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Internal Revenue Service IRS - IMPOSTER

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Internal Revenue Service IRS - IMPOSTER Reports & Reviews (1072)

They call on the phone saying it is the IRS. Telling you it is very serious & you will need a lawyer, also the police will be involved. If you do not respond you will be in a lot of trouble.

Going to arrest me.  IRS

Called and said they were an officer of IRS calling to let us know that this is the final notice call about our taxes that are due.

- Spokane, WA, USA

I was audited for 2007-2014 and owed for back taxes not payed. They said that they have contacted by officers and I had not got in contact with them. I had charges filed for tax aviation and intentional defraud. Criminal charges were being filed against me. The phone number came up on caller ID as US GOV. The first person I talked to said that he was an officer Brain Walker, badge # 100381. He stated that I would have to pay over $ 20,000 in court fees to be able to go to court. I would need to hire a criminal atty. He said that I would hava a tax lend, this would be filed with all three credit report agencies,my bank acc. would be frozen, a lean on my house and I would not be eligible for disabled benefits, plus more I just can' t remember it all. I was emotional distort at this point, because I am disabled and that is my only income. Also that my house could be taken too. Everything seemed so real. Since I was unable to pay the court fees, I was transferred to an agent who was handling my case. I asked again if this was a scam it was so unreal. I had gone to a tax person and was told I did not have to file taxes because I don't pay taxes. I forgot the officer stated that there was a law if you get more than $ 500.00 you have to pay taxes and I do. The IRS person Simon Matthew badge ID # 1007829351 was who was managing my case. I explained my situation and that I did not ever receive any contact, that this was the first contact. He talked for awhile about the situation. than had me get online to He guided me through so I could check who I was talking to. It showed up Rochester, NY and it came up with his phone number. While this was happening my daughter called the US treasury. He guided through payments and had me push cash. That did not seem right. My daughter told me to hang up. She was told it was a scam and the IRS doesn't talk to people, they contact through mail. She grabbed the phone and told them what she was told. They hung up.

- Parma, ID, USA

they left a voice mail stating to call them back or further actions will occur.

Two different recordings ( 1 male voice/1 female voice) warning me of pending action against me regarding taxes.

Recording...told me to call them immediately as they were going to sue me or tax evasion. NO WAY!!! My taxes have always been paid correctly, and on time.



They told me that I had been found guilty of tax violation and that a warrant would be issued for my arrest. And if I did not pay $500 today towards what I owe then I would have a warrant out for my arrest and they would be serving it today. They sat and read a complete letter to me and notated some IRS laws and said that I was in violation of these laws that if I did not comply that I would be in violation and need to obtain a lawyer and throughout the entire conversation the man constantly reminded me that if I was to hang up the call that as soon as the call ended the case was considered active and the warrant would be issued.

- Liverpool, NY, USA

Recorded voice says IRS is going to sue me and I should call this number: 254-291-6241 for information. Message was left on my voice mail. Not going to call! This is the second time I have been contacted in this manner, but from a different phone number.

I received a phone call with a pre-recorded message from someone alleging to be the IRS and that a lawsuit has been filed against me. I did not call back, I am aware of this scam. The number did come up as a local exchange.

They told me they had some things going against me and I would probably be thrown in jail and this was the last time they would call me.

i got a call from this number two days in a was a recording that said i was being sued by the irs. on the second day i called the number back and it hung up on me twice. then i called it again and a man answered and said "thank you for calling the irs, how can i help you". i said" i got a call from this number and i was wondering what it was about. then the man said ill call you back and hung up. i thought that was strange so i called the number back like 4 times and he kept telling me to stop calling him. the last time i called he used profanities toward me and hung up. thank you for your help.

They said that I was going to called before a jury because I did not pay my taxes and asked that I call them back.

They left an(Automative) voicemail. I did not answer...." Hello this call is from the International revenue Service this call is to inform you that the irs is filling a lawsuit on your name because you tried to fraud the irs. The irs is issuing an arrest warrant in your name. For more information regarding this case file please call us back"

- Gainesville, TX, USA

recorded message that says this call is official your final notice from the IRS and it is to inform you that a lawsuit has been filed

For the last 2 weeks we have been getting 2 calls a day from IRS Legal Department to collect taxes against a claim that was files between me and my husband. It is becoming very annoying and I know that the IRS does not call but sends requests in the mail. Our taxes are paid for 2015 and all is good.

I hesitate/will not call but I just want to report it to BBB.

they said this is our final contact if you don't respond the IRS will file a law suit against you

IRS impersonator called my fiances phone and it was an automated call telling him to contact them at a number they provided that they had a warrant out for his arrest for unpaid taxes and they were going to take his house and he will go to jail if he did not contact them and of course not knowing what was going on because he owes no back taxes he calls the number they provided and a foreigner that could barely speak english was talking to him and my fiance couldn't understand him so he said have someone that speaks english call me and he hung up on the impersonator, we haven't heard anything more since. We looked up IRS scams on google and it was the exact scam that everyone on there had described.

- Irving, TX, USA

Caller said he was with the IRS and this was a tax collection / audit for prior taxes and I needed to provide my information to avoid legal action. I told him I will be calling the IRS to confirm this info - the caller then hung-up.

Phone number they called from 913-489-9389

Said he was from the IRS his name Michael Hansen Badge Number A165384 . He said IRS #00-100-3636 Case #421209 amount today was $2,850.00. If I went to court it would be $35,000.00 and I would be arrested today. I have not received anything from the IRS at all.

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