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Puppy Scam

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Puppy Scam Reports & Reviews (513)

- Erie, PA, USA

I received a text message asking if I was me and when I didn't respond the person idetified themselves as the shipping company being used to transport a puppy I just purchased from Arkansas to Pennsylvania. I was asked to accept warm greetings from global pet delivery services and to verify my info was correct at I verified it was correct. Then I am told I need to pay $330 to rent a temperature controlled crate for the puppy to travel in on the plane.because of weather conditions. I asked if I could decide not to use the crate. I am its need for safety an all dogs require special crate to go to another state. So I ask if its needed for state to state or because of weather because now I'm confused. By this point I am starting to get more than irritated after ignoring the fact that I'm pretty sure I got scammed by the seller of the puppy. I am told it's needed for state to state. I explained that this info was not told to me and they were gonna have to wait until I could talk to my friend who is paying half of the fee. I again ask where this person and the puppy are located at this moment. I am told ok but I will have to be fast about it because they are in transit right now and the next flight to my location will be leaving in 45 min. I said ok that didn't tell me where you are. I am told Little Rock Ar. you have your tracking info to see all of this. I agree but clarifying because the number she's using is a Tx number. She says its a global company. I said doesn't mean you're legit and that I just went through a similar situation with the seller so I'm a little sketchy about everything. Then I ask if coming to pick up the puppy is an option. I am told that I have my tracking information and if I'm not getting her a crate for delivery they will have no choice but to send her to quarantine. I said what does the tracking info have to do with it and to give a little time to see if I could borrow the money because quarantine sounds like she'll be put down. I am told I need to be fast about it cause today is the weekend and the animal abandonment services will be passing tomorrow morning to take away all the abandoned pets. And this is where the cheese started to slide off the cracker. I said first of all quit telling me what to do second i've got the money i will send in approx. 5 min. She sends me her Cash App name. $glendaty91 and proceeds to tell me to make sure I confirm the right info before sending. I tell her I know how to use cash app and to stop texting so i can send it. We go back and forth for a min about sending proof of confirmation and waiting for confirmation. I'm like it's instant!!! Then I have a notification from Cash App that the request was cancelled for my protection and the money was refunded to me. I sent her a screenshot. I got another notification from Cash App that the request was cancelled because customers had complained that she was a scam. She then says to try a different Cash App. I say send a pic of the puppy. I get she's in the transit room and she'll send a pic when getting her in the crate. I tell her she'll send me a pic before I send any money. She asks why and says she will not go into the transit room right now and she's at the cashier and can't keep moving like that. So I told her again what Cash App "said" about her. And tried to get the second notification to pop up again but ended up accidentally sending her money again. At the same time she sent me a different cash tag. $randyfeistkjhl. Again Cash App cancelleld the payment. She says its because I put puppy in the for section. I disagreed bcause I put puppy in the for space when I sent money to the seller and it went through just fine. She disagreed and told me to send it to the second cash app. I told her she wasn't getting a penny until I saw the puppy to prove that she had it. She says that those are the accountants details and the take payments all the time. (I bet the do). She then continues to tell me if i'm not sending them she will have to leave there. I ask you're going to leave her at the airport? As I'm holding onto the last bit of cheese as hard as I can. She then sends me a pic of a woman behing a counter. I said that's not a puppy. She says they are waiting on the deposit to sign the crate so if you're not ready then I am out of here. I said again not a puppy but ok I will be calling the police for abandonment and attempted fraud. She tells ok good we already have cops here to take care of that and she'll see me in court if I am trying to abandon this puppy. I said well the puppy is not in my possession so therefore I am not abandoning it. Second you threaten to leave her there and then say I'm abandoning her. Third all I'm asking for is a pic to verify you have her and trying to scam me. Not an unreasonable request. She reverts back to she'll send the pic but she needs the crate. I ask which airport are you in? She responds with its my fault that cash app rejected it. I send a ? She says Little Rock Ar and that the plane is about to leave and I will have to pay for the delays because she will be missing her flight soon. I said I didn't ask what city and state. I asked which airport caues Little Rock has more than one and to quit trying to !@#$%^&* me and I wasn't sending !@#$ till i see the puppy. Now again what is the name of the airport you are in. She says ok that's not my work here. I'm confused. I said it's not your job to answer a question about where the puppy I"m paying for is? She says I'm here to process delivery not to show you pictures. Maybe you should employ someone to do that for you. The cheese slipped out of my hands and the rest of the way off the cracker. I think it slid all the way down to Mexico. I said maybe you should be a professional and know how to conduct business without being shady and evasive of simple reasonable questions. I have absolutely every right to ensure that I am not being scammed. And as a legit company you would gladly make sure to put any uneasiness to rest and let me know that I can trust you to do the job are being paid to do and deliver my puppy safely. And the fact that cash app told me customers have complained about being scammed by you does not do that. Now please tell me the name of the airport you are at. She says Little Rock Municipal Airport. Your sender was supposed to tell you all this. I said well she didnt. She comes back with what I'm sure was supposed to say that since I'm not being cooperative we won't proceed with you until this is handled, but she misspelled and left out a few words. I said lady I don't care about you or what you do I care about the puppy. If there is one. Are you leaving her at the airport? She tells me if they don't get the crate the puppy will be sent to quarantine she is not leaving the puppy the authorities will take care of the her quarantine. So I pointed out to her that if she leaves and doesn't take the puppy with her then technically she is leaving her. I ask which authorities and which airline is she booked with. By this time I had called two airports cause she gave me the wrong name so I picked the closest one and when I said the name she said they told me the name had been changed and the new name of it. The second airport told me that I would have to know which airline they are using. She says that she is in charge of my delivery not responsible for keeping my dog. Then says the airline is Global Pet Airlines. I google it. Doesn't exist. She also says no crate nothing I can do to help. The cashier will be closing soon and do not regret your delays. I said I'm not asking you to keep her. I'm asking which airline and which authorities. And don't say global pet cause it doens't exist. She says global pet airlines. I say try again. She says how and what do you mean? It's like I just want to spoil her work this evening. I said it's not rocket science lady. Is she booked with Delta, United, American, etc? She says Please I'm not ready for that. Maybe you ask your sender where your puppy is sent from. By this time I am infuriated. I said !@#$% I don't give a !@#$ about you. I want to make sure the puppy is safe until someone can get there to pick her up. Not ready for what? You can't come up with lies that fast? She says you will pick up in court. Stay safe. I ask where the puppy is going to be for the night. She says maybe you're mentally challenged as I can see. Quarantined. I am now beyond infuriated, livid or anything else. There is literally no word to describe the immense amount of anger I was feeling at that moment. I said Jesus fix it. Where? What is the name of the building she will be at? And that she will be the one who is mentally handicapped if she talks some more !@#$ like that to me again. She says good night people like you are not supposed to take in dogs. I am sorry the person giving you this dog. Just wait for animal abandonment police to get you. I think this is the point I called her and she of course did not answer. I said baby you know not one thing about me let's start off with that. Second of all the reason I am so mad is because you won't tell me where I can come get this dog. That's all I give a !@#$ about is the safety of that puppy. Now quit lying and trying to scam and tell me where she is so I can come get her. They want my address I'll give it to them. Now again please tell me what airline she was supposed to get on so I can contact them and make sure she is going to be safe or so they can direct me to the right animal control people that are going to come get her. She says stay there and talk rubbish this is the flight about to leave do not ask me any questions again I am not working for you here. She sends a pick of regular dog crate being loaded onto a plane. I said I am alot of things but stupid is not one of them. OK let's just clarify that that does not prove that my puppy is in that crate so nice try and I will ask you whatever I want to now just answer my questions and I'll leave you alone. She says I need a crate to put your puppy in nothing more from you. I told her she was't getting !@#$ from me I've already told her that not until I see her the actual puppy at the airport and even then I prolly still wouldn't send her any money so again just tell me the airline so I can deal with them. She says stay safe and wait for the right time and do not regret your actions. I let her know if there is a puppy and anything happens to her it will not end well for her that's not a threat baby that's a promise. She says keep joking and send me a pic of a TSA agent and a tranist police officer and says your puppy is going down now. I tell her I'm not joking that all I asked for was pic of the puppy but she wants to !@#$ around and find out. She again says she's in the transit room and as I don't want to listen then abandon it and regret all my life. So I let her know that according to the airport there is no transit room. She asks if I know the charges for animal abandonment and there's for animals. Again I'm not abandoning her she's not in my possession. She then says if you don't know learn today. I say again not according to the airport and she's gonna learn who she's talking out the side of her neck to. I again ask where she's going to. I then message the seller who contacts this lady. She says puppy is registered for delivery tomorrow at my address and so shall it be because a home study is to be carried out to confirm the puppy's environment. I said nobody is coming into my house trust and believe. And if the delivery person works for her company it would be in their best interest to text me when when they leave the airport and to just hand her to the person waiting without a word. And then we're back to the crate. So I let her know that according to the TSA agent I just spoke with there is no such thing as a temperature controlled crate because animals are considered cargo and they go in the cargo bay which is pressurized and temperature controlled just like the cabin. She has not responded.

- Tucson, AZ, USA

I tried to purchase a puppy from their website they sent us a contract that both parties signed. The agreement was that the puppy would be $750 with shipping included. Got another email from them informing us that we would be criminally charged for animal abuse if we did not send them another $1500 to get the puppy sent to us.

- Saint Augustine, FL, USA

I googled Australian Shepherds for sale near me. A sponsored ad popped up advertising Springs Australian Shepherds and showed pictures of several puppies.

I reached out to them and expressed interest in 2 of the puppies. The website appears scripted but stated that this couple had been breeding and selling puppies for over 10 years. I could not find any information online about the business, the names of either person listed including searches on the BBB, Facebook, Instagram or elsewhere. Every question I had was answered with the same scripted verse out of the ad. When I asked to video chat with them to see the puppies and their parents in person I was told they were unable to video chat

- San Diego, CA, USA

Found a pet breeder on facebook called "AussieMountain doodles" located in Pittsburgh. i contacted the seller thru facebook chat and spoke with them about getting a puppy. i tried asking the seller if i can contact them by phone and they kept saying they are too busy to talk to me. so we we continued to talk over chat. i agreed to send them a deposit of $800 thru venmo, then another $900 thru apple pay because the seller said they were having issue with their venmo account. so i paid a total of $1700 for the puppy which included the delivery cost . at this point I'm told they will send me the puppy thru a pet delivery server "George Collins?Pittsburgh, PA?415 598 [email protected]" this is when the problems start coming up. i received an email from the pet delivery Service saying they got the puppy with the wrong crate for shipping, which i am somehow responsible for now, and they wanted $1650 (which they said was 100% refundable when the puppy is delivered to me) . and after some back and fort between the seller and pet delivery i finally agreed to send them the money. once they got the money, i was told that we are good and the puppy was schedule to be shipped to me. the day the puppy was supposed to be shipped, i got a text from George (form the pet delivery service that there was a problem and i would get an email. so soon after i get an email saying that my "package" was on hold in customs due to missing insurance paperwork and they needed another $2650 (which again i'm told is refundable). to get the puppy delivered. this is now the second time i am being asked to pay for issue that came up out of my control by the seller or delivery service. i replied to the email from the delivery service asking how this happened and why did they not include the needed paperwork with the puppy, with no response. i contact the seller and she just kept pushing for me to pay the $2650. so after more back and fort discussion thru chat. i was done sending them any more money. the seller and delivery service both refused to give me a refund. i have more detail on this, i have saved the chats we had thru facebook and the emails from the pet delivery service. so right now i am out $3350 from the seller and delivery service. the is an additional cost of $1650 that i lost, when i tried to send the delivery service money thru google pay. they had given me a Zelle account to pay them at first, but Zelle was limited to the amount you can send, so i switched to sending the money thru google pay using the same info they gave me for Zelle, but found out that they use a different account info for google pay, so i'm not sure where that money went to, so i am working with my bank to get my money back on that.

seller account for venmo is Muffin hart@MKdaBADDesTTT

seller's apple pay phone info is 7069519161 facebook

pet delivery service info

George Collins?Pittsburgh, PA?415 598 [email protected]

- Fleming Island, FL, USA

wholesalesupplyusa2022 from eBay made it look like the purchase I made using my email of *************************t (eBay email) was delivered to my address via USPS ***** ******* ********) when they were not. I opened a PayPal case that has not been resolved but the scammer tried to convince me to close the scam so he can keep the money he made from this mail fraud case. PayPal case info: ******************

- Huntington, AR, USA

It was suppose to be a tea cup Pomeranian with a little tan on his face, the dog would be all white otherwise.  The ladies name is Kamaria Givhan.  She showed me documents for owner docs, shipping.  I paid $500.00 I asked her would there be additional charges and the lady stated "NO" but I came out of pocket $300.00.  She wanted me to pay for insurance for the dog and the crate and they stated that I could be sued for pet endangerment, but I did not have enough money to pay that additional $500.00 for the insurance.  I want the dog so bad, but I do not believe I will get the dog. 

- Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA

Was told I was being sold a puppy through instagram. Asked for payment to be sent through zelle, when it came to shipping the puppy it was a whole other scam where I was asked to send more money for a crate for shipment.

- Carriere, MS, USA

Wouldn't let me pay through PayPal or Venmo I had to try cash app but it failed 2 times and my bank still took the money out so I had to go get a visa credit card and take pictures of it and send to them and now I have to pay 650 for insurance for the puppy which they wanted me to go buy a credit card just like the lady wanted or through chime google cash app or another one the shipping company sounds scammy also I sent the 650 through Google cash app I sent it too flypets logistics but it went to he said I needed to send it [email protected] so I believe it's all a scam can you look on your end of and the delivery places #9494148305 supposedly the tracking number is SEW9364148305 please help so I don't loose more money thanks

- Millers Creek, NC, USA

I purchased a puppy from “free rescued dogs for adoption and puppies for sale” on Facebook for $200, paid thru PayPal to Elizabeth Grijalva at [email protected]. He then set up shipping through global shipping logistics service. This company contacted me via text from (480) 788-2555 a google phone number and insisted I had to rent a special crate for the puppy to fly in for $470, if I didn’t she couldn’t fly. They threatened that the puppy would be sent to quarantine as abandoned and I would be taken to court. I paid the $470 and then they came back to me that I also had to pay for travel insurance of $380 plus $100 for a delivery fee to [email protected] via PayPal. Again with the threats of court and quarantine. So I paid $480 + $4.99 PayPal fee and Puppy was put on plane. I woke up to find out that the puppy was in TN and now they wanted a city permit fee of $650 to fly her to NC. I refused to pay and accused them of being a scam.

- Orlando, FL, USA

Sent in $500 for deposit and the rest in increments that was agreed upon. Randy Miller and Mason Trial were in constant contact about how the dog was doing and what I needed for the puppy’s well being. The scam is the same for the groups: they post fraudulent pics of pups in happy homes with captions like “thank you (insert breeder name) for the pup. I was skeptic at first but now (dog name) is here” they will also constantly post pics of pups asking you to directly message them for prices or information. Several members of group not labeled as admin will also “vouch” for breeder saying that they received or previously purchased a pup from the breeder

- Saint Clair Shores, MI, USA

Tried adopting a labrador from, signed a contract with our adress and phone number along with his. We seemed skeptical wed be getting a lab for 500 dollars and having it flown in from Pittsburgh and delivered to brighton MI area for 200 more dollars. Since we seemed skeptical he said we could send $250 down and send the rest once the puppy arrived. Trade contract and website seemed legit so we sent half down. He (azyuna jones) than said he needed the 200 extra to ship the puppy. But to send that transaction through his daughters zelle accout instead of the original. Too many red flags made us back out and ask for our 350 deposit back, he has not replied to multiple emails, the website appears to be suspended, and hes not answering calls.

- Edwards, CO, USA

I inquired about a Vizsla puppy for sale on the Vizsla Creek website. They list "available" puppies. I was told the one I wanted was still available. I was told they required a $500 deposit to get the dog off the website. They also indicated the puppies were 50% off for a limited time as a new litter was coming in. I went back and forth stating my son had died, so we were looking for a companion and wanted to eventually breed these dogs. The person "James Smith" sent me an email stating they had approved me and he needed the money to reserve the puppy. He indicated he was in Colorado Springs, which I said great, as I was coming into that area for a soccer tournament and could pick up the pup Sunday.

He asked me to use Venmo and said he was using his daughter's account. I thought it odd he didn't have an account. Over the course of the week I was traveling and he kept asking for the remaining $300. I told him I would work on this when I got back home. I signed the "Bill of Sale" which has a CO Springs address on it. He kept demanding the money and I said I would bring cash on Sunday. I kept asking for a time to meet and confirmation of such. He kept getting more demanding on me making the next payment on Venmo or Zelle, saying the rest of the paperwork takes time to complete. I kept pushing back saying we could finalize the paperwok when I am there. Also, it is indicated on his site you can have a full refund. At one point, after such harassing, I said I was uncomfortable and I wanted a full refund via Venmo. He then indicated he could not refund me and I already took the spot of other prospects.

I tried the 2 accounts he gave me Friday and then came up "declined" on Venmo. These were different than the first account I had paid the money on. I then kept texting him saying let's call this off or establish a time to meet. He asked me to try Zelle. I then looked at the email he provided, a new name again, and took a screen shot of the warning Zelle has regarding scam, specifically fake puppy sales. After I put then in, he actually called me. Was yelling at me saying he needed me to find another way to complete the sale. I told him to take a photo of the puppy. He said he was at work. I told him I would wait until he did this later.

After this, I checked my bank and the original $500 had been deposited into his account. I texted asking to be refunded my venmo account. I also told him I would expose this scam and the website.

- Fort Stewart, GA, USA

I contacted a breeder about a bernese mountain puppy paid a deposit for the puppy and was told he would be shipped that same day. I was contacted by the shipping company who asked for more money for shipping insurance as well as an upgraded kennel for shipment. I sent the money not thinking about it they told me they did not recieve the funds and asked for it to be sent again and again

The breeder has told me they are a solid delivery service but he is not longer in contact with me either

- Fort Stewart, GA, USA

I was in the process of having a puppy delivered from a breeder i was told the puppy was dropped off with this comapny and they would send me shipping information. Upon the receiving of the shipping information i was advised that i needed to purchase pet insurance for travel which i did not thinking about it.... i was then told i needed an upgraded kennel for travel again not thinking about it i sent the money they told me the funds never went through and to send it again.... the money is pending from my bank.

- Cassopolis, MI, USA

The scammer had a very believable website selling tea cup chihuahuas. After contacting them they convinced us to send them $599 for the dog and shipment, which we did using Zelle. They gave us information Zelle needed for us to send the money (name: Rondell Newton and an email [email protected]). We could not retract the zelle payment.

After we got suspicious we looked up scams in the website. We found their website was already listed as a scam.

We thank the website for having Good home teacup chihuahuas listed as a scam so this will not escalate into what the previous scam victim went through.

- North Bennington, VT, USA

Went to the website to look for a cocker puppy. Website looked legitimate despite the absence of a telephone number or address. Requested to see info on an available puppy. Did a Google check on the photos and did not appear to be copied. He wanted to just correspond on email but when I didn’t reply fast enough he texted. Even offered free delivery of the dog. Requested name, address, nearest airport at first. Keep on pushing me to pay $800 for dog before he would send contract. Payment was to be Apple Pay, Google Pay or Zelle. I tried to wire the fee through my bank which offered Zelle. They immediately put a 24 hour stay in the transfer because they believed it was a scam. I then asked the scammer to call me which he did. He has a foreign accent and claimed to be from Australia originally. I told him he was a scammer which he denied still trying to have me forward the funds by stating he was a Christian man and would not steal money from anyone. I then asked for his address which turned out to be a medical center in Pittsburg. Thanks to my bank and further questioning I was able to determine the fraud.

- Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA

This guys on Facebook advertising him self as a middle man for puppy breeders and he is selling puppies from all the reviews everything seem real and I made a deposit of 700$ to reserve a puppy be unfortunately I can no long get the puppy so I made it know to him and he said he would refund me it has been weeks and every time I contact him he comes up with all sorts of story as to why I have to wait and I can’t get my money back . I believe that he is a scammer

- Ogden, UT, USA

I was attempting to buy a puppy online. I submitted my name and phone number through their website. Then I began to get text messages. I kept questioning them about being legit and to provide proof. They thought sending pictures of the puppy shows proof. Not so much. They never provided proof and seems offended that I was questioning their integrity. Replaying with comments like I am the father of x number of children, am a christian and care more about placing puppies with good homes and making money etc. The cost was 1/4 of what other breeders were charging. After about 5 text messages back and forth I told him that I wasn't convinced and attached a link for AKC about signs to look for to determine fraud. I never heard from him again.

Thank you for this. I was just in contact with them. Shared a picture of your post and viola … never heard from them again.

My husband attempted to purchase a 10wk old dachshund puppy online from Varchase Dachshund. They are listed as being from Amarillo Texas. My husband filled out their online request form. Emails were sent back and forth. It seemed legit. My husband made a payment via the Zelle app. When he asked to verify a pick up date/time of the dog, Varchase Dachshunds quit responding. Repeated attempts have been made. My husband called his bank to stop payment but they said it had cleared immediately and there was nothing they could do.

They pretended to be dog breeders and sell dogs online. Showed pictures and videos of the dog. When time came to ship the dog to us they asked for more money.

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