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Henry Cavill imposter

Sharing is caring! Are you having problems with Henry Cavill imposter? Use ScamPulse to file a complaint.

Henry Cavill imposter Reports & Reviews (883)

This woman claims to work for Mr Henry cavill,and has authority to make things happen supposidly!I paid for a membership a whole ago to the tune of £250 and never received it in the post!Now she wants another £75 and I get to see Mr Henry cavill,anyone else recieved the same email and paid up get in touch thanks
Scammer and imposter
Scammer and imposter
Scammer and imposter


I was in contact with this guy since april. Guy was very chill and caring. Until coinbase came along. He helped me setup everything. If i wanted meet him it was the only way i pay 1500£ for a vacation or something to be with him. I said i need to think about it, then everything became weird. my Instagram was hacked, recovery mail changed so i can't retrieve any of the conversation we had. I would like to go on vacation with you but now i don't want anything from you. Is anybody had same experience?
Henry Cavill imposter


This is not Henry. I had to clarify. Whoever is in contact don't fall for it. But yeah, he is good at what he does. I had to give him that. :) He is very convincing.

Fairydust, yes. Usually when an account follows 4 times as much people (all women) is a red flag. Read the scam guidelines from instagram itself. Another thing, a manual exists how to pull off a romantic scam. You can find it in PDF, just google it. ;)

Be aware of strange accounts requesting to follow you while in contact or when you block him, cause these are his friends.

Angela84,what was his Gmail address for hangouts/Google chat?!I've been chatting to him since may too,and he said exactly the same thing to me.
This guy is a scammer he is not the actor he follows too many women for one!And active day and night because of the different time zones in the world!The actor boasts of getting enough sleep so he won't be up all day and night when he has hectic schedules..

He banned you!

Angela84, where did you get this information? What about the email? Who gave you this?!

He reached out to me via Instagram,chatted for a while told me he loved me so much and wanted to be with me!It's not Henry Cavill it's a scammer you chat too he hiding under several profiles the same guy always says the same,asks the same.Do not send a penny to him because you won't get to meet the real actor nor see your money ever again!

Screenshot of his profile. Anybody chatting with him atm?

First and foremost how can somebody loves you based on chat? Wake up

Hello everyone, i'm in contact with this guy since April. He DM-ed cause i liked some of his photos. Then strange things happened. I lost my instagram account. We moved to gmail. I was getting weird emails from people i don't know. Maybe its me or i did something wrong.i'm new to instagram and this gentleman henry-cavill 988 showed me everything. He even tried to help me but we couldn't get my Instagram back.

Who's this guy. Is anybody in contact with him.
Henry Cavill imposter


Yeah, same here. He is a imposter. Doing same to every living soul he follows.

Yes I've been chatting to him since March,he asked him to help him into his IG account sent me a link which I did not click on,next thing I knew he took over my IG profile turned it private and started begging my followers to send money!
He is a scammer and has hacker friends so beware never accept a link from anyone..

Again, where this info coming from?

Been chatting to this Henry cavill for a while,He is not the actor although he very good at his answers a true professional scammer at work!Report and block and delete him.He will ask you for a meet and greet fee...
Scammer and imposter


Omg I spoke briefly to him also,he asked me for a fee too!

All these are fake Henry cavill accounts on Instagram,they have handpicked fans off his official account and are now ready and primed to scam!
Report,block and delete


All fake Henry cavill accounts,block report and delete they all need arresting for stealing someone's identity!
Imposter and scammer
Imposter and scammer
Imposter and scammer
Imposter and scammer
Imposter and scammer
Imposter and scammer
Imposter and scammer
Imposter and scammer
Imposter and scammer
Imposter and scammer
Imposter and scammer


All fake Henry cavill profiles on Facebook,report block and delete all [censored] need eliminating!
Scammer and imposter
Scammer and imposter
Scammer and imposter
Scammer and imposter
Scammer and imposter
Scammer and imposter
Scammer and imposter


Here is a list of all fake Henry cavill profiles on Facebook!
If you chat to anyone of them report block delete!
Scammer and imposters
Scammer and imposters
Scammer and imposters
Scammer and imposters
Scammer and imposters
Scammer and imposters
Scammer and imposters
Scammer and imposters
Scammer and imposters
Scammer and imposters
Scammer and imposters


This Henry cavill pretended to be him,knew everything about him.He was convincing and caring and loving,found out once I ran a check on him that it's actually one of these two pretending to be him and this is the real contact number !
Guys beware Nigerians are trying to cash in on Henry cavill single status and trying to scam all fans !
Scammer and imposter


Guy is nice and charming. He talked about marriage etc. Who's really behind this account? Pls, help


This guy is not Henry just to clarify. He is really smart and charming but is him. I did came in contact with real Henry and he doesn't know about any of this. :) He said other accounts are fan accounts.

This guy I've been in contacted with for a while,and you are right he is charming and witty and always busy.Talked about marriage,babies and meeting however I've heard he takes money off fans and Does not deliver,you hear less and less from him!Reason why because he is a scammer...

Indeed Coinbase does belong to Kyle Dennis and there has been articles on the web that he scammed someone so watch who you chatting too!
You could be chatting a Nigerian for all you know noone can prove they are Henry cavill so far noone!Take note!

Melissa, you're not alone. He is very smart and charming but it's an imposter.coinbase account appearently belongs to Kyle Dennis. Somebody wrote this below somewhere.

Melissa,what's his Google chat or hangouts email address?

Melissa,I've chatted to the same profile month ago!He is not Henry Cavill the actor he is a scammer!He sent me a picture of a naked Henry cavill with the words "suck this"!He told me he loves me he will marry me he coming for me and then hit me with a meet and greet fee of £1500 pounds via bit coin or PayPal !Please send no money at all he is not the actor !

I've been in contact with this account henry_cavill_998 on Instagram since May 2022. Pictures of Henry were uploaded on his Instagram page shortly before he contacted me. Actually, he DM me, because I liked one his pictures. Since then we began talking every day. Mornings and evenings... He's very knowledgeable about the actor and his activities. At first I was pretty sure that he's the real deal but as soon as he started sending me love messages, saying I love you, sweetheart, I miss you, you're so strong, your love is pure..etc. ... it all became suspicious. Sounded to good to be true... He also gave me his google chat address, phone number. He told me that he owns multiple instagram accounts. I'm confused. He said that he will arrange a meeting via his management team. Is anybody in contact with same account? Any advice?
Henry Cavill imposter


[censored]ing [censored]!He told me I was his angel his sweetheart his love his babe and baby!
He told me he coming to see me as soon I pay up!Bull [censored] bull [censored] all lies all [censored]ing deceit!Coinbase belongs to Kyle Dennis so it's him your chatting to he is a scammer!

I've been in contact with this guy since May 2022. Pictures of Henry were uploaded on his instagram page shortly before he contacted me. Actually he DM me, because i liked one his pictures. since then we began talking every day, mornings and evenings. He's very knowledgeable about the actor and his schedule. At first i was sure he's is the re deal but as soon as he started sending me love messages i became suspicious. He also gave me his google chat address. Everything sounds too good to be true. He also said that he owns multiple instagram accounts. I'm confused. He said that he will arrange a meeting via his management team. Is anybody in contact with this account? Any advice?


Stories about his management are just plain and stupid. One story was that his management planted a chip in his phone to prevent him to make video calls. Another story of his was that his management owns his main account. It's not true. Then he wanted to meet me, i just needed to fly to his place but when i said i'm going he said he is out for work. Just bull[censored]. If anybody is in contact with this guy just don't fall for stupid tricks.

Yes, i finally found out. This guy is not Henry, i spoke with the real actor. Lol. I was so silly. :D yes, the real actor owns only 1 account. He doesn't send material to anybody. Every account on instagram that doesn't have the blue logo is a fan page. He is really sorry for what is happening in his name. Instagram allows scams to happen unfortunately and is not in his power to prevent that. I hope i did clarify.

Melissa do not send anything you wont see that money ever again nor will you meet him!I have a friend who did and is still waiting...

Pls, i need to know what it is with this guy. He is asking me for some transactions via coinbase. I'all getn everything back and more. He wants to meet with me. I'm not sure about any of this.

I have been chatting to a Henry cavill for some years now,he follows me on my IG and we chat daily day and night!Even with my night shift work,he still manages to chat to me!He told me he is coming for me,he loves me and he wants family with me!I have been told by him to improve my image so that I am more noticed by my followers and potential new interest.One day you will all get to see us together!He has sent me photos and always charms me romantically...He is active all the time and busy so all I want to know is if anyone out there is also chatting to him?


Terminator the UK number he using was brought the SIM number by a loyal fan from the UK I know I've been asked to do the same!

Wisewolf i have been reach by a scammer who actualy have a UK number... they are everywhere. It is out of control

Exactly too many profiles all different,if it was the real Henry cavill it would be the same one he using everywhere and the what's app number would be a UK number not a USA text no!

I know that many more accounts similar to henry_cavill_998 appeared recently. Like henry cavilll991, henry etc...

Melissa,Yes I have been chatting to him he is a scammer and imposter!Sent me old photos of Henry that where edited carefully and asked me to purchase a VIP membership card for £1500 pounds!A list of all fake Henry cavill profiles are in here block delete ok

Can you tell us his instagram account? henry_cavill_998? Somebody in contact with him?

Message me directly as I am in contact with Henry cavill thanks

Give more info

Hi everyone,

I have been contact again by someone who pretend to be Henry Cavill. He actualy sent a short vocal message to me saying my name and what i asked him to say. The voice look like him. If that ever happen to you ?


I've been chatting to same Henry,he video called me it was old prerecorded.His voice did not match his moving mouth so it was a bad edited copy!
This guy is not the actor !
Do not send any money unfollow report block and delete ..

Anastasia you are being scammed by a professional Henry cavill imposter!
Send no money because you won't ever get to meet him or sew him or if you pay for a VIP membership card it will never show up or a permit card I know my friend fell for the lies and nothing has happened and they wont refund her!

Yes, i spoke to him as well...

Can you tell me his instagram name? Pls, it's important. Or Hangout?

Anastasia that is not Henry Cavill you have had a video call from,He is probably Nigerian because most of them are.Hoping to make money off us Europeans and British because they don't have any!
There good they edit photos,and recordings and keep changing there text numbers on what's app and Instagram like anyone's business!Ever asked you for money yet towards meet and greet,VIP membership card or permit via bitcoin, western union or PayPal that's when you know you are being scammed!

All scammers and imposters,this is there usual platforms...

Hangout, whatsapp,signal,telegram

What platform did he use?
Did you take a picture?

I have been speaking to a Henry cavill for a long time now and have been told the same He loves me so.much,we meet soon,wants to take me on a date and I've had a video call and it sure looked like him !
Wish I had screenshot for proof..if happens again I will

Is pretending to be him on hangouts and telegram then saying he is in love sent me a nude photo of Henry Cavill. Then wanted me to invest in bitcoin but used my management is now surveillance me and I can’t send proof of myself but I love you and want to invest and build a future this week together. I blocked him . He showed up under a new account then on hangouts and Instagram. I’m scared now because he has my number and is acting obsessed.!
Goes by secured henry cavill

• Nov 17, 2023

I had that kind of fake Henry Cavill,he told me he will come to me, Im his dream ,his life,and then he asked me money to send him for book ticket, because he dont want go through menagment, I blocked him, he send me, every two days new follow message on Google chat , hes also obssesed, but its sick, just stay safe from them

• Aug 11, 2023

The real one would never risk such an image

Luna,The Instagram profile I don't believe you",has seen this footage before so it's got leaked into the web and now scammers are using it to convince fans that they are being romanced and sexed up by the actor!The person behind this profile is not the actor,no way would the actor send a nude shot like this to you when he don't know you incase of ransom demands,sabotage etc no chance so you have been duped and misled and fooled into believing you have been in contact with the actor!

Luna if he really loved you he would have come for you,and gone public with you!So no you was not chatting to the real actor just a very clever imposter and scammer who possibly edited that photo to look real!

Luna,how did you start to chat?And for how long?
Did he mention Natalie?

Even if the photo look real , it might not be him. You should still to try to reach WME for your security. There is so much scammers outhere and there are good at what they do. I have been told so many time the i love u, i wanna [censored] you, marry me... talking about contract with nathalie and he is not in love with her .

Why is he doing this,he told me he loves me,why so many women?Is he a cheat.

Bellaoftheball do you still have phone contact ? Did he use whatapps, hangout,telegram ?

Anastasia they do not respond I've tried to get in touch with them officially

I had a similar conversation and got sent a photo of Henry cavill naked with the statement "suck this""He also said he loves me and wants to marry me.Only when he asked for money to meet up of £1500_£5000 did I decide to block him entirely and you should do the same

Here is the phone number for wme entertainment at london

Wow , the photo look freaking real dear . If you are scared , call wme entertainment it is team management

We've been texting for a few months now and I actually knew from the start that he was a scammer, but then again there were moments where I doubted it. He said he wants to get away from his management because they control him and he has another trick up his sleeve, any documents to get away from them. But he must take these steps slowly. He had already given me an email address beforehand so that we could ask for a private meeting. So I. I should pay for that. After that everything would get better and it would be easier for us to see each other. But there is no other way yet.Yes, we wrote to each other that we love each other and that we would like to be with each other. Roughly planned our future. But he was good at what he does. He didn't write to me 24/7, was also busy or at work, actually knew everything about Henry.He had to change his email address a few times because his management supposedly figured out that we were writing. I only waited so long to block him because I was waiting for him to either make a mistake or ask for money.
He's really good
He's really good
He's really good
He's really good
He's really good
He's really good
He's really good


Lina,no way was he Henry cavill because Henry cavill dates one woman not several!These are all scammers and imposters..

I didn't write to him day and night, he often said he didn't have time to write because he had to work. Only in his "quarantine" did he have more time. But I don't have to justify myself here why I wrote with him for so long. And I ended it when it came to the meeting.

Henry cavill is busy filming and sleeping he does not have time to chat fans all day and night no way not possible!

There is no way that we all would be chatting to the actor and he would be two timing us all and asking us for money!
This guy is a professional imposter and scammer who knows how Henry cavill talks and edits all his pictures.

Did I mean I mentioned that he kept making good "excuses" and I waited for him to make a mistake or ask me for money. Which he then did and I reported and blocked him.
But you could ask everyone here why they didn't block "him". So actually self-explanatory.

Why you still talking to him?
Why you not block him..

This person is behind many fake Henry cavill profiles,he is a scammer and imposter!He is not Henry Cavill...
He does not love you nor want to marry you,he is with Natalie viscuso and that is fact not fiction

This Henry cavill reached out via Instagram then asked us to chat on what's app!We been talking for a while now,says he loves me and talked about a permit!Anyone else chatting with this number,get in touch with me thanks
Scammer and imposter
Scammer and imposter


Had someone saying they are Henry Cavill, person has been talking to me on Google chats, they offered me a job with some Orhan charity, then asked me for all my personal information. Sent me to a secondary website to email some person named Cassie my personal information. The website had buttons you could click but none of the links attached to the buttons worked. Also there are pictures of 3 people on the main page of the website that don't even work for the company the website is for.


Hi dear, dont give your personal information ! I have been ask too to work for a management team and when i ask for the website it looks suspicious... if you having doubt that your answer.

Do you have a email address for Google chat and picture?

We are chatting for over a month now. Started with knowing each other, then ask for a meet and greet. Few weeks after that start to tell me he loves me ...

I confront him about him talking with someone else. Since this, he rarely chat with me. We use to chat every day .

Be aware


I've spoken to him for a while too,he is charming and loving and makes you feel special and wanted once you give him money I've heard from another fan once you send you hear less and less and you don't get your VIP membership card you have sent money for or meet and greet.This is a organised scam targeting Henry cavill fans,report unfollow block delete..


Did you get contacted by that person. Because i follow that instagram account and i find that really suspicious. Waiting for your follow up

Jasmina i dont chat with him that not him

Don't wait for my proof just go block and delete because it not him,I got something from this profile and it says the truth !

I am waiting for your proof and i am gonna blocked and report that account

Fluffy40 i am chatting with him on whatapps the logo is flowers. Hope you didnt send him any money. He ask for 1500 for a meet and greet and 5000 for a family package. He is good , he knows pretty well henry cavill, but there is a thing his said to me that i know henry does not do and i started to wondering and lost trust at this moment be carefull . He gave me a email adress for the meet and greet [email protected]

Do you have his Google chat email address and picture or conversation with him?
I have also been asked for the same details and chatted him for long,told me he loved me !

Hi everyone,

I am wondering if any of you as chat with this contact

Email adress : [email protected]
Phone contact : +1 (802) 962-1429

I blocked a lot of scammer pretenting to be Henry Cavill but this one our conversation is very very différents from the other.

Please let me knos if you are chatting with this contact.



Oh thanks you a lot for that proof ! I will blocked him . Dam he was good and he knows him very well .

And there is more

Ha ha

Yes. I am having fun too. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Waiting for your proof and then i will block him and report him

It's same person I have proof !

Did he gave you the email for you to be able to make a meet and greet. Can you be sure that is the same person. Same info. That what is saying to me too 🤣

Yes I sure am,We chat every day and night about this and that.We love each other and he coming to see me soon...

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