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US Diagnostic Laboratories Inc.

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US Diagnostic Laboratories Inc. Reports & Reviews (132)

• Mar 04, 2024

Call from someone to my sister saying she had an outstanding bill from 2022 for Diatnostic Labs. Conveniently long enough ago that she would not have remembered.

Lady refused to give her name or license number this is illegal. 808.481.3373 was the call back number she gave. She said her company was Florida but call back number is in Hawaii. She refused to give a mailing address for the company. This is illegal.

Gave name of company as Financial Recovery Collection Service, Orlando FL. Amount she said was owed was 498.71. Which is small enouth that it wouldn't be considered a felony if they were caught.

NEVER agree to anything over th phone. Demand everything in writing. Tell them to stop calling you and that all future correspondence will be in writing.

Said she was going to turn it over to the attorneys to sue in court. (This is illegal by the way.)

Here is the law for consumer collections.

So summary of the law violations:
Failure to give collectors name.
Failure to provide mailing address.
Threatening to turn over to an attorney if not paid immediately.

Get name of caller, name of company, mailing address and call back number.
Sent an email to the address sayiing:
1. Do not call me on the phone.
2. All contact will be by mail.
3. Provide me with the details of the debt.
4. Tell me who owns the debt, the company name, address and phone number.
5. If it is medical debt, demand they send you the signed authorization you signed for them to have your medical records. If they don't have it, it is a violation of HIPAA.
6. Tell them you do not agree that you owe the money.

Send this letter within 30 days of ANY debt collection attempt. Either in the mail or by phone.

• Oct 26, 2023

They're back at it!
I just received a phone call from 'Charlotte' with 'Financial Collections and Recovery' on behalf of Alliance Diagnostics. (931-805-0143 Maury, CO. Nashville, TN) She stated that she was calling to collect $492.64 for a blood work panel (service date 22July2022). She even gave me an invoice number and the test identification number (never had that particular test). When I told her that I have never received a bill, she stated that multiple attempts had been made to an address that does not exist. When I asked for a good call back number she gave me 808-481-3373 (Hilo, HI).
Everyone please be aware and Verify EVERYTHING.


"Sheila Anderson" called posing as a debt collector from Alliance Collections Agency. Alliance is a legitimate company, but they're just making up names. She told me that I had an account that had gone to collections for $490 but wouldn't tell me who the creditor was; only that it was for "processed lab work." She told me this was going to go on my credit reports if I didn't pay immediately.

*I asked for her license number. She had no idea what I was talking about.

*I asked who the creditor was. She told me she couldn't give out that information due to HIPAA. I told her that's not how HIPAA works. (I actually run HIPAA compliance courses for new employees, due to the fact that I work in health care.) HIPAA protects protected health information - which does not include the facility name where you had lab work, or any company that processes those claims/bills.

*I asked her to send me something in writing (which they are required to do within 5 days) and she refused.

Despite all this, I was a [censored] and paid her settlement offer of $300. I quickly realized doing internet research that everyone is told they owe between $450-$490. Presumably because this is an amount they know people will pay.

I immediately called my credit card company and reported it as fraud and got a new credit card number. She had my email address and address, which clearly they stole from some database.

I called the number back that she gave me, which rang to Hawaii. She said, "is this [my name]?! When I was told "all the managers left for the day" I told them they were scammer and full of it. The "receptionist" because screaming at me. "You're not going to talk to me like this! You have a debt!" And she hung up.

About 10 minutes later, "Sheila Anderson" called back only this time she couldn't keep her story straight. Instead of being from Alliance Debt Collections, she said she was from "Financial Recovery Services." I let her have it. She said she had been calling back with my "voided transaction confirmation number." I told her to keep it because I had already changed my credit card number and reported them as fraud. Good thing too, because they charged me again for the same "settlement offer."

Please do not be intimidated as I was. All I could imagine was my credit being ruined right before I was trying to buy a house. I was unusually vulnerable and I fell for it. Good luck out there, everyone! Don't give these people your money. They are required to provide you with a written statement of the debt owed and who the creditor is. They should also have a license number and a way to pay that is not "quickly and over the phone."


They keep sending tests. I have contacted to stop if I can find contact info for the particular lab. Coming from several distribution centers from all over with no contact info. Ohio, Florida, Texas…

Keep getting tests not ordered from different distribution centers all over US.
Have sent emails if I can find the correct lab that they were sent from.
Refused several packages through USPS.

The same exact story as most of these. A lady by the name of Katie from Financial Recovery Collection Services said she was collecting a debt from US Diagnostic Labs in the amount of 496.58 but she could discount it to 410.17 if I paid today. I told her I would not give financial info over the phone, she said I could send a check made out to First Point to PO Box 3207, St Augustine, FL 32085. I blocked the number and have no intention of sending the check. It was odd that the service date she gave me was the date I had surgery, they must have stolen info from a medical database.


I've been back and forth with a so called Collection agency named Financial recovery and collection. They claimed they had a bill of $491.47 for bloodwork by US Diagnostic Laboratories. After numerous phone calls back and forth I've come to the conclusion that these people are trying to scam me. They were rude and ignorant and did nothing but bad mouth your company claiming that you billing system was all screwed up. The number they called from was 603-403-5576. Please feel free to reach out to me to discuss.


Similar to many of above reports. Received a call from "Financial Services" requesting payment in the amount of $476 for blood tests. She named some tests that I never received and refused to give me a date of service or ordering physician.


Got initial call today from Katie of Financial Recovery & Collection Services saying I owe a bloodwork lab bill from June 2020 for $476.13 and will be reported to credit bureau unless paid now. She repeated my correct home address as where the bills were sent and that they acquired the debt from U.S. Diagnostic Lab so I can't call them for more information. I said I'd like a few hours to look at my records and I'll call her back. I don't recall receiving any such bills. I keep records of medical bills going back before 2020 and found nothing of the sort. I called her back 603-451-2349. I said, at this time I dispute the validity of the bill. I asked her to send me a copy of the itemized statement and I'd call her back after reviewing and that I believe I have 30 days to review before further action by collections. She said ok about sending but that collections reporting would begin. She never got short, snippy or angry. Then I googled the lab and found this scam site with same stories.


October 5, 2022 - The call came from “ Hank Steven’s” a collector on behalf of US diagnostic laboratories. He said that I owed $495 for date of service 09/30/2000. Hank admitted that the bill went to my old address. I did not live there for 7 years! He claimed that he did not have the contact information for US diagnostic labs. Okayyyyy…so how does he communicate with them? He said that he texted them to approve a $100 discount! He claims that they texted him back immediately with approval. He asked for a credit card number for payment. I took down his contact information and said I’d call back. I called the next day (today) and got an answering machine that merely stated, “ Goodbye”. He gave me his contact number as 808-481-3373.


Was called by a very aggressive woman from Financial Recovery Collections. She said that my account from U.S. Diagnostics Laboratories had been turned over to collections. The laboratory had sent me bills for a year before turning the account over. It was for $400. from 10/14/2020 for a 'blood panel'.. I told her I had never heard of U.S.Diagnostics before, never received a bill from them. She then asked if my address was 105... And it was correct. I asked who had ordered the tests, she said she was not at liberty to share that information, because of HIPPA. (which was funny considering she supposedly had the info and shouldn't have bc of HIPPA) I told her since she had my address to send me a copy of the bill so I could investigate it. She said she would, just as soon as you pay $400. I said that I refuse to disclose my financial information over the phone unless I can determine it is, in fact, mine. She said if I did not pay a minimum of $100. today and make arrangements for the balance to be debited that the debt will be reported to the three major credit reporting agencies, the balance will also be assessed a 39% interest from 10/14/2020. I told her that you cannot charge interest on a medical bill. If I can't investigate this bill, do what you got to do! I hung up.
The scary thing was that she had my cellphone number, address, and 10/14/2020 was a date that my husband had bloodwork done. We usually have our quarterly bloodwork done together, but this was the only time we had gone in separately!
I looked up U.S.Diagnostic Laboratories, and it does exist, but the best I can tell is that they sell medical reporting machines to nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and the bedridden. There was nothing mentioned about 'blood panel' testing. The collection agency was also a bona-fide collection agency.
It wasn't until I found this site where it says to report scams using U.S.Diagnostic Labs, that I was confident that I was being scammed, as well. Glad I trusted my gut on this one. But I was also concerned about how this scammer got all of my information. And I feared for people who would fall victim to this scam. I'm glad there is a place to report this scam. I hope the scammers will be caught!


I got a very similar call to this today. Claiming she was with "Financial Recovery Agency" collecting an unpaid debt. She said it was for lab (CBC-GLU-CREA) work done 1/4/2019 from US Diagnostic Laboratory for $442.29. I said well I'm with and HMO so US Diagnostic would have billed the HMO first and she Said they had sent me letters (I have none), she said she could waive some of the late fees which brought the amount down to $332.29 but that it was only good until 5pm ET today. As I was speaking to her I looked on my online patient portal and have NO records from that time for blood work.

She said it hadn't hit my credit report yet, but it would if it wasn't taken care of.

I asked for some physical proof, told her to send me an e-mail or text with the bill, letter or something so I can see it and research it. She said she's not authorized to do that. I asked to know who the Dr. or hospital was that ordered the test, she said when they take debts they don't get to see that information and that its against HIPPA laws to give out that information, and that I can't contact US Diagnostic Lab because they relinquished the rights to bill and can't give out any information regarding the collection.

This stressed me out so I did some research and the phone number 360-928-8168 and it does go to the financial recovery collection but the number they told me to call back was out of Hawaii 808-481-3373 and a Michael answered and I asked for a street address and professional license number and he said to me that Bailey will call me back and he hung up. Bailey did call me back and I asked her for the address and license # she said they can't give out the address for protection laws, and didn't she give an her license # I asked where she was located and she stated Florida! I told her that I will contact my lawyer and get back with her.

When I googled "US Diagnostic Laboratory" I found this site and now I'm SO glad my "something isn't right" feelers went up and I didn't pay them any money. This is a big, big scam!


DITTO on everything... Scammers ought to be taken out to the woodshed like the old days...

Just got a call from 659-300-2033 "Account Services" for a $400 plus bill from 2019 for blood work from US Lab Services. He knew my address, date of birth. Very adamant that I used US Lab services for blood work and that they had sent bills which went unanswered from me. He told me that this was a courtesy call to let me know that I hadn't paid the lab bill since 2019 and that US Labs had sent me multiple bills. I don't recall ever going to a lab for blood work ands no blood work is $400 that isn't paid by insurance. To avoid going to collection and hurting my credit, I needed to pay it over the phone. I told him to email me the bill so I can verify with my insurance and the lab. He said since they own the credit, he could not send the bill till after I paid. I asked him for the Lab address where the bill was he named the city I was in. He was very convincing. Said he would email me the receipt within 24 hours. I told him if my payment was immediate, then the receipt should be immediate. I told him to email me the bill so I could verify. He said he would send it after he collected. After I insisted, he got really hot and said he would report me to all 3 credit bureaus. I told him to go ahead and his company would be hearing from my lawyers and I would bankrupt them. He told me he would call again next week. I told him my answer would be the same. Send me the bill.


Claimed blood work test July 30 2019. over 400. could not Found any service contact my insurance no record of bill. Scam gave dr I’d. 196-2932. Could not provide copy of bill because of HIPPA Rules.


Are you in New Hampshire? Did you report this to someone? Please let me know as I'd like to report these SOB's as well.. I had the exact same thing and they called from 603-403-5576...

Exact same thing happened to me this morning from phone number 659-300-2022 in Berry, Alabama.

Similar experience - On 3/8/2022 I received a phone call from 'Marie- agent number 4013' stating that I owed $433.92 for blood work (URR, CBC, CMP) performed by US Diagnostic Laboratories (Invoice #116421) by MD 2017810 back in 2019. They gave a prior address that I was no longer living at the time of the lab work. They asked for a Visa/Mastercard for payment, but I requested some sort of documentation. She also noted that she could see if she could get a reduction in the price. The phone number give to me to call back was 870-731-8289. Nothing to be found for such information.


I received a call today, 3/7/22, requesting payment from lab work from 2019. I can't find ANYTHING in my medical file about this. The 'claim' was for 476.12, with a 'settlement claim' for $421.12. My call came from 659-300-2033, Berry AL. When I asked for a number to call back, I got 344-867-6404. Quick search of the internet says that number does not exist.


I received a second call on 3/2/22, about a month later than the first call. The call today told me the bloodwork was done on 7/2/19 from US Diagnostic Laboratory, the medical license number was 1928263, and they were from Financial Credit and Collections. Last month they told me the bloodwork was done on 2/26/19 from Alliance Diagnostic Laboratory, the Medical License number was 2101038, and they were from Viva Debt Collection. Both calls the amount due was $444.27. I called my insurance I had almost no medical expenses in 2019 and any lab work would have been paid. These are obviously amateur scammers. Please don't give these people money.


I just got a call from "Financial Recovery" that I owed money for bloodwork done in 2019 through a lab called "US Diagnostic Laboratories." They said I owed $431.88 and said to send them a check made out to "First Point" to PO Box 3207 St Augustine, FL 32085 today or they would put me in collection status. I asked for their phone number and they gave me 870-731-8289. The girl on the phone's name was Paige and when I asked for her last name she paused for a second and said "Smith". I had received the exact same call last month so I had already done the work on finding out if I truly had an unpaid medical bill and found out I wasn't the only one getting these types of calls. Please be careful and do not give any information to these people!


PS like others here I have had work sent to LabCorp, so a hack of their database (or similar) is a good working theory.


Phone agent Tim #4011 said he was collecting for U S Diagnostic (something), service date in 2019, amount $402.90. I couldn't believe I would have left something open that long but am ashamed to admit that after a week I decided to pay just to avoid hassle. When I called that number it routed me into a call queue where the woman (this time) thought she had called me ... I explained that I had called her. I couldn't understand everything she said other that "manager" and "another client" (maybe this number calls for lots of clients?) and she'd have to route me to another number. But instead of doing that she hung up ... and I came here. Very best to everyone!

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19110 Santa Barbara, CA 93101, USA



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