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Internal Revenue Service IRS - IMPOSTER

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Internal Revenue Service IRS - IMPOSTER Reports & Reviews (1072)

I received a voicemail, a woman's voice indicating there was a federal warrant for my arrest. The call back number was 315-207-3860, I called this number out of curiosity and the person who answered was a male who identified himself as an agent with the IRS. He spoke with a foreign accent. I believe it was from an Asian or Middle East country. The caller ID on my phone was from Chicago, Il. I told him to never call my number again and didn't give out any personal information.

- Plano, TX, USA

Consumer in Plano had IRS call and said there was a lawsuit against them. 213-141-5163 (no name on phone)

Consumer received a call stating that they were the IRS, they told her that a lawsuit was filed against her in regards to her income tax and that she needed to call back. Operator 3 an automated system called consumer.

The recorded message said that the IRS is suing us and to please call 716-237-0126 for more information. End of recording.

I received an automated voice message that said I have a file case against me and to call back immediately. I called the number back and someone answered claiming to be with the IRS and said that I have a lawsuit and legal case against me for not claiming all wages earned. She kept saying the call was recorded but it never had an automated message before hand stating this call would be recorded. This person apparently read me the charges against me and said if I hang up, I would be arrested. I told her that I filed an extension on my taxes so there is no way that they can even claim this- she said that it was for last year's taxes and a cop came to my house with documents and since I wasn't there, it to the court. This is obviously a fraudulent call of someone who is trying to get information from me- I know the IRS would not call, they would send certified mail.

IRS is getting ready for law suite against you and to call 206-539-5296 and they would review case with you and settlement charges.

I did not call back.


- Dayton, OH, USA

The scammers keep calling by phone saying that they are the IRS and that this is the "final notice." They want a return call, but we know it's a scam.

Received electronic voicemail recording that claimed the IRS was suing me that instructed me to call the number from Chicopee, MA, back. I presume if the IRS wanted to speak to me that they would call 1) from the IRS and 2) also notify me in writing, so I did not return the call.

Received a phone call from a man, one voicemail said his name was Daniel Wiseman, when I spoke with someone, he said his name was David. He told me that I would be arrested if I didn't pay the IRS $2600, and I couldn't tell anyone what was going on or I would be arrested. I told him that I didn't have that money available, so he said $500 was fine. He directed me to CVS to purchase an iTunes gift card for that amount. I did and gave him the card number. Once I realized what was happening, I hung up the phone, but it was too late.

- Carrollton, TX, USA

I received a missed call from the above number, and the voice mail was cut off, so I wasn't able to understand what the issue was or who the business was calling. When I called back, I got a man's voice (sounded foreign - likely African accent) and I explained that I had a missed call from this number but couldn't understand the voicemail. He stated my name, address and zip code and asked if it was correct. I said yes (however he gave my maiden name instead of married but I didn't correct him until I knew what it was about). He said he was callong about the IRS and they were investigating me. I asked if he was with the IRS, he said yes. I asked to be transferred to a supervisor. He said why. I said I didn't believe he was with the IRS and wanted to speak to his supervisior. He said something, but I couldn't understand him (his accent was thick). He said it again, and I still couldn't understand. I told him he kept cutting out and I couldn't hear him. He said "do you have a hearing problem?" (rudely, not like he was concerned). I said NO and I wanted to speak to his supervisior. He told me if I didn't believe he was with the IRS I should hang up. Again, I asked for the supervisior and then he hung up on me.

I was called by the IRS on my landline and told that I was going to be arrested if I did not pay $4600 in back taxes. I was told to wait on the line until they called my cell phone and then I was to go to the bank and get the money while they were on the phone, then go to Dollar General. When I got to the bank I was told by their employee that this was a scam after she contacted the BBB.

I have received several phone calls from New York claiming to be the IRS and telling me to return the call or they will take action against me. The caller does not sound like a real person. I know it's not the IRS and have not returned any of their calls.

I was contacted by Henry Wilson of the IRS stating that due to an audit form 2011-2015 I owed $5866 in back taxes. I hung up before he could go any farther.

multiple calls from the IRS threatening arrest.


Gentleman phoned and said I owed IRS from 2013. I told him he was a scammer and why he was and he continued to try and tell me different. I hung up on him

Caller gave name, Steve (could not understand last name). Caller says calling from US Treasury. I must call or will have to deal with US Magistrate. Have had more than two calls in the past two months.

A female automated voice called 5/13/16 at 7:33 am they said that they were with the IRS and that there was an important time sensitive issue with my taxes. It gave the number 213-426-1855 and said do not disregard this message.

I knew that the IRS would not call me about my taxes.

I called the number back a bit later to ask that they remove me from the list. They said that they called because there was a problem with my mailing address. And that is the reason that they had to call me and the error in . I asked to be removed from the solicitation list. They said that I needed to provide a good mailing address. I said that I provided a valid address on my taxes and they had already sent me conformation to that address. He said that he needed my phone number to remove me. I provided that and then he hung up.

Received two recorded phone calls one or two weeks apart saying that the IRS has filed a lawsuit against me, and I should call the above-listed phone number as soon as possible. I did not talk directly with anyone and did not call the phone number.

Call is recording that states that this is the final notice that the IRS is filing a lawsuit against you. You must contact the number above, which is the same number the call is on.

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