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Social Security

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Social Security Reports & Reviews (976)

- Brodhead, WI, USA

Scammer called my phone left me a message saying they were from the Social Security office and I needed to call them back and I was not to ignore the message so I called them back and they said they were from the Social Security office there was fraudulent activity regarding my Social Security number so they asked for my social security number and my date of birth and I provided it and he gave me a client ID number he gave me his employee name and employee ID number and said that the fraudulent activity against my social security number was in Missouri and had to do with a Toyota car which I've never owned and I've never been to Missouri in the last couple months and apparently it had something to do with drugs and he had asked if like I said if I had been to Missouri in the last couple months which I hadn't and he asked if I had been contacted by my local police department yesterday or today which I have not at that point I hung up the phone called by local PD reported the scam and I'm going to contact the Social Security office

- Ontario, OR, USA

Be careful on what numbers call you and what you say when you talk to certain people on the phone if you dont know the number car it could be a scam.

- Anderson, IN, USA

They said it was social security and they were going to spend my social security and then started asking questions to verify who I was. They had my name and I verified that and then I told them I knew it was a scam and he started get mad and yelling at me. The call ended there.

- Mineola, TX, USA

A recording advising his social security account has been flagged for fraudulent use. Please call this # 213-451-6151

- Columbus, OH, USA

Scammer called about Social security number being used for fraudulent activity. Than proceed to ask for info once told I didn’t have they hung up.

- Macon, GA, USA

Received call from SS office saying my SS # was being used . Was given above phone # to call . When I called that # an Asian women answered and wanted my name to verify who I was. I refuse and she threatened to freeze my SS number and hung up.

I received a call from 855-702-7227 saying that my SS# was being used fraudulently. She was foreign, Indian I think, gave an Americanized name and an SS agent number. Said I was being recorded on an FBI secure line and that she had my information but would not give it to me so that I could verify. She also said she had my telephone number but she would not give it to me. She said it was for my protection, and she just wanted to let me know that someone was using my SS# fraudulently in "Taxes". I assume she must be saying Texas. I told her she was a scammer and I was going to report her, she said "why would I want to scam you, I am trying to help you". I did not give her a chance to get anything out of me. She finally just angrily asked me to hang up the phone.

- Brimfield, IL, USA

I received a call from 866-213-7231 stating that my social security number had some issues and they needed to verify my number. I gave them the last four numbers and then they had all of my personal information. They then hung up. I called the number back and they answered the phone as First Alert. I asked them if they had anything to do with SS and they said no.

- Dayton, OH, USA

The call received in my caller ID is: 1-800-967-3395. The annoucement was stating I need to take action against complaints and suspicious activity using my SS number. If nothing is done, my SS will be suspended. Next, states to call 888-675-6247 to prevent this from happening.

- Fort Davis, TX, USA

Caller had thick Indian accent. Said my SS# was used to create 25 accounts in TX, flavor & Nevada.

- Chadbourn, NC, USA

Called twice on phone, and left a message to return their call as soon as possible to keep from having charges against me. They left their telephone No. I did not call them. Hung up phone.

- Cleveland, OH, USA

I keep getting calls stating that a claim has been filed against my social security number, and to press "1" to speak with an officer. One day, they called six times.

- Beaumont, TX, USA

Got a call on my voice mail stating if I don't call them back, they were going to have me put in jail. Then they said, "My Social Security is used in some kind of fraud.. Call them at this 800 #, right-a-way. So, I call them, they ask me for my name. You should already have my name, you call me. And I'm not giving you any more inforamtion, until you tell me what's this is all about. Then he said that my Social Security was uned in a fraud at several businesses. THen he wanted e to give him my Social Security Number. That's no something I'm going to do, he said he was going to report me. Well, I told him I'm going to report him to the BBB.

Then I hung-up on him.

- Columbus, OH, USA

I received an automated message from Social Security. A woman said there was an issue regarding my SS Number and all of my benefits would be suspended if I didn't talk to a representative. Today when they called back, they said everything was being suspended due to suspicious activity and I needed to speak to a representative. I talked to a man, he said he was with the Social Security Department. He was not American. He repeated my previous addresses, and I confirmed that they were my addresses. He said he had a file and he needed my social security number to verify. He asked for the last four digits of my social security number. I gave him the last four digits of my social security number, and the call dropped. My fiance was on the line listening.

- Saint Louis, MO, USA

I received a call from this person claiming they are suspending my social security benefits. They kept me on the phone stating they have found 19 fraudulent accounts using my social security number. I did provide them personal information.

- Union Grove, AL, USA

Caller said my Social security would be suspended for fraudulent use in Texas. I didn't listen to rest. I hung up. Voice sounded electronic.

- East Saint Louis, IL, USA

They are claiming to be from the social security office. Saying they have been contacted by the federal crime investigation about my social security number and I need to call them as soon as possible

- Beaumont, TX, USA

Got a call from a lady who said that my Social Security was compromise and to call her back at 608-729-4606. Well, I know that my Social Security wasn't compromise. Also, I watch the lady from the on the news, giving us help tips on what to look out for. They didn't folol me, I was ready for them.

- Lindale, TX, USA

Automated message saying his social security number had fraudulent activity. "There is a warrant for his arrest" and he is to call Kim @ a different phone # that he didn't get bc he was driving.

- Campton, KY, USA

They ask for my social security said people was using it I told them I wasn’t that stupid. I have gotten several of these.

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