delivered by Federal Express. She gave me a name to contact through messenger: Andrew Santors. Page show a picture of the man with a United States flag behind him.

He explained that it was a government program. He sent me a list of amounts I could choose from to give the delivery man and depending on the amount I gave I would get a certain amount in the package. For example, If I gave 750.00 I would get 55,000.

I told him I was not interested. He put my friend on messenger encourange me to go ahead and do it. To not miss the chance, that she had gotten a lot of money. At this, her English became very poor. I could tell it was not her writing.

I kept saying no. He offered to send money to my favorite charities. I stopped communicating.

I have saved most of the communication and pictures in his website on my phone.

I haven't talked to my friend, but I will.

Before this friend, another one had contacted me but the contact information was not good enough for me to be able to make contact.

stated that if I send them a fully refundable deposit of $1500.00 the will give me $160,000.00 grant . delivered to my door. saying that it will not affect my SS benifits. I"m sure the bank will not cash the check. if It's legit, I'm all in for it. I'm a widow age 73. I need help and advice. Thank you

They apparently offered a grant for emergency funds and was "approved" for $5,550. But had to go through a process screening to claim funds for a deposit. But its has been 3 weeks already and no payments. The organization is called Life in Research and Development. The main legit charity group is from Michigan, but this charity that I am conversing with is from Camarillo, CA.

The scam was from small business association, grant money. I pay the amont they asked for by a agent i would get 350,000.00 for 1,500 dollars

I mistakenly gave my full name and my email address, he asked for my internet provider the ID and password, but I said I didn't have one. The scammer message me back after I gave him my information and he claim that I was approved for the grant but didn't tell me how much. Then he told me I needed to send him 1,000 for the shipping fees, I told him I didn't have it right then so he kept asking other questions like, do I have PayPal. Then he kept asking if I could pay with a Apple card and to purchase one and take a picture of it and send that. He kept pressing on and on how I could send him the money and he needed it right then, and said the grant will expire in 2 days and it would go to a charity. I really got suspicious and stopped answering his questions, this happened on Saturday July 8, 2023. After I said no, I was sorry I couldn't do it, he asked for just 50.00 now and pay on the balance. He messaged me again on Sunday and I wouldn't answer back.

I am receiving texts from Paul Stephen offering me a government grant. He said I could pay $250 and he would pay $250, so that I could get a $5000 grant. He wants me to go to the store and buy an Apple card and give him the code off the back of the card. He told me to text him when I get the card.

- Saint Louis, MO, USA

This guy sent something through Facebook Messenger, My winning money will be delivered to me by 10am today.  He wanted a picture ID of mine that was clear so they could attach it to a certificate.  I warned him if I could contact the on him.  He tells me that this is not a scam and that he is a Christian.  He instructed me to send $500.00 I would get $50,000.  I know this to be a scam.

- Columbus, OH, USA

My niece reached out to me through Facebook. She said she received a grant, she told me to contact Daniel Seale with DGHHS. He wants me to pay $3000 for a $150,000 grant from DHHS. We communicate thru messenger. I am getting messages from my niece and him. I told him that I would have to verify that she is legitimate. He is pushing me. At one time he was contacting me in all caps. I told him not to contact me in all caps, but to use proper case. I know all caps is screaming. He initially sent me an online application, which I couldn't complete. So he asked me the questions one by one and I answered them. He gave me a winning ticket number. He asked me to keep it secret until my claim was processed. he keeps saying" Do you understand?" He gave me some ID.

- Dorchester, MA, USA

Charles Kendig, lawyer, representing health and human services. Someone I thought I knew recommended I get in touch with this person, who got her 100,000 dollars from a program that helps people financially. I texted this person at 1am and he says I need to fill out forms, so he can get the money to me at my home address. I said I would get back to him this afternoon. Luckily, I came to my senses this morning.

Was contacted through friends messenger account to apply for grant and couldn’t find any information about the program

- Robeline, LA, USA

Received a DM from Facebook messenger friend Pam **** ******* to contact Craig **** about a SBA grant up to $500,000 for $5,500 in prepaid cards. Went on SBA and Facebook to look for grants then gave them copy of drivers license, and address and they know I draw social security. SBA needs to protect that website.

- Ponca City, OK, USA

Suppose to be a grant for people who need financial help .you pay so much to get so much. .i paid 300 to get 5000 then came back 200 to fedex for delivery. Then truck and money stolen had to pay another 100 then came back said 150 to fed ex for delivery. Still no grant and paid no more. Now they are saying 50 instead of 150 then my grant will be delivered. Mainly messages came thru messenger and i paid with a google play card this has been going on for almost a month. I quit talking to her tired of lies and promises with no grant I think her name is a lie also. She goes by CLAIRE D CRONIN SHE SAYS SHE WORKS WITH THE GOVERNMENT. I DOUT I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE SCAMMED BY HER

- Appleton, WI, USA

In facebook messenger, I got a message (supposedly) from my Aunt. She asked if I heard about CSBG? I said no, as I never heard of it. "She" then sent me a link to apply. It was great for her. I started to give info about myself and my husband, but then he wanted money to pay for delivery fees, etc. I was told I would be sent a big amount of money for community service help. I told him no thanks. I checked with my aunt and my aunt never sent anything!! She doesn't know how this happened.

- Goose Creek, SC, USA


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