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Henry Cavill imposter

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Henry Cavill imposter Reports & Reviews (884)

Hi everyone,

I am wondering if any of you as chat with this contact

Email adress : [email protected]
Phone contact : +1 (802) 962-1429

I blocked a lot of scammer pretenting to be Henry Cavill but this one our conversation is very very différents from the other.

Please let me knos if you are chatting with this contact.



Oh thanks you a lot for that proof ! I will blocked him . Dam he was good and he knows him very well .

And there is more

Ha ha

Yes. I am having fun too. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Waiting for your proof and then i will block him and report him

It's same person I have proof !

Did he gave you the email for you to be able to make a meet and greet. Can you be sure that is the same person. Same info. That what is saying to me too 🤣

Yes I sure am,We chat every day and night about this and that.We love each other and he coming to see me soon...

Recieved this message from Instagram it not real Henry cavill it a imposter and scammer!
Scammer and imposter
Scammer and imposter


Recieved this message from this Henry,he not real one he a scammer and imposter !
Scammer and imposter


All these Instagram profiles are run by scammers and imposters and hackers!It is not the actor Henry Cavill,please delete,report and block all of them otherwise you will be scammed !or worse
Henry cavill scammer@imposter
Henry cavill scammer@imposter
Henry cavill scammer@imposter
Henry cavill scammer@imposter
Henry cavill scammer@imposter
Henry cavill scammer@imposter
Henry cavill scammer@imposter
Henry cavill scammer@imposter
Henry cavill scammer@imposter
Henry cavill scammer@imposter
Henry cavill scammer@imposter


Please very careful and block all these profiles on Instagram they are all scammers and imposters and some are hackers !Delete,report and block...
Henry cavill scammers and imposters
Henry cavill scammers and imposters
Henry cavill scammers and imposters
Henry cavill scammers and imposters
Henry cavill scammers and imposters
Henry cavill scammers and imposters
Henry cavill scammers and imposters
Henry cavill scammers and imposters
Henry cavill scammers and imposters
Henry cavill scammers and imposters
Henry cavill scammers and imposters


It started on Instagram exactly like all of them and then he told me to move on Hangouts and he is talking with me from March. He told me finally that I can apply for meet and greet with him ( Henry Cavill). That he will ask for an e-mail Adresse where I can send the application. He sustains that he is Henry Cavill.
Henry Cavill


Vanda, i sent you private message!

What was the email adress ?

He messaged me too,Told me he liked me and wanted to continue chat on hangouts !

[censored]s sake,he been chatting to me too told me he loves me so much and calls me honey,sweetheart,babe,love all time!I've also paid to meet him and still haven't he asked me to send via bitcoin which I did!
He chats me every day and night,he assures me he is the real Henry Cavill and Natalie is just a best mate nothing else!
Bloody hell he been lieing to me all this frikkin time...I'm so so pissed off now...

I've been chatting to the same Henry cavill since last year he has also asked told me about the meet and greet and fee and I paid it im still waiting to meet him!I'm beginning to realise he is a scammer and imposter not the real Henry cavill!Please do not send any money via PayPal or bitcoin or via gaming cards

What was the email for hangouts?

Originally contacted by George (an assistant of Henry) to thank me for my support of Henry on insta, henrycavill.access. (reported)
He thought I was fun so set me up with fake Henry for a chat... I thought what the heck!
Was a nice convo at first, within 10 days, I got the "I love you"... I was always a little leery the whole time because the Grammer didn't seem right, tho we all make mistakes sometimes... this one is very good, telling me about lawsuits, filming, was always right with the time difference, right on every question. Did avoid personal questions that really weren't a big deal (ie what kind of car do you drive). When I seriously questioned who he was he just argued, would not give in...
Be warned people!


This guy randomly messaged me and tried his hardest to convince he was Henry Cavill Agent in South Africa!Yes right and pigs might fly too..Beware of this guy and his telephone number everyone !
Henry cavill agent scammer
Henry cavill agent scammer
Henry cavill agent scammer
Henry cavill agent scammer
Henry cavill agent scammer
Henry cavill agent scammer
Henry cavill agent scammer


What a imposter and scammer potentially !

Spoke to this Henry cavill,many a time!Always busy,that's right busy chatting who he has added to his Instagram profile and adding more!Video called me it was fake precorded recording played once we connected for 1 minute then said Did I see him?No it's not you you imposter!Fans beware he is not Henry Cavill at all,do not chat him just report and block him.Do not under no circumstances give him money think he Nigerian !
Scammer and imposter
Scammer and imposter


Recieved this from a Henry cavill just thought I should advertise it incase anyone else gets this too?
Imposter and scammer
Imposter and scammer


You do realize the names William and Dalgleish are backwards. Which could be intentional. But that's the first question I would ask why?

This Henry cavill says my meet and greet is approved provided I pay him 1000 euros to meet him,What a con Artist!Don't give him anything he won't show I know better then most..
Imposters and scammers


This Henry cavill romanced me for ages,until he got me to send him gaming cards to pay for a meet and greet with him!And guess what said 3 work and 1 did not underhand tactics then asked me to get a replacement!Surprise surprise not heard from him nor have I met him yet...Biggest [censored] con artist in the word these scammers and imposters!
Beware of him reaching out to you via Instagram and then asking you to chat him on Google chat!Asking you to pay £300 to meet him!He will swipe your money and you wil never hear from him again...
Imposter and scammer for cash


This Henry Cavill claims he is single, no longer with Natalie and loves chatting to fans! I said to him do you enjoy two timing your fans, and he sent me a picture to [censored] off and a thumbs up meaning yes he s[censored] all fans for money !
Beware of him reaching out to you, screenshot, delete, block and report his sorry [censored]!
Scammer and imposter


All fake Henry cavill profiles on Instagram,I've chatted to them all,all say same it's scripted word for word same!Ask same.
Got few badly edited video calls and edited photos all fake fake fake!
Henry cavill 092022
Henry cavill 3864744
Le biget 589
Henry-cavill 8899
Henry cavill 83466369
William Henry 8504
Henry-will aim-
Henry cavill ppage
Official Henry cavill 0
Henry-canvil 5637
Henry cavill fanpage
[email protected] on Google chat
Henry cavill 391027
Henry cavill 2927
Henry cavill 092
Henry cavill 386
Henry [email protected] on Google chat and
[email protected]


Bloody [censored] Ive Been chatting to some of them,They all try convince you they are The actor then start complimenting you then start to say they Love you so much and use words like Honey, sweetie,sweetheart,dear,babe,
Baby!Then ask you to purchase a VIP membership card or pay for a meet and greet!Disgusting liars and scammers and imposters,you all will burn in hell for your sins!

This Henry cavill sends the same message to everyone,I've heard all this before and it turned out the video call was badly edited and a foreign accent was heard!Delete,report and block him he is fake also !
Scammers and imposters
Scammers and imposters


This Henry cavill is not the real one because he thinks it's okay to two time all his fans by chatting them all and telling them he loves them etc etc blocked him in end!Told me to [censored] off so definitely not the raised politely and intelligent Henry cavill delete,report and block him on Instagram asap !
Scammers and imposters
Scammers and imposters


All fake Henry cavill profiles,most are imposters and scammers!Please report,remove and block!
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles


All fake Henry cavill profiles most are scammers and imposters!Please remove,report and block!
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles


All fake Henry cavill profiles,most are scammers and imposters using his good name!please remove,report and block all!
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles
All fake Henry cavill profiles


All fake Henry cavill profiles on Facebook,most are imposters and scammers!
Please remove,report and block.
All fake Henry cavill Facebook
All fake Henry cavill Facebook
All fake Henry cavill Facebook
All fake Henry cavill Facebook
All fake Henry cavill Facebook
All fake Henry cavill Facebook
All fake Henry cavill Facebook
All fake Henry cavill Facebook
All fake Henry cavill Facebook
All fake Henry cavill Facebook

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