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Publishers Clearing House

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Publishers Clearing House Reports & Reviews (1661)

These people call my aging mother every single day and it has been going on for months and months. It has to stop. Please warn everyone you know.

- Somerset, OH, USA

I got a call on the 21st from James Peterson from Publisher's Clearing House. He said I had won a Mercedes Benz and $2.5 million. He said I needed to pay $5000 which is 1% of the taxes. They kept calling. I talked to a woman who told me she would give me a receipt for the money, and it would be refundable. They told me it was top secret and to keep it confidential. They wouldn't talk to my wife, they only wanted to talk to me. I wouldn't listen to my wife, so she called the Pastor. I wouldn't listen to my pastor or his wife. I went to the bank, but it was closed. I went to the police station. I showed them the emails because they looked so real. They said the email wasn't from Publisher's Clearing House, so I erased their emails. I've been scammed before, but just little amounts, this would have been the biggest amount they got me for. My wife got scammed out of a hundred dollars ordering some scooter online.

- Rancho Cordova, CA, USA

The caller sounds like he is foreign not english very good. tells you that your lucky day has come you just won $7,500.00 a week for life from Publisher clearing house. What are you going to do with all that money? Says that a sheriff and an agent from Publisher clearing house will. be coming to your home on Tuesday to present your check. You must not tell anyone about this not even your wife. Now in order to show your good faith and to pay for the sheriff to come out we need you to go to a Walmart near you and get a Swift card for $500.00 can you do that for us? answer.. sure i can. Okay I will call you Tuesday to make sure you have the swift card and let you know when they will be there.

- Dublin, OH, USA

I got call from James Anderson with Publisher's Cleraing house. He said I won $2.5 million. He had an accent. He wants $7,500 to cover the taxes. He didn't want me to talk to the bank manager. He told me to go to a different bank than the one I usually bank with. But I did. He wants a check mailed to John Ridgeway. He wanted me to talk to John Ridgeway. He told me I was lucky to have won this money. He said we could have a private presentation or a public presentation of the prize.

I got a call coming in from Fleischmann’s NY. He said his name was David Miller and that he was calling on behalf of Publishers Clearing House and that I won 2nd prize of $2.5 million. His voice sounded like it was going through some sort of voice changing technology. Speech was slow and slightly choppy (but not as bad as those recordings). He gave me (and told me to write down) his ID number and a confirmation number. He asked several questions and wanted me to “confirm” my full name (he asked me to say it slowly) and my address so his team knew where to deliver the check, because “it will be delivered today.” He would get frustrated when I told him it seemed fake, but I knew it was a scam, so I had to keep messing with him. I kept him on the phone for about 15 minutes. When I told him PCH didn’t notify winners by phone, he finally hung up on me.

- Zanesville, OH, USA

I am 88 yrs old. I have gotten myself in a jam. I received a letter in the mail from Publisher's Clearing House with a check for $3700.00, written against Prudent Capital Fund LLC. The letter directs me to deposit the check into my account. I have to call my claim agent first at 236-889-2286.

- Tyler, TX, USA

Received this "Publishers Clearing House" letter in the mail along with a check, was informed to deposit the check and use deposit to pay fees for the winnings.

the team at Publishers Clearing House is pleased to officially announce you, as a second place winner, in the 100 Million Dollars Super Cash Giveaway Promotino. Sponsored by Readers Digest, Mega Millions and Multi-state Lottery Association.

The total amount to be claimed is two hundred and fifty thousand dollars $250,000. Congratulations.

Your prize has been insured to its total value, and will be delivered to you when all the requirements have been met. Legal, and administrative fees have been calculated in the enclosed check of $6,800.00 These fees are mandatory and are meant to satisfy official laws, and income tax protocols as mandated by the U.S. Government.

The publishers Clearing House has made all necessary arrangements in order for you to receive your prize.

Please contact your Claim Manager without any delay, before depositing this check at your financial institution, and for further information on this prize.

Claims Manager:

Jerry Walker or Rose Clark

signed- Ted Wilson, Chief Financial Officer


He was told he had won a vehicle and that the local dealership would bring one by for him to look at to see if he wanted to accept it. A person did come to his residence in person with the car. Let him inspect it, told him all about the features and options. They even asked him if he would like to test drive it. Then they said he must pay for the tax and title up front and them at time of prize announcement they would award the car to him. He purchased a $500 gift card to hold the prize (TTL $) for the acceptance. They continue to call him and he has not talked to them again. Someone called afterwards that was representing an FBI agent and asked if he had been scammed. Still investigating if FBI agent is legit.

- Nacogdoches, TX, USA

Guy called and changed his accent three times to tell me I won money and a car but had to put $500 on a card from Walmart to pay his guys where gonna show up to my house

Told me I won 3.5million dollars and a car plus $7500.00 a week. A long speech about how they would do everything. Wanted 1700.00 dollars for the federal trades commission.

- Elyria, OH, USA

I got a phone message 4 days ago claiming to be from Publishers Clearing House. I finally returned the call today and was told they have someone coming over to my home today with my winnings. However, they first needed my bank account number and other personal information. I told them I was not comfortable giving that info and they pressed asking "...where is your bank?". I knew it was a scam and told them so. When I told them I would be contacting the they hung up the phone.

- Cape Girardeau, MO, USA

They will call you and ask you if you remember filling out a form a year prior and will tell you that the call is being recorded and monitored by the BBB, Homeland Security, and the IRS. They will say that you won the 2nd place prize (where they do that at?)and you won 6.1 million that will come in a check. $5000 a week for the rest of your life and as a bonus they will bring you a Mercedes Benz when they come to your house but then they ask you your name. They tell you they dont know it because your number is randomly selected.

I received a call from an individual Mark Spencer with a claim number (19935456312USA) and confirmation number (20042021PCH), saying that I had won money but needed $199 for a registration fee in check or credit card form. They asked prying questions like, how old I was, was I on fixed income, and asked for my SSN and bank information. I refused to provide any details and ignored further attempts at contacts.

I got an instant message from my friend, who I haven't talked to in years. She told me to contact Derek Johnson with Publisher's Clearing House. He told me to keep it quiet until you get your money. He told me I won't need an attorney. He wants me to pay $550 to win $50,000. My friend told me to go ahead and pay it. He sent me a copy of her driver's license. I told him that I'm on Disability and I don't have the money. He keeps IM.

- Wichita Falls, TX, USA

They claim that I won money and a car but I have to pay to get it.

- Bowie, TX, USA

They tried to tell me that I had won PCH but they wanted my account info and I hung up on me.

- Peoria, IL, USA

We received a call from a guy pretending to be from Publishers clearing house. given the name of james cooper - 877-354-2860 - they answered with PCH and asked me to push 5 and gave me a number number. This guy called again today and gave me his supposed office number to call him back by 3 today - the number there is 360-919-2449. They are telling me that I won something and a bunch of crap. asked me to pick up a vanilla gift card for $599. I knew it was a scam but wanted to pass along the information.

- Salt Lake City, UT, USA

Caller ID: J.M. Kingston

Told me I had won the 2nd prize from Publishers Clearing House ($3.8 million); also would be sent roses, champaign & wine, 2 cards worth $300 each (1 for groceries/1 for gas) besides my lottery win. Knew my name & my husband's name, our address and obviously, the phone number. Told him that I haven't subscribed to anything Publishers Clearing House in many, many years. He said they still had record of me from way back. However, I have moved since "those" days. I told him I thought it was a scam. He told me I was selected from a special senior list. Qualifications: I shopped at the local grocery stores, paid my bills on time, had no criminal record, and 74 yrs/+. He asked if I were writing down the additional items I'd be receiving. When I said no, he said to get a pencil and do it. After renaming part of the winnings, he left the phone. He didn't hang up, and I was still connected until I hung up.

Receiving calls from this number repeatedly multiple times a day.

I'm 82 yrs old. I've been approached a couple of times on FB for a government grant: $80,000 and $100,000. Theywere trying to help old people. On Friday I got a message on Messenger, and I was told that Publisher's Clearing House had chosen my Facebook profile as the best, and I'd won a million dollars, and I just had to fill out an application.

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