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Industrial Chem Labs

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Industrial Chem Labs Reports & Reviews (68)

- Columbia, SC, USA

Company called my hotel, phone answered by new employee. Verified address with new employee then stated they would be sending out chemicals to this address. New employee did not order any product. Basically got her to agree to address and then stated they were sending product.

I've seen this many times in the hotel business. I offered to send it back. The invoice I sent said no returns.

- Richland Center, WI, USA

This company sent us 4 boxes of cleaning supplies to our building. We did not order it. When I called the number, the lady could/would not help us. she said that we needed the number on the invoice. I explained that we did not order this product and wanted it returned. I also stated that we wanted all future orders stopped. She said that she just transferred phone calls and could not help us. I offered to give the address it was shipped to but she refused to help. This company has done this in the past, sending our cleaning chemicals and then charging an arm and a leg.

- Bangor, ME, USA

Received a product sent to our maintenance dept without request, and then billed. Have been trying to return un-asked for box for a year and a half, but am still receiving invoices. When I call to ask to return it, I am met with angry customer service reps who cannot offer any actual solution, but yet, I'm still getting bills. This is ridiculous.

- Cotati, CA, USA

A man by the name of Jamie Price called our office back in August 2019 and he was supposed to send a FREE sample of lift station degreaser at no cost so our Superintendent could see if he liked the product before deciding to purchase. We received an invoice for $161.86 for the lift station degreaser and shipping and handling 30 days later, which we did not want to purchase. When Mr. Price and I talked on the phone he was very forceful about taking the FREE sample. I tried to get in contact with the company back in September and I also mailed the invoice back with my attached email response and received no response from the company. They have now invoiced us a second time to receive payment for something that was “free”.

This company calls you up and accuses you of being unprofessional. They bully and threaten that because of your unprofessional they are going to go to your General manger or Corporate. I was completely professional and asked politely to please stop sending me product, we no longer are in need of it.

They agree, and then ship new product with a new invoice and claim that this is the last part of your original order. DO NOT do business with them.

- Ithaca, NY, USA

This company will mail you product that you did not order and then bill you for it by sending invoices saying "past due" and threaten to send you to collections if you do not pay it. I tried to mail their product back and they said even if I mail it back they will not refund us our money even though we didn't order it. This is a complete scam!

- Rocky Mount, VA, USA

I have been fighting this scam since April 2019. This company sent us a product we did not order. I called the company to try and resolve a couple of times and got put to a supervisor whose name kept changing but it sounded like the exact same individual. They would not resolve the issues so I filed a complaint with the BBB. Complaint # 13528130. The company called me after the notification and asked me to close that out and said they would resolve this account. Now it is October and I have just received 2 additional past due invoices from this company. I was again unable to resolve over the phone and I have reopened my complaint. I have also e-mailed this company at the address provided and informed them that we are not paying for this fake invoice as we did not order any product from them. Google reviews of this company show multiple people having the exact same issues as I am with them.

- Pullman, WA, USA

They Continually harass my business calling for fake product and sending fake invoices. The DOJ directed me to the FTC and they explained they already have an ongoing investigation. The reference number is (contact us for reference number) we are hoping for this to stop. We are willing to assist in any litigation process to bring these people to justice.

- Universal City, TX, USA

The company calls our place of business asking if we want a sample of their deodorizing product. After agreeing to a sample they bill you for a large quantity of 4 gallons at $221.00. When you call the company they are extremely rude and aggressive. The person on the phone told me I did not have a life after I refused to pay and told him I was going to report this to BBB.

I am a property manager of an apartment complex and this company called to sell us cleaning products. We stated we were not interested and they offered to send us a free sample. We said we were not interested an they said they'd still send us the free sample and we could decide if we wanted to purchase anything after using it. 25 pound free sample arrives. We did not use it. About a week later an invoice for $149.11 was mailed to us. We called to dispute it, stating we never ordered anything. The person I spoke with stated that he spoke with my assistant and she ordered it and knew we would be invoiced. I stated that I was in the office and heard our side of the conversation and my assistant never said that as she doesn't have purchasing power and would not order anything. He stated he was on the phone listening to his sales rep. I asked for the recording and he insulted me and stated there was no recording, he was listening in. I asked if we could just mail the unopened and unused product back to them. He responded absolutely not and hung up on me. A quick google of the company reveals that this is a regular occurrence. We will not be paying the invoice.

- Garberville, CA, USA

What they do is call and find out the name(s) of people in your business who do different things, they might ask for the Maintenance Dept, the Purchasing/finance department, the Manager etc and then when they get the names of various people after calling multiple times, they try to play you against one another by talking to someone else, saying "Well, so-and-so ordered this product and we just need you to confirm where it should be shipped," or "We sent you this product on such & such date but we were never paid for it."

What they'll do is offer you a sample product you never wanted, never requested, and even if you call them back & tell them you don't want it, they will tell you to keep it. Then they will send you an invoice for it! This happened to us the first time, in November 2018. We never paid the invoice for $272.18.

Today, my employee called me saying someone named "Tom Rollins" was returning a call from our company with four products we ordered:

-an industrial strength drain opener

-a carpet cleaner

-an asphalt sealant

-an odor-control product

We are a small family motel, so these products could conceivably be things we'd need. I checked the phone# my employee gave me for a call back, and it was the very same exact one from the invoice we got in November 2018!!

Thankfully my employees followed our process and directed the inquiry to the responsible people (in this case, me). This company tries to create confusion by getting names of employees and makes it sound like someone in-charge had already made the decision to buy the product.

- Colorado Springs, CO, USA

This company will send you product and invoices without you ordering. They may call and ask if they can send you a catalog or free sample.

They are rude and refuse to return the products. If you search the company online you will see hundreds of complaints about this practice from this company.

- El Paso, TX, USA

A representative called offering free samples for a Odor control liquid , I agreed to our FREE SAMPLES, the next day someone called to verify the address, I verified and confirmed it was free. 2 weeks later i received an invoice for the FREE SAMPLES, called the company and the supervisor was very rude and said I placed the order and confirmed it the next day with shipping, I told him i was told it would be free samples and they were only confirming the address and asked if he had a recording of this call and said no.

- Carmichael, CA, USA

Tom Harris reached out to my maintenance supervisor and shoved a "sample" down his throat for us to try out after it was made clear that we did not wish to purchase from them. A few weeks later a large bucket of powder arrives along with an invoice. After calling to dispute this I was rudely hung up on and received yet another bucket of powder with another follow up invoice for more stuff we did not agree to purchase! Please be on the lookout for scammers like Industrial Chem Labs and Tom Harris!

- Carmichael, CA, USA

I received a cold call from these guys a few months ago asking if id like to receive a sample of [one of] their product(s) for my business. At no point was the sample price or a final sale discussed and I received the product and an invoice shortly after. When I called to question why I was never informed that they would be charging me for what I understood to be a free sample I was rudely interrupted by their accounting staff who then transferred me to the supervisor Tom Harris. Tom proceeded to curse me out and threaten to send me to collections for an order I had never placed.

The following month I received another shipment of chemicals from this company with an invoice that was almost triple the amount of the original invoice which again I NEVER AUTHORIZED AN ORDER FOR!!! At this point I did a little digging after that and found not one but eight other people had similar experiences and posted google revies! Do not buy into this scam, if they try to "give you a sample" reject it and report Industrial Chem to the right away!

Industrial Chem Labs is a company that "cold calls" companies looking for the name of someone they can list under the PO section of their bogus invoice to play off as an approval. They will simply ask the person who answers the phone who is in charge of a certain department. From there they contact the person hoping to sell a product. When informed the company is not interested they get very irate and will sometimes use profanity. The unprofessional reps mostly used are Chip and Chris although Frank and Steven are also common reps. They offer to send a "free sample" which usually comes with an invoice. The following month they automatically send "more product" along with another invoice and they usually double or triple the "free sample". When asked to stop sending product not ordered or authorized and please pick up the product already left they become extremely verbally abusive and start threatening with legal action.

I have instructed ALL employees to start viewing deliveries and refusing ALL deliveries from this company. They tried this scam on us in 2016 and have tried again most recently. We have over 4 boxes of their product which at this point may have gone in the dumpster.

- Rocky Mount, VA, USA

This company called our nursing facility and spoke to our environmental director and tried to get permission to ship supplies. Our environmental director replied No multiple times before hanging up the phone with this company. This company then shipped "pine odor control" to our facility with a no returnable all sales final invoice in the amount of $103.76. The company is not a vendor of our facilities and we did not authorize the purchase or issue a PO number. We called and spoke to a John who was rude and said all sales are final and we must pay or face collections. We informed him it was not authorized and a PO was given. He responded your Environmental Director said no PO was needed. The Administrator called back and this time got a Steven who sounded just like John. Steven said our employee must be lying and they did authorize it and didn't want to hear that the only way to order a thing here is through a purchase order request that gets approved by the administrator and then a PO number is issued to be given for the order. Steven hung up the phone on the facility and said we would face legal consequences for not paying the invoice. The website provided on the invoice did not show as an actual active website, however, it did connect to a Yelp review that was covered in stories just like my case.

- Dania, FL, USA

Industrial Chem Labs has contacted our company (Hilton Garden Inn Ft. Lauderdale Airport-Cruise Port) several times and attempted to speak with random supervisors or managers in Housekeeping and Maintenenance departments. They try to convince these staff members of a great product that will be sent to them as a FREE SAMPLE to test and see if we would like to purchase more. They send the product with an invoice and ask for payment. Whether paid or not, they will continue to send products and invoices even after repeated attempts to inform them the product was not requested, authorized, or accepted. They refuse to follow up, exchange, return, or refund. They give you the run around in customer service and are rude and predatory. They are sending us "overdue" invoices for products that were supposedly free samples and continue to send more. We are rejecting their shipments, but they try to be sneaky by speaking to different staff members to get different responses. A quick Google search of their company will show a multitude of complaints describing practically identical situations for the same useless products.

Please shut these scammers down.

- Bend, OR, USA

This company calls us about once a month asking for the maintenance department and they claim to have only shipped us a partial shipment of sewer cleaner and want our permission to ship the other half. . I had a former maintenance director who fell for this scam and they sent us a large invoice for a product we won't and can't use. I have asked them repeatedly to stop calling us and that we are not interested in their products and the continue to call and ask for maintenance.

- Carrollton, GA, USA

This company called our apartment complex in Georgia to offer cleaning chemicals. I told them I was not interested. They offered to send "free sample". When the "free sample" arrived an invoice for $101.26 was attached. They're running a scam that has impacted hundreds of people - this can be verified on almost all consumer review websites. This company is trying to scam people and needs to be shut down.

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