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Internal Revenue Service IRS - IMPOSTER

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Internal Revenue Service IRS - IMPOSTER Reports & Reviews (1072)

Man claiming to be from the internal revenue service stating that I owed a certain amount. If I didn't pay right there on the phone they were going to seize everything I own. I commented on how he barely spoke English and asked why I never received any information in the mail that I have lived at my address for 13 years and he hung up on me. I know of two other people that Received the same call.

Received calls from a man claiming to be with IRS from these numbers:  





Says they will arrest me if I don't pay.

Message left on my answer machine . From phone #13608189054 stating a warrant is being issued for my arrest .the reason was tax fraud. the instruction was to call the about number.

Called and said they were from the IRS..... I said the IRS doesn't call people and I was going to report them and hung up. They did ask for me by name and called me at work.

I let the caller go to voicemail since my caller ID said wireless caller. The following message was left in my voicemail:

Female voice describing the call from the IRS and that they were suing me and we need to call the number immediately.

This is the second time this number has called my personal cell phone to collect personal information and to let me know that if I did not comply the IRS was filing a lawsuit against me. The voice on the phone was a man with an accent. When I told him I refused to provide personal information over the phone, he threatened me again that the IRS was filing a lawsuit against me (I know this to me untrue because I am a working, middle class citizens who pays taxes ever year on time). These calls are quite scary.

- Irving, TX, USA

They pretend as IRS and ask for money saying they have an arrest warrant against you.

- Meridian, ID, USA

I have received numerous phone calls from both of the above numbers (4 from the 202 number on 9/1 & 4 from the 347 number on 9/1, 1 from the 202 number on 9/2 & 2 from the 347 number on 9/2 by noon). I have had 3 messages left from the 347 number advising me to contact Office Lauren Matthews at this number, and not to ignore the request so that further action is not taken against me.

As of now, I have not returned nor answered the phone calls.

- Anchorage, AK, USA

I received a call on my work cell phone stating to be the IRS. It was a robo call and it said I was being sued by the IRS and this was the last notice. Told to call 562-274-2405

The recorded message was from the IRS, Heather Gray. We have also received this same message on my wife's business phone 208-xxx-xxxx of which I have reported also.

I received a telephone call today, September 1, 2016, at approximately 12:30 p.m. from someone claiming to be from the IRS. I could not answer my cell phone, so I called the number. I asked what this is in regards to and the person (male) who answered the telephone stated he could not explain what it was about. I called several times to try to find out what the call was about and then the gentleman started calling me all kinds of names. He stated that he was going to call the FBI. I then called Sprint and they couldn't tell me any information about the call because it was a blocked.

Claimed I needed to contact them immediately to avoid going to jail. Left message only. Tried several times (curiosity) to contact. Message said all agents were busy, go to and tgru will get back to me or leave a message. Voice mail was full. Call was then dropped.

- Dallas, TX, USA

I have gotten over 6 phone calls within the last 24 hrs from the above listed number which is listed as a mobile number on my caller ID. When you answer it is a recording about getting sued from the IRS and I must call them back. I didnt call the number listed in the message but just called back the number on my caller ID. I just told him to stop calling me because it's a scam and then I hung up. I didn't want to deal with them.

Presenting as IRS saying they have filed a law suit against us. Called 3 times today. Requesting you to call this number 843 325 5835. The number they are calling from is different 908 736 6568.

I received several calls from the "IRS" saying that either me or my trial lawyer should return the call in regards to tax fraud.

There is an automated voice mail when answering the phone asking the caller receiving the call to hang up and call another number about the IRS trying to reach them. This phone call was received at a local church today and it has called twice this afternoon. Shown below is what Comcast "transcribed" from the phone call:

Comcast Business Voicemail from 7742378996.

27 seconds

As file please call immediately on our department number 434-632-7909. I repeat 802-458-1878. Thank you.

Called and spoke with Jeff and Mindy who said they were the IRS in Salem, OR. Called themselves the Oregon Dept of Revenue. Sent letter to me saying I had an outstanding debt and they would take away my license. Regarding a ticket I had in the Spring. I told them i paid them off. They said I still owed $20 but I still owed $90. Asked for my SSN to identify me. I gave it to them.

Today I’ve received three voicemails from a phone number of (206) 259-5825. They tell me the IRS is filing a lawsuit against me, so obviously, they’re a fraud. Maybe they’re doing something illegal. I thought perhaps you would want to know.

I got a phonecall from a recording they said they have a suit against me for taxes I owe the IRS.

- Meridian, ID, USA

The 'IRS' called saying that I needed to call them back because of a government action against me. I called the and they told me it isn't true.

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