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Unknown Reports & Reviews (1435)

The caller did not identify itself or give any company name, address, or website. It sounded like a recorded message. The only information provided was something to the effect of "your credit card will be charged $399.00. You can call 1-716-902-1044 to get your money back and to continue your firewall service". I did not call the number, nor has my credit card been charged.

I wanted to report this as a scam in as many places as I can to stop this type of nonsense.

I have none just want to conplaine

- Virginia Beach, VA, USA

Person calling from a New York area code two early mornings in a row asking “Are you available to hang out”.

I noticed on June 19, 2019 that there was $79.99 pending on my Visa card. The description gave a phone # to merchant & I called it. A man with strong accent answered without giving a name of any company. I asked him who are you & why are you taking out $74.99? He skipped a co. name & said, "it's for a magazine subscription". I immediately told him I never ordered any! He said he would cancel the subscription & gave me a cancellation #: RM190621106 & then said it would take up to 5 business days to refund the money. I reminded him it was pending at time. He still said would take about that long.

As soon as I hung up with him, I called Capital One & told that guy what was going on. He says, "give them until the 28th & if they haven't refunded the money by then, to call back & they would probably cancel that card & issue me a new one". So on the 29th it still had not been refunded. I call Capital One back & tell them. They did cancel that card & issue a new one.

About week later, I get letter from Capital One stating they took that money off my acct for now, until they review dispute & decide what to do.

Then on 7/16, I get a call from Capital One & the man tells me that they put the money back on my acct & they are sending me a letter which will tell me what information I will need to mail or fax them if I still wanted to dispute this issue. He informed me that they did receive an email from that merchant saying I did agree to purchase a product from them. And that a copy of that email will come with the letter they are sending. I told him this was crazy, I never ordered anything & I had no clue who those people are. I told him about the original call I made to that merchant to see why they were trying to get money. Then, he asks if I could call them back & try to get something in writing stating that they agreed to cancel the order & refund the money. I said, I can try but they'd be [censored] to do that now cause you all already gave them the money.

So, we hung up & call that merchant. The man says that they started the cancellation process on 6/21 & that they tried to refund the money & it was rejected. I said, "Do what?" Then told the guy, look if you tried to refund money to a credit card co, they would never reject it. At this point, I start trying to get him to agree to send me something in writing stating what he just told me & he states again, we tried to refund it & it was rejected, there's nothing else we can do for you. That's all I could get out of him every time I pushed him about sending me something in writing. I finally gave up after about 5 times asking & we hung up.

I call Capital One back & tell the man that someone called earlier from there & what he asked me to do. I proceeded to tell him what was said between all of us (both calls). When I told him that the other guy there said they got an email response from the merchant, this man tells me " we're still waiting to hear from them". I said "what, wait a minute that can't be right. The other man said you all are sending me a copy of the email". He repeats "no, we're still waiting to hear from them". I gave up at this point & get off the phone. Now I'm really confused. I decide to hold off til I get this letter they are supposed to send me with that email with it.

On 7/24 I read the letter & copy of that email sent to me from Capital One. I was furious. Instead of me trying to repeat all that was said, I am sending it to you, so you can read it for yourself. What I noticed was this: nowhere on there is there a name of a company, there is no return email address, they never say anywhere on it what I supposedly bought & no date of purchase.They do however say they sent me a welcome package (that I never got), that I agreed over phone to place order (that never happened), that they did not hear from me about cancelling the order prior to payment being processed (that was a lie, cause it was pending on my Visa the day I called them about it. That's when the guy said he would cancel it), they state also right off the bat in last paragraph that they did cancel the order, however requested that the payment already made be honored. So I say, must be nice to want your cake & eat it too!

I called Capital One after reading it & literally go off. I asked why they didn't catch all the lies & contradictions in it, etc. The lady tells me what to send them in order to keep disputing it. So, I write down what I know. Run to library to fax that to them, that cost me a $1. Then I wait to hear from them.

Later that evening I get a voicemail from Capital One, but by time I see it, it's too late to call. Next morning (7/25), I return the call. They tell me that I didn't send what they needed. I never really understood what they wanted & told them that. They say either an email the merchant sent me or a copy of the terms/conditions from them in the welcome package. I said, "What part of I don't have anything from them don't you understand? They never called me, they never sent me any welcome package or anything else thru the mail, they never have emailed me, texted me or any other way to contact me". Now I'm thinking, there is definitely a lack of communication here & I'm getting so frustrated that Capital One threw me under the bus, that I almost have several anxiety attacks trying to deal with all this.

There were a few more calls, I stopped writing the stuff down cause I felt there was no need in it, since nobody was listening to me anyway. On one call to Capital One the man sends me via email, a link from them where I can go & download or upload any more information I can give them, but it was only good for a certain amount of time. I did send them something & still turns out it don't help my case a bit. I also included what I sent this last time. Ok, maybe I won't send the last thing I sent to Capital One. Apparently I can only put one item on here.

Anyway, what I sent them was me telling them that I tried to find out who those people were by googling the phone #, since that's all I have on them. I found 2 places in WY with that same #. One was a car lot in Casper, WY (it's zip is same one provided by Capital One) & the other was auto protection of some kind in Cheyenne, WY. I also tried to find the woman who's name is on the email & found an 80 some yr old lady that lives in FL. & a young girl in Kenya. And still, 8/3 (yesterday now), I get another letter from Capital One telling me they closed the dispute. That if I still wanted to dispute the charges, to contact the merchant & work directly with them.

I am so disappointed with Capital One. I have 2 cards with them & have been a customer for probably close to 2 yrs. During this time, I have always made my payments & every one has been on time. This is how they treat a valued customer. I told them I was going to report all this to & that I was absolutely NOT going to pay for something I did not agree to buy. They should've never given those people that money then assume that I would just pay it. It's not gonna happen. I've worked hard trying to get my credit up higher & I guess now all that was for nothing. I don't have money to just throw around like this & it makes me mad that they think it's ok to expect me to pay for their mistake.

So, if anyone sees a charge on your credit card that you don't know what it is...good luck getting any help. The # for this scam is: 888-511-4080...beware if you see it. This is the how it was wrote up under the description on the card: VYA*8885114080digitalfant

Harassing phone calls even after I have told them "no" & not interested and on a do not call list since 2005. They continue to call several times a week for a month. Their English is terrible, hard to understand & have to ask them several times to repeat where they are calling from. I believe they may be illegal scams who are trying to reach their hands into my wallet, illegally... & scam me in the process. I have reported this to FCC, FTC & you. Have them stop calling & pay a fine to you for being so inconsiderate & have to deal with them

- Estes Park, CO, USA

Claims to be calling from Social Security Administration.

- Redding, CA, USA

Scam service wants access to my computer via command promt to refund me $299....... wants me to type in

- Pensacola, FL, USA

It sounded like an automated call, male voice. Asked me to return their call and provide the last 4 digits of my Social Security Number or they would be issuing a warrant for my arrest.

- Los Angeles, CA, USA

I received this mystery letter in the mail, with no company name on it at only says: "Negotiations Department".

I called Capital One to get clarity, and they said they would never send something like this without their letterhead on it.

Also, the creditor balances listed at the bottom do not line up with my current debt.

If you do share this, please redact my personal info.

Automated call that states "This message is inteneded to contact you from the Social Security administration. We are call you to inform you that your Social Security number has been listed for suspicious activity and your involvement in a crime ther is a problem with your Social Security number for more information if you could call us back on 808-800-9400 thank you..."

Improper grammar and autobot.

- Cleveland, OH, USA

I received a robo-call saying my computer had been hacked. The female voice said I needed to call immediately. I do own a computer but it was not turned on at the time. I called the number but immediately hung up. I then called BBB.

If you received a call from 804-663-2846 its a credit card relief scam to lower your credit card rate. You can't deal them back but they can call you. So just make sure you block them. I wish something get done about these scammers ASAP.

Someone called saying they were the victim's grandson. They said they were in New York and that they were in an accident and their nose was broken.

- Morris, MN, USA

I received a voicemail stating this person has found many suspicious activities on my social so they are going to have to suspend my number. I was supposed to call them back at 817-402-1412.

Call received from "unknown number" claiming they have new option for student loan repayment. Provided name of Kimberly Baker with a reference number and number to call back. When trying the number, it just disconnects.

- Idaho Falls, ID, USA

un-solicited calls about vehicle warranty

- Fairfield, OH, USA

I've received several threatening collection calls regarding an alleged $900 debt. I know nothing of the debt. The caller also has another number: 877-220-8307.

I received a recording phone call stating they’re AT&T. They also  stated that your internet will be disconnected and to select options. However, I hung up and called AT&T to find out what’s going on and they stated they didn’t have any disconnect on file for my location.

- Idaho Falls, ID, USA

un-solicited calls about vehicle warranty.

our cars are new and already have warranties

this person called my elderly mother and said that they would charge her for internet services unless she chooses to cancel they have her credit card and wanted her to repeat the credit card number to cancel it. my mother never owned a computer or ever had internet access.

Check fields!

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