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Social Security Administration Imposter

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Social Security Administration Imposter Reports & Reviews (447)

The scammer said my social security number was affiliated with a drug trafficking ring and that warrants were under my name.

- Nottingham, MD, USA

I received a call from a scammer claiming that my personal information and social security number had been used in TX. I know better than to share my information. I reported the scam to BBB.

- Gwynn Oak, MD, USA

I received a call from a person claiming to be from the social security administration the caller stated they would take action taken concerning my ssn and requested my social security number and my date of birth. I did give them my personal information. They gave me the name angela penn and an I.D. number DC 7017.

- Iowa City, IA, USA

They say they're from the Social Security Administration and say that there is a report against me for fraud and I need to pay to avoid prison. They are all from India, and become hateful, obscene, and use foul language if you tell them to stop calling and that you know it's a scam.

- Milwaukee, WI, USA

I am receiving multiple calls stating they are from social security agency and they have to reach out to me because I did something wrong with social security. I do not even live in Texas and I am not collecting social security. They were trying to state I did until I told them they are preying on the innocent to try to get money by lying and they hung up. I tried calling them back and no one picks up and goes straight to a cell phone voicemail.

Keeps calling my number stating they are from the ssc department and that my social security has been suspended. I have called them back several times and they have blocked me. I just wanted to let the public know, that it is a scam.

A recording stated that my Ss number had fraudulent activity on it and they needed to discuss it with me. Then a person came on the line and wanted my name. I told them I wouldn’t give my name and they hung up.

- Perry Hall, MD, USA

I received a phone call that was automated and said my social security number has been compromised. I pressed "1" to speak to an operator. I told him I knew this was a scam and never to call me again and that I would be reporting this. I know that the Social Security folks would never conduct business by phone.

- Pearcy, AR, USA

I received a phone call yesterday from a man telling me the Social Security Administration was issuing a new, plastic social security card. He had my name, address, phone number, etc. He asked "yes/no" questions, trying to get me to say "yes", but I didn't. He asked if my first name is Dennis. I replied, that is my name. He asked if I spell it D-e-n-n-i-s. I replied, that's how I spell it. After several questions I hung up without ever saying "yes".

- Painesville, OH, USA

I received a fake phone call from Social Security Administration. Initially it was a machine. The message stated something about Social Security Fraud. I answered the call because the phone number in caller ID was very similar to mine. 440-269-8905. I pressed number one to speak with a representative.A man named Shawn Perry came on the line. He laughed at me when I questioned him. I called the number back and it was disconnected. I gave no personal information.

- Lakewood, OH, USA

I received a scam call on my home phone claiming to be from Social Security. I did not listen to the entire message. Something about my case is in court. I do not have the number that called. I know that Social Security does not call.

Call was automated and said my social security number was being used for fraudulent activity and I need to respond or face legal action. I hung up. The number that called was 901-425-5807

- Cleveland, OH, USA

I have been receiving robocalls on my cell phone about my Social Security number. I listen to the message. The recording states the police have found fraud on my Social Security. Threaten to suspend my Social Security. To talk to a police officer press one. I pressed one and the call disconnected. The phone number in my caller ID was 216-348-1075.

- Jefferson, OH, USA

I received another scam call on my cell phone from Social Security. I press number one to speak with a representative. My caller ID showed Mirror Image AU 970-521-7365. A representative cam on the line. They said all of my Social Security benefits including medical are being suspended. Suspicious activity going on. Two or three different Social Security numbers in my name. I hung up.

- Cleveland, OH, USA

I answered a scam call on my landline yesterday claiming to be Social Security. I watch the news and I know it was a scam. My caller ID showed Coleman M 216-268-5384. It was a robocall. Call them back and provide Social Security or police will come and arrest me. I hung up. I did not call back.

We received a call on home phone stating to be from the Social Security Administration saying that our Social Security number has been blocked due to fraudulent activity. It requested we call back by entering “1” to speak to a concerned representative. If we did not return the call, our number would be automatically blocked. There are multiple SS numbers at this phone, but caller did not address a specific person nor any specific SS#.

We do not have caller ID on our home phone and deleted the message.

Date: February 18th, 2021

Time: 9:23 am

Voice: male

- Nampa, ID, USA

I am woken up at 7 am to be being told there is suspicious activity associated with my social security number. Then, I was sent to the legal department and told that they don't care what time it was, that this is a serious matter and it needed to be taken care of.

I have been receiving phone calls on my cell phone from Social Security. They are trying to phish for information. I spoke with the caller. Told me my Social Security has been used in criminal activity. He wanted me to take a picture of my ID and send it to them. at 915-400-7029. I said no. He told me they will have the police come and arrest me.

- Mentor, OH, USA

We keep receiving calls on our landline from Social Security. Last week we must have had six calls. It is a recording. Our Social Security is fraudulent. The caller ID shows US Cellular. I do not have the phone number. We did not call the number back.

- Cleveland, OH, USA

I just got scammed. I answered a call on my cell phone. My caller ID showed phone number 216-313-6895. I answered because the phone number was similar to mine. I usually don't answer. Caller said they were with SSA. Her name was Patricia Thompson. She was a live person. There was something wrong with my Social Security number. I had a warrant for my arrest on a vehicle in Texas. She said a lot. Mentioned something about blood and drugs. She also said we were on a recorded line. She said can you verify your social security number. I gave out my entire number. I really believed it was social security. She kept asking about my bank account. She gave the names of banks. I did not give banking information. She threatened you better tell me now if you are holding any information back on that bank account. I gave my social security number my zip code. I may have given out my full address. I called the number back. Some guy answered. He said you have the wrong number. Patricia Thompson does not live there. I contacted social security online and reported the fraud. I realized it was a scam when she kept asking me over and over about my bank account. She scared me quite a bit.

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