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Publishers Clearing House(PCH) - Imposter

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Publishers Clearing House(PCH) - Imposter Reports & Reviews (766)

- Mccall, ID, USA

They ask that you pay delivery fee

I was scammed out of 1500. for taxes on prizes I supposedly won. They still call daily. Very persistent.

- Naples, ID, USA

They called and said we had won a prize from Publisher's Clearing House and wanted to confirm a few things. They even knew what our home address was without us providing it to them.

Called and said I won 5.7 million and they put it in an account for me and all I have to do is get 2 gift cards worth $900 total in order to access this account

- Grand Prairie, TX, USA

I got a call from someone saying I won $1.5 Million, but I needed to buy a $499 gift card and give it to them when they arrive.

His name is Jack Freeman from PCH and his badge number is 7889jf

with confirmation number 8910394286

He wanted me to open a bank account and give him the account number so he would send me $5 million dollars. I was not to tell anybody and my winnings would be private.

- Wichita Falls, TX, USA

I got a call saying that I won $4 million and that I needed to pay $1,000 fee to get the money. They wanted me to go to the bank or go by credit cards and I was supposed to give it to them when they pull up.


A male called and asked if I knew anything about Publishing clearing house, for I had won 3 million dollars and a new car plus a 1000 cash. I was to go to walmart and buy several cards aat 5 hundred dollars and keep them in my care. That when I told him it sounded like a scam and he gave me the above number to can and check it out, however I did not. He keeps callsing back at a number that come up private. That is when I called the here in town and they told me it was a scam.

- Madison, WI, USA

The person told me I had won 2nd place in the Publisher’s Clearinghouse Sweepstakes, and that I would be receiving $3.5M and a new Mercedes Benz, and i would start receiving payments this Friday of $5000/week until i received the entire amount.

He told me that his name was Micheal Andersos, and that he and Debra Holland would arrive this afternoon with a big Clearinghouse check, and that he would stand on the left and i on the right, and Debra would take a picture for publication. He gave me his badge number of 840321US. He told me they would have a box to give me and that after they presented me with the check they would escort me to the bank.

They proceeded to ask me who i wanted as a beneficiary for the money if anything happened to me, what color car i wanted, whether i was a US citizen, over age 50, marital status.

Then he wanted to let me know the requirements expected for when they arrived. I was to have 2 - $500 VISA gift cards, which would be exchanged hand-to-hand for the package they were bringing. At this point i hung up the phone.

He called back, and i rejected the call.

He called a third time and told me we must have been cut off. I said “No, i hung up on you!”

He said “Aren’t you interested?”

I said “ No, I’m not an [censored]!”

He hung up on me.

Five minutes later i thought to myself that i should have told him I’d have the gift cards and then called the police to apprehend them when they arrived. Hindsight! Could have gotten them off the street.

- Schenectady, NY, USA

Allegedly Publisher Clearing House contact me and advised I won 5 1/2 million dollars and new car but you had to send $900.00 processing fee

- Wichita Falls, TX, USA

They called and told me I won 3.5 million dollars and that I would get $7k a week for one year. They told me to go Walmart to get some gift cards, one vanilla debit visa card. Walmart was out. I went to Walgreens for an Amazon gfit card and they said it might be a scam. Then I went to CVS and found the Vanilla card.

Then they wanted me to go send cash via FedEx in a magazine but FedEx said they couldn't send cash when i asked them.

- Mc Leansville, NC, USA

Phone call: won prize worth millions plus expensive car. Cautious but curious of possibility. Led around to request for bank info to deposit checks (got nothing, accounts blocked). Wanted to prepay taxes on winnings. wanted to pay taxes in cash. No way does the IRS want taxes in advance nor do they want cash. Stayed on phone, constantly asking questions and praising winning prizes. The chatter keeps their victim from thinking deeply enough to realize something is wrong. Even wanted to stay on the phone while going to the bank as well as while in the bank. After blocking bank accounts, hung up. Kept calling over 12 times. Left voice mail - they were so close to making it.

A male identifying himself as David Goodman from Publisher's Clearing House called Saturday morning 8.26.2020 at 10:30. He told me I had won the PCH sweepstakes prize of 3.5 million dollars plus a 2020 Mercedes-Benz (pearl white). Prizes would be delivered to me either privately or if I chose, publicly with balloons and announcer on camera at 3:30 Saturday afternoon. [ I chose the publicity with balloons, lots of balloons. ]

Caller then informed me I would have to pay the taxes on my winnings before prizes could be awarded. He stated on that amount, taxes would be about $10,000 to $20,000. Caller told me to go to my bank and open a new account into which my winnings could be deposited in order for taxes to be withdrawn. He gave me a code number and a 4 digit PIN and told me to keep all of this to myself and not to tell anyone about it.

I told caller I would have to go to bank which closes at noon on Saturdays and it would take at least an hour to do that. Caller said " Go ahead and do that, I'll stay on the line until you return." I told the caller "no, you call me back in an hour." He agreed and I hung up.

Seven minutes later, David Goodman called again and asked if I had opened the new account yet. I just told him no, the bank was closed and it would not be open until Monday. Caller then told me he had to work on Sunday and he would check back with me then. I said that would be fine and we hung up.

No call on Sunday.

10:00 Monday morning, David Goodman called again and asked if I had opened the new account yet. I told him no because I needed a ride to bank. Caller called back 3 times after that but we did not answer.

We received a message on our phone saying this company had been trying to reach us to claim our winnings. I called the number they left, and the person I talked to said that my mother won the publisher clearing house sweepstakes worth $2.5 million and she would receive $7000 a week. They gave me the winning confirmation, and then on a blank paper I was supposed to put her contact information and the winning number to confirm it was me. I was then supposed to use UPS and overnight $799.34 to cover taxes for the FDIC. I didn't believe them so I wanted to verify what they said. My mother also has dementia and I was concerned they were trying to take advantage of her. They called me several times to see when I was sending the money and also that Wednesday was my deadline before the offer expires. (Entered by MS re: story given by the victim's daughter.)

David Howard from PCH called at 915 am confirmation number 771490882US

ID number 1137711045 US

Is this legit?

- Wichita Falls, TX, USA

I got a phone call from someone saying he was with PCH, he gave me his identification number and name. He said I could go to Western Union or go to Dollar General and get prepaid debit cards 2 for $500 each.

- Wichita Falls, TX, USA

I got a call from someone claiming to be with PCH. I called them back and they said they deposited $43 Million in an account for me and had me call another number they said was the First Nation Bank in Dallas. They said I needed to press 2 to hear the account balance and gave me an account number to type in.

- Wichita Falls, TX, USA

I got a phone call saying I won money with PCH. They sent me a letter saying I won as well, and they keep asking me to pay little bits of money to different people for stamps, handling fees, etc. They are calling me repeatedly, and won't take no for an answer.

- Wichita Falls, TX, USA

I got a call from someone claiming to be with Publishers Clearing House saying I had won $2.5 Million and a brand new truck, I told them I didn't want it. He called me back several times and insisted it wasn't a scam. I called the number back to see if it was a valid number and the same guy picked up and said it was working number and I could trust him. He told me I needed to pay $1000 to get my prize, and I told him I couldn't pay that. He asked how much I could pay and I said $250. He told me he had a meeting and agreed that if I payed $250 and was serious about wanting the prize they would take it. I went to the store to buy the gift card he told me to, when the cashier scanned the gift card an alert popped up on the register that said was warning people about scams using cards like these, I told the guy one the phone, but he swore on this wife and kids that he was legitimate.

- Vernon, TX, USA

I got a phone call saying that I won $2 Million dollars and a new car. They asked me to pay $95 to have the money shipped to me.

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