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Amazon Imposter

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Amazon Imposter Reports & Reviews (1289)

- West Branch, MI, USA

Received a phone call supposedly from Amazon, stating that they had an order for an Iphone XR worth $799, due to be delivered in

Dayton, OH. If I didn't order it, I was to call Amazon Billing and Fraud Protection at (910) 387-0865. I went online to check my orders, of course there was no such item. I did not call the number.

- Dover Foxcroft, ME, USA

I received an automated call from and entity identifying themselves "Amazon" stating an iphone had been purchased by my account from another location for more than $500. I was told to call 1-888-285-9612 to verify or dispute the charge.

I contacted amazon through my account and there is no such charge. I didn't call the 888 number

- Saint Clair Shores, MI, USA

I contacted amazon on a phone number located on chrome. I had a bad/broken delivery. I wanted the problem resolved. Two different technicians told me they needed to control my computer to get enough information to make corrections

They both said they worked for amazon. Within an hour over 700 dollars was taken from my account using my debit cards. Two cards because the second person said my main card didn't work. They billed on Amazon, on paypal and bought gift cards from western union. Western union told me the money went to Nigeria. they have all the info from my computer and I received calls, and emails alerting me to fraudulent activity. The phone number I called was reached from my phone. Likely by them. They had full access to my computer and phone. They used a program to copy my computer programs. The bank said the FBI would be told, but what about other victims. And, no I'm not crazy. It does sound like I'm an [censored], but I'm not. Well maybe.

I received an email claiming to be from Amazon stating there was a problem with my account & it would be locked if I didn't respond through the link they provided. I know never to do that & I contacted Amazon customer service directly , had no trouble signing in & they told me there was no problem with my account. They had me forward them a copy of the email to [email protected]

- Omaha, NE, USA

Received phone call stating it was Amazon and that a $450.00 charge was being attempted and that I should press "1" if valid charge and press "2" if not a valid charge. We know we have initiated no such charge. Tried to contact Amazon to ask if it was a scam but had no luck contacting anyone who could help. In the past Amazon has not made such confirmation calls (and we have been active purchasers). This is the second call in the past 7 days.

- Franklin, VA, USA

Received a call stating it was Amazon and I had suspicious activity on my account. In order to work on this problem I must be at a computer. I was not convenient to a computer so I told him to call me back after 6 PM. In the meantime I contacted Amazon and there were no calls documented about this. This person did call me at 6:01 PM but I told him I did not have time to talk. As of 8 PM I have not heard from him.


**For more information on Customer Support scams visit

- Thurmont, MD, USA

Called and said my Amazon account had been hacked and they wanted me to download an app to my phone to correct the fraud

- Garden City, ID, USA

Man called and said he was from Amazon and asked if I had ordered an I-Phone XR to have shipped to Iowa and did I know anyone there and I said "No" so he wanted me to download a website called "" and fill out the information to get my money back but I told him "NO" and that I would personally call Amazon to talk to them about it and he didn't want me to hang up but did anyway.

- Little Neck, NY, USA

It was an automated recording asking if I processed an Amazon order today. If yes - press 1.

I did not place an order and there was no indication of an order on my amazon account.

- Port Allegany, PA, USA

Charge from Woman from "amazon" $99.97 called home phone, did not recognize number so called back. Spoke to woman who stated that

$99.97 charge from Manhattan, NY was placed on Amazon account. Wanted him to sign in with her on phone and give amazon log in details so she could reset the password. He did not feel comfortable and hung up. Contacted Amazon support who confirmed no charge was placed on account. Line is now disconnected.

Got a call (saying they were from Amazon) asking if I had purchased a $145 iTunes gift card through them; they left a message so I called back. I had my Visa account and iTunes account pulled up on my laptop before I called them back to make sure this was legit. I saw no unusual activity so figured this was a scam. They asked for my name. I then said I'm looking at my accounts and see nothing unusual; when did this transaction occur? They hung up right away. I couldn't even understand the person on the other end.

I received an email with logo and name from Constant Contact. However the email is using They were advising me that my billing information needed verification or my order would be cancelled.

- I don't believe that Amazon notifies using constant Contact

- email didn't jive with Amazon emails

- I don't have an account with Amazon

- I didn't place any orders with Amazon either

Caller ID showed as Amazon calling.The number was actually a spoofed old Amazon telephone #. Caller said he was with Amazon “security” calling to let me know of a purchase on my account for $548.02 & I needed to verify my email & security questions. I asked him to verify the email since he contacted me,he states he needed check with a supervisor, then came back on the line to inform me that he just needed me to verify my email. I once again told him to verify for me. He disconnected the call. I promptly got in touch with amazon via their “contact us”,& was told that it was a old amazon # that they no longer use & was a scam

I received an e-mail from someone claiming to be from Amazon stating I ordered some things that came to $6102.69. It said if I didn't order this to call this number 1-855-470-1534. I called to let them know I did not order this. They said I had to get a game stop Walmart card for $500.00 and stay on the phone until I got the card. I felt it was a scam. I told them my phone was dying and called FTC to confirm. They said it sounded like a scam. They did not receive any money!

Caller claimed to be Amazon and asked if she spent $77.99 recording gave number to call if not authorized girl stated they needed to fill out a refund request form, said I needed to lock card temporarily, so I agreed. She transferred me to someone who was foreign and I could not understand and he wanted a lot of info, including a card # and asked if I had another card that they could draw from, I said no and my screen show $971.75 was just charged from my bank. I asked what that was for and he said that it is to get Western Union to authorize a refund. He would not give me a direct number but he didn't give it and then said "It's quitting time, we will have wrap this up tomorrow, we will call you back tomorrow". I knew then it was not right and asked his name and he said "Marvin Edwards". I called credit card company but charge was over limit, then they issued a new card and cancelled that one

- Inman, SC, USA

I was sent an email concerning my Amazon account. It read:

Hello Amazon customer

We have faced some problems with your account, so please update your account details. If you do not update your account within 24 hours(from opening this email) will be officially permanently disabled.


We hope to see you again soon.

When I tried to copy and paste, the copy was a bunch of random letters and numbers.

- Clearlake Park, CA, USA

James white called said I ordered a iphone for 797.00. Wanted access to my user name n password n my IP address that Iog into from so he culd Fix the security problem he stated i ordered the phone n he was confirming i told him to delete my acct n thst i did not order it. He called again the next day n completely forgot he called b4

I could hear alot of people in background. Trying to get ur cc info off ur acct.. big big scam i hung up.

- Lebanon, TN, USA

I received an EMail on 9/8/2019 with an Amazon logo informing me that I had purchased a laptop computer for approximately $1700. The message included a phone number and a statement that if I did not purchase the item I could call this number. I did call and the person answering stated that an Amazon credit card had been opened in my name and that I had purchased approximately $4700 in merchandise including the laptop. I informed him that we had not opened an Amazon credit card account nor purchased the items. He then attempted to sell protection for $470, which we declined. At this point we became suspicious and so informed him. Unfortunately, he did gain access to our computer and was able to erase the original EMail sent. We've contacted Amazon and their representative stated no items were ordered and that we would have to contact Chase to get information about a credit card. Chase wanted Social Security numbers which we declined to provide. Amazon seems unconcerned about damage to their reputation or the use of their logo. We will not order from them again.

- Trenton, NJ, USA

I called Amazon Prime to cancel my account with them, a guy name Jardon got on the phone to help me get my refund he claimed he could not get it back on the credit card and before I knew it , he got my Mac card number and had went in my bank account and took out two transactions, one though western union for 457.00 and another one for 250.00 when I seen what he was doing he put back 250.00, but the bank stopped him from going in my account anymore, then he wanted me to give him my credit card information, saying he would put the money back on my card. There are several of them Trevor Rabb, Sam Martin, Keven Bush, and a Andre Bush I seen all these names when they supposedly was trying to put my money back. They did this though my cell phone. They are called Market A Plus but they use Amazon. I seen part of a address when so I looked it up on the google map it gave a address of 247 Mint Street Edapalaiyam, Park Town Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600003 India. Their are several phone numbers 920 777 0362; 877-255-3608, 888-280 -4331. I hope this keeps anyone else from getting stick because I am hurting right now that was my bill money they took.

- Boise, ID, USA

Got a voice message saying that I need to call the number to confirm my order with Amazon for 97.99. The big problem is I have no account with them and when I called they wanted my information I told them “no” then they said they couldn’t give that information out without my information, I was then asked if I had a computer told them “no” and I was told “have a nice day” and hung up on

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