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Credit Card Services

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Credit Card Services Reports & Reviews (112)

- Battleboro, NC, USA

The scammer call within 30 seconds of my activating a new card I had received in the mail. They said this is card services and they had been trying to reach me.

I didn't say anything, I just hung up. Then they called by from another number 20 seconds later. I hung up again. I hope this helps someone avoid getting scammed.

This is scary because this means someone is filtering calls in the area of people that are calling toll free numbers. They are assuming it is regarding a credit card issue or they are filtering calls directly because they know the toll free numbers to the credit card companies.

Call everyday claiming they can help with debt and the second you say hello i want you to stop calling they disconnect the call. And if you try to call back it doesnt go through. Its everyday!

- Houston, TX, USA

I got a phone call from these people claiming to an affiliate of Experian and this person was probing about my current debt and possible options for relief. After asking basic questions like name and company, he refused to give a name and gave a generic name (Credit Card Services) as a business and when I responded that I thought he was fraudulent caller he said "You are wasting my time" and hung up.

- Houston, TX, USA

So I have been getting calls from this scam company for weeks now and I am not sure how to go about mitigating this issue. These guys constantly call asking about credit card debt relief. In this instance, the gentleman answered "Credit Card Services, how are you doing today?" and I responed, "Great! soon as your fraudulent machine stop calling my phone!".....the caller disconnected the call immediately. Does anyone know what I can do to avoid these scam calls? To further note, we never get a point where money is requested but it's clear that is the motivation.

- Snoqualmie, WA, USA

Potential Scammer calling about credit card offer. Used a phone number with the same area code and prefix for the town I live in. I answered thinking it may be my kids school calling. It was a scammer instead calling on a local number. I told him i'm on the do not call list and what was his name and business name and what town was he in. Said he was Credit Card Services in Brooklyn, NY. I tried to get more info but he hung up on me instead.

- Birmingham, AL, USA

They haven’t taken any money yet, but said they would after I receive a no interest credit card to transfer my balances to.

Caller (James) asked for all of the information on both sides of my debit card to send me a new card with 0% interest instead; as well as name address, social and DOB. Caller ID said it was a SKYPE number.

Contacted and told that for $4990.00 charged to my credit card he would be able to get me 0% interest on credit card transfer balances and purchases for life including new purchases. He asked lots of questions and when I said I wasn't interested and didn't want my card charged he threatened to put a note in my credit file for refusing loans and lower my score up to 140 points.

- Downey, CA, USA

Phone recording to press 1 I did then was transfer to Patrick he then explain about how they can lower my interest rate for a fee that’s way lesser than what I pay for interest and those fees won’t come in play until after I received service and was 100% satisfied anyways I was transferred to a credit advisor that swears up and down how much she want and can help me her name is (Laura Bennetti) even went as far as to call 3 of my credit card companies with me on the line but went a head by herself to order a discover credit card in my name which I never authorized I then google the number and found out it was a Scam when I call the bank they told me I open a new account but was not approved and Laura is the one who told me that she open a card with a zero interest rate soi ask her if I called the bank what will they say Laura said that the card was approve an everything is ok we on the right track to lowering my interest rate long story short I told her I want to cancel on the second day she called me and she got pissed saying ok enjoy collections the other names used is (Vicky, John, Ted) they are all scammer I closed all my accounts and report them to the credit bureau and they will threaten u with collections but they are not a real company.

- Laurel Hill, FL, USA

They said they were with credit card services and could lower our credit card interest. The original number they called from was 850-902-4007.

My son was called yesterday by this company saying they could consolidate his debt. Being newly divorced and strattled with debt, he was interested. They somehow knew his credit limit on his Discover card and told him he would need to pay down his Discover card by $500.00 to make room for on his card so he could then pay them with the Discover Card to get the program started. He gave them his personal information, but did not make the Discover Card payment. Today my son told me what happened and I became very concerned. I contacted and they gave me some advice on how to proceed, one being to immediately contact Discover. That's when we saw they had taken $500.00 out of his personal bank account and applied it to the Discover card to bring down the balance. My son did not do this, the scammer did. That's when we knew it was a scam for sure. Pat Redford is the one that called him from Credit Card Services.

- Hoonah, AK, USA

I received a robocall for lowering my interest rates on all my credit cards to %6. I had to press 9 to be connected. A male individual with an Indian accent named John answered and after his sales pitch, asked for my credit card expiration dates. I refused to give personal information to him and then he shouted explicit obscenities and hung up. I researched the company and found that they had been ordered to cease and desist in Florida in 2012. I want to provide any information that will help get these frauds caught and prosecuted. If there is anything else I can do to help, let me know.

They called and kept asking for my credit card info. When I told them I do not have a credit card, they hung up.

- Norwich, CT, USA

Representative calls stating that they can lower your interest rate on all your credit cards with a one time fee of $996. They proceed to ask to make a 3-way call to your credit card companies and state they are your financial advisor, in a way to make them sound more official. They then start prying for more information such as your SS# and DOB and personal viable information. When you don't fall for their scheme, they try to call you back saying you owe them money in collections, even if you didn't provide them with all that information and will pull it from "the checking account"...aka the one you never gave them; a way to get you back on the phone to get the information again. They become aggressive and angry when you don't provide them the information they want. They threaten you by stating that they will still charge you the fee if you don't finish the call and provide the information. They are a pure scam and harassers for your information in order to steal from you.

Woman named Julie called from: 1-866-987-7206, said she'd help lower my credit card interest rates. They got my bank account number, routing number, SSN, and my personal contact info. I realized it was a scam and closed my bank account to open a new one. They had me on the phone for four hours and now are saying they're going to send me to collections.

- Liberty, IL, USA

Would not give info where located company credit card services phone number that came across caller id was a local cell phone

- Senecaville, OH, USA

I'm 75 years old. I received a call yesterday from Credit Card Services. They said they were working for the government, and found a lot of people filing bankruptcy, and they were told to find people who paid more than the minimum payments on the credit cards. They had the last 4 digits of my credit card number. They told me to cancel my credit cards, and make minimum payment on my PNC card. They said to cancel those cards, and get a new credit card. They told me to close my account with PNC and open a new checking account, and I had till April. They said they would pay off the credit cards. They said to make sure that I got a new credit card first, because this particular operation would give me bad credit. After a half hour, they had my talk to Terri at Tri-Five Consumer Group, her phone number is 888-622-1629. They said a notary would come to my house to have me sign a contract. I got a call back later, and they wanted to make an appointment to come to the house and sign the contract. I told them I changed my mind. They said ok, they would get back to the credit card service people, and someone would call back today. They asked for the first 5 numbers of my social security number, and to confirm my credit card numbers. They had my address. They knew exactly how much I owed on my 2 credit cards: PNC and Freedom Chase.

- Ballwin, MO, USA

They call me 3 times a day, telling me they want to lower my interest rates on my credit cards but it’s my last chance and I need to see if I still qualify. When asked which company they work for, they respond with “I’m sorry I couldn’t hear you, I just need to ask you a few questions is that ok?” Today I played along because I’m sick of it, and when I got a live Indian flavored accent, I asked the same question. She replied “credit card services”, and hung up on me. I want the calls to stop. People more naive than me, are no doubt either giving personal info away, or being bothered constantly like I am. Please take them down!

- Huntsville, AL, USA

I researched this company on's website because I wanted to see if it was a legitimate business. I have been receiving phone calls from several different local cell phones but, every time I pick up there is a woman's voice recording on the other end advertising credit card rates. So, I would immediately hang up and redial the number - a different person would pick up and they would tell me they never dialed my number. Then just yesterday for a second time someone else called my phone to ask me if I had called them. It was also a local phone number and I told her that I had never dialed her phone number and only went back over my cell phone number with her. She verified that it was the number that had just called her. I asked the other woman that I spoke with this morning if she was in the same city and state as I and she verified it and also told me she too has AT&T's service. I called AT&T to speak with someone about this scam because I believe AT&T has a scammer working for them. I also believe this is a "technical" issue that just recently started! The AT&T representative says "it's a scam and just to block the number and that it has nothing to do with anyone's service, and that this is something that just happens to all of us" - but, this also happened from my end and I am not a scammer nor did I call that other person! When I dialed this business' phone number a woman answered and told me it was not a business phone number I had just called! I am also going to send a report in about AT&T to another site after I check other reports, because I believe they have something to do with this [scammers working for them]!

- Wichita, KS, USA

I received an automated prompt message advising me that there were no problems with my "credit card," but that I was now eligible for a lowered interest rate of 6%. The message asked me to press "9" if I were interested. Before I could press anything, I was transferred to a representative with a heavy accent asking me to confirm that I had called to take advantage of a lowered rate. My reply was, "which card are you referring to?" He immediately hung up. This is the second time this number has called me, the first time was virtually the same experience with the exception of the fact that I got a response to my question before being hung up on. That first response was, "this offer applies to Visa, Master Card, Discover, and American Express." When I requested a clarification on which card, the man hung up.

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