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Credit Card Services

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Credit Card Services Reports & Reviews (112)

Credit Card Services calls me just about every day. I have asked repeatedly to be taken off their call list and put on their do not call list. This last one that called me and was so rude to me. He called me nasty names and kept me on the line for 4 minutes just singing in a foreign language. When I tried to talk to him he would just say "Hold on!" or "I said hold on!!"

This caller did not get very far with me. So I'm not sure what kind of information they are trying to get out of me. I do know that I do not have a credit card account with anyone and there should be no reason for them to call me.

They are supporting the fact the credit card apr% has been sued and the consumers are owed lower interest rate on all credit debt

I don't if it is a scam but I have received a call per week from Credit Card Services. The message says "There is no problem with your credit card. We can offer you a credit card with lower interest. Press 1 to speak with a rep." I press 1 to speak to a representative, and I ask to be taken off of their call list. Sometimes, he hangs up, and today he said OK, I will. Many times I don't answer my phone if I don't recognize the number. Thanks for your time.

A guy called me about lowering the interest rate on my credit card.

- Hot Springs National Park, AR, USA

Received a call from 318-512-7280 on my CELL (972-XXXXXXX)....Arkansas resident. Recorded message stated press 1 if need to lower c/c interest & I was transferred to a live person. HE quoted that he was calling about my Master Card with Capital One & quoted the interest I am paying & he could lower it to zero interest as a result of the American Credit Card Law. He quoted the first 4 numbers of my c/c number & without thinking I gave him the rest of it as well as SSN. I then realized I must have a scammer online. Asked if I could call him back & he began to give me a speech about limited time...asked if he could call me back in an hour...another speech...continued to try & gain more info from me. I HUNG UP!!! I called the number back that had called me & it was a message that stated "mailbox full". WOW.....scarey! Learned a lesson today!

they called me about to lower my credit card interest to 0 -3 %.and said the fee would be around 2 or 3 hundred,i keep telling him i couldn't afford it , he was very persistent,he said let me give u example , he all ready had so much info on me i thought he was from chase bank,but then he gave me a number to chase and gave me info to say i kinda wrote it down ,i called chase and ask them if they had any payment programs .he checked and said yes so he sign me up for a 60 month program 6% and payments of 47.00 but i has too cancel the card ,,so i did any way .thank him and hung up ,bruce called back, and i told him that i didnt want to cancel my cards ,i just wanted cheaper interest . then told him i did not want to hear any more and hung up,basically called tues about 130pm, told me he was going to take 894.00 out my acc, or he was going,to have my cards interest go up and get me bad credit. i was mad told him no, and hung up..he tried calling back but didnt answer,later that night i call my personal bank and told them ....

An automated message informed me it was my last day of elligibility to lower my credit card rate, and instructed me to "press 1" to speak to an associate. I pressed 1, and a man with a Bangledeshi accent answered. I said "I'm confused because I do not own a credit card" and he hung up on me.

- New York, NY, USA

Recorded message, credit card repair/debt relief, last message. Press 1 to speak with someone.

I did that, Eric answered, I asked to have my phone number removed from their lists. I got a hang-up.

Phone ID had the name JA Press. Call came in 11:56am June 6, 2016.

I gave the phone number with a 212 area code. Actually my phone ID only gave the last 7 numbers, not the area code.

This person called my 13 year old granddaughter. When she answered it was a recording saying it was julie from credit card services. I told her to tell the to take her off their call list. When a real person got off the phone and she told them to take her off the list a man called her a ***, a ***, and said she was probably taking her clothes off.

In early February 2016, this company called my phone via Robocall (I am on the Do Not Call List). They made it sound like they were calling from my credit card company offering a lower interest rate. They had LOADS of my personal & account information already (including the balance down to the penny). After a few minutes on the call, I was told there would be a fee of $1498 to reduce my interest rate. I realized after that they were not from my credit card company & were actually a scam caller. I tried to cease all activity & was told that I had authorized everything and they cannot cancel it. I canceled my credit card immediately to avoid any erroneous charges.

They continue to call my phone, from a spoofed phone number, upwards of 4 times per day, Saturdays included. I have called them to request being removed from their system. I am met with threats of sending me to collections, damage to my credit report, charging my accounts for the money anyway, reporting me for false accusations by telling them they are a scam attempting illegal actions. I have also been threatened with, 'Well, we already have your social security number & all your information so we can do whatever we want to you.'

These folks need to be stopped. I realized what was going before damage was done, but I know they have scammed others for money. At this point, I just get a few notices per day that a call was blocked from going through on my phone.

The company called me and asked me the type of credit cards I had. He stated that he could lower my interest rate. He asked me for my credit card information. I told him I has driving and I did not have the card on me. He asked when was a good time to call. He called me back. I reluctantly gave my credit card number. He told me the balance on the card and the interest rate I am currently paying. He transferred my call to his supervisor. I asked the supervisor for a number that I could call him back on because I had an incoming call coming in. He would not give me a call back number. I hung up and I received 4 more calls for the number that I declined.

- Austin, TX, USA

I received a call on my cell phone from a Nevada number, 775-419-0445. A gentleman with a foreign accent told me he worked for Credit Card Services and that he wanted to help me lower my interest rate. I instantly knew this was a scam, but played along. When I asked about which of my credit card accounts he was speaking, he said that his company handled calls for Chase, Wells Fargo, Capital One, Visa and MasterCard. He asked for the expiration date on my card. I made one up. He asked for my credit card number, minus the last 4. I made one up. He asked for my zip code. Again, made one up. He said all the information matched (WRONG!). He then put a supervisor on the phone who asked for the whole card number. I couldn't remember what I said, so the jig was up. I told him I knew it was scam and he tried to argue with me. Then he hung up.

- Flemington, NJ, USA

Company called to tell me I was eligible for a lower credit card interest rate and seemed to be from my personal bank. Once I felt uncomfortable and tried to end the conversation, I was basically bullied and scared into continuing with a 2 hour call that I was in tears for more than half of it. Every attempt to speak to a manager or customer service resulted in some incredibly rude and nasty conversations. Hence the crying.

- Plainfield, IN, USA

First, I am on the "do not call" list. Still, I received a robocall about my interest rate being raised so I was concerned and selected to talk to an agent. The agent had a Middle Eastern accent but his name was Kevin Allen (Employee Number CB80401) with Credit Card Services. He had access to my different credit cards (account number, amount last paid and date, balance, next payment due date and amount). I am truly disturbed by a stranger having that much information. The company Credit Card Services said they were going to lower all my interest rates but I would not have to pay anything. The scam was to refinance the balances to their credit card without me seeing the loan information. I told them to not call me back and that I will be putting in a complaint. He said, "you are making me laugh....they can't do anything!" I hung up.

- Chaumont, NY, USA

Person called saying they could bring my percentage rate down on my Credit Card. I was under the assumption I was talking to my credit card Co. When I found out they were not I told them no I did not want this. They said I had no choice because I agreed to listen. They manipulated me and threatened me with collections. After I I asked to speak with a Supervisor she said no. I asked for address and at first they would not. Then they gave me one but it doesn't check. They have my personal Info. They tried to open a credit card in my name. The Credit Card Company Flagged it and called me. I informed them not to open any credit card in my name. These people have taken advantage of me. I am hearing impaired, I wear hearing aids, and I have a TBI from the War. I have always had good credit. I feel these people are criminals.

- Long Island City, NY, USA

I received a phone call on my cell phone stating they were calling from Chase bank to help reduce my credit card rates. I spoke to 3 different people that promised to reduce my rated if I paid a fee of $796.00 after they negotiated with my bank. Nothing finalized and now I am being harassed.

- Jersey City, NJ, USA

The person called indicating they will lower my credit card rates for the following banks Bank of America, and Chase

- Northampton, PA, USA

The company goes by the name of Credit Card Services. The phone number that came up is 478-808-5468.

We are on the Do Nit Call list. This company has called before, various times and been asked to remove our number from the list. They have not done it. They refuse to give me a physical address and a website address. I was just told by their rep that it is none of my business. I ask to speak with a manager and am told no. They then generally hang up.

- Massapequa, NY, USA

A company called Credit Card Services called me on Monday and had all my personal information on file. They stated they were affiliated with Chase and that that I qualified for a lower interest rate of 6.9% for my Chase account. That for one time fee of $996 that was made in 4 payments and this would reduce my interest by over $4500. I kept asking them questions and they kept saying I was already preapproved for this by Chase because I made all of payments on time. They knew my balance and everything without my telling them. They called Chase with me on the line and asked them if I had identity protection and other personal questions. When I was told by the second person that the 6.9% was not a guarantee, I flipped out and asked to speak to a supervisor. The person on the phone told me by this point, I was already locked into a contract with them and that the only way I would get a refund was if they failed to meet their end of the bargain and that was anywhere from 0-6.9% interest rate lowered for me. He refused to answer any questions for me and told me I was being ridiculous and that this was what it was and there was no way to get out of it, and I could fight this all I wanted. I was put back on the phone with a "financial adviser" who I immediately hung up the phone with. He literally called me back 2 minutes later and said he wanted to finish our conversation and help me "get out of debt". They called me from the following phone numbers: 978-237-9508, 469-270-9011, 301-298-1647 and 834-748-9641. I also found a post online describing this exact company so they are doing this to many people. Please tell me how to proceed further to help get rid of this scamming company. I have already closed down my checking account and my chase account has been changed.

- Saint Louis, MO, USA

Was called numerous times on my cell (on Do Not Call list) by a person claiming to be from "Credit Card Services" who works with all my credit card companies. He was calling to reduce my credit card interest. (I have zero balance on all my cards). He kept asking how much outstanding debt I had on my cards and to provide him the credit card number of the card with the highest debt. He also claimed his company provides my credit card statements from my credit card companies. When I asked detailed information (like he should have my credit card number if they provide the statements), he immediately hung up on me. Each time I've been called, it's from a different phone number.

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