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Publishers Clearing House(PCH) - Imposter

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Publishers Clearing House(PCH) - Imposter Reports & Reviews (766)

I received a message yesterday on my home answering machine. It sounded like a live person. Stated it was Publishers Clearing House. Said I won money. did not give an amount. They said God Bless You and hung up. Wanted me to call 914-416-3662. I did not call the number.

I am getting telephone calls from different numbers and different states continually I've already reported this several times before this is the new one August 8th 2023.

Received a letter in the mail from publisher clearing house. Called them and they wanted me to deposit the 7950000 check in my account and call them back with my account information.

Received a letter in the mail stating that I had won $700,000 from Publisher's Clearing House. I needed to call the phone number: 646-340-8599 and speak with my agent David Sayers in order to claim my prize money. The letter also included a prepayment of $9,350.25 in the form of a check to help pay for "fees". The check was issued from "MBW Technologies, LLC" (which is a legitimate company) and "Univest Bank + Trust" out of Soderton, PA (which is a legitimate bank). The letter is most definitely a scam and I am sure if I deposited the check, it would bounce.

My father received call on his cell from a private number. I was with him when he got the call. My dad hung up. They called back & I answered the call. The man said we had won 9 million dollars and F 150 pickup truck. I was sure this was a scam but he was very convincing and kept me on the phone for several minutes. The 2 names he used was Sam Smith, his and associate Frank Whyte. He said for me not to use the word scam on the recorded line. I did give him my personal email address so letter could be sent. He said if we refuse the prize they would give to someone else. I also gave him my mother's name and my name. He also told me not to share this with anyone besides mom, dad & myself. He said check would have all 3 names on it but never asked for dad's name, address or anything else. He said he came from New York and was in Charleston, WV and would be in a meeting to request the letter and would call back in 30 minutes. I did call a very close friend and she looked up scams and said PCH would not call but show up with the prize patrol. I did receive email and looked at it but wanted to report this because my parents are elderly and this should not happen to anyone. In about 30 minutes they called back but i did not answer the phone. They called several times but did not answer any of them and finally turned the phone off.

8.2 Phone call to spouse stating his name had come up from past winning list of potential winners for Publisher Clearing House. Michael Anderson (516-535-0321 as +000000000Scam on phone) stated that he had won 3.4 million dollars. He stated that my spouse had to get 4 Gift Cards for $500 each to be given to the people who were delivering vehicles to our address. He wanted an additional 4 gifts for $500 each but my spouse refused.

While I was calling him about the card transactions there was no answer. My spouse was told not to tell me what he was doing as it was a surprise for my birthday. My spouse did not pick up the call as Michael kept talking and telling him that it was a surprise for me. Every time my spouse hung up, Michael would call back and state that he could miss out if he didn't keep talking to him and getting the gift cards. During this 5 hours of conversation discussions of where we banked, my birth date, my spouse birth date, what I did for a living, email address, what my spouse did for a living, what our address was, etc.

My spouse got the cards and was requested to give him the Card Numbers and the Codes on the back. He then stated that he needed $9500 more. This was for fees (or taxes) to get the $3.4 million. My spouse hung up and called me.

I then checked out some things and we decided this was a scam. We did not give him any further money.

Later many phone calls and messages were sent to my spouse cell phone. These were on 8.2, 8.3, and 8.4. Messages stating that this was not a scam and that he wanted to know how to return the funds.

8.4 I spoke with Michael Anderson at 9.22 AM. He stated that he wanted to return the funds at the Logan St bank in Denver. He gave a routing number of 553 6478 0522 and said that my spouse could go to the Logan St bank and get the funds refunded to him. He stated this was a Promotion not a Lottery when I told him that taxes were not due on prizes before they were awarded. He stated that this was a pre-requisite to getting the $3.4 million. He attempted to get me to give my name. He called me Susan. My name is not Susan. He said I was not my spouse's wife if my name wasn't Susan. I told him that I was married to my spouse and that my name was not Susan and he could call me Mrs Spouse. He stated that the $3.4 million check was actually in my name (Susan). He said he needed to speak to his supervisor to get authorization to get the funds refunded.

I did ask him to put the money back on the Gift Cards. He said he couldn't do that. I advised him that we had already spoken with the Card company and they said he could. He had no reply.

I explained that he could send me documents in the mail to verify that we had won this money. He said he had my spouse email and he could send it electronically. I asked to have it sent via mail.

He kept insisting that my spouse go to Denver to the bank on Logan St (I did get him to verify it was the Credit Union on Logan St) to get the money. I told him that my spouse was not in Denver and that it could not be done. We do not bank at that bank.

I received a message on my home answering machine from Publishers Clearing House. Sounded like a live person. I did not answer. Message stated to contact them immediately. I am a grand prize winner. Call them at 914-429-7855. I did not call the number.

Received call from person identifying himself as Brad Liberman stating I had won a 4.1 million dollar Publisher's Clearing House sweepstakes and I was nearing the one year limit to claim the prize. He gave me a six digit code and advised me to call the New York Gaming Commission at 5183124920. I called and was advised through an automated menu to press option 3 which connected me to a live man who asked for my six digit number and he confirmed I was the winner rven providjng me with my name, address and phone number. He then advised me to call Brad back. Brad told me he would contact the federal reserve to issue me a cashier's check that I would need to sign for. They did not ask for any money, ss number or bank info. I called Brad back today anonymously and he answered by name. The other number is no longer in service. My name is ***** *****. My phone number is ************

Caller stated that I had won the Publishers Clearing House sweepstakes. They needed me to connect with me so that the prize van could deliver my prize. Phone number given to me was (317) 668-0360. Spoke to people who identified themselves as Bill Diamond and Eddie Rodgers. Eddie gave me a badge # of PCH-8810USA. They were initially somewhat convincing actually. But the more I asked questions the more worried I became that it was a scam. Eventually, they told me I needed a prepaid card for $500 in order to pay the state to state transfer fees on a vehicle I had won. Like an [censored], I bought the card. But then when they asked me to send them a picture of the card, I refused. The two men on the other end of the call bounced between each other (I asked repeatedly why they kept handing me back and forth between them but they never really answered that question). When I flat out refused to send a picture of the prepaid card - they became more brazen. Basically inferring that I was an [censored] because how could they possibly deliver my shiny new vehicle without the proper paperwork, which they could only do if I was trustworthy enough to send the pictures of the prepaid card.

Previously in the call, I had been told repeatedly that they would not ask for any personal info over the phone. When I challenged them that -- giving them a picture of the prepaid VISA card was in effect giving them access to $500 before anyone with a PCH Prize Van showed up at my house... they became rude and eventually hung up. They even went as far as telling me that State Troopers would accompany the Prize Van to protect the cash. I called the State Police. Not real. Plenty of other things were odd about the call. They said the prize team would show up as 6 people in a Brown and Black pick up truck. When I asked how 6 adults could fit into 1 pickup truck, they back peddled to say there was more than one truck coming. When I asked them to describe the driver, who they said was David Sawyer, the caller said he is "5 foot something". Also - when I asked them where the prize team is right now, they said Erie PA. But then said they could be at my house in 1 hour 20 minutes. I know it takes longer than that to get from Erie PA to my home.

Honestly I am a smart person and I almost fell for this. I'm afraid to know how many people are out $500 or more due to this type of scam.

I received a call from Publisher's Clearinghouse saying we had won $3.5 million and a new car, $5000 a week for life. he said teh Prize Patrol would be here today. I called back, and talked to Jon Peterson. He the prize patrol would not come out until I got a check for $3994 to pay the government's 1% processing fee. The girl at this number has an Asian accent 516-550-9121. Their other number is 888-394-1007, ext. 2.

I received a phone call “NO CALLER ID”, the person knew my name told me they are from Publishers Clearing House and that I won a big prize and asked if I would be home today, that scared me so I hung up. They called back three more times but I didn’t answer.

- Lakeville, IN, USA

Consumer reported to a phone call from someone claiming to be publishers clearing house. Consumer reported Randy Jackson claimed he won 7000 a week for life amonst other prizes, including a mercedes benz car and started to ask personal questions. They requested a gift card for $499. 702-416-2591 is an alternate number.  

Received call posing as Publishers Clearing house.

Can not recall entering contest

I received a phone from a Brian Jackson badge #357112 stating he was from publishers Clearing hous and I won 8.5 million dollars. Then he said I have to send them 200.00 to get registered and they would deliver my money and escort me to the bank. They claim to be 100% legit. Is this a scam?

I received a call from someone saying they were from Publishers Clearing House. They told me I won $10 million dollars and a 2023 car. They told me to drive to the bank and they'll stay on the phone with me and to give them my bank info and pay them $5000.00.

Gave us an identification code (10C675K74) to claim money stating we won 2.5 million dollars but would have to purchase card to receive the money. I told them I wasn’t purchasing anything if I won something and they hung up

- Spearfish, SD, USA

They called my cell number on a restricted line, used name Paul Freeman. said from publishers clearing house. gave me claim number 80500 conf. numbers 9331429 bar code 813892077929146505008. they said i won 8,000,000 prize. then asked if i was close to a store. I asked why, they said need new claim number. asked that I stop at a walmart are CVS as soon as can. That is when i said, no thank you and let them go.

- Cleveland, OH, USA

We received a mailing from Publishers Clearing House. I do not see their address and phone number. They are requesting $510 for taxes to release my prize of $8.3 million. I was to get a vanilla gift card and call them with the numbers on the back of the card. They also call me every day. When we get the money to call and let them know. They will stay on the phone while we go to the drug store. We did not send any money. The caller asked if I had any life insurance. Told me to cash in my life insurance. The phone numbers come up as restricted. Caller is Michael Anderson. He gave a badge number US7705.

- Cleveland, OH, USA

I spoke with someone claiming to be a Publishers Clearing House agent. They told me I won around $300 million. They told me to get a bank account and a credit card so they could wire the money to me. That didn't seem right to me.

- Cleveland, OH, USA

I keep receiving calls on my cell phone claiming to be with Publishers Clearing. David has called me about four days in a row. I do not remember his last name. He said I won $18.5 or $18.7 million. Wants me to send $500 for taxes. One percent. I was to purchase a visa gift card. I did not buy any cards or send money. He asked if I was a senior. I asked what does that have to do with it. The number that aways calls is 614-780-5073. It is in my caller ID. I knew it was a scam when he asked for money. He wanted to make sure it was me. He verified my address. He already knew my address. He could have my package to me within the hour. He said I do need money for the taxes. He asked if I wanted it to be public or private.

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