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Michael Weirsky Scam

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Michael Weirsky Scam Reports & Reviews (160)

Can someone please contact me. 216-403-1985. Threatened my life and my son. Trying to make me pay money I don't owe or have. Always making me buy cards to pay for my winnings since June of 2021.


So I too received the messages at first I ignored them but they kept coming so I responded to see what’s this about. Now I keep getting messages about him winning lottery monies and giving away money. I was chosen we chatted he said an agent would contact me in regards to my winnings was for same day delivery for $100,000.00 they’re still texting as I’m texting you right now!


He contacted me on instagram

Mike Weirsky contacted me on Instagram claiming that I was his winner of $15000. I asked what the catch was. He said no catch, no fee! He lied to me from the beginning by having me send $250! Then, he had a "manager" talk to me asking me for $250 more! I paid him, trusting him to send the money to me! I haven't seen it as he kept stalling on sending it! He's now asking me to send...get this,$150 MORE, which I haven't sent! I want my money back ASAP PLEASE! If you can make that happen, I will be eternally grateful! Thank you!


Yes I got the same message. I live in New Zealand, and was wary of it but he seemed so genuine and by the time I was speaking to a FedEx agent who showed me a photo of their ID, and then by the time they got to explaining that it would cost $200 ($288 NZ) you feel stupid and duped.
Glad I didn't send any money but I am sorry you were scammed

Contacted on tumblr saying hello. I responded “hello?” and he claimed to be a mega winner from New Jersey and saying I was randomly picked. I messaged back with a “what kind of bs scam is this” and looked up the name which is where I found out I could report it.


Hi all I got this man on TicTok he told me he is giving me $50k and I need to complete a form to claim the money. What must I do about this story is it really a scam? I'm from south Africa hoe is he gonna send me that money ? I'm really want to believe this man I have nothing on my name I have lost everything I had so that money would of helped me a lot to get back on to my feet. ?????


Well this guy from nowhere started fallowing me, then after a week hi say hello, and started texting me about his cash reward and his story, a few years back a Nigerian Scammer was calling me non stop, so I know about this.
we texted a few times until he got very pushy like do it right now or you lose your spot, I kept hanging and stretching time from text to text, to see how far this guy goes.until he started calling via instagram. so I just blocked.

Be aware of this.
I got contacted by him
I got contacted by him


Mike Wiersky is a scam and should be shut down. He started following me on Instagram under 3 separate accounts. Offered me $50K in exchange for my sharing personal information with him, which I didn't do. When I sent him my GoFundMe link and asked him to send me the winnings he offered through that site, he still insisted I send him my personal information to store in his database so he can have a record (?!?!?!). Suspicious! So, that's how he operates. He preys on people's vulnerabilities. I'm not sure if some of the people holding signs and posting wads of (fake?) US dollars or checks are in it with him, but I consider them accomplices for cooperating with him to make his racket seem legit!
Fake Lottery Winning Give-Away


Oh Damn! I think they’re trying to get me right now! [censored] down!

He added me on Instagram and in his profile was “dm me with I love Jesus and I will give you 50k”. I did that laughingly and sure enough, I get a DM back “are you ready to claim your 50k” I said yeah what do you need. He asks for my full name, address and phone number. I said “can you not just PayPal me” he said “no, an agent will come to your door”. I asked “tell me about the agent and the delivery system” he replied “the agent will bring the money to you”.
So I am laughing at this stage and reply “ok, can I give you my bank details and passport copy too just to speed things up”. He replies “no I don’t need bank details”.
At this stage I get bored and tell him I am reporting him and blah blah and sure enough seconds after sending that message to him his account showed “non existent”. Shame, I really wanted to give him all bank details and identity.

Be careful people.


It is on Plenty of Fish now. He is supposedly giving away $100,000 to 200 people whose profiles he randomly selected.


Weirsky contacted me, on Instagram...not thinking properly, going through a lot, I believed his crap.

Had heart transplant, disabled & meds changes were ridiculous costs, so wasn't thinking clearly.
He was sending me my winnings of $30, my situation, that would have been an absolute miracle.
Of course, everything I questioned, he brought God & Jesus into it, to have trust and faith...lowlife was more Satan like.

It cost me a few hundred, believing in the words of this con artist, but once he asked for my phone password, that's was when the cognitive thinking kicked in, unfortunately a bit late.
His phone number used is (323) 880 7074
His driver's number used is (908) 382 4050

This guy is garbage!
Piece of ....
Piece of ....
Piece of ....
Piece of ....
Piece of ....


Followed the "Michael Weirsky" pseudonym on TikTok, got a DM that ive been "selected" to win $50,000. 10 seconds after I gave my number the texts started rolling in. At 10:30pm CST, which I thought was a wee bit odd. Then the texts started coming in rapid fire style of getting a $210 processing fee to access the funds. Once I showed any hesitation the scammer started expressing urgency in providing a PayPal account to pay the fee with.
This scam is on TikTok now
This scam is on TikTok now
This scam is on TikTok now
This scam is on TikTok now
This scam is on TikTok now


I watched the video. Checked out his Instagram account. Saw a few people that “received” his money. Then when the agent texted me about the activation fee of $200 for Zelle or Cashapp, is when I knew it was dodgy. Because I know you can activate either of those accounts with less and if he was going to send me cash- why do they need those accounts activated?
Lottery share scam
Lottery share scam
Lottery share scam
Lottery share scam
Lottery share scam
Lottery share scam
Lottery share scam
Lottery share scam


Han og familien er kristne og ville dele ut endel av hans lotterigevinst

He offered me $10,000.asked my name and where was I from. He is on Instagram.
He offered me $10,000.


Do they found me on Facebook. Said congratulations you won message me for details. So I sent a message and low and behold guy give me this reported number. So I text it and they say go get a 500 dollar apple gift card and send receipt to verify your name and get q00k today delivered to your door!. Anyhow long story short I decided to bait him. He ended up threatening to kill my entire family. Why? Because I called him out over and over again. I actually called the number its some Nigerian man. Anyway guess he had enough. Im very very glad I have guns a neighbors either guns cuz he did get my address before I realized what was happening! So yeah there is that. Anyway its a huge scam and I hope they catch these guys really really do!


He contacted me and offered 30k of I sent him $100
Scam asking for money to get money
Scam asking for money to get money
Scam asking for money to get money
Scam asking for money to get money
Scam asking for money to get money
Scam asking for money to get money


I was messaged by Mike J Weirsky also known as MikkeJWeirsky_8330 and was offered a cash price. Those exact words didn't make sense to me I mean cash price not cash prize? Sound's like an unintelligent individual but okay. I had asked why is he giving money out? His response was I am helping people in need. So I was suspicious and clicked on his link there I found a youtube video of the winning. I said to myself this is definitely a scam but let's play it out and see? So I went back on and messaged him he asked if I received my cash price again? I said what does that mean? He asked if I had Paypal or a CashApp I said Paypal. He said send me your Paypal and e-mail. I know you don't need and email you can just give your Paypal but I played along just to see and even went and made a fake PayPal account and gave it to him his response w[censored]d that was it hold. Then an hour later I get a message saying that his account manager will be sending me $5,000 on my Paypal account and I need to go and get a $200 gift card and send him a picture of the numbers on the back then I would receive my money sent to me from his account manager. I went on the search bar and googled this guy found alot of warnings about a scam on his name and I went on Instagram and searched his name people have made alot of fake accounts with his name and I was shocked that this happens and could happen to people in need or senior citizens even myself if I didn't look him up.


I received the initial message on New Year’s Eve that I “won” $10k. The catch was I needed to deposit $500 first on my cash app. I don’t think so! Total scam harassing me weekly.
Instagram scam


He saidvhe was sharing what he'd won in the lottery. Then kept asking me to send money to cashapp. To get things started. He finally messed up sending a false cashapp supporter. Said send this money so he can get and account started in your name. Really couldn't believe I fell for this. Luckily lost only about $1500. Glad I realized what was happening when I did.


My husband has just confessed to sending £6,500 worth of iTune and amazon voucher codes to this Mike Wiersky via Instagram in return for £75,000. He has been well and truly SCAMMED. Anyone with half a brain (apart from elderly/vulnerable) could see this was not real. I can't believe my husband has fallen victim to such a pathetic crime, and now we are in huge amounts of debt for the next 3 years.

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Michael Weirsky Scam Contacts

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2357 N Talbott St Indianapolis, IN 46205, USA



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