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Publishers Clearing House(PCH) - Imposter

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Publishers Clearing House(PCH) - Imposter Reports & Reviews (766)

Said my boyfriend won 5 million dollars and a new car

- Milwaukee, WI, USA

A guy name Eddie Peterson called and said he was from the publishers clearing house (the sweepstakes company) he said I won 3.5 million dollars, but I had to go to dollar general & purchase a gift card worth $220 & call him when I got the gift card to give him the PIN number. He called me over ten times! I kept hanging up and did not comply. I wanted to warn others.

Got a call from someone named James Shapiro saying he's from PCH and that I won $1 million and a car. He told me that I needed to call another number, (508) 388-3514, but nobody answered at that number. He also said that I needed to get money from my bank to pay them so I can receive my prize and that's when I got suspicious.

Said I won a million dollars and a new truck, gave all kind of numbers and names badge number, bar code numbers, check numbers. Then asked that I go to a store and buy a prepaid Vanilla Visa card and they would then instruct me from there. playing along I said ok...didnt give bank information or anything but he asked that I put 300 hundred dollars on the Visa card.

- Wichita Falls, TX, USA

PCH called and said that I won a lot of money and when I told them I didnt enter anything and she said that if I shop at walmart, walgreen or target those are whe entered me and they wanted to deliver my prize but they needed my address and they gave me a phone number when I asked and it was too many numbers and when I asked where they were calling from and she said wichita falls and I would need to pay for the delivery $600

- Milwaukee, WI, USA

They said they were publishers clearing house and called me on July 21, 2020 stating that I won second place in the PCH sweepstakes. They left me a number to call: 1-516-441-9476. and said to ask for Mr. Livingston. I call and left a couple of messages. They ask you to leave your name, the state you are calling from and your phone number. After a month a Mr. David Ross called me back (Aug.28,2020) and said that I won 2.5 million dollars, a red Mercedes car, and an advanced cash payment on my credit cards of $705,000. Well it all sounded too good to be truth after he asked me some questions he asked me to verify my name, address, phone number, last four numbers of my social security and my date of birth. I answered all his questions then he some how asked me for the first 5 numbers of my social got me off guard and I gave it to him. Then he started asking me for a major credit card and my bank information and it had to be a credit card from the bank. I gave him all my information cause you think of publishers clearing house and you think that it is real, I see it on TV all the time, but then he started asking me for my bank information my account number routing number and my credit card information cause he said they needed that so that they can put the money in and of course I believed him. He asked me how much money I had for cash advance I told him the amount gave him my cell number cause he asked me how far my bank was and to get my id, my social security card, and my credit card and to go to the bank. He was on the phone this whole time and told me to go to the parking lot and to say ok when I got there cause he was still on the phone. Once I got there he told me to go to the drive through and ask for cash advancement for the amount that I had on my credit card which in my case was 7,300.00 so I asked him why they need that money and he said you have to pay taxes on what you won so I told him that for the amount of money that I won that it would be more money then what I had and that if I really won that they could just take it out of the winnings. He said that they cover the rest of the taxes that once I gave them that money that everything was taking care of that his team was just waiting for me to make the withdraw and that they would meet me by my house with all my winnings within 15 min. He kept telling me to go through the drive through and to get the money so then I asked what am I going to do with this money he said you are going to do a deposit, or a transfer and he kept telling me to go to the drive through. After a while I told him I couldn't give him that money and he stayed on phone trying to convince me to go back to the bank and I told him that if I really won to give me my winnings and that then I would go and do the transfer. I hung up and he called me back on my house phone and he gave me an account number and routing number from the bank of America and he said that once I got the cash that I can put it back on my card that that account had more then a million dollars in it. After I kept saying that I wanted to see my winnings and that I wasn't going to give him my money he put his manager on the phone a Mr. Gary Beaver and he kept telling me that it wasn't a scam and that I was a loser for not taking my winnings that there were plenty of charities that didn't deserve it and that they would get it because I was a loser and that I didn't want my winnings and he hung up. Then David called me again and he kept saying he didn't want me to lose out and he tried to get me to give him my password to do a transfer on line and I told him it was a scam and I hung up but during this time I had already given him all of my information my social, birthday, credit card information and my bank information. I am writing this because I don't want anybody else to go through this and I hope it will help someone out there they trick you by telling you they need your information so that they can deposit it on your account after that then they tell you you first have to give them that money for the taxes on your winnings and though I didn't give them my money I gave them all of my information which is probably worse.

- Wichita Falls, TX, USA

received a phone call yesterday and played along i with their game and I had one 18mil and did I want to go private or public and then they said I was gonna have to pay $4,000 in gift taxes

- Meridian, ID, USA

Said I want 25 million dollars. A brand new car. And $7000 a week until the end of the year. All I have to do was go get a cash card for $600 they would be by with my prize but I had to have a $600 before they got here. When I told my daughter about this when I was edit out the door she called him out they called her a [censored] sucker and then they hung up

- Durango, CO, USA

a man calls my aging father, sometimes claiming to be Bob, claiming that my father has won a cash prize from publishers clearinghouse. he tells him he needs to go to Wells Fargo Bank and send him $400 for him to deliver the prize. the last time my father fell for it, and the scammer managed to obtain my fathers bank account number and filched $2000 from his account.

the bank helped my father block the caller and changed their account, then notified publishers clearinghouse. the police were notified, as well as publishers clearing house, who obviously denied that they need to be paid to deliver a cash prize. that ended the calls for a while, though my father never recovered his money.

Now the man is calling again. we are concerned that my aged father is going to give away an account number. this time the scammer is calling from a number 876-512-5813, again claiming that my father won a prize and needs to send money so that he can bring my father his prize.

A man named Thomas Redding said we won 5 million dollars. He gave us a lot of numbers and had my husband go to Walgreens and get prepaid visa card but when he asked for number on card my husband said no. The phone number is an 876 which we discovered is Jamaica.

I got a call from someone saying I won a prize, he gave me a lot of information and then told me I won a huge prize, and that I needed to go to Walgreens and buy a $500 gift card to claim the prize.

- Wichita Falls, TX, USA

I got a call from someone saying they were with Publishers Clearing House, and that I won $2 Million Dollars and a new car. I asked how I could get it, and I needed to pay $2,500 to get it.

- Kuna, ID, USA

A man called identified himself as Jeff Gerwin. Told me I had won $2.5 million and an E-Class Mercedes-Benz. Hr knre my first and last name and that I was in Idaho. He then asked for $985 "Registration Fell." Very insistent that I come up with some on line payment today! He rattled off a bunch of numbers, receipt numbers, registration numbers, etc. I finally just hung up on him, after my wife and I had a good laugh.

- Fairbanks, AK, USA

The scammer acts like they know you, offer their name (like this is "David, and I know you"), then asks Didn't you know you won in "Publisher's Clearinghouse?" to get you talking and give them information.

- Anchorage, AK, USA

This person led us to believe a lottery was won when in fact he wanted to have us buy a certain green dot card with $299 on it so he was able to take the money from us.

Phone call was at 11:46 on July 28. ID of call was Out of Area. The man identified himself as Dave Fyers, and he had a heavy accent. He gave a phone number of 716-630-9198. My 81 year old husband has faithfully sent in the multiple Publishers Clearing House envelopes for years. He received this call telling him he was won 2 million dollars. I only noticed the call because I heard him arguing with the caller. The man told him in order to receive his money he had to send $878.00 and then the prize money would be released. My husband said he would only believe he had won if he was sent a letter. The caller insisted over and over his call was approved by the BBB. I'm amazed my husband stayed on the line with the caller as long as he did. He only hung up once I found out who was calling. I am worried someone more vulnerable will be conned into sending the money. 

- Graham, NC, USA

Contacted me to say I won a prize ($1,000,000 and a car). Wanted me to get a gift card for $190 to cover taxes and insurance on car. Said they would come to my house to deliver price and pick up the card.

- Wichita Falls, TX, USA

I got a call saying I won $15 Million dollars and a new car, I just needed to call them back.

This man claims he is from publisher's clearinging house. He called from two different numbers first one is known AS a scamming number 876-312-9168

Then they called from fremont CA # after being confronted that they were calling from a scamers number. The # is 510-456-0761

They would NOT send a email proving who they were to my email. My grandma is 88 years old .

Received a call from Robert Livingston that I was a 2nd place winner in a Publishers Clearing House sweepstakes. He left a return #. I called him back. He told me I won $2.5 million and a 2020 C class Mercedes. He offered me 3 color choices. He told me my claim number. He asked if I wanted my delivery to be public ( would include TV and radio) or private delivery. He asked questions about my citizenship. He asked the amount in my savings and checking( which I did not give him.) He continually reassured me that this was not a scam. When I asked him for a way to verify what he was telling me, he gave me the following information:

PCH 929-280-2973. Speak with "Dave Sayers" the supposed prize patrol person. At the end he told me there would be a $2500 delivery fee that would be returned to me after the delivery.

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