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Unknown Reports & Reviews (1435)

- Vallejo, CA, USA

I have been receiving phone calls from an unnamed entity offering provide student loan forgiveness. The automated message that plays when I answer the phone states that I must act now or the offer will go away in 48 hours. Today, I tried to connect with a live person and when transferred the person asked if I was interested in loan forgiveness. When I told them that I was already enrolled in public service loan forgiveness the person hung up the phone.

- New Haven, CT, USA

I've been receiving calls from this number claiming I owe $800 for a payday loan. They claim that I am going to receive notice to appear in court. The person's name is Kathy Johnson. I have never in my life took out a payday loan.

They also told me if I didn't pay the $800 then it will go to court and I will then owe over $1500.

I couldn't get a name of this "collection" agency. I also viewed my credit report from all three bureaus and nothing shows a debt of $800. I am almost certain this is a scam or identity theft. I don't know what to do at this point.

- Boylston, MA, USA

A robo-call announces "All services have been stopped on your computer, call 855-565-8184".

The phone call was calling from China postal, it is about a package from China. Your package is ready for pick up. .

It is a final message.

- Prairieville, LA, USA

I receive numerous phone calls from this number on land line and iPhone. The message is as follows: we have been trying to contact you for the last 6 months stating an intentional fraud and lawsuit has been filed under your name by the United States government and you may call our department at 513-666-6077. I did not make a call to this number. The image shows a person's name at bottom of voicemail. Please disregard her name. She is a personal friend.

Spam called Threatened that I need to contact them before legal consequences occur and the local police will arrive and take me into custody.

Report that your computer security information has been hacked and you may lose it. Contact the above number right away.

Call from “ssa” asking for SSA number for the raise announce in October 2018 in press

SSN given and caller said he was Ford Stewartville. # to call back was SSA GENERAL NUMBER. SSA HAS NO RECORD OF CONTACT WITH THIS PERSON


I got a local phone call and answered it saying hello. A guy said he was with some cruise line and asked if I could hear him okay. I didn’t think about it and said umm yes. Then it went silent, I called back and got a recording of offers for cruise lines and then said I’m not interested. Then I got complete silence again. I just hung up at the time and realized that’s it’s most likely a scam. Not sure if I need to do more than just report it.

Other numbers from which Mireille Liedl received scams - 276-285-8336




- Ridgefield, CT, USA

Received a pre-recorded phone call stating that a civil lawsuit has been filed against me and that I needed to call back to avoid legal consequences.

- Lincoln, NE, USA

They have called several times to get me to change my interest rate on my credit card, but the phone number is local, and I don't have a credit card that is based out of Nebraska, or that has a call center in Nebraska. They wanted my personal information to verify. I have told them to remove my number from the call list (my number is on the do not call register), but to no avail, they keep calling.

- Wichita, KS, USA

Consumer answered phone and recorded message stated 4 charges against you call immediately or you will be arrested and taken to jail. She knew about this but she called and stayed on the line and got a live person and told him it was a scam and should be ashamed of himself and he asked if she was going to report him and she said yes. End of conversation

- Cincinnati, OH, USA

I have been receiving calls within the past week or two from 913-370-4581. They say the same thing each time, when it comes time to say my voice, the voice changes, it is a robocall. The call today said besides you have a complaint against you, this is last attempt that I am forfeiting my ability to settle this out of court, but he company would still consider if I called them back. They called themselves something like processors. First call they said they have received an order and there is a claim against me. Today they said it was two situations. Today they asked me for my present living address and business address.

I have received several emails emanating from the website provided, supposedly from a cousin who has been dead for 3 years.

I have no idea what the perpetrators are trying to hock as I will not click on the message. I have no idea how they got my email address but I do have a facebook page and I do correspond with her husband via facebook and email. I don't think my email contact list has been comprised but given the rotten state of privacy and the number of organizations including facebook that have been hacked well who knows.

All I want is for this disgusting and persistent intrusion into my life to STOP.

I saw one other had this call as well. Here is the voicemail transcript of this scammer:

“_?_?_?_?_?_?_?_?_ that you will be taken under custody by the local cops as there are four serious allegations pressed on your name at this moment we would request you to get back to us so that we can discuss about this case before taking any legal action against you the number to reach us is 413-232-1537 I repeat 413-232-1537 thank you…”

- Redwater, TX, USA

Refund owed from over payment. They wanted to repay me. Did not remain on the phone beyond what I mentioned. Our PC protection is McAffee through Windstream & know they wouldn't be offering a refund by phone (or other...)

- Boise, ID, USA

A man called and said he was a court appointed attorney from Austin,Texas who said my grandson was there in jail and needed $3000 to be bailed out. My grandson lives in Idaho and is not in Texas. It started out with the guy saying he was my grandson but it didn't sound like him so I told him that. He sounded upset that I questioned him. Then he said that he was the court appointed attorney.

- Lake Charles, LA, USA

At 2:54pm Central, I was on a work conference call when a 29 second was left on my voicemail. Contents were garbled; I have a partial transcription of the voice message left: an intentional lawsuit has been filed under you...our department number is 425-509-9760. I repeat 425-409-9930...repeat.

My family and I began receiving calls from this number and they knew our addresses, workplaces and names. We were given the name Isaiah and he said he wanted to discuss business matters with me but would not tell my family what matters. We traced the number to Richmond, Virginia and I attempted to call it back but was lead to a voice mailbox of an office.

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