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Internal Revenue Service IRS - IMPOSTER

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Internal Revenue Service IRS - IMPOSTER Reports & Reviews (1072)

I received a recorded call on my answering machine at home. The caller said she was from the IRS Tax Dept and that a lawsuit had been filed against me. If I did not "IMMEDIATELY" return the call to 315-504-2201 I would be arrested and taken to jail.

I received a phone call saying I had a Federal Tax case against me, case # 9165 and I was charged with tax fraud against the US Treasury and to call their number before I had to go before a magistrate judge. The number to call was 844-878-7616. I did not call it as I know my taxes are current and that the IRS would not contact me this way.

- Blackfoot, ID, USA

I received a phone call from the IRS telling me that they were going to come after me for tax evasion and tax fraud. They told me to call them back and that I should be ready to be taken to court and get ready to be arrested.

- Columbus, OH, USA

I have received two automated phone calls from the above number on two consecutive days. The basic transcript of the automated message is something like this:

"Hello, we have been trying to reach you, this call is officially and final notice from IRS. The reason of this call is to inform you that IRS is filing a lawsuit against you. To get more info about this case file, please call immediately on our department number."

I did not call the number because it is an obvious scam.

the man said he was an irs agent and they were filing a lawsuit against me

They called and said that I owe the IRS taxes and they are coming to collect it from me. They said that if I don't pay they will have me arrested.

On September 15, 2016 a call to my cell phone, from 606-782-3021 left a voicemail message stating this is the IRS, this is your final notice to settle a lawsuit filed against you. Concerned, I called back the same number. The lady on the other end claimed to be from the IRS and wanted to verify information. I explained to her I never had a problem with the IRS. She attempted to try and verify information. The only thing I verified was my name. I was not willing to give her any further information. She then hung up.

Received many calls from person representing IRS stating that a suit will be filed against me for failure to report taxes. Instructed to immediately call 508-731-9693.

I have received 3 calls from this Maryland phone number 410-384-8316 claiming to be the IRS, when I explained that IRS contacts by mail they said "If I do not believe them then hang up" I said not I am going to report this as a scam. They terminated the call. They attempted to retrieve my personal information in order to "pull up my file" I declined said that they should have my personal information already since they called me.

I received a voicemail on September 14, 2016 from someone who claimed to be the IRS. I missed the call so I called the number back. A woman answered and I asked her who she was. She said that she was the internal revenue service and I said you are not, and why were you contacting me. She then stated that if I remained on the line for 45 minutes I would receive all the information I needed. The number that showed up on my phone was a California number.

- Irving, TX, USA

Threat for legal action from the IRS. Returned call, no answer.

- Olympia, WA, USA

No victim, just many phone calls...saying they are the IRS....1-626-239-7452, I returned call...when I confronted them, they hung up.

- Tacoma, WA, USA

Automated phone caller named Officer Ryan Smith. Told me to have my attorney contact him if I didn't. Tax fraud complaint. I was 'cautioned' to contact ASAP-I felt like caller was threatening. I was told to call 1-844-944-8447.

Phone message of impending jailtime for non-payment of debt.

A man with a heavy foreign accent stated they have been trying to contact me concerning an error in my tax return. They have filed a lawsuit against me for the amount I owe. I told him I do not owe more taxes because my payment cleared the bank some time ago. He said this call is being recorded and that I will not have to pay anything today over the phone. I told him I know I don't have to pay anything else and that I will be calling my accountant and he will call the IRS and report you. The man disconnected our call.

AutomatedVoicemail message saying that the IRS has decided to initiate legal proceedings against my name ("you", no name) and marking a lien on my assets w/i 24 hours due to inability to settle my dues. An officer will visit w/i the next t24 hours to complete the paperwork. I'm to call the Tax Default line at above number.

Missed call and they left a message, message asked me to call 253-216-0606, so I did.

They answered the phone "IRS" and they asked me what the message said, I told them all it said was to call them. He then said, please give me your first and last name, I told him 'NO' and that this was a scam and to remove me from their list. He told me to hang up on my end. When I did the phone number came up all zeros!

- Frisco, TX, USA

My wife received a phone call claiming tax evasion, when we called back each person we spoke to was of Indian decent as detected by the Indian accent. These people claimed to be the IRS and that they needed PII (personable identifiable information) to "guide us through the process". Of course we did not provide this information, but when we began to question them they became irate and said we will see you in court. Now I know this is not true, but I do not appreciate these types of calls to me or anyone.

Been receiving multiple calls from this number today and previouse days stating that the IRS is filing a lawsuit against me and that I needed to call that number back ASAP. 805-774-8831

- Meridian, ID, USA

Voice Mail. "This message is intended to contact you. My name Steve Martin and I'm calling regarding an ingot cement action executed by the US Treasury intending your (muffled) attention. Ignoring this will be an intentional second attempt. To avoid initial appearance before a magistrate judge, or a grand jury for a federal criminal offense. My number is (940) 440-5265.I advise you to cooperate and help us to help you." I have saved the voicemail. The same type of message was left for my son a few weeks ago. He is a 20 yr old college student.

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