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Unknown Reports & Reviews (1435)

Name, address, phone number, & email addresses collected for the promise of shipping and titling purposes.

No social given after above raised suspect to true intent

- Quarryville, PA, USA

Knew my name, asked few questions, single etc, how much I made, stated something about medical equipment. Told him conversation over, on DNC and not to call again. Tried to call back and just rang and rang, no answer. SCAM

- Columbia, MO, USA

Calling to present threatening message on immigration related issues. It is quite clear the message is fake as the Immigration and Natural Service will not use such call to conduct business. The malicious act whoever constantly making the call could truly impact new comers to US as they may be familiar with the INS system, and I truly fell the frequent calls to both office phone and cell phone is a harassment.

The phone number used to call my office is 8008738546, and the number used to call my cell phone is 800 909 2233. And the call came within several minutes apart. The same call came many times in the past several months, although I don't recall if it came from the same number.

- Brooksville, FL, USA

They everyday trying to sell a brace through Medicare. Asked them to stop calling because I already have a brace and I’m on the do not call list. They insisted they had to keep calling because a friend or relative gave them my number.

- Columbia, MO, USA

Microsoft subscription expiring and renewal for $299.00 will automatically be deducted from your account unless you cancel with them.

- Santa Barbara, CA, USA

they called with a pre-recorded message about how i paid for tech support from microsoft and to press 1 or call 888-663-8929 to get a refund.

I pressed 1 in order to speak to the representative he answered saying "microsoft refunds how may i help you?" and I said "I dont know, you called me" and he immediately hung up. I reported it to microsoft as well

- Monument, CO, USA

On March 3, 2019, I received a phone call at 0738 Mountain Time. The caller asked "Is this So-and-so" and without thinking I said yes. The caller immediately hung up. At that point I suspected this was one of those scam phone calls where the get you to say "yes" then hang up. A few minutes later, I called the number and, sure enough, I got a recording saying something like "This phone number is no longer in service, thank you for calling." Now, I knew it was a phishing phone call. So, I wanted to immediately make this report just to document the fact that this happened and to warn others. So far, nothing has come of it, but it's only been a short time since the call.

Claimed to have legal suits against me and asked to call them back at the number so that I could resolve.

- Sulphur, LA, USA

Left voicemail (automated voice) that I was to call this # to resolve being thrown in jail by the local police- if you call back I'm sure they want you to pay fines?!?

- Cleveland, OH, USA

I received 2 robocalls from Social Security regarding fraud to my account and saying I needed to call back within 24 hours. When I called back I was asked for my birthday and social security number. I did not provide the information.

- Gainesville, FL, USA

I was selling an industrial motor on Ebay and was contacted by a guy asking for my best offer. He said he would mail a check for payment but first asked for the beneficiary name for the check. That sounded strange. I then asked for more details and was told he had big plans and the motor was for research. I wasn't comfortable with the conversation and decided not to proceed with the sale.

- New Franken, WI, USA

I have had non stop calls from this number 608-305-1319 which starts off as a pre recorded conversation indicating" we have tried numerous times to reach you, if you want Medicare to cover your pain issues you need to speak to us right away or Medicare will not cover" I hung up the first 3 times but then on the 4th & 5th time I pressed 9 which would indicate not to call me any further. However today it started all over again, so I pressed 1 to speak with someone, this time a gentleman came on and said how can I help you with your pain, then I indicated I am demanding that you do not call my number again or I will report you to the and they hung up. The call is originating from Janesville, Wi according to my phone ID.

- Tuscola, TX, USA

Text I received in my Google Voice account copied & pasted.

New text message from (203) 293-8042



(203) 293-8042

6:13 PM (1 hour ago)

to me

Google Voice

Hi There, I hope this finds you well. A firm is seeking people to become mystery shoppers in your area. It entails going into stores as an under cover agent, to carry out an evaluation of the store and then report back. You will be paid for each store you evaluate and you can do it as many times as possible. It can be done part time or full time basis and it takes just about 15 minutes (from the time you enter the store) of your time. Contact Mrs Diana Paker .............. ([email protected]) or click on the link below to learn more and get started............... Regards, Referral ; Sussie

- Centerville, UT, USA

I have been receiving dozens of phone calls from 385-297-08xx. I keep blocking the incoming calls, but they call again with another number, usually just changing the last two digits. I answered just two of the calls, hoping to ask them to add me to their Do Not Call List, but both times, no one said anything. Maybe they are looking for active phone numbers? I used to get 7-10+ calls per day, but they have been tapering off the last week or so.

- Manchester, NH, USA

I received three calls from this number. The first call lead to a voicemail of a male voice looking for someone named Eric. The person was talking very fast and said to call him back as soon as possible. I didn't respond because I assumed it was just the wrong number. Within 10-20 minutes later, the number called twice and I answered on the third call. The same voiced asked if I was Eric and I said "no" (my name is not Eric). It sounded like the caller had bad cell phone reception and he asked if I could hear him, to which I instinctively responded with "yes". He then asked if I had called this number and described himself as being some sort of emergency repair company. I hung up without responding any further because the call seemed suspicious.

After hanging up, I remembered a "can you hear me now?" scam that I heard about in the news last year. There have been no fraudulent charges on my credit cards or bank accounts, but it has only been a few hours.

- Torrance, CA, USA

Numerous phone calls with the prefix 866-404-xxxx stating that the Social Security Department is notifying me of suspicious activity on my account. Every couple of weeks, I start receiving phone calls throughout the day.

- Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA

I received the call February 1, 2019 from Brownsville, Texas, said that fraudulent activities noted filed on my social security number and if I do not call the number back, they will begin legal proceedings.

- Janesville, WI, USA

A man called asking if "Steven" was available, I said he wasn't. The man then asked if he had the wrong number and I said "yes". He then hung up the phone.

- Rockville, MD, USA

The scammers use prerecorded message and tell me that they are trip advisors and ask me if I can hear them clearly. Then the phone will suddenly hang up without me pressing the button. I have been receiving their phone calls for about a month and about twice a day. They used to have a male voice but they changed to a female voice. I was quite annoyed by they actions since I receive their phone call a lot. And all of the area code is 240 and the calls are always from Ridge, MD or some place in South Western part of Maryland.

- Livingston, WI, USA

left a voicemail that said something to the effect that a lawsuit had been filed against me and to call them. I deleted it.

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