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Industrial Chem Labs

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Industrial Chem Labs Reports & Reviews (68)

Called had the name of a former employee. I told them no longer works here. The scammer claim had a package that was ordered that we didn't recieve they said would reship it. The item got here with a invoice claiming we owe 238.61 cents for a item they originally said was paid for that we was suppose to recieve.

This company faxing fake invoice determining for payment with a stamp "past due".

- Las Vegas, NV, USA

I received a call from this company and they were so Rude !!!!

Called asking for the Maint. Supervisor , I told him he was not avail , He then asked for his personal phone number . I then told him I can not release that information , When I asked what company this was and if I could take a message . He then said " I can not release that info and hung up on me.. I then called back to talk to a supervisor to let him know his employee was very unprofessional , He then hung up on me . 5 mins later I received an anonymous call and it was them making farting noises on the phone . I wish something could be done to shut them down!!

- Deer Park, NY, USA

Larry Piper called the facility asked if we wanted cleaning products manager Tonya told him no we get them from another company. He sent 2 gallons of some kind of liquid. I contacted him 10-4-18 told him we didn’t order these products. Ask to speak to supervisor he refused I then recieved invoice for $101.26. I have never placed an order with this company

A representative called from Industrial Chem Labs spoke to my employee and explained he was going to send a free/sample product. When shipment is received the item was not a Free/Sample it was an actual order and then they invoice my company for this order that was never approved. This is not the first time they have done this. All orders have to go through the Manager and they made it seem we knew who they were. I called to refused this item and refused to pay they stated all sales are final. How can a sale be final if this was never approved. I asked if the phone calls were recorded so I can handle accordingly he stated no that is illegal. If I did not pay he was going to send me to collections. Not good business sending items just to send when it was never ordered or approved.

- Hayden, CO, USA

Salesman called and offered a trial pack of product. Before I had a chance to try it, more and more started showing up as did the invoices. The salesman kept insisting that was part of the deal and became irate when I tried to cancel additional shipments.

We are a hotel and received a call from Max from Industrial Chem labs who was offering a sample product to try out. He spoke to my maintenance manager (who is not authorized to make purchases without authority from myself or my brother). We told him we did not want the item, but received the item a week later. We contacted the company (my brother spoke to Max) to come retrieve the item bc we never ordered it. Then, we received an invoice a few weeks later and ignored it. Another invoice came in a few months later and I contacted them myself. I told him we never authorized this purchase and so he became abrasive. My brother took over the call and stated we never ordered the item and so it needs to be picked up. At this point, Max said he only spoke to my maintenance man who authorized it (again he has no authority without our approval) and that it will cost another “shipping fee” and a re-stocking fee of about $200 to return the item that we never ordered. Again, we refused to pay and he said it will go to collections. Definitely a scammer. He has apparently done this before to my brother at another hotel a few years ago.

Our nursing home unit secretary called to report a harassing vendor who keeps asking for one of our maintenance staff. Our maintenance staff member does not want to talk to him. The person insists that he be connected. He's very rude and inappropriate. When we ended the call, he would call back persistently requesting the maintenance staff member. He shipped in some type of drain cleaner that we did not order. I gave him the option to arrange return at his expense. He ignored my request. I also asked him to remove us from his calling list. He said that we should then remove ourselves from yellow pages. He was very rude and inappropriate. I then told him that I’d be reporting this issue to…he said go ahead and he eventually hung up.

Also referencing this site

- Drexel, NC, USA

Sent product that was not ordered and sending invoices stating account is past due.

Our business was contacted by a man from Industrial Chem Labs and asked for the maintenance engineers name and offers a free sample. Then a big box is delivered with a hefty $$$$ invoice. Unable to contact or if do make contact, no way to return shipment or get anyone to resolve this. A total SCAM! Read up on alert and Consumer Affairs reviews for all this "so called" company does to so many legitimate businesses. THIS NEEDS TO STOP! HAVE RELYED ON THESE BOTH ORGANIZATIONS TO PUT A STOP TO UNETHICAL, DISHONEST PRACTICES. PLEASE DO SOMETHING TO PUT AN END TO IT, ONCE AND FOR ALL! Thank you

- Webster, TX, USA

I have had several issues with this vendor in the past. They call into your business and get the contact name of whoever answers the call. Then they confirm the address of your location. The will mail different chemicals to your business stating that one of your employees ordered or confirmed the orders for the products. They will refuse to take back the item due to it being chemicals, make you pay a 10% restocking fee if you pay to ship it back to them, or offer you a discounted rate to pay off the invoice to keep it from going into a past due status. I tried to reach out to someone in accounting at the number provided for the company and was answered by "Larry". I tried to explain that we have had some issues in the past with the chemicals being delivered to our location without the correct authorization. His demeanor immediately changed, he was extremely rude, unprofessional, and unhelpful. He decided that since I would not give him the information to my corporate offices, I work for Hilton, that the conversation was "over" and he proceeded to hang up on me. As I still did not get any resolve to my issue I proceeded to call back and requested to speak to anyone, but "Larry" and preferred to speak t his supervisor so that I could share the details in what I just experienced from on of his team members. To my surprise "Larry' some how intercepted the call and preceded to give me a line about how his supervisor, Tom Harris, was unavailable and I would not be a leave him a voicemail because he did not have one. In researching the company I found 146 reviews online every single one is rated a 1 star, has the same story that I just shared with you, and no one has done anything to resolve this. I cannot imagine how much money they have swindled out of people by saying they are someone else, or that someone authorized these orders. Please have someone step in and shut this company down.


Vendor called our company offering free samples, and months later started sending high invoices for these "free samples". We never ordered any products from this company. When we called to discuss, the person on the phone, Frank Novak, was rude, threatening, and refused to help.

- Bellevue, WA, USA

We received a cold call for sewer cleaner. We told the gentleman, we were not interested, he pushed and pushed that the sewer cleaner was a sample to try and see if we liked it and he was just going to send it. He did not ask us about billing information or anything. A few weeks later the sewer cleaner showed up. We had no use for it, and put it in our storage. About two months later we received a bill for the sewer cleaner, and I called the company to dispute the bill and send the merchandise back. I got a person by the name of Frank on the phone and he immediately started yelling at me. Telling me it wasn't a sample, don't send the cleaner back he won't accept it, just pay my bills. I said I have no use for this product and if it is not a sample I am sending it back, he just kept screaming at me that I need to pay my bill. I hung up and immediately googled this company, and sure enough other people have had the exact same experience. They are scamming people, using a product as a "sample" and invoicing you. I have made an FTC complaint on this business along with a few others, and hope to get this company shut down. This is an unprofessional "company" if it is actually a company.

- Washington, NC, USA

We were called by Industrial Chem Labs and offered a free cleaning product. It was shipped to us with an invoice. when we called the original person who called, they denied ever offering a free product, transferred us to several people, changed their story several times, then got abusive and nasty. We are reporting them to the and FTC and filing a complaint with the law enforcement authorities in their jurisdiction.

- Osprey, FL, USA

Industrial Chem Labs shipped us 6 galons of "Cherry Odor Control" that was never ordered then invoiced us. The invoice includes $49.21 worth of shipping and the product is $239.70. This product was never ordered. When I called them to ask about this order, they said it was ordered by someone who has not worked here for over 6 months. This same company sent us liquor carpet cleaner back in 2016 - which we ended up paying for even though we never ordered it. The cost of this "carpet cleaner" was 4 times what it would cost had we bought it somewhere else. This latest order will not be paid for. I called them to inform then that I would be reporting them to as well as the FL Attorney General and would not be paying for this shipment.

- Albertville, MN, USA

Industrial Chem Labs called with a pitch for their product. Product was NOT ordered- it was clearly stated that we were NOT interested and did NOT want the product. A few days later the product arrived anyway- with an invoice. Called to report discrepancy and asked for a return label to send the product back- receptionist was unhelpful and I was told I could only speak with Kyle. Spoke to Kyle; was told all sales are final- I stated the product was not ordered; he was no help. Called back another day and asked for Kyle's manager- was left on hold for 14 minutes- man answered and said his name was Jeff. Jeff said he would send a prepaid return label within 48-72 hours. Nothing was sent. Called back a week later and asked for Jeff- after being on hold for 5 minutes Jeff Mitchell answered. He said he had never spoken with me and I must have spoken with the other Jeff. I explained my situation and he said he could not see a return happening because the product was ordered and confirmed by our manager (which it was NOT). I let him know I would not be paying the amount on the invoice and that I would be submitting a complaint to the BBB- he became very aggressive and started shouting at me that he does not care about any threats and they have been in business for over 30 years. This company is a COMPLETE SHAM- warn everyone you know to watch out for them. I cannot begin to understand how they are still in business. Something needs to be done to stop them from harassing businesses.

An unauthorized person who is not allowed to make purchases on behalf of the business. They said he ordered the product and now they keep sending an invoice even though original invoice was paid.

These scammers called me up and tried to send me a sample that I declined and shipped me five gallons of drain cleaner anyways. I'm not paying for their five gallons of product that was supposed to be a sample that I declined anyways. Now I get another call from them saying that the order I made was shipped and I said do not send me another thing as I'm done with this company and lose my number. This morning 2 more 5 gallon buckets of drain cleaner showed up. I called and asked to speak to a supervisor and the lady was very rude. After I was rude back she transferred me to another person whom was rude as well and told me that it doesn't matter because I'm a little mom and pop shop. However we're a multi billion dollar corporation world wide. These people are unethical and should not be allowed in business. I've contacted all three of my corporate lawyers and hope to see them disappear. Negative 1,000 stars

This company make telemarketing calls to companies and asked for someone in the maintenance department. The person doing the telemarketing tricks the individual on the phone stating they are sending a refill order to them and asks where they should send the product.

They send the product and bill you for it. I personally have called this company several times requesting they send a prepaid label to that we can return a product we never ordered. The person insists we ordered this and continues to bill us for it. Invoice says at the bottom all sales are final.

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