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Internal Revenue Service IRS - IMPOSTER

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Internal Revenue Service IRS - IMPOSTER Reports & Reviews (1072)

I received a message on my answering machine from 315-207-4709 saying the IRS was filing suit against me. I called them back and said I knew they were a scam and they hung up on me.

On 8/11/16 I received a message on my phone that this would be the Final notice from the IRs. They are filing charges against me in a law suite. They wanted me to call them for more Information 712-560-7914..

One week later, 8/18/16 I received another message. This is a 2nd Attempt, executed by the U.S. Treasury. You will have to appear before a Magistrate, Judge or Grand Jury. You have committed a Federal Criminal Offense. Please call 408-338-6001.

Female person calling and saying I have felonies out and a warrant for my arrest if I don't call This IRS number they will proceed with these arrest. I have had 4 phone calls today. I did not respond. The person has tried to contact me through my home phone and cell phone.

I have reported this scam to the Do Not Call List several times. On 8/17/16 I received three calls from this number. Now the recording I get has escalated to the fact that I am going to be arrested for tax fraud. Our credit history is excellent and our taxes are too. Please help us to stop these calls. The phone number I have given you is not the phone number that I received the calls on as I do not want to advertise our personal phone number. I have given you our computer phone number to contact me if you wish.

I received a voice mail from 310-905-3069 saying they were the IRS and this was my final chance to avoid jail. I called them back at that number and a female named Caroline Thompson ( with a foreign accent) answered and said she was a IRS agent. She said that they had done an audit of my tax from 2012 until January 2015 and that I owed $5,000.00. I told her I never had to pay tax and did not have 5,000.00. She then asked how much money I did have and I told her none, then she hung up. I contacted the local police department and the These calls are very disturbing and I will be more cautious in future and not answer if I don't know who is calling me.

Consumer received a call saying that they were the IRS, consumer need to call back they need to talk to her.

They are calling a leaving a message on my home phone saying they are with the IRS and that there is a law suit being filed against me. They call every day, multiple times a day. At first I ignored it b/c I know it is a scam but they keep calling and leaving multiple messages so I was tired of listening to them.

when I called the number back- the person who answered had a foreign accent and I asked them to stop calling or I was going to report them to the BBB. they then hung up on me.

I received an automated call stating that it was the IRS and they are perusing a lawsuit against me and to please call the number above. Though I know I've done nothing wrong, I decide to call the number form my work phone. When I called, a possible Middle Eastern man answered "Internal Revenue Service" and I said I'm sorry I have the wrong number as I could tell it was a scam. The man said okay baby [censored] you and I hung up.

Voice mail from the IRS regarding a lawsuit and legal charges that have been filed against me by the headquarters. I was instructed to call 202-754-8416 immediately.

Got a call telling me: (Woman's voice) This is your final notice from the IRS, the Internal Revenue Service. This call is to notify you that we are filing a lawsuit. For more information call 310-245-5539

Three phone calls claiming to be IRS. Person identified himself as agent "Jack Cohen" from the IRS. Sounded Pakistani or Indian. Told me the IRS was suing me for tax evasion. Threatened jail time, revocation of driver's license, seizure of property and more. Claimed IRS had conducted a random audit and tried to reach me my mail. No official notification from IRS ever received. Claimed our tax preparer had made a $300 error in tax returns 2009-2014. When I asked for the name of IRS supervisor he became quite defensive and said I was threatening him. Did not ask for SSN or credit card #.

- Amarillo, TX, USA

I was called by someone claiming to be the IRS telling me that I was being sued because of un-paid back tax. I know this is a scam I do not owe back tax.

Received automated voice message saying I have a lawsuit filed against me by the IRS. The guy who answered said he was an officer. Ultimately they wanted money.

Telephone message reports that back taxes are owed and that a law suit will be filed against me. I do not answer calls from unidentified people. After one attempt to return the call, I receive a message that says "call unable to be completed."

I got auto messages that I owed money to the IRS.  I did not call back.

Similar to the rest of them the company said that I had taxes that I owe you and then if I didn't pay them they were going to charge me with fraud and they were Indian and when I pressed it they said if you don't like it will see you in court and hung up so that tells me that this was not legit

- Amarillo, TX, USA

Telling me we owed the taxes and sending Sheriff out to arrest us unless you pay.

Left msg from robo call giving the threat we are being sued.

Telling me i owe IRS money final attempt before police show up at my house. i was contacted today at 10:31 am, 11:37 am, 12:30 pm, 1:59 pm and 2:44 pm all today

On August 13, 2016 I received a telephone call from someone claiming to be the IRS. Woman stated that she was calling from IRS Investigations claiming that I was being investigated. I stated that I didn't owe anything. Woman hung up the telephone. I called the number 855-955-2036 and the woman again hung.

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