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Michael Weirsky Scam

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Michael Weirsky Scam Reports & Reviews (160)

First I looked up Mike Wiersky and saw he did win the lottery… Then I punched in the you tube page and it was a failed link so I knew it was a scam… but he continued to pursue… I gave him no information.

I blocked him after he asked for my info m.
Instagram Scam - BEWARE
Instagram Scam - BEWARE


His facebook says he won the lottery and wants to give $50,000 away to lucky people. I was following the instructions within reason until they wanted a fee for the delivery; and I knew they would just take my money without actually receiving anything in return
Mike J Weirsky Lottery Winner
Mike J Weirsky Lottery Winner
Mike J Weirsky Lottery Winner
Mike J Weirsky Lottery Winner
Mike J Weirsky Lottery Winner
Mike J Weirsky Lottery Winner


Offering me $200000 for my picture! I’m in a hard spot due to medical issues! Lost my business and probably going to go into bankruptcy soon! So I was a prime target for these people! I got their phone number and have a way to track him down and shoot his [censored]! I guess somewhere I knew it was a scam but was hoping not as there are some lottery winners that do good stuff with all the money! Too bad this one isn’t!
Definitely a scammer!


I would love to get my 600 back and he’s still trying to get me to pa more. His “buddy” that does alll the talking is a jerk, pushy, and overbearing.I’m far from stupid, I have never had a scammer get me but this one talked a good talk.


How did he get your 600? I told him i was flat broke. He asked about any ccards i told him theyre all maxed. He sent an acct number and paid off a maxed credit card of mine $1000. It went through just waiting for the credit to update before purchasing a gift a $500 card as instructed. And thats supposed to be it. Sound simular?

Requested to follow me on instagram, i Dont accept request unless I know the person. Says he wone 273 million NJ lottery and is giving away money to thise i. Need his instagram has a bunchnof pictures probably his fellow scammers holding up hand written signs thanking him for money. There are better ways to help people if he was legit.

Please dont fall for things like this.. he obviously is using different profile/user names as £ can see their are several reported here..
michael_weirsky_151 instagram scam


He treated to kill my cousin and her family and he kept harassing telling to send my ssn, I'd, and driver's license and my cousin and I are minors and he stole 250 dollars from my cousin and he stole 11 dollars from me.
He added my cousin and I on snap
He added my cousin and I on snap


_mike_weirsky_ real on instagram is going on peoples instagrams and request fool lowing and then DM about you being a winner of $150,000.00, then telling you to follow instructions see attached, he hasn’t told me how much the fee is and I am not sending this person any personal information or money but just wanted to report this scam
Instagram Scam
Instagram Scam
Instagram Scam
Instagram Scam


He started following me on instagram. I looked on his page and actually believed him and then he reached out to me promising to give 30k to me. He told me to fill out this sheet to send it to fedx. Why fedx. Deep down I knew this was a scam but I still wasn't so sure, so i asked some friends for some insight. When you encounter scams like these, make sure to ask some friends or family members for help.


Same as everyone else happened on instagram said go buy a card put 100$ on it and I’ll get 10,000 even video called me it was the real guy tho


Well, thanks to your info, you confirmed what I already thought. Instagram is a Meta-owned platform. Why not tell them since they are so “censorship-minded.” They should take down the scammers


Michael Weirsky/scammer asked for my friendship. Not going to lie I wanted to believe this was true. He ended up asking if I received my $10,000 yet. I said no. I explained my situation and he said a lot of crap. Well I ended up believing him and I ended up giving him $200 dollars. At the end he explained I needed to send $350 more to clear taxes on the money. That’s when I decided this was fake. Deep down I knew he was a liar. I didn’t send him any more money but he refuses to send me anything back. All I want is my $200 back he writes me but says it’s still a blessing.
I fell for his bull****


Was contacted thru Insta Gram and went along with it for a couple days. First it was him, then it was his shipping agent it took a while for the catch, the fee, $231 for $30,000. Told them I didn't have it and after a while they asked how much I did have.
This went on for a couple of days texting back and forth until they asked what credit cards I had and I said none. No reply since. I did send one text a day later thanking them for the "package" and how it meant so much and was so needed. No response.
Just remember, no legitimate outfit will ask for payment by gift cards or apps.


I have been. Victim of scammer by the name of Michael weirsky I was first contacted by him in June of 2021. He said that he was the real Michael. He continues to this da trying to scam me out of money. He will not leave me alone. I have every email and text from him.


He is on Plenty Of Fish, saying he is giving away money, and says he wants to help me, and for me to download Coinbase, and he wants to send me $100.000.00 dollars, I think he just wants my bank information. How can you be for sure about this situation, well, from news reports, I don’t believe this man is giving away anything, I believe he is a scammer and using his new found wealth in trying to scam people.


You are right it is a scam but i do t think its the real guy think about it if he just won 273.million why would he need to.scam.people out of a few hundred bucks its someone impersonating him no doubt... if anyone contacts you out of no where and you money it is a scam.. they rely on peoples desperation and greed..

The person (Mike weirsky) DM me asking for a credit card number telling me he won the lottery and he wanted to give me $5,000 cuz I was picked out from Instagram account or a cashapp so he could deposit it. Told him I didn't have either all I have is a SSI card and it's owned by Federal government and no one could deposit money accept them. I started googling and found out it's a scam. He told me I needed to pay FedEx $100 to accept envelope. What ? It started to sound fishy so I closed it down and blocked the person also the Instagram account was under Charles Wally AKA Mike weirsky. Take him out please someone naive will go for it and lose their money
Give a way


Got a text saying I won and to contact power ball agent looked up the agent and found nothing knew it was a scam soon as I read the text. Do not give any information about yourself or anything to a random number!
Lottery winnings scam Michael j Weirsky scam


I gave this guy all the wrong info just in case it was a scam and he sends me a message saying (cash sir, we’re coming for you). After this message I felt threatened for my life. Then he sent me saying what do you mean sir were coming to deliver your winnings. Hope no one really gives this scammer their real info because you never know who is on the other side and what there real motives.


This 'person' requested to friend me on IG. I ignored. He just tried to message me with "congratulations" in the message. I reported as a scam, and blocked him and any new accounts he creates. That's why I have privacy settings on my IG; to weed out [censored] like this.


First, he liked some of my photos in the IG and He did message on Instagram but i know better. He’s a scammer. I won’t interact with him. No one just randomly messages you and says “Here is some free cash”. I just hope no one else falls for it.


I can't believe all these story accounts of people being ripped of by a Con Artist/Scammer.
Did the false misleading fact of being told u won a ridiculous amount of money was valid, only if u sent a Processing/Shipping Fee first? ...not register as suspicious or fraudulent?
My God some of u people are the dumbest & brain dead people I've ever heard of. U also released your name & address to them.?
I have no sympathy for any of you because if your that brain dead to not see it was a scam...then u deserved to be ripped off, because [censored] isn't much different stupid because the majority of u, who sent money to these crooks... are by far the DUMBEST PEOPLE on this planet.


What are you? The logic police? Go find something to do. You show nothing but the inability to understand humility.

Hey smarty the older generation actually takes people on their word. There used to be honesty in this world. You know what? If you cannot say something nice, instead of calling people stupid then get out of here . Keyboard thugs don’t belong here. Heck you’re probably the one doing the scams. Pathetic.

You’re (you are)
Your (it belongs to the other person)

Damn right! Goes back to the old adage.."if it sounds to good to be true" then IT IS [censored]TARD

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Michael Weirsky Scam Contacts

Michael Weirsky Scam associated photos:


2357 N Talbott St Indianapolis, IN 46205, USA



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