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Ontario Warranty Services

Sharing is caring! Are you having problems with Ontario Warranty Services? Use ScamPulse to file a complaint.

Ontario Warranty Services Reports & Reviews (48)

I work for MPP ***** *****. We have had SEVERAL calls from constituents regarding someone claiming to be with the Gov't of Ontario and/or with Ontario Warranty Services calling people (mainly seniors, though not all) to tell them they qualify for an energy rebate if they're appliances are new enough. When they call they are asking to either come to the house (during COVID) and inspect the appliances and/or asking those same people for banking information to "deposit" the rebate.

No Ontario Government Ministry is aware of any such program. This is not attached to Carbon Tax rebates that we know, as those would come through the Federal Government and the CRA.


Guess it was my lucky day... same speech as everyone else, I was due for a carbon credit $88... asked her to mail me the chq, that's when things went south, cost to much she replied, I said well I don't give out my bank info, she said, wait for it... I am not asking for your bank info? I just want your deposit info... aren't they the same? I told her I was busy working, and she said she'd call me back, I will be ready for the call back... Scammer!


OK folks. If you are foolish enough to go ahead with this and give them the 88 bucks the next step is to try to sign you up to a $60.00 a month "Service Contract". That is $720.00 a year. You could purchase a new appliance every two years with that kind of money. These are BAD people and very polished at it as well. I honestly felt my guy didn't actually know he was a fraud. I think he drank the cool-aid as well. Never buy anything over the phone. If you want a service contract do the leg work yourself. You need to start the process and be ready with the questions. JH


Same as reported as others. I declined to provide my #-at-the-bottom-of-the-cheque and asked for their website which appears totally legitimate.

Thanks for the info here which stopped from pursuing this 'opportunity' further.

Wonder why their site is still up.


An individual called on 9 Oct around 2:00pm to inform me that the Ontario government was issuing a tax credit of $88.00 to all Ontario home owners that would register my household with an appliance insurance against any defect, repair and theft on all household appliances in my house. He had info such as my family name and street address, however he needed the postal code, and he had my phone number (obviously) but wanted my cell phone number. He would not tell me which company he worked for but his company had been hired by Ontario Warranty Services to provide this service to home owners. He would transfer me to another office where I was to give my bank account number for the money to be deposited and an application kit would be mailed to me for filing the personal info required to be considered eligible. When I told him I would accept a cheque in lieu of a deposit he started his selling spiel all over again. That's when I knew it was more than likely a scam and I hung up.


Got the call today from them. I didn't give banking info... thank you for everyone reporting this, as their site looks good doesn't it.


Similar experience to above. Tried told them, gee I've heard about immoral people who might ask for my information. Can you imagine being that type of person. Surely they know they are going to hell. Poor them."


Just this instant received a call from "Norman Fernandes" offering to deposit $88.05 to my chequing or savings account. He used my married name, which I never use, and was able to identify my address and me as the homeowner, despite my house being in my maiden name. He called me ma'am and kept stumbling over the word "Ontario" and gave me a website so I could verify they were real. I never give any info over the phone to someone who calls me. I told him to send me the kit and if I could verify it then I would call them.


Just got the call. I asked for the details in a email. They said they could mail the details. I said great. She said she needed to take information before giving the documented details. I asked why? She hung up.

Looking for low hanging fruit.


Great company, dont overthink it guys, the company is 100% legit.How can peace of mind for full warranty repair or replace for all major home appliances for $59.99 be a scam. The only way it could be a scam is if there were reports of people who actually signed up and not gotten the service. If you Read the reports above, all of them are conspiracy theories based on peoples accents and assumptions of people being scammers because they have east Indian and American accents. Come on guys we are living in 2020 an East Indian or American accent does not constitute scamming its actually called cultural or racial discrimination


I think these people are running a scam with the warranty company. They want your banking information so they can bleed your account dry. The fact they mislead right at the beginning with lies and then proceed to enroll you before you can think about what is going on is another red flag. $ 720 a year for warranty services is the real cost of this service and I highly doubt you can cancel it at any time. The carbon credit cheque is probably not real. If they want to send you a cheque they can mail it. They don't need your banking information. They can bill you monthly of this is a legit company. I called their business number on their web site and got busy/not working tone.

You wouldn't happen to work for this company, would you Robert?

WOW! There is stupid. There is ignorant. There is uneducated. There is careless. And finally there you are! My dream puff-
cake snowflake come true. Please give me your address and phone number. I have this awesome new technology that can stop all scams before they occur. It's available by secret subscription only. The cost is pennies a day for peace of mind (mine). You will never have to worry again. I guarantee this will be the last time you ever have your money stolen. Do an e-transfer for $365.00 to [email protected]. The product will be delivered within 48 Hrs. Good luck.

I disagree,these people have high pressure pushy sales people & misrepresent themselves.I stupidly gave them my banking info believing they are with the Government ,hung up on them and ended up closing my account that same day because they come across as fraudulent when logic finally set in.
As I was talking to the bank fraud rep,they tried to access my bank account which fortunately the rep had just locked it down to deposit only so they werent able to access the account.They called back & when I told them I just reported them to the bank,Equivax & Transunion they hung up fast.NO LEGIT COMPANY acts like this.Like they say if it Quacks like a duck most likely is one.

Hey bud, ever heard of unsolicited phone calls? Ever heard of the Do Not Call list? Calling any number on that list is illegal. They kept calling my number time after time with me telling to stop calling. Last time I had to threaten to press charges. Not exactly the actions of a legitimate business.

I literally just received a call and the young man kept calling me Ma'am like an American would. It sounded like a scam straight off the bat, despite his very professional even tone and manner...that is until after I asked for a website to look up and he mentioned the payment. I laughed then and said I wouldn't be doing anything until I verified they were legit. He kept up the sham one more sentence and then it fell apart and he no longer carried the same professional tone and manner of speaking. Scam, scam, scam, scam, scam! Why are Americans or American-sounding telemarketers calling Canadians?! Nope, F off like the Airduct Cleaning scammers from the middle east thank you very much!


I had received a call today, very legit sounding lady, with only a slight hint of Indian accent. She first asked me if i already have Assisted Ontario Warranty coverage for my dwelling. I said I do not know, and that she needs to call later so i can ask my husband. Of course I suspected scam. She said all of the sudden that she can see that I do not have the coverage and she wanted me to write down a 6 digit phone call confirmation number. I wrote it down, still thinking what is the catch / scam. then she says " do you want me to deposit a Carbon tax refund into your checking or savings account ?" I laughed and asked her if she actually thinks that I would give her my banking information. She said it is all done threw Ontario Home warranty services and to be assured that it is all very secured. I repeated that i will not give her my account info over the phone, and she then hung up. She was however very polite and well spoken. I would not be surprised if some senior's would fall for this.


I received my third call from this organization today. Each time they call, I advise them that I refuse to give my banking details to anyone over the phone. The woman on today's call said that their program won't cost me anything, yet will provide warranty coverage for all of our appliances as well as our home heating & cooling systems. AND they're going to deposit a "Carbon Credit" into our Chequing or Savings Account (our choice), so they need the Account Number for whichever one we want them to use (and ABUSE, no doubt). I told her I wasn't interested & hung up. I called the phone number that appears on their website to find out if they know about the calls going out to the public & if they did, to tell them to remove our number from their calling list. I was put on hold immediately & listened to some aggravating music & a recorded message saying how important my call was to them, assuring me that someone would be on the line shortly. After 10 minutes, I hung up.


I just got the same phone call from a lady agent. Saying that she was from Ontario Warranty Service wanting to give me warranty service and repair on my home applicances. The incentive was a carbon rebate of $88.05 that would be direct deposited to my account. I asked if they could mail it. She said they only did direct deposit. I asked if they would give me a number I could call. She said that when she was done she will transfer me and they'll give me a 1800 number. I asked "why can't you give it to me now" She said her job was to process my claim and transfer me.
She was very pushy asking for my banking information. I said no and she kept asking. I asked "how can I verify that this is legit?". She said that she had given me a 7 digit confirmation number. WOW, if giving a bogus number is how you prove yourself legitimate, then anybody can be a scammer. Anyway, after further questioning, she hang up. It is definitely a scam.


I just got the same call asking for my banking information. The lady gave me her name as Nixi Gayne. The cheque was for $88.05. The office was supposed to be at Dufferin St. When I said that the online information gives an address as Yonge St, she said that it was another department.
Was insisting that I get the cheque book and give her the last digits. When I said that there are so many scams, she said, yes I know, but you’re protected and there’s nothing to worry. As I told her to mail the cheque and that I would not give banking information over the phone, she hung up. This was the second time I received this call as first time I cut off immediately.


Indeed, this is a hilariously poorly conceived scam, P T Barnum bad. I doubt highly if you could get a centenarian to fold on this one... I remain sane and safe by having my 'alternate' personality on hand by my home phone (which, when it rings, which is rarely, always seems to have a reprobate scammer attached to the noisy end) so i have a cogent set of useless info, numbers, slight miss-spellings of my name, lightly doctored contact info and completely effing useless banking info. I've been known to waste an hour or two on these clowns when they call. The way I see it if they're wasting time and effort on me, they're not scamming some poor old bugger who might get phished in.
It's a take on the bore the balls off you with Jesus shtick. A few minutes of persistent bible BS and you could talk The Buddha out of leaving the house for a short walk.

Remind the people less computer and scam savvy, there's no such thing as a free lunch (unless you happen to belong to upper echelon govt) and NO GOVT. OF CANADA OR ONTARIO WILL EVER ASK YOU FOR BANKING INFO OVER THE PHONE They know that only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the noonday sun and offer up banking info to Mahatma Coat over the blower.


Dido Teresa, I just received the same call today around noon, stating all of the same things as they did with you! My Scam reps name was Amaria Higgins, I do have call display and the number she called from was 1-647-365-5989. She gave me all of my contact information I did not agree or disagree. She is very aggressive, I asked that she send the information package to my address, she said she would. She told me that I would get a credit of $88.05 being the Ontario Carbon Tax. She wanted my banking information to deposit this amount into my savings or chequing account. I said please send me a cheque as I don't give out banking info over the phone. She said she couldn't send a cheque that the system was set up for deposit only. I said I am registered with CRA for my taxes, get the information from them and do the deposit then. She said no that they weren't affiliated with the government that they were a separate company. I said well give me your phone number and I will look into this and get back to you. She said she had to finish her part of the call as she had to pass me onto to another representative that could finalize and answer any of my remaining questions. I said no I do not give out banking info over the phone. I will check into this and get back to you as I hustled her off of the phone and she quickly said ok and hung up.
That was my second call, the first call I received was from a man on June 29, 2020 stating the same info and it actually said Ont Warr Ser at 905-367-8402 on my call display. I didn't take the time with him but certainly the same scam.
I also hope my complaint helps prevent others from being taken advantage of by these companies. Their unscrupulous attempts to defraud innocent people are vile on a normal day, and unconscionable in the midst of a pandemic.


I just received a phone call from apparently "ONTARIO WARRANTY SERVICE". They "promise" you that ALL YOUR APPLIANCES IN YOUR HOUSE WILL BE REPAIRED FOR FREE ---- FIRST RED FLAG! Then she said it is to REDUCE OUR CARBON FOOTPRINT ---- SECOND RED FLAG! I asked if this was a GOVERNMENT PROGRAM, she said NO. ---- THIRD RED FLAG! As the GOVERNMENT is the only one that gives "CARBON CREDITS" (if there is such a thing). Then she wanted my BANKING INFORMATION ---- FORTH RED FLAG & MOST OBVIOUS RED FLAG! Then I tried to get her to give me the PHONE NUMBER so I could call her back & give her my banking information (NOT-- WINK WINK). She WOULD NOT GIVE ME A PHONE NUMBER as she said she has to PROCESS ME FIRST then she would transfer me to the VERIFICATION SPECIALIST who would then give me a Toll Free Number to call when ANY OF MY APPLIANCES would break down so they could fix them (YAH RIGHT). So she was very persistent in trying to get my banking information, saying just go get a cheque & give her the number on the bottom of the cheque (YAH RIGHT AGAIN!). She was very persistent, as was I, trying to get her to give me a phone number. I then said to her I would give her my banking information AFTER she gave me a phone number. She just would NOT do it! Then I asked her a question: I said to her "Do you know JESUS, AS YOUR LORD & SAVIOUR?" Of course she said "Yes". I kept asking her QUESTIONS about TRULY KNOWING JESUS, THAT SHE HAD TO BE BORN AGAIN, DID SHE ACCEPT HIM INTO HER HEART?, ETC. She just answered YES, to try to get more information from me. I just kept PREACHING HER JESUS & she really DID NOT LIKE THAT, so she told me that she would let me go, as there were OTHER CUSTOMERS THAT WERE WAITING PATIENTLY TO BE PROCESSED by her & that I was not answering HER QUESTIONS. I GUESS SHE DIDN'T LIKE ME ASKING HER ABOUT JESUS? HMMM. Makes you wonder if SHE TRULY KNOWS JESUS. I think if she did, she WOULD NOT BE WORKING FOR A COMPANY TO "RIP OFF PEOPLE" & ''SCAM PEOPLE OUT OF THEIR MONEY"! I hope this helps someone & I HOPE YOU CATCH THE THIEVES! GOD BLESS YOU!


I just had the exact same conversation and refused to give any personal banking information. It was a woman as well. She said her name was Macy Greene with an “e” on the end and gave a reference number to which the last 2 digits were her ID number that would prove legitimacy when I receive the package in the mail. The credit owed to me as well was $88.05 and she requested my chequing or savings deposit information. I refused and she was cut off in mid sentence.


I received a phone call from the same company a couple of weeks ago (May 2020) but quickly said to them I’m not interested and hang up before they were done their speech. Now today June 10th 2020, around 2:30pm received a call again. It was a delayed response after I answered which I knew then it was some sort of a telemarketer. (I don’t have call display). The woman had a thick accent and spoke really fast but I understood she was calling from Ontario warranty services which warranty home appliances etc... she asked

Me a couple of times if I was the homeowner, and verified my postal code. And then told me her

Call was about

The credit for 88.05$ for

Ontario carbon tax I believe she said. I was surprised because I received a letter from the government months ago saying I did not qualify for that rebate.

And asked if I wanted it deposited in my checking or savings account. I told her neither send me a check since you have my address. She read a speech fast about why she can’t.. I said the government has all my info for direct deposit anyways. She then explained her company is not with the government and went on to talk about her company for

Home warranty blah blah blah. I told her I am not giving her

My bank information and told



Call back at another time since I will

Be investigating further her company.

Check fields!

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Ontario Warranty Services Contacts

Ontario Warranty Services associated photos:


4711 Yonge Street, North York, ON, Canada



This website was reported to be associated with Ontario Warranty Services.


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