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Social Security

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Social Security Reports & Reviews (976)

- Toledo, OH, USA

I received a phone call from a Toledo, Ohio area code. They said they were the Ohio social security office, and they found multiple cars under my name with drugs inside of it and they wanted to clear my name. They asked for my name age and social security number and I gave the guy all 3 of them. Soon after a couple family members said that it can be a potential scam.

- Georgetown, OH, USA

I've had mulitple calls from Social Security. I pressed one and spoke to a rep who had an accent. He said because I owe millions of dollars that my SS number has been suspended. He tried to transfer me to another man.

- Saint Clair, MO, USA

I got a phone call from a recorded woman wanting me to push 1 to talk to someone about somebody supposedly using my ssn criminally I told them they were **** ** **** and hung up on them

- Prospect, OH, USA

I got a call from Social Security saying my nubmer was being shut down. They spoofed the phone number for ***** Dentistry in Los Angeles, CA 504-899*****. I work in retail and I am aware of giftcard scams. We don't sell cards for over $250.

- Cleveland, OH, USA

I answered a call on my home phone today. It was a recording supposedly from Social Security. My caller ID showed King June with phone number 801-409-6684. Stated my Social Security number had been breached. They were opening an investigation. Press one for more information. I pressed one Officer David Miller came on the line. He wanted to know my name. I would not give it up. I asked what department he was with. He hung up.

Caller said they were from social security and that my SS number had been compromised.

I am 90 years old and almost blind and it's hard for me to see my caller ID. I keep getting calls from Social Security. They call from many different numbers. They say my Social Security number has been taken out of the system and I won't get my Social Security checks and to press one for more info. I don't press one.

- Columbus, OH, USA

I got a call from Social Security. He was a foreigner. I gave him my birth date but not my SS number. They call a lot. I've been scammed before and lost money.

- Cleveland, OH, USA

I am getting phone calls from Social Security. This is Social Security calling from Texas. I answer the calls. I do not have their phone number. My caller ID shows invalid number. They want to confirm my Social Security number and birthday. I said you must have my information. I gave the last four digits of my Social Security number. I gave a fake birthday. The call ended after I gave my information.

- Marion, IL, USA

Got a call from this number requesting information. The initial discussion was that my social security number was compromised.

Caller states,"There has been fraudulent activity against your Social Security card and we are suspending your account. We you press 1 to speak to an agent and you ask what's the problem they hang up on you. They answer the phone this is the Society Security office.

- Minneapolis, MN, USA

Received a phone call (recording) that indicates there is unusual activity with my Social Security and that I must contact them or there will be a warrant issued.

- Columbus, OH, USA

I got an automated call from Social Security saying my number would be terminated.

- Westerville, OH, USA

I got a call from Social Security indicating my account had been tampered with and for more information to press 1.

- Omaha, NE, USA

I've been receiving calls from this number and it is a recording, saying there is allegations against me and that i need to call asap. But the recording never says a name an address or a number to call back. If it was the ssa they would send a letter.

- Gilmer, TX, USA

scammer said that my SS had been placed on hold due to fraudulent activity

- Columbus, OH, USA

Had phone call claiming to be Marcus Brown from US Customs Dept.with ID Badge# 7950. His phone number was 206-333-9418. He tried to get me to provide my bank account information which I refused.He also told me that I had multiple bank accounts with large sums of money in my name. He was also trying to get me to confirm my SS number but I told them they should have all those details. He told me that my social security account was frozen as well as my assets. Then he told me I was dealing drugs, which I never have. At the end he said he would send the US marshall out to arrest me and I said to have him bring lie detector equipment and I will pass their test. Caller spoke with an Asian accent.

- Anchorage, AK, USA

I received two phone calls with two different phone numbers from area code (907). Each claiming to be from the Social Security Office and claiming my social security checks have been halted due to a lien placed and to select #1 on the phone to speak to someone to resolve the issue. I called back both numbers. One was a recording indicating not an active number. The other picked up as a private individual but not as the Social Security office.

- Dallas, TX, USA

Impersonating a Federal Employee. Threatened arrest. Claimed my ss number had been used in a crime. Asked for identifying information.

- Indianapolis, IN, USA

Got this call today 3-24-2021 on my cell phone while at a friend's house in Plainfield, IN. The automated voice identified as Social Security and said that there was fraud found against my number. I was told to press one. I did nothing and they hung up.

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