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Henry Cavill imposter

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Henry Cavill imposter Reports & Reviews (884)

All these Henry cavill profiles are fake,they are scammers and imposters !
Please remove,block and report!
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles


All fake Henry cavill profiles on Facebook,most fans have been added from his official site!
Please remove,block and report!
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles


All fake Henry cavill profiles on Facebook with some fans added off his official site!
Please block,remove and report!
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles


All fake profiles named Henry cavill with lots of fans on each of them!Please block and report if you are on any of them...
Fake profiles not Henry cavill
Fake profiles not Henry cavill
Fake profiles not Henry cavill
Fake profiles not Henry cavill
Fake profiles not Henry cavill
Fake profiles not Henry cavill
Fake profiles not Henry cavill


Recieved this message first on Instagram then talked a while then got asked to talk on hangouts/Google chat!He explained himself very well however sent me a poorly edited picture of himself so I knew it was not the Actor!
Anyone else had this one get in touch ?
Fake Henry cavill beware!!


This Henry cavill is fake,he sends old pictures of himself!
He is a scammer,He reaches out on Instagram then asks you to chat on hangouts/Google chat!
Scammer and imposter
Scammer and imposter


This Henry reached out on Instagram,chatted a while then asked to chat on here.
He asked for money so he not Henry Cavill!Please block and report on here if you have chatted to him and share what you know...
Fake African Henry cavill
Fake African Henry cavill
Fake African Henry cavill
Fake African Henry cavill


Another two,pretending to be Henry's PR,asking for money...


The first time I was contacted by a Henry Cavill imposter, I was really stunned. Luckily, it was pretty obvious that this person wasn't Henry Cavill (of course). I went and did some desk top research and discovered that this kind of scam is rife all over social media. I decided to conduct a little social experiment and see what would happen.

I've had 3 contacts through FB and I lost count of how many through IG. IG is by far the worst for this - it seems like any time you click like on a photo, this opens you up to be contacted by scammers. Some of them are so bad it's actually amusing - you can tell very quickly by their writing that English isn't their first language. Others it takes a little bit of effort to trip them up and make them show themselves through their mistakes as being imposters. But I've had at least 3 that did a pretty good job - they'd done their research and knew their stuff, so it was really hard to spot the lies.

Some of the scams I came across included:
* asking for donations to charities (one was an orphanage in Poland for Ukrainian refugees and a couple have been for Durrell) - usually by sending prepaid cards or making donations "directly through my management", sometimes so you can be a "recognised fan" or some such
* requests for money for private networks for chatting or to get a script submitted
* requirements to pay money in order to (1) contact management for a private meet and greet (2) have HC as an organisation ambassador - some of these are pretty slick, with emails addresses to people in "management/agent/ official" roles - sometimes the subterfuge is that these requests are just a way of getting around management restrictions in order to have a romantic connection - often these involve paying with bitcoin or Western Union, but some are PayPal
* personal information including address, telephone number, occupation, date of birth, requests for passwords to access IG or FB - all identity theft stuff.
* photos, which may start as just selfies but work up to compromising ones
* sexting (can include request for the private networks to chat.
*requests for birthday presents (being in the weeks leading up to May 5)
* investment opportunities - usually with bitcoin
*help to get money owed to him out of other countries by having (millions of dollars) delivered to you, which he will then come and collect

Almost all want to move from IG or FB to a different form of communication - Hangout/Google Chat being the most common, but also What'sApp, Telegram, Spike.

I've had at least 6 tell me that they were in love with me, and this is after me saying that I'm happily married and am considerably older. Sometimes is comes crazy quickly, like within 24 hours of starting to chat, but others do play a long game, and will take 2 to 3 weeks to get the that point. Two have said that they want me to have their children and one has shown me a picture of a diamond ring that they supposedly had for me.

Some of the "proofs" of who they are that they have supplied have been pretty damn impressive. I've ben shown 2 drivers licenses and 1 passport, photos of "Kal's bedroom", and I've received a "video call" - which had to be on silent because he was "out walking with his team" - but was in fact I was just being shown a muted HC video that is easy to find on IG on his official page.

I've tried telling these people about scammers, and they do a great job of getting very distressed (building sympathy) and asking for help to put a stop to it, in various ways. I've been told not to talk to anyone else saying they are HC. I've also been asked to help trap other imposters. If Natalie comes up - the most common response is that it's an arranged/contract relationship with his management, and he's actually single.

I've played along and then just cut them off. One I guilt tripped into confessing that he wasn't HC but rather a teenager from West Africa, but then (playing a long game again) tried to convince me that he and his family were starving because his Dad was out of work, and he needed help to survive. Others I've told them that I know that they're fake, and have asked them to stop. One was so vile (still pushing me to pay for a private connection even though I said that my husband was abusive and would beat or even kill me if he found out) that I berated him - and he then changed his tune, said he was a Russian hacker and that if I didn't pay him $200 in the next 5 hours he'd release "proof of me being unfaithful" onto social media, ruin my life and it would then cost $5000 to have it taken down. That one was pretty damn scary and motivated me to end my social experiment.

I've got IG handles, Telegram phone numbers and/or Hangout-Chat email address for at least 17 different imposters (I'll list them below - apologies if there are duplicates. Note that some of them are for the same person - 1 insta handle and then another contact format) from a period of about 2 months - and I didn't record all of them. Some I've seen in other posts here, but most not.

Bottom line is, this is a plague on social media and it seems to be VERY focused on Henry Cavill (I've been contacted by a few other celebrity imposters, including Jason Momoa, William Shatner, Alexander Skarsgard and Jared Padalecki but only one of each - nothing like the rate at which I get them from HC. I was getting 2-3 a week, and my record was 4 in one day!) so if you are a fan and are contacted by someone, it's NOT going to be Henry Cavill, no matter what they say or even show you. Do not give them anything that could be used against you, either as identity theft, blackmail or monetary theft.

And I wouldn't actually recommend anyone else try the sort of social experiment I did, either. Even when you know these people are fake, it can be really hard not to get emotionally invested in the interactions you're having, and then when it (inevitably) shows itself to be a scam, often in very unpleasant ways, it leaves a very bad taste in your mouth and I think could potentially color your feelings towards the real Henry Cavill.

So stay a fan by staying away from these [censored] sucking slime pigs.

Instagram Handles
bornf3585 ("social media team")
agent_elizabeth008 (agent)
Henrycavill Dalglishwill


Telephone numbers
+44 7586 129030

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Social experiment - and the list goes on!
Social experiment - and the list goes on!
Social experiment - and the list goes on!


I don't believe this,why is the real Henry cavill not putting a end to all this!I've had many approach me too,and got chatting on hangouts/Google chat where I was asked to pay for a VIP membership card!Even got a photo sent but you could see it was badly edited so I knew it was fake and blocked the fake Henry cavill!Plenty follow me and get in touch too..Better play them all at there own game,let the fun begin !

Da lieing [censored],Ive been told I was the only one he talk to...
He ask me for monies too..
And say he want baby boy and marry..I'm cross and angry..

Recieved this,This guy don't look like he work for Henry cavill!Another con artist hoping to make money off his fans,avoid block and delete!
Scammer and imposter
Scammer and imposter
Scammer and imposter


This two pretending the same...asking for money

This Henry cavill got in touch via Instagram and we have been chatting for a while he asked me to go onto what's app where we could chat more privately!Before you know it I was asked to get in touch with a barrister Patrick so I could be a Durrell ambassador and look what it said and read of course Money was asked of me !It's a scam so stay away from this imposter all women who get a message from the very profile
Scammers and imposters
Scammers and imposters


All these Henry cavill profiles are fake and behind them are scammers and imposters!
Beware of all these profiles on Instagram ?!
The fans below are in contact with all of them
Monica horvath
Angelika molnorova
Eda kaliskan
Nah Paula
Reimagine vintage
And many many more !
Fake Henry cavill profiles
Fake Henry cavill profiles
Fake Henry cavill profiles
Fake Henry cavill profiles
Fake Henry cavill profiles
Fake Henry cavill profiles
Fake Henry cavill profiles


These fake Henry cavill profiles are all following the same fans which means they are chatting and scamming them!Beware of these fake Henry cavill scammers and imposters and below are the three fans in question !
Potential fake scammers
Potential fake scammers
Potential fake scammers
Potential fake scammers
Potential fake scammers
Potential fake scammers
Potential fake scammers


Recieved a message on Instagram off Lenny profile below followed by a screenshot then asked to chat on hangouts with Mr Henry cavill!Where I was advised I could meet and greet him officially at some point in future.To contact his management so I did and I screenshot what I recieved!
Not certain if this is real or not or a inside management job!Anyone else recieved this ?Get in touch.
Inside job Henry cavill management
Inside job Henry cavill management
Inside job Henry cavill management
Inside job Henry cavill management
Inside job Henry cavill management
Inside job Henry cavill management
Inside job Henry cavill management
Inside job Henry cavill management


Omg I got the same too !

This Henry cavill wants money to be donated to a orphanage!He is not Henry Cavill because the Actor would never ask for money or donation!Beware and block him he is a scammer!
Imposter wants money !!!
Imposter wants money !!!
Imposter wants money !!!
Imposter wants money !!!


I'm sick and tired of scams named themselves Henry Cavill in social nets. But, there is one interesting thing - I forwarded request about scams to official management of mr Cavill, and got reply. I thought they really act about the problem. And they were scams too! Even time zone is exactly where mr Cavill works now! It means that someone in his team is doing that nasty things, he's close to mr Cavill and knows almost everything. I was almost cheated for 3000$. And I absolutely refused to use bitcoins, as it's very suspicious currency for official comany, and even well-known charity never ask to donate in bitcoins, ans asked for official payment order for bank if, as they say, everything if official. Of course, they refused to give me that. In that moment there were a lot of news from official Henry Cavill and official cast crew, and that saved me from cheating. It's nasty to realize that someone use his name and identity for cheating.


Hi dear,

Can you share on with app you use to chat with the imposter ? Mail adress or phone number ?
Thank, and yes me to i believe that someone on his team or close to him doing this .

This Henry cavill is reaching out to me and other fans asking questions?!Anyone else spoke to him?He follows Alot of women some that look like tarts ??
Imposter and potential scammer


I chatted to this Henry on what's app,He ask me for money I told him actor dont need money or ask.He angry and not nice.
Possible fake Henry cavill
Possible fake Henry cavill
Possible fake Henry cavill
Possible fake Henry cavill


I talk to a few Henry cavill in day and at night,One loves me so much,another we are engaged.Another we get official once we meet.Another want me to invest bitcoin.I have fun fun fun play with these Henry.Because I Molnar won't be tricked and send no money oh no..
Possible fake Henry cavill


I talk to a few Henry cavill in the day and late at night,I'm trying to play them at there own game.Teasing and tempting them to chat me and it works.
They wont get penny out of me because I won't be tricked...
Here is a few profiles I have on hangouts/Google chat on the go hahahaha...
Possible fake Henry
Possible fake Henry
Possible fake Henry
Possible fake Henry
Possible fake Henry
Possible fake Henry
Possible fake Henry

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