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Hannah Walker Funeral Expense

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Hannah Walker Funeral Expense Reports & Reviews (50)

This [censored] calls every day regardless of the fact that I have asked to be put on the do not call list repeatedly
Cannot find this so-called company, so probably doesn’t exist & she must be using a fake name as well
She keeps changing her number too so does no good to try blocking
When I asked to speak with a manager, call was dropped
How do I stop this creep?!


Tired of this automated phone call. 4 to 7 calls a day. They're cloning phone numbers. I call the numbers back to find just your everyday Joe or Jane who answers and are completely unaware their phone number has been cloned to make unsolicited phone calls. And now in the past few days I have had 2 people call me asking why I called them. When I never called these people... My phone number is now also being cloned! This crap is illegal and no one is doing anything to stop it. Sick and tired of it.


She calls every day from a different phone number, my area code 210, so that it's impossible to block her. When I tell her she calls constantly, she denies it, stating I must be getting calls from other companies and then no matter what else I ask or say, ignores my comments and continues on with her scripted speech.


Look this Hannah Walker Chick from funeral expenses is starting to scare me. Non stop harassment 5 times or more a day. I noticed when I touch anything with meta business which is Facebook this robo caller constantly calls. I hear a bvwoop sound like a beep at first which tells me that someone is recording our answer from the get go. Watch out. Never say Hello in your own voice. I'm pretty sure these [censored] are trying to get past voice recognition in the future. Take down all American defenses through each and every civilian. WAKE UP PPL. NONE OF US ARE SAFE FROM ONLINE BOTS. The government opened us up to overseas a cpl years ago! So your bank is the least of everyone's problems. It's actually everyone involved. Look at the numbers! Thousands reported this robocaller and the fcc still hasn't shut it down. Sounds like there is no control within our own defenses. Crazy how the area code changes with Hannah. This is robbing more than your money it's your f ING identity! But we're all just a number anyway right! Pay attention to history. These overseas spammers are going to line us all up if something doesn't happen soon. And by the by when your identity is stolen you get $250 dollars after waiting years for the lawsuit! Just you loose. Who cares as long as the government can have protection but we as taxpayers civilians can't? Does anyone else feel the same way? Something has been compromised and they aren't going to [censored] about it until the wheel of fortune rolls out of their favor and into the hand of an enemy. Good luck constantly reporting your scams. Hey but, hard working law enforcement out there fighting cyber crimes and actually making a difference could use the help 😉
Hannah Walker Funeral Expense


I get calls numerous times a day from similar numbers claiming to be this company


Someone needs to find this woman and stop her from the constant robocalling from various numbers. The fate of the world depends on it.


I get one or two of these a day and they are not posted as spam. I am a real estate agent and I get calls from buyers from all over the USA. How can I stop them. I talked to some guy in Afghanistan and he said he was going to keep calling me you mother [censored]. who do I call to stop this when they are using local numbers?


I keep being harassed by this company via phone. I block their number & they call with a new one! I've asked repeatedly to be removed from their calling list & they still keep harassing me! I get a call sometimes multiple times a day from this company claiming to be a funeral expenses service. If they were legitimate they wouldn't be able to call me with now over 3 dozen numbers that are all blocked! I'm so sick of getting this call! I've asked them to stop & now the only way to sit then up quickly is to threaten reporting them to the BBB. But the fact is they still keep calling despite my threats! So I'm reporting them because I've quite frankly had enough & feel harassed this company's refusal to stop calling me!


Three people keep calling; it’s Hannah Walker, Josh and James that call saying that I qualify through Medicare for cremation and funeral expense to be covered. They state that I qualify all the time and then want to verify age and then say I don’t qualify some say I do and I keep asking them to send me info and one asked for a monetary donation to help cover their mailings. (no information through Google on this company name and no match for phone number 715-955-9983)


I have been receiving robocalls on my landline from US Funeral Expense. This has been going on for weeks. Yesterday I had two calls. The callers name is Hanna Walker. The call does not instruct to press any numbers. I do answer some of the calls. I do not have the number that is calling me. It states hello. This is Hanna Walker with US Funeral Expense. How are you today? I usually hang up. Caller wanted to make me aware of what I can be purchasing. Our prices have not changed. She asked my age. I did not reply. I am on the Do Not Call Registry. I told my friends about the calls. They told me not to answer the calls.

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