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Publishers Clearing House(PCH) - Imposter

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Publishers Clearing House(PCH) - Imposter Reports & Reviews (766)

- Helena, MT, USA

Received a mid-morning call from Robert with Publisher's Clearinghouse. He spoke slowly and somewhat broken English (first clue that this is a scam). He stated that I had won $2.5 million and a Mercedes-Benz and asked what color of car do I want. He was somewhat incredulous that I had never signed up for a sweepstakes (another clue). They would deliver the check and car by 3PM today (unbelievably quick--another clue). PC would cover 99% of the shipping and customization fees, but I need to pay for 1% upfront to ensure legitimacy (paying upfront--another clue). I asked for Robert's number: 876-840-5000. I asked to speak to the manager who identified himself as David Hennesy and also spoke unclear English (another clue). David provided a Case number, Package number, and ID number. He asked if I understood the steps to take. I clarified that there had been only one step described and that was to pay them 1% of the shipping and customization fees. He said yes and asked what concerns did I have. I told him that I thought it was a scam and that I'd like to contact Better Business Bureau. He said of course and then hung up. [if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is]

- Wichita Falls, TX, USA

I got a call from someone saying they were with Publishers Clearing house. He wanted me to go to Walgreens and wire transfer $250 to him and then I would get the $4 Million dollars that I won.

Consumer reports having received phone call from 876-353-3144 indicating they were the Publishers Clearing House

- Salem, NH, USA

I received a call from a man named "Dave Sawyer" who stated his title was "Prized Director". He told me he was calling from Publisher's Clearing House and told me that I'd won $4.5 million dollars, delivered to me as a certified bank check. In addition to that I was going to win an "Escalade Mercedez Benz sports car" and was also going to get $7,000/ month for life. All I needed to do was send a bank certified check for $3,500 to Jack Cook at the Texas address I provided above.

They said that my money would be coming out of New York and, since they money had to be transferred to me in New Hampshire there would be a $3,500 dollar "transfer charge", which was why I needed to send that amount.


I received a call from David Welch, and his phone is 561.462.7689, ext. 05. He gave me Marylee Miller as the attorney name for PCH. He told me they were going to present me a check, from Steve Harvey, and Linda Allen who is a state marshal. He told me to go to Office Depot and pick up documents, which cost me $10. He told me to keep all of this confidential until I received a check for the winnings. He said he would follow through and call me up until I am presented with a $4.5 million check, and a new Mercedes.

- Belleville, WI, USA

Isaac Miller was the guys name who called me to say I had won 11.8 million dollars and a Mercedes Benz. I would need to pay 3,500.00 to claim my prize. I should meet them at the nearest Walmart to give them the certified money order and then we would go to my bank with the prize check, then continue on to the Mercedes Benz dealer to pick out the car.

- Wichita Falls, TX, USA

I got a call from Micheal Collins saying that I won a $1,000,000. He asked if I'd be home at 3 PM today, he said there would be shipping and handling fees.

Message left on phone answering service,'Congratulations on winning second prize from Publishers Clearing House, call back number (845)366-1352 with this confirmation number.' Sounded good, so I called back and spoke to a man with a foreign accent who sent me a link to a pdf to download a description of the prize I had won to the e-mail address I had given him.

The message left on the answering service sounded well made, the page he sent looked much like anything else received from the real PCH, but when I was talking to the man on the phone, I was hearing background noises of what sounded like hammering, and I noticed that the e-mail was from a gmail account - hard to imagine PCH using a gmail account!

However, "You are expected to pay legal Fees amounting to $3,500.00 to clear your prize to our merchant banker." And they would like for me to "get in contact with your agent Mr. Frank Moss to make preparations for the delivery date and time of your winnings" - however I think they neglected to explain how to contact Mr. Moss, but they did provide me with a copy of his passport. Oops, at the top of the document they did provide Mr. Moss' contact info -

"Frank Moss (Board Chairman)

Publishers Clearing House

Main Branch,

Jericho, NY

(845) 405-8271"

The man on the phone did provide me with an address to mail the $3,500 money order to -

"Roger young

706 leopard court

Kissimmee Florida 34859"

As the pdf file references several US Companies, such as M&T Bank, Federal Trade Commision, Mercedes Benz, USPS, Federal Express, and of course PCH, it lends an air of credibility to the document, but I suspect that the referenced companies might like to not be involved in such a scam.

- Wichita Falls, TX, USA

I got a call saying I won a bunch of money and a new Cadillac.

- Nine Mile Falls, WA, USA

Individual has called me several times saying I won 5 1/2 million dollars and they would like to arrive at my home to present the award to me. They asked for banking information so they could wire the amount to my account. They said Bank of America but I told him we didn't bank with that bank. Asked for my e-mail address [I gave them no information, bank or e-mail] They have called many times I think on my land line and cell phone. They said they were representing Publishers Clearing House and were very convincing. I tried to call back the 876-392-0643 number and there was a male individual that answered on that number. As far as I can recollect I gave them no information but am concerned as to how they got my cell phone number and their calling several


I'm filling this report out for my grandma who doesn't use computers / email. She received a scam phone call stating that she won the Publishers Clearinghouse. The man had my grandma's name, address and phone number. He stated that she supposedly subscribed over 5 years ago and was recently chosen as a winner. It was suggested that she come up with a password / code so that nobody else could accept these winnings. My grandma persistantly told the man that she thought it was a scam and he reassured her that it wasn't. My grandma even told the man that her friend was scammed using a similar strategy in which the man continued to reassure her it was legitimate. One tactic that the man used was to build personal rapport through compliments. The man also wanted my grandma to purchase a $50 VISA gift card at Walmart, CVS or Walgreens. My granparents were supposed to purchase the gift card and would be exchanged for the first payment on the winnings. The man stated his name was Patrick Willson (702) 356-3930 - also offered the name of Charlene Wilson if you needed any questions.

- Boise, ID, USA

I received a phone call on my land line from a man identifying himself as Mr. Peter Mason from Publisher's Clearing house. He said that I had won 5.5 million dollars (5,000 per week for life) and a 2020 Mercedes car from my entry at Publisher's Clearing house. At first I hung up and then he called me back. I told him that I didn't feel this was official, but he assured me that it was. He asked if I would be home today to receive my prize. He had my address and, obviously, my phone number. He asked my marital status and if I was retired or employed. I answered those two questions but then he asked if I knew what a wire transfer was. At that point I stated that I was certain that this was a scam and I hung up.

- Anoka, MN, USA

Received a letter and a check telling me that I had won second place in Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes. The check looks real, and was made out for $5,950 supposedly for fees towards the $450,000 prize. We were to call them to claim the remaining amount. The postmark was from New York, NY on April 17th

- Oneida, WI, USA

They call and ask how old you are and have you call this number 202 241 0901 and his name is Micheal Benjamin and would like you to go to Walmart and purchase a one vanilla pre paid master card gray in color. Some guy calls you first then gives you this number so you call it and then get this pre paid card so they can give you a new car and 3.5 million dollars in a check. They will come to your house and deliver them. We called publishers clearing house and they said it was a scam we don’t call you we just show up.

Roger Wilson from PCH called my aunt and I called him. He gave me info on how we had won 2.5 million plus $5000 a month bonus. He told me we had to go to fedex, usps, or ups to meet with someone, and give them a check for over $900 to pay for insurance for the winning checks. He wanted to set up a meeting at my aunt's house April 6th at 1230pm. He said my aunt's husband had won back in February of 2020 but they couldn't contact him so now they were reaching out to her. They didn't realize he passed away nearly 20 years ago.

Received a call from someone who identified himself as David Parker and was calling from Publisher’s Clearing House to congratulate me on winning $5.5 million and $10,000 a week for life and a Mercedes Class C sedan. He asked if I wanted a public or private announcement of my winnings. I told him private, then he told me that they would take the taxes out of my winnings so I would need to contact their claims department to make the arrangements.

He gave me numbers for all the different phone information I would need to claim my prize. Then said I needed to call immediately and then call him back and left his number. I called and confirmed my suspicion that this was a scam.

- Lakewood, WI, USA

I received a phone call that I let go to voice mail.  in the message, the caller states I have won $11,000,000 and $5,000/week for life from publishers clearing house. Then said I must pay a 1% registration tax payment to Federal Trade Commission at 516-441-8845. I did not respond.

Caller ID as Frank Goodman @ 516-441-8845

- Scotland, TX, USA

I got a call from PCH saying to call a different number because I won $5 million dollars.

I received a letter containing check for $8897.50 with a telephone number to call Glen Smith. He said I was supposed to deposit the check and call him. He would then tell me how much the service fee I owed was to access my winnings. The check did not come from him, but the company he represented.

Entered by staff MW (3/12/20)

I received a call from a someone stating they were with Publishers clearing house. He stated that his name was Paul Butler. He informed me that I had been selected to receive $5,000.00 a week for life but first I would have to pay $485.00 to receive my earnings.

Check fields!

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