Internal Revenue Service IRS - IMPOSTER Reports & Reviews (1086)
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Victim Location ID 83716, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Victim Location WA 98390, USA
Type of a scam Debt Collections
Scammer's website unknown
Scammer's address New Plymouth, ID 83655, USA
Country United States
Victim Location ID 83655, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Type of a scam Tax Collection
This is the IRS and we are filing a claim against you - call this number for more information - 423-223-2743.
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Victim Location WA 99208, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Scammer's address Unknown, Meridian, ID 83646, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Scammer's email Not given
Victim Location NY 12015, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
I was in a lot of trouble. I needed a lawyer and the police would be invloved. I would be in serious trouble if I did not respond as soon as possible!
Country United States
Victim Location ID 83701, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Victim Location NY 12015, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Victim Location TX 79109, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Victim Location WA 99223, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Country United States
Victim Location ID 83660, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Victim Location WA 99205, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection