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US Diagnostic Laboratories Inc.

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US Diagnostic Laboratories Inc. Reports & Reviews (132)

Just received a call from this scam today 8/13/20 - Second we received … we received one last yr. Wish there was a way to stop this. This upsets people and elderlies and could cause unnecessary stress.


received a call today 8-12-20 from Consumer Collections saying I owe US Diagnostics Labs $399.31 for blood work. I have not received any bill from this company and I pay my bills on time. This is the phone number they used 406-226-2649. I tried to call them back to let them know I checked things out. This Sara would not talk to me and hung up.

I received a call today from a person stating he was with a collections agency attempting to collect on an old bill from 2018 to US Diagnostic Labs. She claimed that they were a national laboratory and that my lab sent specimens to them for processing. She said I owed $377.59 and they wanted me to give them a credit card number to pay it off over the phone. I did some research. My lab here has never heard of them. They send nothing to them. And there is nothing on the internet with even one valid location. I called back and told them that this was a scam and they were not to call me again. I told them that I was reporting them to the DA for prosecution. The man named "Chris" became very belligerent with me and spoke of their extensive legal team that would collect. I told him not to call me again and he said that they would. I advised him it would be considered harassment and I would contact the FCC also. He told me he couldn't understand why I was talking to him an why didn't I just hang up. So I did.


We got the exact call from the collection agency today, total fraud. Its the collection people that are the fraud.

It appears they are still at it. Received a call today, 414-420-2006, Consumer Collections wanting payment for services supplied by US Diagnostics Laboratory. My date of service was Feb 2018. Stated that some of debt had been paid by my insurance but there was a remaining balance that I had to pay. If I did not pay, it would be put on my credit report. I asked her for proof of this debt, told her I had never received a bill. She said that it did not matter, and that did not take away the severity of this action. Oh, but she made a "note" of this. I was actually really worried, until I did search of US Diagnostic Laboratory and this was the first web page that populated.


I received a phone call from Consumer collections telling me I have been turned over to them for collection on a bill from 4/2018 for lab work. They could not provide me with any other information due to HIPPA violations between MD and patient. I called all my MD's and there are no outstanding debts from the date given. I also called my insurance company to make sure there were no denied claims. The insurance company told me they had no record of the amount. They have told me this would be sent to the credit bureaus and it would be placed on my credit report. I have been unable to contact US Diagnostics lab for further information. I have made a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission over this matter.


I have received 2 calls from "Consumer Collections" in the past month. I was told I has a past due acct. for $300 with US Diagnostic Services. The charge was for a blood panel. I told them I needed more info about the charges. They said they had sent several notices. I told them I have insurance and I pay my bills immediately upon receiving them, and had not received anything. They are very well-trained to sound legit. I told them that I needed to know who ordered a panel and they claimed they had no access to that info. I looked up US Diagnostics and found one in West Palm Beach, FL. The number is "not in service". I checked with my 3 physicians' offices and found no blood panel ordered for March 2019. So I ignored it as a scam after the 1st call. Today, was my 2nd call. I told the "agent" that I had checked with all my providers and there were no tests ordered during that time. I did get this guy flustered when I pressed for more info. He feigned going for a manager, but said he was in a meeting. Then the call was "cut off". I called back later and got another "agent". I told her I needed to know who ordered this testing and she was pretty good at trying to snow me. I said that I was not going to pay anything to anyone without knowing what exactly the charges were for, because there were so many scams out there. Then the call was "cut off". With whom do I file a formal complaint?


Your reI called several times and keep getting hung up on. My health insurance even called and they would not give them the phone number of US Diagnostic Laborites to resolve the issue. They also would not give me the phone number for US Diagnostic Laborites and said that they were going to proceed with claim. Every time I called back I kept getting the run around. The only thing they would give me is a Medical ID License # 64924359. After numerous attempts they said they do not have US Diagnostic Laborites phone number because they bought the account from them. Everything that is said before, is exactly what was said to me. They should be shut down and fined They are good! I feel bad for the people who have paid them.

FYI the number for Consumer Collections who phoned me is 317-644-4072, an Indianapolis number, presumably

Got a call from rimcrest Ca saying they were us diagnostics lab inc collecting a 450.00 past due bill from 2-4-2018 and if i dont pay my bill they will put this on my credit report immediately.I explained im in end stage lung and heart failure and on disability i dont have that money on hand he said well since i dont need my credit thats fine its gonna lower a hundred points now unless i pay 150.00 right now then 50.00 a month and because he feels bad for me he will take 50.00 off the entire bill.I said i wasnt even living in Cali in 2018 i was in another state.Im going to need to talk to credit bureu,the lab and also an attorney then i will make a decision,he hung up on me :( scam!


They called said I owe $488.72 I said they would have to call back after work. I then called back and asked for an invoice since I never received one and I will submit it to my medical insurance company, they said that if they did that they would first have to send it to court and get a judgement against me. Come on! How stupid do they think people are .


I received a call today from a collection agency regarding a "past due" invoice in the amount of $478.69 supposedly from US Diagnostic Lab for services that were not covered by my insurance. Phone number that called was 325-400-3866 supposedly in Abilene, Texas. When the first call came in I explained to the individual that I don't have any past due invoices, as I pay all of my bills on time. I called the number back and they immediately called me by name. Said that if I didn't pay this today that this would go against my credit report. I explained that I have never received any invoice for any amount due. They said that this dated back to April 15, 2018 for lab work that I had done and that they have sent me several notices of the past due amount. I advised that I have NEVER received any such documents and I asked the individual, after she told me that she had confirmation that they were sent and received by me, I asked if she had sent them certified and/or registered mail because I again have never received such invoice. She became angry when I told her that I never received anything and that if they would like to mail me such invoice that I would look at it. She said that if I didn't take care of it TODAY that it would be reports as a bad debt against my credit report on all three of the companies.

- Columbus, OH, USA

I received a call from "Brad" at U.S. Diagnostics Laboratory (216) 293-6897 on 7/15/20 around 1:30 p.m. EST. He said I owed a $424.88 lab bill that was billed as private pay from service on 4/5/2018. He said that he was going to sign the bill over to collections if I didn't give him my credit card number or set up a payment plan right then on the phone. I called my physician's office and the office's billing department to confirm they didn't send out for any lab work on 4/5/18. "Brad" gave me the 8 digit license number of the physician that ordered the lab (82274046). I checked this number with my physician's office and it is not his. "Brad" refused to give me the name of the physician that ordered the lab work because he cited HIPAA law. What scares me is they had my name, phone number, mailing address, and e-mail address and made note that they wouldn't have this information if it wasn't legitimate. How do they obtain this personal information? Please help me.


Received call said I owed 400 dollars was Consumer Credit collection Was collecting for Us Diagnostic for 2018, had a feeling was scam Told them never received notice Didn’t think owed. Threaten to put judgement on me if didn’t pay

‭+1 (615) 270-4459‬
Clarksville, TN This is number His name was Cris

Scam fromConsumer credit for US Diagnostic lab July 14 2020 threaten me if I didn’t pay today I new I ALWAYS pay my pills

Got a call today said owed 400 dollars if didn’t pay would put judgement on me I question said was 2018 sent numerous bills, never got. Scam I always pay my bills. Found this site they said where Consumers credit. Glad I didn’t fall for this scam


I received a phone call on 7/9/2020 from Jackie who informed me that I owed $422.43 for blood work that I had done on April 16, 2018. She said that they had sent 4 bills to our address in the last 6 months that we have ignored. The insurance company and doctor's office all say we have a zero balance. When I called back a man threatened me with having to go to court to settle this matter. I asked them to send a copy of the bill so I knew what they were talking about but they said they couldn't but he would attach a copy of it to the paid receipt. He couldn't tell me the doctor's name but gave me his license #13487345. The blood work they said was done by US Diagnostics. I asked where to mail a check and they said, Ameritrust, PO Box 531473, West Palm Beach, Florida 33403. BEWARE


Today July 7 2020 I received a call from Stephen from Consumer Collections stating I owed $498.31 I owed to U S Diagnostics Lab for blood panel test ,on services March 10.2018 and what card would I like to put it on >My reply was I didn't have any lab work and my ins. would have covered it 775-5218280 and 8662165308 are the numbers I copied down in this scam They could not tell me the doctor that ordered the test because of hepa laws I TOLD them I've lived in this house forty years and never was sent a statement ,which normally you would receive 2 or 3 statement total of 7 notices before a collection, then a notice of demand ,then a collection notice, none of which I got ! TO WHICH HE TURNED VERY RUDE AND I HUNG UP ON HIM I called back got another guy and told him I would like him t0 sent or email me these bills and I would turn it over to my insurance co smartly he said I had copies and didn't need anything else except to pay today.


Scammer's phone 518-263-0459
Scammer's website US Diagnostic Laboratories, Inc.
Country United States
Type of a scam Debt Collections
Initial means of contact Phone

I also have received multiple phone calls from Consumer Collections and today from Elite Collections phone number 213-410-5300. Both stating I owe balances to US Diagnostics Lab from Feb & March 2018 dates of service. When I questioned about why I owed the balance they stated because my insurance denied the claim. I did not pay them, I hung up and called my insurance and they said they did not have any claims for US Diagnostics Lab. When I called back to Consumer Collections to find out more information a woman named Elizabeth Murphy told me she did not have to give me that information and that I owed the balance and if I did not pay right then and there she was sending it to Federal Credit Bureau. I hung up with her and called back and asked for Elizabeth Murphy's Supervisor but they put her back on the phone and she proceeded to threaten me with harassment if I called back again. Now today I get a phone call from Elite Collection Agency and I did not catch that woman's name but I am tired of the phone calls and I am extremely tired of the RUDE people on the other end of the phone. I was advised by my employer and my insurance NOT TO PAY this and to report to Better Business Bureau.


I recieved call from Serenity of Consumer Collections saying I owed $469.62 from March 22, 2018 owed to US Diagnostic. She said 4 invoices had been sent to me with no response. I asked who the name of the physician and she said due to HIPPA regulations she could not tell me. I asked her to send me an invoice, she said she could not. I asked for her phone number so I could call her back, she gave me 804-250-3765. After her call, I checked my medical records, no doctor appointment any time around the March 22, 2018 claim date. I tried to call US Diagnostic and the only number I could find was slightly different name and No lab services. The lady who answered told me the call from Consumer Collections is a scam. After searching further I found this site - the number listed for US Diagnostic above 1-518-263-0459 is answered "Consumer Collections"! Chris answered and I said he could not help me. I hung up and called the 804-250-3765 number that Serenity had given me. Surprise Chris answered again. This time I asked for Serenity and told her I had found this was a scam operation that I would contact the FCC and file a complaint. She said she would file a judgement. I am glad I found this site and feel badly for others who paid for this scam. I will pursue investigation into this.


I am so happy you posted this or I would have not known it is a scam. I was getting frustrated to the point that I almost wanted to pay it to stop the calls, until I seen your post. Thank you, Betty

On May 15, 2020 I received a call from Consumer Collections Agency saying that I owed $398.71 for an unpaid bill from US Diagnostic Laboratories, Inc., that was over two years old, and if I didn't pay it immediately that it was going to hit my credit score, and a Judgment would be placed against me. Their number is 518-263-0459. I told them I had no idea what they were talking about. Again they told me I had to pay it and if I didn't it would cause a bigger headache for me. YES I fell for it and paid it. I thought it was an unpaid bill that the insurance company forgot to pay. When I called the insurance company, they told me they never received an invoice from US Diagnostic Laboratories, Inc., and I owe nothing. I then realized what it was and called my Bank immediately. I filed a FRAUD claim but was told that since I gave my debit card willingly they cannot help me. I am frustrated, upset, and fell stupid that I fell for this scam! The Collections Agency should be reported to the Fraud Department.


I know you feel dumb for being duped, but these people are VERY good at what they do. I am very savvy and it took a lot of my digging and phone calls to doctors' offices to realize what this was. It happens to the best of us, that is why they keep doing it!

On May 15, 2020 I received a call from Consumer Collections Agency saying that I owed $398.71 for an unpaid bill from US Diagnostic Laboratories, Inc., that was over two years old, and if I didn't pay it immediately that it was going to hit my credit score, and a Judgment would be placed against me. Their number is 518-263-0459. I told them I had no idea what they were talking about. Again they told me I had to pay it and if I didn't it would cause a bigger headache for me. YES I fell for it and paid it. I thought it was an unpaid bill that the insurance company forgot to pay. When I called the insurance company, they told me they never received an invoice from US Diagnostic Laboratories, Inc., and I owe nothing. I then realized what it was and called my Bank immediately. I filed a FRAUD claim but was told that since I gave my debit card willingly they cannot help me. I am frustrated, upset, and feel stupid that I fell for this scam! The Collections Agency should be reported to the Fraud Department.

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19110 Santa Barbara, CA 93101, USA



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