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Publishers Clearing House(PCH) - Imposter

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Publishers Clearing House(PCH) - Imposter Reports & Reviews (766)

I got a call from Publishers Clearing House saying I won first prize of $18.5 Million and a Mercedes Benz. I spoke with Danielle Lamb she told me to send them $5,000.00, which I sent via certified check to Irene Judah at 26110 Biloxi Dr Moreno Valley, CA 92555. They called me and told me they got the check and would send me my money when I paid them the other half, which was $4,500.00.


I received a call from a company twice advising that I won 2 million dollars but I needed to pay 1% before I received the prize. They advised I should call to get a loan for $18,000 and then they would release my winnings.


Received mail 01/31/2022. In envelope was a check for $8697.30 a congratulations letter with 5 paragraphs stating what to do. Call money manager and accountant they said throw away. Do not cash check was a scam. Investigated names and addresses on letter check and envelope. On 02/01/2022 called PCH they said it was a scam and got me to the PCH scam dept. The person there was not helpful or caring telling me his computer cannot take some of the information I pointed out a d they work closely with the FTC. He got little upset when I ask him what I was a little lost on is how the scammers could get the name the address and PCH connected we never bought anything from PCH.Do they sell there list? I also called informed them ask for advise as we want the public to know how sophisticated the scams and also let the businesses know that the scammers are using their name and logos and addresses. I could only scan in the letter the envelope and check could not be scan in please call if you want pics on check and enveloped. I investigated everybody.


Claimed that we had won 5.5 million and a new car. Wanted money for IRS WGr stamp and FDIC insurance. Had us call multiple numbers and emailed information trying to get the money to accept the prize. 2nd person on the phone claimed to be Debra Holland.


I received another scam call call from Publishers Clearing House. John Baker told me he is the manager. I won $18 million. I knew it was a scam. I asked how I would receive my prize. He said two Marshalls would deliver my prize today at 3:30. He wanted to know my address. I did not give it out. He also wanted my Social Security number. I refused to give it out. He did not ask for money. I did not let it get that far. I told me to get a pen and paper and call him back. I did not call back. His phone number is 205-491-6710. I mentioned he could speak with my son. He hung up.


On Saturday morning, January 29th, 2022, I received this on my voice mail. Good Morning my name is Mary Goodman I am a licensed agent with Publishers Clearing House. The reason of my call today is about a prize you won from my company of $2 million dollars today which you are supposed to receive from my company today, so if you are interested in claiming this prize from my company today Please call 516 828 3270
and please remember to identify yourself with your full name, have yourself a great day.
As others have stated, this woman's voice sounded Middle Eastern or East Indian. I saved the message but did not call this woman. Protect yourself, people.


I received a phone call from John Davis representing Publishers Clearing House stated that I had won 2.5 million and would get a certified check of $7,500 cash and an 2022 Mercedes. All I had to do was go to a CVS Drug Store purchase a Claimers Card in the amount of $499 and US Gov Verification Card of $499, I then stated this is possibly a scam and he turned me over to a Debra Holland to verify this was in fact real who had a Caribbean accent similarly to John Davis.


I received a phone call from David Peterson representing Publishers Clearing House stated that I had won 2.5 million and would get a certified cheque plus $15,000 cash and an 2022 Mercedes. All I had to do was go to the Shoppers Drug Mart purchase a Perfect Gift Card in the amount of $199, He phoned four times now stating that it was $99 then down to $25.00 and will phone me tomorrow, That's where it stands and I will not pay anything.


My 90-year young mother was called and told she had won a Mercedes and 5 million dollars. They would send uber/taxi to pick her up and take her to Walmart to get a copy of her driver's license so that they would know where to deliver the car and her check.


An imposter called, had a heavy Indian accent claiming to be with Publishers Clearing House. The first lady that called, I couldn't understand her, so then a guy came on the phone with an Indian accent, saying something about $7 million and Publisher's Clearing House. He wouldn't hang up even after I lied about being sued for $5k from PCH, and eventually I just hung up. They immediately called again and didn't say anything.


I received a letter in the mail with a check in the amount of $7798. There was an incomplete address of Brockton, MA on the envelope. The letter was printed crookedly. The check was written on a Wells Fargo bank in California.


These scammers did not even know anything about me except my phone number. I was told that today (01/12/2022) I was expected to be contacted by two attorneys, Mr. Bobby Foster and Mary Alice. I was told they would arrive in a white limousine and they would help me set up a bank account to receive my winnings from PCH Publisher's Clearing House. I was given a bunch of information, the agent who contacted me by phone, his name was David Johnson and his ID Badge # is 357531/PCH. David told me that I had won $2.8 million dollars, and a bonus prize, a 2022 Mercedez Benz car. I was told I was going to be issued a cashier's check with Bank of America for $2.8 million dollars. I was given a prize package code number PCN/00533830390677WA to get a pre-paid visa card from Walgreens. I was told I would have to pay a 1% fee or tax to the IRS Internal Revenue Service in the amount of $ 999.99, which I could pay with the pre-paid visa card that I would get from Walgreens. I was also given a check serial code number, CCC/35524048648077/US. I was given the option of public or private delivery of prizes. I was told that the visa card I was to get at Walgreens would be my lifetime card to receive $7,500 weekly for life. I was told to ask for the OneVanilla pre-paid visa card at Walgreen's. I was skeptical and called two different Walgreens in my area and asked them about what I was told by phone. I was informed by both Walgreens that I was scammed and that I was given incorrect information and that Walgreens does not issue government pre-paid visa cards for Publishers Clearing House. Needless to say, I have blocked the scammers phone number, and I am informing you to alert others of probable scammers. Be safe.


We have sent $500 and David Goodman still wants $150 more. He calls from 702674556 and +18086661527. We believe we are being scammed. Why is this guy getting away with this? He says he will send delivery people with our money and car that we won. He sent the photo to us that we have included with this review. He has not shown up with anything so far. He should be in federal prison. I posted this so others wont fall for this criminal's lies. We lost our savings and have to start over from nothing again. I pray this person will be stopped as well as anyone helping him. If anyone wants to contact us please email [email protected] or text 8087574431.
David Goodman


I was called on 11/23/2021 by David Sawyer (202-945-1123), who claimed to be the CEO at Publishers Clearinghouse. He told me that I has won 2nd place ($25 million) from Readers Digest's Harvest Sweepstakes. A woman had also left messages about this on 11/23 and 11/25 about the prize. Mr. Sawyer told me I would need to send him $1500 for taxes and he would be bringing the IRS with him. I was told to get 3 AMEX gift cards at $500 each at CVS. I went to the bank on 11/24. He called and asked for the numbers on the card which I gave him. He never showed up and has not called back about the winnings. He just has my phone number and address.


Caller used the nam David Johnson. Saying that I won 2 million dollars. He gave a batch number, check number. Package number and winner number. Send delivery at 1:30 on 11/24/21. After not showing up he called to say the he was delayed by the Sheriff because I needed to get a federal stamp for the check to be verified. I was to send $800 dollars toFederal reserve agent Alyce Davis at PO Box 1034 Lucerne Valley CA. I asked to speak to the deputy that was with him. I was given the name David White badge #80803 who tried to convince me that the situation was legitimate. I told them to call me on Friday. To make a long story short I looked up Alyce Davis at the address given and she does have a record.


I have received two phone calls from Publishers Clearing House. Callers name was Michael Turner. Calling from Las Vegas with Publishers Clearing House. Said I won $18 million. He gave a confirmation number of 711172317. I was on the phone with him about twenty minutes. He knew my husbands name. He asked where my husband was. I said you must know. I told him I lived with my son. He wanted $950 when they deliver my prize. I could have cash. He asked a few questions. Wanted my bank book number. I told him I didn't have one. I did not give any information. I knew it was a scam when he wanted money. He pressed on that. He mentioned Oprah Winfrey was with them. He also mentioned Thanksgiving and that we could do this Friday. Their phone number is 702-551-6394.


They kept calling me multiple times, but they said they wanted to pay part of my credit card and then they asked what bank I deal with. I gave them my credit card information, and then I checked my bank and it showed that the payment came out of my account instead of them paying for my card.


This situation started 8 months ago with them telling me I had won $ 55 million dollars and a 2021 mercedes clk 64 amg. They keep calling and texting me. Over the course of the 8 months they got $13,000 from claiming it was for tax fees and other costs. Individuals who actively involved in this scam are Mr. Andy Goldberg, Mrs. Debra Holland, Mr.kimany Campbell, a banker with TD bank myrtle beach, florida. I have been lied to, threatened and fraud from these individuals. I asked them to return my money and they provide excuses phone number of this scammer 8536201991


The person said his name was John Wright with Publishers Clearing House. Badge # 558326

The prize was 2nd place for $850,000 cashiers check and a Samsung washer & dryer.

I was to call the above number and give additional information which I DID NOT!


I am an advocate for the victim - this is her story --- I received a call from a lady with a Jamaican accent named Debra Hollens stating I am a winner of Publisher's Clearing House Sweepstakes. Ms. Hollens verified my address and apartment number with me. She proceeded to inform me of my prizes of $850,000 in the form of a cashier's check and a brand new Mercedes. She said you have the choice of 3 colors and which one I'd like - I responded promptly with "blue" my favorite color. She asked me if I would be home within the next half hour to forty five minutes. However before their arrival, they required I go to either Walmart or CVS to purchased two American Express cards with the following amounts: (1) $505 for the registration card (2) $195 for the cashier's check. Then she asked what was the name of my bank was. I questioned why she would need that information. She recanted frantically saying "Oh no, we won't need your banking information" and then stating "Let me have you talk with my supervisor so you may know this is not a scam". Before he spoke, I did not hear anything indicative of me being transferred to said "supervisor" (her scamming partner). All of a sudden a gentleman by the name of Howard Greene got on the line. I confirmed with "Is Green spelled with an 'E' at the end?". He responded, "Oh yes, that'll be OK 'sweetie'". He asked me if I was dressed. I responded with questioning of course. He questioned back will how am I supposed to go to the store to get the cards undressed. Why was he concerned about what I was wearing?!?!?! (hahaha!). Then I wrapped up the conversation saying "You know what, I gonna call the Publisher's Cleaning House (PCH) to verify and the Better Business Bureau. Of course, I did as I said and followed up with the real PCH who informed me that winners would never be notified prior to coming to my door to savor the element of surprise, and and that they would NEVER ask for money beforehand. Please good people, do not let yourself be scammed! Please be reminded that he will be calling you "sweetie". Have a very blessed day everyone!!!

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