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Credit Card Services

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Credit Card Services Reports & Reviews (112)

I just received a phone call from 601-228-8801 Stating that they are calling from Credit Card Services out of Jacksonville FL

When I asked them their business name and where they were located, they willingly gave that information, but were asking for what CC i have debt for and how much and account #s

I fully believe this is a scam, because after i told them I do not have CC, and told them they were calling the BBB, they hung up.

- York Springs, PA, USA

Received phone call from Credit Card Services wanting me to answer questions to lower debt.

- Carmichael, CA, USA

Business called me and said he could lower my credit card interest rates. He said he was with credit card services. Stated he could get me a better interest rate, I just needed to give him my credit card number. He asked for my credit card with the highest balance.

CREDIT CARD SERVICES - rep "Albert" called my 98-year-old mother's phone number in Baltimore, Md. Her zip code is 21227.

Fortunately, I answered her phone and am her daughter. "Albert" stated that because of her (my mother's) good credit rating, CREDIT CARD SERVICES would like to lower her % rate, and as scammers do, asked for all of her credit card info = which bank, all 12 digits of card #, expiration date, etc.

When I asked for his call back number, he of course would/could not offer it; address - the same 'no' info; internet address - the same 'no' info. and then he hung up.

I used her *69 feature and 317-794-2004 was the last # called - although he said the company was in Orlando, Fl

- Durham, NC, USA

I have been called numerous times and always by a different number (local area code) with a recorded message about card services, no company name just card services. I connected to a customer service rep each time to have my phone number removed from the call list. Sometimes they just hang up and othertimes they pretend to and just put me on hold forever and never pick up the line again. Today was different and honestly the last straw. After refusing to give my name (which I was told was necessary inorder to be removed from call list) The man on the phone (Indian accent- gave me no name) sexually harassed me over and over. I won't repeat it here. But my children were playing on my lap and I scrambled to take the call off speaker. They seemed like a "yes" or a credit card/identity theft scam. I didn't fain interest so I do not know. I hope they are unsuccessful in the future. Please earn people vulnerable to phone scams.

- Vidalia, GA, USA

for $1490.00 for service fees we will have your credit card interest rate to 6.9% interest, like a dummy I thought it was legal and listened to them, I knew it was being recorded, we were disconnected in that time I looked on line and seen they were a scam, I called them back and told them to discontinue they threaten to call each day to harass for the $1490.00 than they would send to collection. They refuse to discontinue the conversation and would not record my conversation stating I was not interested in their services

Below your question asked did victim lose money I marked yes $1490.00 should they report to credit and they require to be paid for NO services

- Cincinnati, OH, USA

I started receiving the calls 8 times in a row within the last couple weeks. He has an Indian accent, he didn't give me a name, but he said he was in Atlanta, GA and he asked me where I was I told him I was in Cincinnati. He said I will drive up and come and see you. It's a recording and they say they have been monitoring my credit cards and that I have excellent credit, which I don't even have a credit card. The number is 1-800-680-6144. 

- Dover, NH, USA

Continually calls citing lower interest rates, when asked to be placed on do not call list call is terminated. Frequent calls from different numbers citing same rates.

They asked me for credit card information and would not transfer me to a supervisor. They kept saying that I had to pay off my debts now or else they would come after me.

- Garnerville, NY, USA

Automated system. After saying nothing wrong with my account, press 1 for a lower rate, press 9 to be removed from the list.

The call went to a live person though I pressed 9. Said I knew they were a scammer and would have the number traced. The man, had a Pakistani accent, asked me to "*** *** ***". I said men like him do not have one and hung up on him

- Union City, MI, USA

I got a call from Credit Card Services. It was a recording but I selected to speak with a representative to ask to be removed from their list. He told me I had outstanding credit card debt in the amount of $4000.

- Winston Salem, NC, USA

This company told me they could lower my credit cards interest rates to 10% or low as 6% for 996.00 with 5 payments of 199.00 a month. They record you saying that you will pay the fees and then they come back and say they cannot lower your interest rate fees, but you can close out your accounts and make monthly payment to pay them off, but this is not what you agreed to do. The company stills wants to be paid but they did not for fill their obligation, To me it is a scam just trying to rip people off.

They call me all the time using different phone numbers from different areas of the US. This time is specific was from an Indiana number, since I'm from there I thought it might be someone I know so I answered. It was this company yet again even though I've asked to be removed from their call this DOZENS of times. I proceeded to ask for a supervisor, still acting interested, cause if you ask for a supervisor to remove your name they just hang up on you. once the super got on the phone, his name was Mark Jacob (guess they couldn't think of a better fake) I explained how I asked to be removed multiple times in the past and that if I was contacted again I would take legal matters. He asked if I was threatening him. I repeated myself and handed the phone to my "husband" who is a "policeman" who proceeded to ask what was happening. Then "Mark Jacob" proceeded to tell "my husband" that I called and was threatening him and then hung up. This place company is a scam and a joke. And if I knew where else to take this and escalate to have them shut down I would, but this was the only place I knew where to go.

I continue to get call asking for my credit card number to lower the interest rate and possibly zero interest. some of the other numbers have been 425-643-8464 517-9182019

Call to offer interest rates be lowered on a credit card. Now they are threatening to ruin our credit if we don't pay $996.

Says they can lower my credit card interest rate, but I have no credit cards. Daily phone calls, rotates phone numbers so new one almost everyday.

From the number 0173746815, they call you in your private Cell., about your in debit or your Credit Cards (in Pakistani or Indian English dialect) and they asking you for all information in your Cerdit or debit Card. If you call back, “John” is taking your phone call, but; He plays, like he “doesn’t know wats going on” and hangs up the phone on you!


It can hapend many times to you and to evry body.

Government should take actions and investigate those people, even if they working on legal agencies becouse they stealing money and breaking your privat life they have a administrative imunity.

The phone call hapend @ 11.16 Am from unknown Caller or John @ . 9173746815

- San Pablo, CA, USA

Alleged company calls you saying that they are going to lower your apr in your card and asks you for your information on your credit card. They also say that they work with all major banks.

Keep getting called on my company phone about better rates for my credit card which I do not have one. Its recorded voice and when I push the zeroI finally get somebody. When I told the company to please no longer call my company phone they hung up on me and I told them that I do not have a credit card I don't know how much they actually heard it was a male but then they called me again 20 minutes later same number same thing

- Canton, OH, USA

Received call offering to reduce my credit card debt. I was asked to verify that I had over $3,000 in debt and over a 10% interest rate. I was then connected to a man with a foreign accent. I commented on his accent and inquired where he was from. He stated that he was from Wales, lived in Argentina, and now was currently in Florida. I asked the address of the business and was given one in Orlando, FL.

He stated that I would not have to pay out of pocket for their services. It would all come out of the lower interest rate. I would continue to pay my bills as I had before. (Never said if my payments would actually go down.)

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