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Social Security

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Social Security Reports & Reviews (976)

- Tyler, TX, USA

Recording there was some "legal action filed against caller" and if caller wanted more information to press "1" and he hung up.

Scammers contacted me by phone, saying that I am social security office you owe money and if you don't pay you will go to jail. Then after the call I didn't receive my total pay in benefits.

I also was hacked on Facebook by a scammer posing as a government official giving out grant money. However I had to load money on a card take a photo of my social security card with ID. Then scammer kept asking for money until I was not able to keep from being connected by the scammer.

The recording said that there was something wrong and that I needed to contact them by pressing a button to be connected.

- Columbus, OH, USA

Phone call from Social Security saying my Social Security number tagged for suspicious activity.

- Cleveland, OH, USA

I received a message today on my cell phone this morning. The call stated my first name. Discrepancy in my Social Security number. Press one. I did not press any numbers. I hung up and called the Better Business Bureau. I do not have the number that called.

- Columbus, GA, USA

I just got a call from Social Security saying my Social Security number has been compromised and to push one to talk to someone about it. They said it was urgent.

It was a recorded voice saying they were ss agent, that I had committed fraud and that a warrant has been issued for my arrest. I hung up.

- Coldwater, OH, USA

I've gotten many calls from Social Security number saying my number has been disqualified, and to find out why, press one. I always hang up. The calls come on my cell phone, and I block the number, and then I get another call from a different number.

- North Olmsted, OH, USA

I received a call from this number on my cell phone. An automated message said it was social security and that I needed to press one to speak with an agent to discuss my account. I hung up and reported it to the BBB.

- Georgetown, KY, USA

Social Security scam I was called by this phone number telling me the state police had my identity and some fraud was going on on my Social Security card and I was going to go to jail if I didn’t handle it and I answered the phone and they said state police

Mark Hammer, name left on VM, said her SS suspended because of suspicious activity across the country.

They called to tell me that I had something was going on with my social security number and I told them I wasn't going to give them my information. They hung up on me.

- Dallas, TX, USA

A lady tried to tell me that I had missed my social security appointment and that they had informed me by mail. But I know I did not have an appointment. She took my address down and stated she would mail a new request.

Entered by Staff - LJ - 3-15-21

I just answered a scam call on my cell phone from Social Security. The number in my caller ID was 419-901-8522. It sounded like a recording. It was a woman's voice. This is the Social Security office. Calling to tell you your Social Security number was exposed. As soon as I heard that I hung up.

- Columbus, OH, USA

I answered incoming phone call since it did not say suspected scam, caller introduced himself as some officer saying he was calling for my Social Security number, claiming I had my social security number compromised and the number was frozen. He was very aggressive and sharp, very pushy. Kept pushing for the SS number which I completely refused to provide. He kept interrupting me when I was trying to ask him to properly identify himself, the business he worked for, their physical address when he gave me a PO. He wanted to know about my financial account because I had fines to pay to release the freeze on my social security card. I finally got him to to give me the phone number 717-332- 3855. I was Goggling the number and found it being used all over the place, Scam-like. I finally said I needed information or I was going to hang up, told him this was a scam and he got angry that I would even say such a thing. Finally I said I was going to call and he hung up before I had a chance to.

- Terre Haute, IN, USA

Una alerta segun ellos que alguien estaba usando mi numero de seguro social y necesitaban mi nombre direcion y numero de seguro social

- Heltonville, IN, USA

A automated call said I was being named in a lawsuit by Social 4, and there was a warrant out for my arrest. It next said for more information to press "1". I had gotten the same call a few days earlier, and I hung up. But, the second time I pushed "1", and a woman with an Asian accent answered. I could hear other people talking on phones, in the background. I then hung up the phone. I got the same call 2 to 3 more times.

- Memphis, TN, USA

Fake SSA call 

- Columbus, OH, USA

I got a call from Social Security. The message was Hi this call is from Social Security Administration Department the reason you are receiving this automated message is to notify you that we have an order to suspend your Social Security number for illegal activity this is an urgent matter please press one to speak to the officer right away.

Recording stating that their from the SS Admin. and that my SS number has been used in a fraudulent act then directed me to press #1 for more information.

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