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Internal Revenue Service IRS - IMPOSTER

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Internal Revenue Service IRS - IMPOSTER Reports & Reviews (1072)

Called my cell phone and left a message saying they were the IRS and had filed a law suit against me and to call this number.

Unknown caller called to say the IRS is after us - in so many words. I'm sure this is a scam. the number was 800-624-9565

I got a voicemail indicating I owed money to the IRS.  I knew it was a scam.

I received a voicemail from the IRS.  I knew it was a scam so I did not call back.

- Nampa, ID, USA

An Indian man who claimed to be from the IRS called me on my cell phone stating that I have a lawsuit pending against me. He stated that I have fraudulent activity on my taxes from 2004-2013. He stated that I need to handle this matter now or will be charged. I could not understand clearly what the situation was due to a language barrier so I asked him to send me this information by mail. He then got his supervisor on the phone to clarify the situation. The supervisor stated that I have fraudulent claims on my taxes of over $2000.00 and am being audited. He stated that if I do not pay right now to clear this up, they will proceed with the litigation and I will be charged. I asked him to send me this information by mail as I cannot confirm he is who he says he is and I believe that this is a scam. He told me to hang up the phone if I thought it was a fraud call. He stated that if I do not handle this matter, he would follow through with claim and I would have to come to Washington DC to face federal charges. I asked him for his name at which time he disconnected the call.

Called twice from 661 area code in Bakersfield. Left messages both times the IRS is going to sue me. Very threatening and said I need to pay now or I would be arrested.

- Caldwell, ID, USA

As others I received a recorded message saying I was being sued by IRS and must immediately call this number 424-356-2513. This is the second all I've received; the first time I called and spoke with a very accented male. He was rude and demanding. I told him I do not think the IRS is sueing me and do not call again. When I refused to give information and just said I didn't believe him he hung up on me.

- Westminster, MD, USA

Caller stated he was from the IRS attempting to resolve a lawsuit against me for collection of a debt. Provided a name and badge number of which neither sounded authentic. He became belligerent and threatened to have people knock on my door and 'take me away' for arrest in 45 minutes- this was after I questioned his authenticity and stated that the IRS always sends information via US Mail. I politely told him 'I am going to hang up now' and he became more belligerent. I hung up without providing any information or losing any money,

- Ellicott City, MD, USA

received phone message that IRS is sending last message. We owe $$. Call # for details to avoid prosecution.

I received a call from this number stating to return the call, that I owed money to the IRS and that they would sue her for the money.

Consumer received a call saying that they were the IRS  she need to pay  $1000.00 dollars today or if not she will go to Federal prison for tax evasion.

Consumer received a call saying that they were the IRS and that they would be filing a lawsuit against her.

Consumer received voicemail saying IRS is processing a lawsuit against him. Please contact us. Consumer called back he get a busy signal.

Did not get phone number they called from.

- Thomasville, NC, USA

Consumer called to say that IRS scammers had left a threat on his voicemail that they would "blackball his Social Security Number" if he did not return their calls.

Consumer called to say that several IRS calls had left on her voicemail. First call voicemail they asked her to return the call. Second was from Heather Gray who identified as an IRS agent. She threatened to take legal action if her call was not returned.

Officer Marcus Brown has called several times in the last few weeks. The last time was Friday, 7.29.16. He said he was investigating a fraud concerning my tax returns. He calls on my cell phone. He also called a friend of mine in the same building. he says a warrant has been issued for my arrest, and that I needed to call somebody within a couple of hours, or I would be arrested. There are other older people in this building who wouldn't understand it's a scam, and get upset and pay him. That's why I'm reporting it.

they phone us with a recorded message stating they are with the IRS and there Is a case # against us.

the phone # they leave is; 323-729-3125

when you call that number back, you get a person who speaks horrible English and if you ask for them to "remove" your # from their call list: they tell you to "fxxK Off"

I received a voice mail to call the IRS at (480) 427-8323 because a lawsuit had been filed against me by the IRS. I called and the guy gave me his name and badge number and a case number (Paul Berry, GS1983, DC28031983). He informed me that they had tried to serve me notice on two separate occasions in November and December of 2015. Since they weren't able to serve me notice, then it was considered as tax evasion. He informed me that I could experience loss of my license, and 5 to 7 years in federal prison. He said my taxes had been audited and I owed $8,500 from 2009 to 2013. I asked how is it just me when I filed jointly all of those years. He wasn't able to answer. He wanted to know did I want to resolve this with a lawyer and go to court in Washington D.C. or did I want to solve it out of court by making payments now. I informed him that until I receive official paperwork showing where the discrepancies are, I will not be paying anything.

got a creepy sounding recording about time sensitive issue from Officer grey from IRS don't disregard this message return call before we take action against you.

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