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Michael Weirsky Scam

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Michael Weirsky Scam Reports & Reviews (160)

He hit on my IG on Nov 13th 2021 THUS:

I’m Mikeweirsky, the lottery winner of $278m from NJ but presently living in TEXAS, I’m helping people financially during this CHRISTMAS PERIOD and I want to congratulate you that your Instagram profile name has been randomly picked for the CHRISTMAS GIVEAWAY BONUS, Am just doing this to help many people standard of living because have once been in the same situation before I won the lottery. are you ready to claim yours now ?
Unrelenting Scammer - Mike Weirsky

Michael Weirsky started following me on Twitter so I took a look at who he was. I watched the you tube video regarding him winning the NJ Lottery. He claimed he was giving out 50.000 dollard to 50 Twitter. followers on his account. Unfortunately, it did look fairly legit, although I was a bit skeptical, I did give hime my name address and a phone number that I never use. I did not want to give him my normal phone number. He messaged me saying he forwarded my info to Fedex and I should be hearing from them shortly which didn't make sense as Fedex rarely calls except when there is a issue with delivery. Needless to say, now, his Twitter account is gone. It POSSIBLY looked legit. But, I should have left this completely alone.
Michael Weirsky Scam on Twitter
Michael Weirsky Scam on Twitter


Michael saw me on Instagram and I happened to look him up and he said he won the NJ lottery in 2019 and he is giving away 50,000.00 to people that deserve it if there honest. I did not trust it and he tried calling and everything. I looked him up on Google and found him right away. He has been scamming a lot of people. Terrible person. Be careful do not give out any information.

I received this message on Instagram from “mike_weirsky5412”. “ Hello this is Mike wiersky the New Jersey Mega winner, Congratulations you have been randomly  picked among those I will be giving $50,000 ? to celebrate New year, are you ready to get your winning?”. The oldest post is Nov 10 2021. Looks like he sets up new accounts as fast as they get shut down.

This guy tried the same stupid thing with me
Knowing it was absolute bs, I gave him just enough information to expose him, like a newly created email address that his supposed FedEx agent was going to contact me on for organizing the money delivery. This person said his agent was a he, but I got an email from a [email protected]. When I called his agent on it, the person said his name was actually Brian Mike. Wasn't going to reply again, but then the [censored] sent me an email requesting a $300 delivery fee for the "money being sent". I told him his data was forwarded to FedEx at [email protected], and I filed a complaint to the government cyber crimes department. The person with that profile then asked if I had talked to his agent, and I made him aware of the actions I had taken, as well, which I believe resulted in the profile closing down.
Another poser
Another poser


I just got a friend request from this jerk. I knew it was a scam the moment I saw his profile. But I played along, just to see that these people would say. Soon as I called him out on it they blocked me!


I post a screen along with this post of the conversation.

A fake Instagram page claiming to be micheal who won the lottery stole money from me claiming he would help me with finances. He asked me to send him a card with my money on it and give him the details of the card so he could put money on it for me. And just asked for more and more each time.

My advice to you is that you should go to FTC.GOV and sign up for email alerts. FTC Alerts educate people about the different types of scams, how to recognize them, and how to avoid becoming a victim. IT IS BETTER TO BE POOR AND REMAIN POOR, THAN TO GIVE A SCAMMER WHAT LITTLE MONEY YOU DO HAVE!

Wanted an Apple card got it then Wanted more this guy is an absolute nut! Still finds a way to call. Asked him to stop calling yet the calls continue pray apon the less fortunate! Beware! Multi million dollar scam artist ! Promises 50,000 for 50 dollar apple cards! Smfh!


And you send to him?

This guy contact me and congratulate me offering 25, 000.00 I dont believe in this [censored] but he is so convincing, he tried to found a way to send me the money.

How is he “convincing”? Anyone asking for money to give money is clearly a scammer. Charity doesn’t cost anything. I investigate scammers like this daily and 99% of them are in Nigeria and India.
Never give out your phone number, cashtag, PayPal or bank info. Anyone asking you to send them a Facebook code to “help them unlock their account” is also trying to steal your identity. Please always be leery of friend requests and messages from people you do not know, or people that suddenly message you from Facebook groups you’re both in.
Good luck.

Now this guy is on Plenty of Fish dating site using the same name.
Anyone that asks your for money to get money or asks for gift cards is a scam !
If anyone wants to report this guy (or other scammers) the FBI will tell you to report it to Internet Crime Complaint Center (

This guy message me out of the blue asking how I was doing And tells me congratulations Iv won a 100,000 dollars I google him and seen the scam post so I played along then I called him out on his bs and he got mad lol

Guy messages me in Instagram, and provides seemingly solid proof- moves to text message- and then tries to tell me that I have to make a fee payment to receive the money


I will forward the e-mail I received on Instagram to the F.B.I. and he will be investigated, Cherese Weaver you may want to contact the American Disabilities Act, or AARP for assistance in your experience of scammed monies. For others out there, inquire to Micheal if he accepts Monopoly (board game) monies as he is playing a $$$ extortion game on you.

The same man on my Instagram contacted me and said he’s a millionaire and he was gonna give everyone $10,000 if they buy $100 gift card I thought this was a scam and I was sure it was

This is this guy's second attempt to scam me. The first time it was him posing as Julie leach using the exact. I found over 150 Julie accounts on tiktok. I'm on "America's best pics and videos" too and that is where he has been going after me.

You guys are lucky! "My" Michael Weirskybscam is on TikTok. He only offered me $5000. I played along for a bit, but then he asked for my bank info. Dude, I'm 48, not 12... Next you'll tell me I have a Nigerian Uncle who wants to leave his entire fortune to me ...

Not only was this an attempted scam, but I feel kind of cheated. I not worth as much as you guys? What the flippity flip flops? ?


This mike weirsky guy contacted me claiming to be donating 50000 to select lucky winners and then sent me the number to a FedEx agent but when I said I would call FedEx he implicitly said not to do that that it wasn't needed. He then proceeded to audio call me as I'm making this report I answered but stayed silent so my voice couldn't be copied. It was a man of very blatant Arabic descent.


Total phishing scheme, kinda wish I could get $15,000 that easy tho!


I was contacted by the scammers on September 5 I am a random selected to receive $50,000 . He pretended to be a FedEx employee and sent a picture of himself on 615-576-0723 to my text message. He sent delivery fees options for 250, 150, 100 dollars. I was suspicious of it. FedEx does not contact you to pay for delivery fee being sent to yourself. So called person should cover it. Beware of this scam.


Please keep on the lookout for charity_mike_weirsky_page_2021 on Instagram. He contacted me last Saturday, August 28th saying I've been randomly picked to win $50,000! He wanted my name, address and phone number.


This is from my chat with Mike on Instagram! Please stay away from the guy.

Please do not give him your username and password for your Instagram account. He wants to verify your IG account when you win his $50k!

I too, was contacted by "Michael Wiersky" awhile back on Instagram & he still contacts me trying to pull his shenanigans! He promised the 30k but I needed to give Fed Ex $100 for a delivery of the money. He asked for my name, address and phone which he said Fed Ex would need to send me a code. Like everyone else I never received a code. When I told him I didn't have $100 to give him he told me to get him an Apple gift card. Of course I wondered what the heck this multimillionaire middle aged guy wanted with an Apple gift card! I was scammed out of a Razer gift card from a guy on Instagram who was supposed to unlock my phone. He got the $60 gift card & I never got my phone unlocked! I told this Michael about my experience and believed him to be a fraud. Yet he still comes back. I'm hoping to get more on the thief & hope no one gets taken by this predator!

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2357 N Talbott St Indianapolis, IN 46205, USA



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