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Internal Revenue Service IRS - IMPOSTER

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Internal Revenue Service IRS - IMPOSTER Reports & Reviews (1072)

- Dallas, TX, USA

Somebody called me and said because IRS send me documents to pay almost $8,000, and I didn't response, so in next 10 minutes they will send the police to arrest me. I am sure that I didn't do any thing wrong with filling tax,and she didn't gave me my old or new address or other right information about me, so I didn't answer the question about my bank account and other information relating to me.

- Honolulu, HI, USA

I got a call saying there was an arrest warrant for me since I did not pay my taxes.  I knew it was a scam.

- High Point, NC, USA

A phone call was received threatening arrest and legal action if payment was not made for an outstanding tax bill.

The call comes across my screen reading as a call from the "IRS at 1-541-203-7673.

(Don't know why they'd be calling me, although I don't want to ignore the call, just in case).

Phone calls at least 3-4 times a day, in the mornings from 8:30am-12 noon. (This has been happening for one week to date).

My phone blocks unwanted calls but allows caller to leave a message for me. When I check my voice mail it is a calling about my "timeshare". I have none, so I deleted the message.

- Boise, ID, USA

Robo call said the IRS has an arrest warrant out for me and I needed to do something before I'm arrested. I'm pretty sure the IRS doesn't have an arrest warrant out for me (hope not anyway, I've paid my taxes). I hung up on it very quickly.

- Troy, NY, USA

This person(a man) called me on 1/11/17 and back in December before Christmas stating that my taxes were under investigation for fraud between the years of 2012-2015 and that I owe the IRS 5,853.27 very specific numbers I'm thinking what is going why haven't I received any papers in the mail I'm saying to the guy on the phone. Then he asked me how much money do I have available RIGHT NOW in my account I said 200.00 he says well that is not going to be enough but its a start so go to your nearest Walmart and buy an Apple electronic card and give him the numbers off the back but all this has to be done right now or the sheriff will be at my job in 45 minutes to arrest me for fraud! Now by this time I

got an idea its a scam so I hung up the phone he called right back and said: MS. *** YOU ARE GOING TO JAIL TODAY do not play with me or the Government so I said I will give my lawyer the message and he hung up all of this was in December of 2016 now yesterday I just said to him I'm calling the sheriff and turning over the number and he hung up. I can see that this must be working to some extent for these [censored] please catch them people are definitely giving up money for them to still be operable.

- Mesquite, TX, USA

They call saying they are part of the IRS and that you filled your taxes and owe them money

- Syracuse, NY, USA

Phone call was pre-recorded saying that "the country Sheriffs are going to arrest you for five criminal allegations sent before this matter goes to the courthouse and you get arrested (left phone number). I repeat (phone number). Now if you don't return the call the only thing I can do is wish you good luck." I called back the number and they answered the phone "Hello IRS". I told them they were not the IRS. The man on the phone said "Yes this is the IRS, how do you know it is not the IRS" I told him he was wrong and I was going to report him.


Stated they were the IRS with a very heavy east Indian accent. I hung up.  877-523-9473

- Eugene, OR, USA

he said i owe the IRS i do not owe taxes that is why i know it is a scam. And said there is a case filed

against me so i need to pay.  541-809-0053

Received automated call saying there was an IRS investigation and to call 4693515038. Male with very strong Middle East accent answered claiming to be in the IRS investigations dept. Total Scam.

- Bossier City, LA, USA

Someone called and said they were the IRS. They said we owed back taxes and we could pay by debit card or credit card but they did not say how much we are supposed to owe. This is a scam.

Advised they were from IRS, that this was the 2nd call, and a federal warrant could be issued if we didn't return their phone call ASAP. I didn't write the call back number down - just hung up.

Someone called and said they were from the IRS. I didn't talk to him long enough for him to threaten or ask for money, but a recording informed me not to ignore the call. When I called the number back is when he wanted a case #. I interrupted him and told him I would contact the IRS because you're trying to scam me. He immediately got angry and said "Call the IRS" and hung up.

Veronica Green claimed there is a warrant out for my arrest due to discrepancies in taxes owed for years 2010-2015. Her ID employee # is 30100. She claimed the case file #CP12173T. She said according to Sec 101 that I owed IRS $7,986.00. If I wanted to contest this I would have to travel Washington DC. There was much noise in background as if in a call center. She said we were on a recorded line and if I hung up I would be arrested within the hour. I hung up phone and contacted BBB.

- Monroe, LA, USA

I was contacted by phone by someone who said they were the IRS and I owed taxes and there would be an arrest warrant issued for me.


To Whom It may Concern,

I am writing to inform you that there is people calling phone numbers , which my husband just got a call from say they are from the IRS and there was a warrant issued for my husband if he does not pay a random amount and my husband handed me the phone and I ask the lady how much the amount was that my husband had to pay and she told me that the amount was $756.32 and then I asked her if they could send me a letter detailing the case number and information and she informed me that they sent several letters and they came back because there was no one home to sign for them. Then I asked her if she could inform me what address they have on file and she hung up on me. I know there is a scam going on. the number that called me is (567)2440052 I just thought someone should know you can contact me at (***)***-*** my name is *** ***

Thank you.

I received a phone call and on my voicemail it stated I need to call or a warrant would be issued for my arrest. The phone number they gave me I called back and he said his name was Officer Kenneth Botkins and I needed to pay immediately or he was going to arrest me. I hanged up before they gave me any amount as I don't owe any taxes.

Consumer received a call saying that they were the IRS investigator

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