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Publishers Clearing House(PCH) - Imposter

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Publishers Clearing House(PCH) - Imposter Reports & Reviews (766)

My aunt received a call this am (that I answered) and they addressed me as "Mr" and her last name. They told me that I was a Publishers Clearing House winner and that I had won 23 Million dollars and a brand new 2022 Mecedes. It wasn't even my number they called and they didn't even know my name. So, when I questioned him on how I could be the winner when they didn't even know my name and my aunt hadn't entered any contest. They said it could have been that she entered 20-30 years ago. They knew the address associated with the number and gave me instructions on how I was to confirm the winnings. The caller had an Indian accent and gave me his name as "Bobby Anderson" (how American does that sound!) He also told me his "Badge number" was "368US" and his phone number was: 912-290-9648. The instructions were that I was to call Bank of America and verify the amount that was in the account waiting for me to claim it. They also wanted to know what color Mersedes I wanted and listed the choice of colors. They also asked if I could still drive. . . so, I'm thinking they know these calls are going to older people. So, I was supposed to call: 1- 209-270-5154 (which turned out to supposedly be "Wells Fargo") and to verify the amount in the account and then call him back to make arrangements for the delivery of the money and the Mercedes. He also mentioned that there may be a possibility that we would have to pay taxes on the winnings. I'm sure this was the prelude to them asking for that up front. When I told him this doesn't sound legit, Bobby told me to "put my shoes on and stand like a man" I told him he needed to - to prove himself to me. Since I was able to find the number on I knew he was full of BS. So, when he called me back, I told him that he just needs to stop and that I knew he was a scam. I also told him to take our number off his list and that I was reporting him. He said "he wasn't doing anything wrong". So, please, warn the older people to be aware!


They want me to pay fees in gift cards


I would like to report a scam call I received yesterday. Caller claimed to be with Publishers Clearing House. They left a message. You are a winner. Call back to get the details and claim your winnings. They gave phone number 929-280-3435. I called the number back. Spoke with Director James Franklin. There were two other numbers in my caller ID ID 929-565-7589 and 929-565-5214. He gave PCH number number 85647. Told me I won $1.85 million. He asked me questions. He asked my age. I gave my age. We spoke for about twenty minutes. He had me going. He said God bless you. God has rewarded you. He seemed so sincere. He had me going. He asked how old my husband was. He demanded to speak with my husband. My husband got on the phone. He kept throwing blessing us. Asked if we want it private or national. Hey asked if we had any other members in our family. We said two children. He told us not to tell our children until we come to your door. He asked for money. He asked if we had a savings account or investments. My husband did tell him we have a bank account. We have to pay the government $35,000. Since we are seniors over 65 we pay one percent. $300 within 24 hours. That is when we knew it was a scam. I'm glad my husband was home. We told him to take the fee out of our winnings. My husband said forget it. The caller got very angry. He said someone else will get the prize. We knew it was a scam when they asked for money. The call made me cry. I was upset. He really had me going.


They claim to be publishers clearing house and they want $200


Publishers Clearing House called with "you have won " Claim number and prize promised. Wanted me to order a gift card so they could add money to it.


I was called by Mr Tony Gibson. Stated I won 4 million from Publishers Clearing House. Gave all this info regarding a badge number, winners confirmation code, sponsorship number from Wells Fargo. Stated Steve Harvey and Steve Salome. Could have public or private notification Called me a b**** when I stated asking to many questions about monies etc. He stated we would owe 695.32 regarding taxes. I hung up on him after he got agitated and called me a b****.


Entered by Staff - LJ - 10-3-22

I received a phone call on my home phone yesterday from Publishers Clearing House. Yesterday was a Sunday. They asked for my mother. I said she is deceased. They said this is a prize for you and your mother. Caller was Mary Roberts. She gave me a badge number 10012. She gave me phone number 860-448-7331. She said I won $3.5 million. Roses and a Kia. Two bottles of champagne. Two gift card for $3000 and two gas cards for $5000 each. Deborah Holland Finance Director was to call me to tell me today to tell me how much I needed to pay. . She was to give me the dollar amount I was to send. They asked if I wanted it private or public. I said nobody is giving this to me. They called this morning but I was not home. I thought this was a scam. Who gives away that many prizes. I have worked hard all my life. The call initially came up as Cleveland OH on my caller ID. That is why I answered. Usually I don't answer. My phone will say spam risk.


I received a call from Publishers Clearing House. The mans name was Mike Miller. Said I won $9.5 million and a new car. The call came from 864-658-6338. He told me to call him back on that number. I did not call the number. back. He wanted me to pay $1000. He would put up first $800. He wanted me to get a card and put the $1000 on it. He said they would come to my home with my prize after I paid the money. I knew it was a scam and did not pay any money. Reporting the call.


I received a message on my answering machine from Publishers Clearing House. I won $7000 a week for life. Call for further details. 585-282-4792. I did not call the number back. There are so many scams. I was leery.


I received a call yesterday on my cell phone from Publishers Clearing House. Came from phone number 602-704-9085. His name was Dave or David. He did not give a last name. Told me my name was pulled. I won over $250 million. I said this is unbelievable. He told me to call the Better Business Bureau and call him back.. He gave a claim number 79684arts. He requested $250 for insurance. He wanted me to go to Walgreens or Walmart and get a prepaid card. I have until Friday to pay it. The money will come from Nevada. I wanted to know if it was a scam. I did not send any money.


I received a call on my cell phone about a week ago. They left a voice mail message. Caller said it is Publishers Clearing House. Would like to inform you that you are a first place winner. Our Prize Patrol prize patrol has been suspended due to Covid. Please call this number to claim your prize. I called the phone number that was left 929-414-2260. A man answered. I said where are you located. He told me New York. He gave a name I could not understand. I said I am returning your call about the Publishers Clearing House prize. He said I won $3.5 million. Someone will call you from Corporate in 15-20 minutes. Nobody called me so I called again. He asked my net worth and work status. He said for IRS purposes I need your entire your Social Security number. I did not answer. I said this does not sound like it is legitimate. He got abrasive with me. Wanted my bank account to wire money. He did not sound too intelligent. He asked my age. I gave him my age. He ended up hanging up. I knew from media never to send money. It did not get that far. I did call the real Publishers Clearing House in New York and reported it. PCH told me they never call winners. I have entered Publishers Clearing House online.


I received a phone call today claiming to be with Publishers Clearing House. My caller ID showed phone number 929-512-9102. Caller said I won $7000 a week for life and a Mercedes Benz. Wanted me to by a Money Pack card for $100. That's when my antenna went up. It sounded like a scam. I went along with it. I did not send money.


Just sent text saying I won the Lottery and to contact them with my information. Which I'm definitely not that stupid. Its truly sad that there's so many people out there trying to get over on Anyone andEveryone! Smh


I received 2 calls, one from Maxwell Brown and then one from a Jonathan Cooper. They said they were from Publishers Clearing House. The first person told me I won $150,000.00 and I'd have to pay a shipping charge. The second call was for $2 million dollars and a new Rolls Royce delivered to my door today and I was told I would have to pay $2000.00.


I received a call from David Sawyer (850-604-0706) who said he was from Publishers Clearing House and was calling from Molino, Florida. He said I won $5.5 Million and a new car. He knew my address, my email address, and my phone #. I said no and hung up. I received a 2nd call from Clarisse Johnson (865-503-9076) who said she was from Bank of America. Clarisse asked for my bank account number so that my winnings could be deposited into my account. She asked for my social security #, my VA information, and my age, too. I accidentally gave her my age. She said she needed by full profile information for delivery and prize package. Clarisse said the money is in Las Vegas. I said if that is the case, that I could go to Las Vegas to collect it by cashier's check. She said I had until tomorrow to get my winnings. I said that it wasn't right, that it only one day notice. She backed out and said if I gave my bank account #, that I'd get the money through wire transfer. I refused. I received a 3rd phone call from Jack Peterson (812-633-0788 x12) who said that he was Head Officer Bank of America Card Services who asked for the same information.

All three were very persistent.


I received a phone call from Publishers Clearing House two days ago. The phone number was 877-738-2661. Caller said I won $2 million. I was leery. I did not give them a chance to ask for money. I hung up.


My mother received a call stating she won 1.5 million dollars and a Mercedes Benz. They called her back several times before telling her that they would be out the next day to provide her with her money and car. All she needed to do is get two $500 American Express gift cards from Walgreens. This was to pay the Federal Government. They still continue to call. My mother is in her late 80's and forgets she is not to talk to them or provide them with any information.


Received phone message on my cell #. Gave me prize number to reference and gave me number to call. When I did call they said I had won $4.5 million. They asked for my bank account # to transfer the money. I said I was not ready to do that. The person hung up.


This scam was so elaborate...the details they know about things....this was straight foolery..they use supposedly Reverends to do the dirty work.... this is a well oiled machine that's been in business a long time...the head of this snake needs to be chopped. They gave fake irs agent names and fake bbb agents names and fake accounts


Received notification that I was a sweepstakes winner. It said they were with BBB. Was emailed Officially Approved Docs. And was speaking with Johnny Rogers at 615-857-2153. They had me send cash to them for a sweepstakes. And then they had me send them gift cards to them. I have found that it is a scam.

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