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Internal Revenue Service IRS - IMPOSTER

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Internal Revenue Service IRS - IMPOSTER Reports & Reviews (1072)

- Boise, ID, USA

A man left us a voicemail indicating that we owe money and needed to make a pyament or we will be taken to court.

- Syracuse, NY, USA

An incoming call from the above number, 240-318-1115, came through to my phone. I decided to answer, a guys automated voice said something about a federal agent and this is my last attempt to contact me, although I have never been contacted prior. I called the number back and a foreign voice (live person) said something that ended with Treasury or Treasure and I said, who is this and he said the IRS can I have your first and last name and I said um no and hung up.

I have received two phone calls stating that the IRS was going to sue me. The first time was before 9:00 am, my husband answered the phone and said a woman told him that he was being sued by the IRS. The second happened when I was not home, they said that the IRS was suing me and that I needed to call 203-451-0356 right away. I called the number and got a busy signal. I did not give any information to them. I just called again and was diconnected and a busy signal came up ( 10:11 pm EST).

Caller indicated that they were warning me that the IRS was after me for unpaid debt and if I did not pay it now I could go to jail. I was aware that the IRS does not contact you by phone so I just hung up. I did call the number back and it was answered by the IRS supposedly. The call came from the above phone number out of Seattle, Washington.

Calling constantly and leaving messages saying, "IRS is filing a lawsuit ... against ... you. Call this IRS Department number for more information about your case #1-360-208-0865."

getting calls from "The IRS" and they are threatening to arrest me unless I go and get a prepaid credit card and give them the #.


calls from 507-398-0893 and 517-626-5944

- Mead, WA, USA

received a message on my answering machine from a female who had an accent, telling me that this was a "final" call and that the Internal Revenue Service was filing a lawsuit against me. She gave a phone number with a 206 area code and told me to call back. I did not call back. the next morning at 6:30am I got a call from the same female who left the same message.

I received a call from a man with a foreign accent claiming to be with the IRS. He stated they would be putting a warrant out for my arrest. When I started to ask questions, he said do you understand this ... "f... ...." "Do you understand that?"

I understand that this is a scam but wanted others to be aware. The call came from 321-785-7001.

Didn't know how to classify the type of scam. I've received 3 phone calls from this number. It's a recorded message that states the IRS is filing a lawsuit against me. I called the number back, and a lady answered. I asked her who she represents, and she stated Investigation Department of the IRS. I responded that they are a scam. Scam, scam, scam. Please note, of KY has this on their site. Apparently these people are going CONUS.

IRS was filing a lawsuit against us. They asked that we pay the money and I hung up.

This is the IRS. We have tried to call you three times. You are notified that we are going to enforce collections against you .......


Call indicated that I had a court date today regarding tax evasion and they wanted to know what attorney was going to represent me in court. Identified themselves as the IRS and wanted me to call them back on a direct line.

I have received about a half dozen calls on my home phone in the last 4 months or so, sorry I don't have those numbers, saying the IRS is filing a lawsuit against me. I believe these are scam calls phishing for personal information. The two numbers I've given you  I have received on my cell phone voice mail on 06/02/16 (from Morrilton, AR) and 06/01/16 (from NY, USA) respectively. I really wish I had noted the other call numbers to my home phone number! I have not called them back, so obviously they have not taken money but I strongly suspect that is/was their intent.

The message says the "IRS is filing lawsuit" and goes on to give phone number to call back.

We had 3 calls on answering machine said they were from IRS Internal Revenue Service and lawsuit was being filed against us and "to get more information about this case file call our department number 484-793-0517." 2 calls were exactly like this and the other had another number 856-840-5381. We did not call them back. It was a computer voice not a real person

- Idaho Falls, ID, USA

I will be arrested by the County Sheriff on criminal fraud allegations by the IRS. Three tiers of allegations on this matter. I need to call to prevent this from proceeding.


IRS calling me saying there's a law suit against me. Caller was using a cell phone.

My mom has been called on four different occasions in the last 2 days by someone claiming to be from the IRS.

The phone number is different each time and they have called her by her first name. She does not answer the call and has let it go to the answering machine. On 5/25 at 11:12 am a call from 202-239-1947 called claiming that the IRS was pressing charges against her. On 5/26 at 11:14 am a call from 315-408-0807 called stating that they were getting an inditement against her. At 2:06 pm a call from the same number, no message. At 4:03 pm a call from 315-207-4343 stated that there were 5 criminal allegation against her and that if she did not call back they would be sending the sheriff to her house in 2 hours and there was nothing the person speaking could do except wish her good luck.

I received a call at 8am on 5/23/16 from a man stating that he was from the IRS crime department. He said that his name was officer Jeff Johnson Badge #IRM9093 and he was calling in regards to a lawsuit against me, case #CSN-907315. He then told me that I had been audited for the years of 2008-2015 and there were p miss calculations that added up to $8627 and that I needed to pay what I could because there was going to be an arrest warrant issued for me if I didn.t pay something. I was convinced that it was true and said that I could pay $2500. So he then transferred me to an officer Daniel Cruz Badge #88121 who stated that he was the senior investigator. I did what was instructed of me until they told me to buy iTunes card to pay them with. I started to argue with them and that is when they started threatening me that I was going to jail right now. They could hear my children in the background, and started to threaten that I was going to be taken away from them "Don't you love you children think of your children", is the statement that I heard over and over again. After I finally broken down and gave them the numbers off of the iTunes cards they transferred me to another "officer". Brandon Walter Badge #IRM4196. He told me that I was being recorded and that they hadn't released any of my fraud charges to the public so there for I could not talk to anyone abut it or I was going straight to jail. He told me that even when I was off the phone that I was still going to be recorded. So if I told anyone they would now and then they couldn't help me and I would go to jail. This went on from 8am to 6pm. I am not normally this stupid, the only thing I can think of is that they scared me stupid. They would not let me off of the phone at ALL. I fianally called the Sheriffs office in my county to see if there was a warrant out for my arrest and that's when I found out that I had been scammed. I was instructed by that Sheriff Deputy to contact the and let them know. So that is what I am doing. I have case numbers with the sheriffs office, iTunes, and my credit card compay, I have also made a report with the IRS.

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